Metric3D / training /mono /datasets /
initial commit based on github repo
import os
import json
import torch
import torchvision.transforms as transforms
import os.path
import numpy as np
import cv2
from import Dataset
import random
import mono.utils.transform as img_transform
import copy
from mono.utils.comm import get_func
import pickle
import logging
import multiprocessing as mp
import ctypes
Dataset annotations are saved in a Json file. All data, including rgb, depth, pose, and so on, captured within the same frame are saved in the same dict.
All frames are organized in a list. In each frame, it may contains the some or all of following data format.
# Annotations for the current central RGB/depth cameras.
'rgb': rgb image in the current frame.
'depth': depth map in the current frame.
'sem': semantic mask in the current frame.
'cam_in': camera intrinsic parameters of the current rgb camera.
'cam_ex': camera extrinsic parameters of the current rgb camera.
'cam_ex_path': path to the extrinsic parameters.
'pose': pose in current frame.
'timestamp_rgb': time stamp of current rgb image.
# Annotations for the left hand RGB/depth cameras.
'rgb_l': rgb image of the left hand camera in the current frame.
'depth_l': depth map of the left hand camera in the current frame.
'sem_l': semantic mask of the left hand camera in the current frame.
'cam_in_l': camera intrinsic parameters of the left hand rgb camera in the current frame.
'cam_ex_l': camera extrinsic parameters of the left hand rgb camera in the current frame.
'cam_ex_path': path to the extrinsic parameters.
'pose_l': pose of the left hand camera in the incurrent frame.
'timestamp_rgb_l': time stamp of the rgb img captured by the left hand camera.
# Annotations for the right RGB/depth cameras, which is on the left hand of the current central cameras.
'rgb_r': rgb image of the right hand camera in the current frame.
'depth_r': depth map of the right hand camera in the current frame.
'sem_r': semantic mask of the right hand camera in the current frame.
'cam_in_r': camera intrinsic parameters of the right hand rgb camera in the current frame.
'cam_ex_r': camera extrinsic parameters of the right hand rgb camera in the current frame.
'cam_ex_path_r': path to the extrinsic parameters.
'pose_r': pose of the right hand camera in the incurrent frame.
'timestamp_rgb_r': time stamp of the rgb img captured by the right hand camera.
# Annotations for the central RGB/depth cameras in the last frame.
'rgb_pre': rgb image of the central camera in the last frame.
'depth_pre': depth map of the central camera in the last frame.
'sem_pre': semantic mask of the central camera in the last frame.
'cam_in_pre': camera intrinsic parameters of the central rgb camera in the last frame.
'cam_ex_pre': camera extrinsic parameters of the central rgb camera in the last frame.
'cam_ex_path_pre': path to the extrinsic parameters.
'pose_pre': pose of the central camera in the last frame.
'timestamp_rgb_pre': time stamp of the rgb img captured by the central camera.
# Annotations for the central RGB/depth cameras in the next frame.
'rgb_next': rgb image of the central camera in the next frame.
'depth_next': depth map of the central camera in the next frame.
'sem_next': semantic mask of the central camera in the next frame.
'cam_in_next': camera intrinsic parameters of the central rgb camera in the next frame.
'cam_ex_next': camera extrinsic parameters of the central rgb camera in the next frame.
'cam_ex_path_next': path to the extrinsic parameters.
'pose_next': pose of the central camera in the next frame.
'timestamp_rgb_next': time stamp of the rgb img captured by the central camera.
class BaseDataset(Dataset):
def __init__(self, cfg, phase, **kwargs):
super(BaseDataset, self).__init__()
self.cfg = cfg
self.phase = phase
self.db_info = kwargs['db_info']
# root dir for data
self.data_root = os.path.join(self.db_info['db_root'], self.db_info['data_root'])
# depth/disp data root
disp_root = self.db_info['disp_root'] if 'disp_root' in self.db_info else None
self.disp_root = os.path.join(self.db_info['db_root'], disp_root) if disp_root is not None else None
depth_root = self.db_info['depth_root'] if 'depth_root' in self.db_info else None
self.depth_root = os.path.join(self.db_info['db_root'], depth_root) if depth_root is not None \
else self.data_root
# meta data root
meta_data_root = self.db_info['meta_data_root'] if 'meta_data_root' in self.db_info else None
self.meta_data_root = os.path.join(self.db_info['db_root'], meta_data_root) if meta_data_root is not None \
else None
# semantic segmentation labels root
sem_root = self.db_info['semantic_root'] if 'semantic_root' in self.db_info else None
self.sem_root = os.path.join(self.db_info['db_root'], sem_root) if sem_root is not None \
else None
# depth valid mask labels root
depth_mask_root = self.db_info['depth_mask_root'] if 'depth_mask_root' in self.db_info else None
self.depth_mask_root = os.path.join(self.db_info['db_root'], depth_mask_root) if depth_mask_root is not None \
else None
# surface normal labels root
norm_root = self.db_info['normal_root'] if 'normal_root' in self.db_info else None
self.norm_root = os.path.join(self.db_info['db_root'], norm_root) if norm_root is not None \
else None
# data annotations path
self.data_annos_path = os.path.join(self.db_info['db_root'], self.db_info['%s_annotations_path' % phase])
# load annotations
self.data_info = self.load_annotations()
whole_data_size = len(self.data_info['files'])
# sample a subset for training/validation/testing
# such method is deprecated, each training may get different sample list
cfg_sample_ratio =[phase].sample_ratio
cfg_sample_size = int([phase].sample_size)
self.sample_size = int(whole_data_size * cfg_sample_ratio) if cfg_sample_size == -1 \
else (cfg_sample_size if cfg_sample_size < whole_data_size else whole_data_size)
random.seed(100) # set the random seed
sample_list_of_whole_data = random.sample(list(range(whole_data_size)), self.sample_size)
self.data_size = self.sample_size
self.annotations = {'files': [self.data_info['files'][i] for i in sample_list_of_whole_data]}
self.sample_list = list(range(self.data_size))
# config transforms for the input and label
self.transforms_cfg =[phase]['pipeline']
self.transforms_lib = 'mono.utils.transform.'
self.img_file_type = ['.png', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.bmp', '.tif']
self.np_file_type = ['.npz', '.npy']
# update canonical sparce information
self.data_basic = copy.deepcopy(kwargs)
canonical = self.data_basic.pop('canonical_space')
self.disp_scale = 10.0
self.depth_range = kwargs['depth_range'] # predefined depth range for the network
self.clip_depth_range = kwargs['clip_depth_range'] # predefined depth range for data processing
self.depth_normalize = kwargs['depth_normalize']
self.img_transforms = img_transform.Compose(self.build_data_transforms())
self.EPS = 1e-6
# self.tmpl_info = ['rgb_sr', 'rgb_pre', 'rgb_next']
# self.tgt2ref_pose_lookup = {'rgb_sr': 'cam_ex', 'rgb_pre': 'pose_pre', 'rgb_next': 'pose_next'}
# dataset info
self.data_name = cfg.data_name
self.data_type = cfg.data_type # there are mainly four types, i.e. ['rel', 'sfm', 'stereo', 'lidar']
self.logger = logging.getLogger()'{self.data_name} in {self.phase} whole data size: {whole_data_size}')
# random crop size for training
crop_size = kwargs['crop_size']
shared_array_base = mp.Array(ctypes.c_int32, 2)
shared_array = np.ctypeslib.as_array(shared_array_base.get_obj())
shared_array[0] = crop_size[0]
shared_array[1] = crop_size[1]
# self.random_crop_size = torch.from_numpy(np.array([0,0])) #torch.from_numpy(shared_array)
self.random_crop_size = torch.from_numpy(shared_array)
def __name__(self):
return self.data_name
def __len__(self):
return self.data_size
def load_annotations(self):
if not os.path.exists(self.data_annos_path):
raise RuntimeError(f'Cannot find {self.data_annos_path} annotations.')
with open(self.data_annos_path, 'r') as f:
annos = json.load(f)
return annos
def build_data_transforms(self):
transforms_list = []
for transform in self.transforms_cfg:
args = copy.deepcopy(transform)
# insert the canonical space configs
obj_name = args.pop('type')
obj_path = self.transforms_lib + obj_name
obj_cls = get_func(obj_path)
obj = obj_cls(**args)
return transforms_list
def load_data(self, path: str, is_rgb_img: bool=False):
if not os.path.exists(path):'>>>>{path} does not exist.')
# raise RuntimeError(f'{path} does not exist.')
data_type = os.path.splitext(path)[-1]
if data_type in self.img_file_type:
if is_rgb_img:
data = cv2.imread(path)
data = cv2.imread(path, -1)
elif data_type in self.np_file_type:
data = np.load(path)
raise RuntimeError(f'{data_type} is not supported in current version.')
return data.squeeze()
temp = 1
raise RuntimeError(f'{path} is not successfully loaded.')
def __getitem__(self, idx: int) -> dict:
if self.phase == 'test':
return self.get_data_for_test(idx)
return self.get_data_for_trainval(idx)
def get_data_for_trainval(self, idx: int):
anno = self.annotations['files'][idx]
meta_data = self.load_meta_data(anno)
data_path = self.load_data_path(meta_data)
data_batch = self.load_batch(meta_data, data_path)
# if data_path['sem_path'] is not None:
# print(self.data_name)
curr_rgb, curr_depth, curr_normal, curr_sem, curr_cam_model = data_batch['curr_rgb'], data_batch['curr_depth'], data_batch['curr_normal'], data_batch['curr_sem'], data_batch['curr_cam_model']
#curr_stereo_depth = data_batch['curr_stereo_depth']
# A patch for stereo depth dataloader (no need to modify specific datasets)
if 'curr_stereo_depth' in data_batch.keys():
curr_stereo_depth = data_batch['curr_stereo_depth']
curr_stereo_depth = self.load_stereo_depth_label(None, H=curr_rgb.shape[0], W=curr_rgb.shape[1])
curr_intrinsic = meta_data['cam_in']
# data augmentation
transform_paras = dict(random_crop_size = self.random_crop_size) # dict()
assert curr_rgb.shape[:2] == curr_depth.shape == curr_normal.shape[:2] == curr_sem.shape
rgbs, depths, intrinsics, cam_models, normals, other_labels, transform_paras = self.img_transforms(
images=[curr_rgb, ],
labels=[curr_depth, ],
cam_models=[curr_cam_model, ],
normals = [curr_normal, ],
other_labels=[curr_sem, curr_stereo_depth],
# process sky masks
sem_mask = other_labels[0].int()
# clip depth map
depth_out = self.normalize_depth(depths[0])
# set the depth of sky region to the invalid
depth_out[sem_mask==142] = -1 # self.depth_normalize[1] - 1e-6
# get inverse depth
inv_depth = self.depth2invdepth(depth_out, sem_mask==142)
filename = os.path.basename(meta_data['rgb'])[:-4] + '.jpg'
curr_intrinsic_mat = self.intrinsics_list2mat(intrinsics[0])
cam_models_stacks = [
torch.nn.functional.interpolate(cam_models[0][None, :, :, :], size=(cam_models[0].shape[1]//i, cam_models[0].shape[2]//i), mode='bilinear', align_corners=False).squeeze()
for i in [2, 4, 8, 16, 32]
# stereo_depth
if 'label_scale_factor' not in transform_paras.keys():
transform_paras['label_scale_factor'] = 1
stereo_depth_pre_trans = other_labels[1] * (other_labels[1] > 0.3) * (other_labels[1] < 200)
stereo_depth = stereo_depth_pre_trans * transform_paras['label_scale_factor']
stereo_depth = self.normalize_depth(stereo_depth)
pad = transform_paras['pad'] if 'pad' in transform_paras else [0,0,0,0]
data = dict(input=rgbs[0],
data_type=[self.data_type, ],,
stereo_depth= stereo_depth,
return data
def get_data_for_test(self, idx: int):
anno = self.annotations['files'][idx]
meta_data = self.load_meta_data(anno)
data_path = self.load_data_path(meta_data)
data_batch = self.load_batch(meta_data, data_path)
# load data
curr_rgb, curr_depth, curr_normal, curr_cam_model = data_batch['curr_rgb'], data_batch['curr_depth'], data_batch['curr_normal'], data_batch['curr_cam_model']
ori_curr_intrinsic = meta_data['cam_in']
# get crop size
transform_paras = dict()
rgbs, depths, intrinsics, cam_models, _, other_labels, transform_paras = self.img_transforms(
images=[curr_rgb,], #+ tmpl_rgbs,
labels=[curr_depth, ],
intrinsics=[ori_curr_intrinsic, ], # * (len(tmpl_rgbs) + 1),
cam_models=[curr_cam_model, ],
# depth in original size and orignial metric***
depth_out = self.clip_depth(curr_depth) * self.depth_range[1] # self.clip_depth(depths[0]) #
inv_depth = self.depth2invdepth(depth_out, np.zeros_like(depth_out, dtype=np.bool))
filename = os.path.basename(meta_data['rgb'])[:-4] + '.jpg'
curr_intrinsic_mat = self.intrinsics_list2mat(intrinsics[0])
ori_curr_intrinsic_mat = self.intrinsics_list2mat(ori_curr_intrinsic)
pad = transform_paras['pad'] if 'pad' in transform_paras else [0,0,0,0]
scale_ratio = transform_paras['label_scale_factor'] if 'label_scale_factor' in transform_paras else 1.0
cam_models_stacks = [
torch.nn.functional.interpolate(cam_models[0][None, :, :, :], size=(cam_models[0].shape[1]//i, cam_models[0].shape[2]//i), mode='bilinear', align_corners=False).squeeze()
for i in [2, 4, 8, 16, 32]
raw_rgb = torch.from_numpy(curr_rgb)
curr_normal = torch.from_numpy(curr_normal.transpose((2,0,1)))
data = dict(input=rgbs[0],
return data
def load_data_path(self, meta_data):
curr_rgb_path = os.path.join(self.data_root, meta_data['rgb'])
curr_depth_path = os.path.join(self.depth_root, meta_data['depth'])
curr_sem_path = os.path.join(self.sem_root, meta_data['sem']) \
if self.sem_root is not None and ('sem' in meta_data) and (meta_data['sem'] is not None) \
else None
# matterport3d separates xyz into three images
if ('normal' in meta_data) and (meta_data['normal'] is not None) and (self.norm_root is not None):
if isinstance(meta_data['normal'], dict):
curr_norm_path = {}
for k,v in meta_data['normal'].items():
curr_norm_path[k] = os.path.join(self.norm_root, v)
curr_norm_path = os.path.join(self.norm_root, meta_data['normal'])
curr_norm_path = None
curr_depth_mask_path = os.path.join(self.depth_mask_root, meta_data['depth_mask']) \
if self.depth_mask_root is not None and ('depth_mask' in meta_data) and (meta_data['depth_mask'] is not None) \
else None
if ('disp' in meta_data) and (meta_data['disp'] is not None) and (self.disp_root is not None):
if isinstance(meta_data['disp'], dict):
curr_disp_path = {}
for k,v in meta_data['disp'].items():
curr_disp_path[k] = os.path.join(self.disp_root, v)
curr_disp_path = os.path.join(self.disp_root, meta_data['disp'])
curr_disp_path = None
return data_path
def load_batch(self, meta_data, data_path):
curr_intrinsic = meta_data['cam_in']
# load rgb/depth
curr_rgb, curr_depth = self.load_rgb_depth(data_path['rgb_path'], data_path['depth_path'])
# get semantic labels
curr_sem = self.load_sem_label(data_path['sem_path'], curr_depth)
# create camera model
curr_cam_model = self.create_cam_model(curr_rgb.shape[0], curr_rgb.shape[1], curr_intrinsic)
# get normal labels
curr_normal = self.load_norm_label(data_path['normal_path'], H=curr_rgb.shape[0], W=curr_rgb.shape[1])
# get depth mask
depth_mask = self.load_depth_valid_mask(data_path['depth_mask_path'])
curr_depth[~depth_mask] = -1
# get stereo depth
curr_stereo_depth = self.load_stereo_depth_label(data_path['disp_path'], H=curr_rgb.shape[0], W=curr_rgb.shape[1])
data_batch = dict(
curr_rgb = curr_rgb,
curr_depth = curr_depth,
curr_sem = curr_sem,
curr_normal = curr_normal,
return data_batch
def clip_depth(self, depth: np.array) -> np.array:
depth[(depth>self.clip_depth_range[1]) | (depth<self.clip_depth_range[0])] = -1
depth /= self.depth_range[1]
depth[depth<self.EPS] = -1
return depth
def normalize_depth(self, depth: np.array) -> np.array:
depth /= self.depth_range[1]
depth[depth<self.EPS] = -1
return depth
def process_depth(self, depth: np.array, rgb:np.array=None):
return depth
def create_cam_model(self, H : int, W : int, intrinsics : list) -> np.array:
Encode the camera model (focal length and principle point) to a 4-channel map.
fx, fy, u0, v0 = intrinsics
f = (fx + fy) / 2.0
# principle point location
x_row = np.arange(0, W).astype(np.float32)
x_row_center_norm = (x_row - u0) / W
x_center = np.tile(x_row_center_norm, (H, 1)) # [H, W]
y_col = np.arange(0, H).astype(np.float32)
y_col_center_norm = (y_col - v0) / H
y_center = np.tile(y_col_center_norm, (W, 1)).T
# FoV
fov_x = np.arctan(x_center / (f / W))
fov_y = np.arctan(y_center/ (f / H))
cam_model = np.stack([x_center, y_center, fov_x, fov_y], axis=2)
return cam_model
def check_data(self, data_dict : dict):
for k, v in data_dict.items():
if v is None:
# print(f'{self.data_name}, {k} cannot be read!')'{self.data_name}, {k} cannot be read!')
def intrinsics_list2mat(self, intrinsics: torch.tensor) -> torch.tensor:
Create camera intrinsic matrix.
intrinsics (torch.tensor, [4,]): list of camera intrinsic parameters.
intrinsics_mat (torch.tensor, [3x3]): camera intrinsic parameters matrix.
intrinsics_mat = torch.zeros((3,3)).float()
intrinsics_mat[0, 0] = intrinsics[0]
intrinsics_mat[1, 1] = intrinsics[1]
intrinsics_mat[0, 2] = intrinsics[2]
intrinsics_mat[1, 2] = intrinsics[3]
intrinsics_mat[2, 2] = 1.0
return intrinsics_mat
# def load_tmpl_image(self, curr_rgb: np.array, meta_data: dict) -> dict:
# """
# Load consecutive RGB frames.
# Args:
# anno: the annotation for this group.
# curr_rgb: rgb image of the current frame.
# meta_data: meta data information.
# Returns:
# tmpl_annos: temporal rgbs.
# """
# w_tmpl = False
# tmpl_list = []
# # organize temporal annotations
# for i in self.tmpl_info:
# if (i in meta_data) and (meta_data[i] is not None) and os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_root, meta_data[i])):
# tmpl_list.append(os.path.join(self.data_root, meta_data[i]))
# if len(tmpl_list) == 0:
# rgb_tmpl = curr_rgb.copy()
# else:
# id = np.random.randint(len(tmpl_list))
# rgb_tmpl = self.load_data(tmpl_list[id], is_rgb_img=True)
# w_tmpl = True
# tmpl_annos = dict(
# tmpl_rgb_list = [rgb_tmpl,],
# w_tmpl = w_tmpl
# )
# return tmpl_annos
def load_meta_data(self, anno: dict) -> dict:
Load meta data information.
if self.meta_data_root is not None and ('meta_data' in anno or 'meta' in anno):
meta_data_path = os.path.join(self.meta_data_root, anno['meta_data']) if 'meta_data' in anno else os.path.join(self.meta_data_root, anno['meta'])
with open(meta_data_path, 'rb') as f:
meta_data = pickle.load(f)
meta_data = anno
return meta_data
def load_rgb_depth(self, rgb_path: str, depth_path: str):
Load the rgb and depth map with the paths.
rgb = self.load_data(rgb_path, is_rgb_img=True)
if rgb is None:'>>>>{rgb_path} has errors.')
depth = self.load_data(depth_path)
if depth is None:'{depth_path} has errors.')
# self.check_data(dict(
# rgb_path=rgb,
# depth_path=depth,
# ))
depth = depth.astype(np.float)
# if depth.shape != rgb.shape[:2]:
# print(f'no-equal in {self.data_name}')
# depth = cv2.resize(depth, rgb.shape[::-1][1:])
depth = self.process_depth(depth, rgb)
return rgb, depth
def load_sem_label(self, sem_path, depth=None, sky_id=142) -> np.array:
H, W = depth.shape
# if sem_path is not None:
# print(self.data_name)
sem_label = cv2.imread(sem_path, 0) if sem_path is not None \
else np.ones((H, W), * -1
if sem_label is None:
sem_label = np.ones((H, W), * -1
# set dtype to int before
sem_label = sem_label.astype(
sem_label[sem_label==255] = -1
# mask invalid sky region
mask_depth_valid = depth > 1e-8
invalid_sky_region = (sem_label==142) & (mask_depth_valid)
if self.data_type in ['lidar', 'sfm', 'denselidar', 'denselidar_nometric']:
sem_label[invalid_sky_region] = -1
return sem_label
def load_depth_valid_mask(self, depth_mask_path, depth=None) -> np.array:
if depth_mask_path is None:
return np.ones_like(depth, dtype=np.bool)
data_type = os.path.splitext(depth_mask_path)[-1]
if data_type in self.img_file_type:
data = cv2.imread(depth_mask_path, -1)
elif data_type in self.np_file_type:
data = np.load(depth_mask_path)
raise RuntimeError(f'{data_type} is not supported in current version.')
data = data.astype(np.bool)
return data
def load_norm_label(self, norm_path, H, W):
norm_gt = np.zeros((H, W, 3)).astype(np.float32)
return norm_gt
def load_stereo_depth_label(self, disp_path, H, W):
stereo_depth_gt = np.zeros((H, W, 1)).astype(np.float32)
return stereo_depth_gt
def depth2invdepth(self, depth, sky_mask):
inv_depth = 1.0 / depth * self.disp_scale
inv_depth[depth<1e-6] = -1.0
inv_depth[inv_depth < 0] = -1.0
inv_depth[sky_mask] = 0
return inv_depth
def set_random_crop_size(self, random_crop_size):
self.random_crop_size[0] = random_crop_size[0]
self.random_crop_size[1] = random_crop_size[1]