Metric3D / training /mono /model /losses /
initial commit based on github repo
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
class ConfidenceGuideLoss(nn.Module):
confidence guide depth loss.
def __init__(self, loss_weight=1, data_type=['stereo', 'lidar', 'denselidar'], loss_gamma=0.9, conf_loss=True, **kwargs):
super(ConfidenceGuideLoss, self).__init__()
self.loss_weight = loss_weight
self.data_type = data_type
self.eps = 1e-6
self.loss_gamma = loss_gamma
self.conf_loss = conf_loss
def forward(self, samples_pred_list, target, coord_list, mask=None, **kwargs):
loss = 0.0
n_predictions = len(samples_pred_list)
for i, (pred, coord) in enumerate(zip(samples_pred_list, coord_list)):
# coord: B, 1, N, 2
# pred: B, 2, N
gt_depth_ = F.grid_sample(target, coord, mode='nearest', align_corners=True) # (B, 1, 1, N)
gt_depth_mask_ = F.grid_sample(mask.float(), coord, mode='nearest', align_corners=True) # (B, 1, 1, N)
gt_depth_ = gt_depth_[:, :, 0, :]
gt_depth_mask_ = gt_depth_mask_[:, :, 0, :] > 0.5
pred_depth, pred_conf = pred[:, :1, :], pred[:, 1:, :]
# We adjust the loss_gamma so it is consistent for any number of RAFT-Stereo iterations
adjusted_loss_gamma = self.loss_gamma**(15/(n_predictions - 1))
i_weight = adjusted_loss_gamma**(n_predictions - i - 1)
# depth L1 loss
diff = torch.abs(pred_depth - gt_depth_) * gt_depth_mask_
curr_loss = torch.sum(diff) / (torch.sum(gt_depth_mask_) + self.eps)
if torch.isnan(curr_loss).item() | torch.isinf(curr_loss).item():
curr_loss = 0 * torch.sum(pred_depth)
print(f'GRUSequenceLoss-depth NAN error, {loss}')
# confidence L1 loss
conf_loss = 0.0
if self.conf_loss:
conf_mask = torch.abs(gt_depth_ - pred_depth) < gt_depth_
conf_mask = conf_mask & gt_depth_mask_
gt_confidence = (1 - torch.abs((pred_depth - gt_depth_) / gt_depth_)) * conf_mask
conf_loss = torch.sum(torch.abs(pred_conf - gt_confidence) * conf_mask) / (torch.sum(conf_mask) + self.eps)
if torch.isnan(conf_loss).item() | torch.isinf(conf_loss).item():
conf_loss = 0 * torch.sum(pred_conf)
print(f'GRUSequenceLoss-confidence NAN error, {conf_loss}')
loss += (conf_loss + curr_loss) * i_weight
return loss * self.loss_weight