Metric3D / training /mono /model /losses /
initial commit based on github repo
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
class GRUSequenceLoss(nn.Module):
Loss function defined over sequence of depth predictions
def __init__(self, loss_weight=1, data_type=['lidar', 'denselidar', 'stereo', 'denselidar_syn'], loss_gamma=0.9, silog=False, stereo_sup=0.001, stereo_dataset=['KITTI', 'NYU'], **kwargs):
super(GRUSequenceLoss, self).__init__()
self.loss_weight = loss_weight
self.data_type = data_type
self.eps = 1e-6
self.loss_gamma = loss_gamma
self.silog = silog
self.variance_focus = 0.5
self.stereo_sup = stereo_sup
self.stereo_dataset = stereo_dataset
# assert stereo_mode in ['stereo', 'self_sup']
# self.stereo_mode = stereo_mode
# self.stereo_max = stereo_max
def silog_loss(self, prediction, target, mask):
mask = mask & (prediction > 0.01) & (target > 0.01)
d = torch.log(prediction[mask]) - torch.log(target[mask])
# d_square_mean = torch.sum(d ** 2) / (d.numel() + self.eps)
# d_mean = torch.sum(d) / (d.numel() + self.eps)
# loss = d_square_mean - self.variance_focus * (d_mean ** 2)
loss = torch.sum(torch.abs(d)) / (d.numel() + self.eps)
print("new log l1 loss")
return loss
def conf_loss(self, confidence, prediction, target, mask):
conf_mask = torch.abs(target - prediction) < target
conf_mask = conf_mask & mask
gt_confidence = (1 - torch.abs((prediction - target) / target)) * conf_mask
loss = torch.sum(torch.abs(confidence - gt_confidence) * conf_mask) / (torch.sum(conf_mask) + self.eps)
if torch.isnan(loss).item() | torch.isinf(loss).item():
print(f'GRUSequenceLoss-confidence NAN error, {loss}')
loss = 0 * torch.sum(confidence)
return loss
def forward(self, predictions_list, target, stereo_depth, confidence_list=None, mask=None, **kwargs):
device = target.device
batches_dataset = kwargs['dataset']
self.batch_with_stereo = torch.tensor([1 if batch_dataset in self.stereo_dataset else 0 \
for batch_dataset in batches_dataset], device=device)[:,None,None,None]
n_predictions = len(predictions_list)
assert n_predictions >= 1
loss = 0.0
for i, prediction in enumerate(predictions_list):
# if self.stereo_mode == 'self_sup' and self.stereo_sup > 1e-8:
# B, C, H, W = target.shape
# prediction_nan = prediction.clone().detach()
# target_nan = target.clone()
# prediction_nan[~mask] = float('nan')
# target_nan[~mask] = float('nan')
# gt_median = target_nan.reshape((B, C,-1)).nanmedian(2)[0][:, :, None, None]
# pred_median = prediction_nan.reshape((B, C,-1)).nanmedian(2)[0][:, :, None, None]
# scale = gt_median / (pred_median + 1e-8)
# stereo_depth = (0.0 * stereo_depth + scale * prediction * (prediction < (self.stereo_max - 1)) + \
# prediction * (prediction > (self.stereo_max - 1))).detach()
# We adjust the loss_gamma so it is consistent for any number of RAFT-Stereo iterations
adjusted_loss_gamma = self.loss_gamma**(15/(n_predictions - 1))
i_weight = adjusted_loss_gamma**(n_predictions - i - 1)
# depth L1 loss
if self.silog and mask.sum() > 0:
curr_loss = self.silog_loss(prediction, target, mask)
diff = torch.abs(prediction - target) * mask
#diff = diff + diff * diff * 1.0
curr_loss = torch.sum(diff) / (torch.sum(mask) + self.eps)
if torch.isnan(curr_loss).item() | torch.isinf(curr_loss).item():
print(f'GRUSequenceLoss-depth NAN error, {curr_loss}')
curr_loss = 0 * torch.sum(prediction)
# confidence L1 loss
conf_loss = 0
if confidence_list is not None:
conf_loss = self.conf_loss(confidence_list[i], prediction, target, mask)
# stereo depth loss
mask_stereo = 1 + torch.nn.functional.max_pool2d(\
- torch.nn.functional.max_pool2d(mask * 1.0, 3, stride=1, padding=1, dilation=1), 3, stride=1, padding=1, dilation=1)
stereo_diff = torch.abs(prediction - stereo_depth) * mask_stereo
#stereo_diff = stereo_diff + stereo_diff * stereo_diff * 1.0
stereo_depth_loss = torch.sum(self.batch_with_stereo * stereo_diff * mask_stereo) / (torch.sum(mask_stereo) + self.eps)
stereo_depth_loss = self.stereo_sup * stereo_depth_loss
loss += (conf_loss + curr_loss + stereo_depth_loss) * i_weight
#raise RuntimeError(f'Silog error, {loss}, d_square_mean: {d_square_mean}, d_mean: {d_mean}')
return loss * self.loss_weight
# import torch
# import torch.nn as nn
# class GRUSequenceLoss(nn.Module):
# """
# Loss function defined over sequence of depth predictions
# """
# def __init__(self, loss_weight=1, data_type=['lidar', 'denselidar', 'stereo', 'denselidar_syn'], loss_gamma=0.9, silog=False, stereo_sup=0.001, stereo_dataset=['BigData'], **kwargs):
# super(GRUSequenceLoss, self).__init__()
# self.loss_weight = loss_weight
# self.data_type = data_type
# self.eps = 1e-6
# self.loss_gamma = loss_gamma
# self.silog = silog
# self.variance_focus = 0.5
# self.stereo_sup = stereo_sup
# self.stereo_dataset = stereo_dataset
# def silog_loss(self, prediction, target, mask):
# mask = mask & (prediction > 0.01) & (target > 0.01)
# d = torch.log(prediction[mask]) - torch.log(target[mask])
# # d_square_mean = torch.sum(d ** 2) / (d.numel() + self.eps)
# # d_mean = torch.sum(d) / (d.numel() + self.eps)
# # loss = d_square_mean - self.variance_focus * (d_mean ** 2)
# loss = torch.sum(torch.abs(d)) / (d.numel() + self.eps)
# print("new log l1 loss")
# return loss
# def conf_loss(self, confidence, prediction, target, mask):
# conf_mask = torch.abs(target - prediction) < target
# conf_mask = conf_mask & mask
# gt_confidence = (1 - torch.abs((prediction - target) / target)) * conf_mask
# loss = torch.sum(torch.abs(confidence - gt_confidence) * conf_mask) / (torch.sum(conf_mask) + self.eps)
# if torch.isnan(loss).item() | torch.isinf(loss).item():
# print(f'GRUSequenceLoss-confidence NAN error, {loss}')
# loss = 0 * torch.sum(confidence)
# return loss
# def forward(self, predictions_list, target, stereo_depth, confidence_list=None, mask=None, **kwargs):
# device = target.device
# batches_dataset = kwargs['dataset']
# self.batch_with_stereo = torch.tensor([1 if batch_dataset in self.stereo_dataset else 0 \
# for batch_dataset in batches_dataset], device=device)[:,None,None,None]
# n_predictions = len(predictions_list)
# assert n_predictions >= 1
# loss = 0.0
# for i, prediction in enumerate(predictions_list):
# # We adjust the loss_gamma so it is consistent for any number of RAFT-Stereo iterations
# adjusted_loss_gamma = self.loss_gamma**(15/(n_predictions - 1))
# i_weight = adjusted_loss_gamma**(n_predictions - i - 1)
# # depth L1 loss
# if self.silog and mask.sum() > 0:
# curr_loss = self.silog_loss(prediction, target, mask)
# else:
# diff = torch.abs(prediction - target) * mask
# curr_loss = torch.sum(diff) / (torch.sum(mask) + self.eps)
# if torch.isnan(curr_loss).item() | torch.isinf(curr_loss).item():
# print(f'GRUSequenceLoss-depth NAN error, {curr_loss}')
# curr_loss = 0 * torch.sum(prediction)
# # confidence L1 loss
# conf_loss = 0
# if confidence_list is not None:
# conf_loss = self.conf_loss(confidence_list[i], prediction, target, mask)
# # stereo depth loss
# mask_stereo = 1 + torch.nn.functional.max_pool2d(\
# - torch.nn.functional.max_pool2d(mask * 1.0, 5, stride=1, padding=2, dilation=1), 5, stride=1, padding=2, dilation=1)
# stereo_diff = torch.abs(prediction - stereo_depth) * mask_stereo
# stereo_depth_loss = torch.sum(self.batch_with_stereo * stereo_diff * mask_stereo) / (torch.sum(mask_stereo) + self.eps)
# stereo_depth_loss = self.stereo_sup * stereo_depth_loss
# loss += (conf_loss + curr_loss + stereo_depth_loss) * i_weight
# #raise RuntimeError(f'Silog error, {loss}, d_square_mean: {d_square_mean}, d_mean: {d_mean}')
# return loss * self.loss_weight