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"In addition to a significant decrease in hepatic lipid accumulation in the IOE group, which inhibited energy intake by propionate enrichment, hepatic lipids were also significantly reduced in the mice in the IOP group, which was largely enriched with butyrate. Compared with the IOE group, IOP had a stronger regulatory effect on hepatic metabolism and triglyceride metabolism and higher levels of TCA cycle in the host. In addition, butyrate has the ability to promote browning of white adipose tissue (WAT) to brown adipose tissue (BAT).^[@ref39],[@ref40]^ WAT stores energy, whereas BAT uses energy for heating and consequently host energy expenditure increases.^[@ref41],[@ref42]^ However, adipose tissue weight does not change after WAT browning.^[@ref43]^ Therefore, the weight of adipose tissue of mice in the IOP group dominated by butyrate was greater than that of the mice in the IOE group dominated by propionate.",
"In conclusion ([Figure [7](#fig7){ref-type=\"fig\"}](#fig7){ref-type=\"fig\"}C), the improvement of obesity condition in mice by both *I. obliquus* extracts was attributed to their effects on gut microbiota and SCFA profiles. IOE increased the levels of propionate-producing bacteria *Bacteroides* and *Akkermansia* in the cecum of HFD-fed mice, resulting in the enrichment of propionate. Propionate reduced weight gain in mice by inhibiting energy intake. IOP increased the levels of butyrate-production-associated bacteria *Lactobacillus* and the *Bacteroidales* S24-7 group in the cecum of HFD-fed mice, resulting in the enrichment of butyrate. Butyrate increased energy consumption, TCA cycle levels, and degradation of carbohydrates and lipids in mice by promoting mitochondrial decoupling.",
"Conclusions {#sec4}",
"IOE and IOP ameliorated HFD-induced obesity condition in mice through differential modulatory effects on gut microbial metabolism. Moreover, we found the connections between cecal butyrate (not propionate) and chemicals of mice, including four metabolites of the TCA cycle and other metabolism-related chemicals.",
"Materials and Methods {#sec5}",
"Preparation of IOE/IOP {#sec5.1}",
"The dried and powdered *I. obliquus* (1.0 kg) was extracted with ultrapure water (30 L) at 90 \u00b0C for 3 h and concentrated. The supernatant was evaporated in vacuo at 45 \u00b0C, followed by extracting with 4 vol of ethanol to get crude extract. The extract was deproteinized by the Sevage method five times. The supernatant was dried in vacuo and lyophilized to get IOP (62.5 g). After *I. obliquus* was extracted with water, the residue was extracted with 80% ethanol at 80 \u00b0C in a water bath for 2 h. The supernatant was dried in vacuo and lyophilized to get IOE (30.9 g).",
"Animal Experimental Design {#sec5.2}",
"The experimental protocol was approved by the Animal Ethics Committee of Jilin University and complied with national laws. Five-week-old C57BL/6J male mice (15--17 g) were divided into four groups, 12 mice per group. The mice in the NCD group were fed with normal chow diet, and the mice in the HFD group, IOE group, and IOP group were fed with high-fat diet. The compositions of mice diets are presented in [Tables S4 and S5](http://pubs.acs.org/doi/suppl/10.1021/acsomega.0c01566/suppl_file/ao0c01566_si_001.pdf). The mice in the IOP group were gavaged with IOP at a dose of 1000 mg/kg per day according to previous studies,^[@ref44]^ and the mice in the IOE group were gavaged with IOE at a dose of 500 mg/kg per day according to the extraction rate of IOE/IOP and the dose of IOP. After 14 weeks of treatment, the mice were sacrificed for specimens.",
"Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) {#sec5.3}",
"OGTT was performed using a previously described method.^[@ref45]^",
"Serum Biochemical Analysis {#sec5.4}",
"Serum and liver lipid were measured using the method of kits obtained from Nanjing Jiancheng Bioengineering Institute (Nanjing, China).",
"RNA Preparation and Quantitative PCR Analysis {#sec5.5}",
"The total RNA extraction and the reverse transcription (RT)-qPCR analysis of the gene expression were performed using a previously described method.^[@ref46]^ Primer sequences for the targeted mouse genes are shown in [Table S6](http://pubs.acs.org/doi/suppl/10.1021/acsomega.0c01566/suppl_file/ao0c01566_si_001.pdf).",
"Sample Collection {#sec5.6}",
"Urine was collected using metabolic cages at 14th week, and 50 \u03bcL of sodium azide solution (0.1% w/w) was added into each urine sample. Cecum contents were washed from cecum in a 2 mL Eppendorf tube containing 1.0 mL of cold phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) (pH 7.4). All samples were then stored in a \u221280 \u00b0C freezer for later analysis.",
"All samples were thawed at room temperature. Serum was prepared by mixing 100 \u03bcL of each sample with a solution of 500 \u03bcL of PBS in D~2~O (containing 3-(tri-methyl-silyl) propionic-2,2,3,3-*d*4 acid sodium salt (TSP)). Then, 200 \u03bcL exudate of cecum contents was mixed with a solution of 400 \u03bcL of PBS in D~2~O (containing TSP). Supernatants (550 \u03bcL) were pipetted into NMR analysis tubes after centrifuging (15\u202f000 rpm, 15 min, 4 \u00b0C) and passing through 0.22 \u03bcm membrane filters. For each urine sample, 400 \u03bcL of the sample was mixed with a solution of 200 \u03bcL of PBS in H~2~O. Then, 500 \u03bcL of supernatants was pipetted into NMR analysis tubes after centrifuging (15\u202f000 rpm, 5 min, 4 \u00b0C), and 50 \u03bcL of D~2~O containing TSP was also added to each tube. D~2~O provided a field frequency lock and TSP a chemical shift reference (^1^H, \u03b4 0.0).",
"NMR Data Acquisition and Processing {#sec5.7}",
"All samples were analyzed by an AVANCE III 600M MHz NMR spectrometer at 298.2 K. ^1^H NMR spectra were acquired by one-dimensional (1D) version CPMG (serum samples) and noesyphpr (urine and cecal samples) pulse sequence with water suppression during the relaxation delay of 3 s and a mixing time of 0.1 s. Sixty-four free induction decays were collected into 64 K data points with a spectral width of 7812.5 Hz (serum samples) and 8417.5 Hz (urine and cecal samples) and an acquisition time of 2 s. Free induction decay (FID) was zero-filled to 64 K prior to Fourier transformation.",
"Metabolite identifications were confirmed using the Human Metabolome Database (HMDB) and previous studies,^[@ref47]^ based on chemical shifts of hydrogen and peak multiplicity ([Figures S5--S7 and Table S7](http://pubs.acs.org/doi/suppl/10.1021/acsomega.0c01566/suppl_file/ao0c01566_si_001.pdf)).",
"All of the spectra were manually phased and baseline-corrected in software MestreNova 12.0 (Mestre-lab Research SL). Each spectrum was segmented into regions with a width of 0.005 ppm between \u03b4 9.6 and 0.4. The \u03b4 5.48--6.20 region in urine spectra and \u03b4 4.72--5.20 region in all spectra were excluded to eliminate the effects of urea signals and water suppression. All remaining regions of the spectra were then normalized to the total sum of the integrated spectral area to reduce any significant concentration differences.",
"Sequencing, Diversity Analysis, and Function Prediction of Cecal Microbiota {#sec5.8}",
"DNA extraction, sequencing, and data processing were performed using a previously described method.^[@ref48]^",
"Four parameters of the alpha diversity were used to assess the overall diversity thoroughly. The Ace and Chao (only presence/absence of taxa considered) indexes determine the richness in a community, while the Shannon and Simpson indexes (additionally accounts for the number of times that each taxon was observed) determine the richness and/or evenness of a community. In addition, a higher Shannon index or a lower Simpson index indicates higher community diversity. Unlike alpha diversity, beta diversity was used to measure the division of diversity between two or more communities. Microbial communities had often been characterized using divergence-based measures of beta diversity to determine whether two or more communities were significantly different.",
"We used PICRUSt (phylogenetic investigation of communities by reconstruction of unobserved states) to perform functional predictions. PICRUSt generates metagenomic predictions from 16S rRNA data using annotations of sequenced genomes in the IMG database. Moreover, the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) database was used for functional classification.^[@ref49]^",
"Statistical Analysis {#sec5.9}",
"The data were expressed as means \u00b1 standard errors of the means (SEM). One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed to identify significant differences among four groups, followed by the indicated post hoc test (lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) comparison test). The results were considered statistically significant at *p*-value \\< 0.05 unless otherwise specified in the figures. *P*-value between two independent groups was analyzed using an unpaired two-tailed *t*-test. Metabolomics data were subjected to OPLS-DA using software SIMCA 14.0 (Umetrics, Sweden) and used to construct multivariate statistical models. Bivariate correlations were calculated using Spearman's *r* coefficients. Heatmaps were constructed using Excel 2016.",
"Accession Number {#sec5.10}",
"High-throughput sequencing data have been submitted to the NCBI Sequence Read Archive (SRA) under the accession number PRJNA576716.",
"The Supporting Information is available free of charge at [https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsomega.0c01566](https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsomega.0c01566?goto=supporting-info).3D score plots of the OPLS-DA classification; VIP plot of OPLS-DA; pathway analysis based on different metabolites; effects of IOE/IOP on gut microbial diversity; ^1^H NMR spectra of mice serum, urine, and cecal contents (Figures S1--S7); main metabolites of serum, urine, and cecum contents; compositions of NCD and HFD; primer sequence for amplification of the fragments; and metabolite identifications (Tables S1--S7) ([PDF](http://pubs.acs.org/doi/suppl/10.1021/acsomega.0c01566/suppl_file/ao0c01566_si_001.pdf))",
"Supplementary Material",
"###### ",
"Conceptualization, J.Y., H.X., and Q.X.; investigation, J.Y.; supervision and resources, H.X. and Q.X.; Writing-original draft, J.Y. and J.-Y.X.",
"The authors declare no competing financial interest.",
"This work was supported by the Jilin Province Science and Technology Institute of China (No. 20180201078YY).",
": total cholesterol",
": triglycerides",
": high-density lipoprotein cholesterol",
": low-density lipoprotein cholesterol",
": 3-(tri-methyl-silyl) propionic-2, 2, 3, 3-*d*4 acid sodium salt",
": phosphate-buffered saline",
": carbohydrate-responsive element binding protein",
": glucokinase",
": pyruvate kinase",
": phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase",
": pyruvate carboxylase",
": fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase",
": glucose-6-phosphatase",
": peroxisome proliferator-activated recepto \u03b3",
": sterol regulatory element binding protein-1c",
": fatty acid synthase",
": ATP-citrate lyase",
": stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1",
": acetyl-CoA carboxylase",
": acyl-CoA oxidase",
": peroxisome proliferator-activated recepto \u03b1",
": carnitine palmitoyltransferase I",
": medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase",
": diacylglycerol acyltransferase 1",
": diacylglycerol acyltransferase 2",
": glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase",
": variable importance of projection",
": orthogonal partial least-squares discriminant analysis",
": coenzyme A",
": short-chain fatty acids",
"Foreign trailer for Gokusen.",
"After seven years of enduring popularity on television, Gokusen, finally makes its silver screen debut. Winning over the hearts of millions of viewers and becoming a national heroine, Yukie Nakama reprises her role as Kumiko Yamaguchi, a.k.a Yankumi. Wearing jerseys, glasses and pigtails, the dowdy high school instructor becomes the homeroom teacher for the wild delinquents of Class 3D. At first glance, Kumiko seems like she can be easily intimidated, but much to everyone's surprise, she remains unfazed by her students' shenanigans. Her courage and discipline comes from being raised by a family who also happens to be a feared yakuza clan. With her strong sense of justice and her fierce brawling abilities, Kumiko follows her principles and upholds honor to solve the problems that trouble her students.",
"abstract: |",
" We design a new, fast algorithm for agnostically learning univariate probability distributions whose densities are well approximated by piecewise polynomial functions. Let $f$ be the density function of an arbitrary univariate distribution, and suppose that $f$ is $\\OPT$ close in $L_1$-distance to an unknown piecewise polynomial function with $t$ interval pieces and degree $\\pdeg$. Our algorithm draws $n = O(t(\\pdeg+1)/\\eps^2)$ samples from $f$, runs in time $\\Otilde (n \\cdot \\poly (\\pdeg))$, and with probability at least $9/10$ outputs an $O(t)$-piecewise degree-$\\pdeg$ hypothesis $h$ that is $4 \\cdot \\OPT +\\eps$ close to $f$.",
" Our general algorithm yields (nearly) sample-optimal and [*nearly-linear time*]{} estimators for a wide range of structured distribution families over both continuous and discrete domains in a unified way. For most of our applications, these are the [*first*]{} sample-optimal and nearly-linear time estimators in the literature. As a consequence, our work resolves the sample and computational complexities of a broad class of inference tasks via a single \u201cmeta-algorithm\u201d. Moreover, we experimentally demonstrate that our algorithm performs very well in practice.",
" Our algorithm consists of three \u201clevels\u201d: (i) At the top level, we employ an iterative greedy algorithm for finding a good partition of the real line into the pieces of a piecewise polynomial. (ii) For each piece, we show that the sub-problem of finding a good polynomial fit on the current interval can be solved efficiently with a separation oracle method. (iii) We reduce the task of finding a separating hyperplane to a combinatorial problem and give an efficient algorithm for this problem. Combining these three procedures gives a density estimation algorithm with the claimed guarantees.",
"- |",
" Jayadev Acharya[^1]\\",
" EECS, MIT\\",
"- |",
" Ilias Diakonikolas[^2]\\",
" Informatics, U. of Edinburgh\\",
"- |",
" Jerry Li[^3]\\",
" EECS, MIT\\",
"- |",
" Ludwig Schmidt[^4]\\",
" EECS, MIT\\",
"- 'allrefs.bib'",
"title: 'Sample-Optimal Density Estimation in Nearly-Linear Time'",
"Appendix {#appendix .unnumbered}",
"[^1]: Supported by a grant from the MIT-Shell Energy Initiative.",
"[^2]: Supported by a Marie Curie CIG, EPSRC grant EP/L021749/1 and a SICSA grant.",
"[^3]: Supported by NSF grant CCF-1217921 and DOE grant DE-SC0008923.",
"[^4]: Supported by MADALGO and a grant from the MIT-Shell Energy Initiative.",
"Extra-anatomic aortic bypass for complex (re-) coarctation and hypoplastic aortic arch in adolescents and adults.",
"Various surgical approaches have been proposed for complex (re-) coarctation and aortic arch hypoplasia (AAH). We report seven patients (mean age 19.6+/-9.5 years) with complex coarctation or re-coarctation and AAH successfully treated by extra-anatomic ascending-to-descending aortic bypass (ADB) via sternotomy between 1995 and 2002 without mortality and no relevant complication early postoperatively and during a follow-up of 24+/-29 (0.2-84) months. ADB may therefore be considered in selected patients with (re-) coarctation with AAH, with the need for concomitant ascending aortic or cardiac surgery and in patients with aortic arch stenosis and increased risk of complications under DHCA.",
"This invention generally relates to the formation of gas tight pressure blocks in multiple wire or conductor electric cables such as telephone cables to enable air pressurization of sections of such cables. In particular, this invention is useful in maintaining fluid pressure in the pressure block forming compound during multiple injections at a single site on a cable during in-field service or installation.",
"U.S. Pat. No. 3,823,250, the disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference, discloses a tap fitting suitable for use with the valve hereinafter described. Briefly, the tap fitting comprises a curved base sheet for placement over an opening cut in the sheath of the cable and an injection port integrally formed with and projecting from the sheet, the port including means for forming a pressure tight covering, such as threads about the mouth of the port.",
"As is well known in the art, air pressurization of sections of electric and telephone cables prevents the seepage of water or moisture into the cable and the resulting noise and interference in communication and power circuits. Pressure blocks forming dams at intermittent points over the length of the cables are provided by injecting a self-setting liquid compound which hardens and fills the space around the wires over a sufficient length to hold the air pressure. To form such a pressure block it is necessary to make an opening in the cable sheathing leading to the interior and then to provide and exteriorly positioned fitting through which the liquid block forming compound may be injected. To accomplish this, a fluid injector is used. Typically the fluid injector comprises a chamber containing a discrete amount of block forming compound, a pressurizing plunger operative in the chamber, and a nozzle in fluid communication with the chamber through which the fluid is ejected in response to the compression movement of the plunger operating on the compound. The fluid compound is injected into the interior of the cable by threading the nozzle of the fluid injector to the tap fitting and compressing the plunger.",
"Where a large amount of compound is needed to fill the cable interior to the desired extent, i.e., more than the amount normally contained within the injector chamber, the continuous injection operation must be interrupted so that the injector chamber can be refilled or recharged. To recharge the fluid injector in the midst of the injection operation, the pressure on the plunger of the fluid injector is released and the plunger is withdrawn to permit access to the injector chamber for refilling with the compound.",
"Recharging in the midst of the cable filling for block forming operation presents a number of drawbacks. Due to residual pressure in the cable, some of the liquid compound escapes through the tap fitting and pressure interior of the cable is normally lost. To overcome these problems, stop valves have been devised to be interposed between the fluid injector and the cable interior. Such stop valves permit injection of fluid through a fitting into the cable interior while opposing the escape of the pressurized fluid compound therefrom. The 3M Company of Minneapolis, Minn., for example, markets a resin pressure splicing system under the trademark \"SCOTCHCAST Brand R.P.S.\" The 3M system includes a one-way valve that opens to permit the injection of the blocking compound and closes under the residual back pressure to prevent the escape of the blocking compound.",
"Such prior art valves have considerable drawbacks, particularly where the nozzle of the fluid injector is adapted to sealably couple with a conduit (which includes the valve) into the cable interior. For example, due to the pressure seal between the injection nozzle and the valve, it is difficult to release the plunger of the fluid injector, since any attempt to do so creates a vacuum in the interior of the fluid injector. This makes it difficult to recharge the fluid injector while it is in place on the tap fitting.",
" * Copyright 2000-2009 JetBrains s.r.o.",
" *",
" * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");",
" * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.",
" * You may obtain a copy of the License at",
" *",
" * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0",
" *",
" * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software",
" * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,",
" * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.",
" * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and",
" * limitations under the License.",
" */",
"package com.intellij.refactoring.safeDelete.usageInfo;",
"import com.intellij.util.IncorrectOperationException;",
" * @author yole",
" */",
"public interface SafeDeleteCustomUsageInfo {",
" void performRefactoring() throws IncorrectOperationException;",
"Why isn't climate change keeping more Senators up tonight?",
"All-nighters are usually the result of not doing your homework, but this evening twenty-eight United States senators will be up for pretty much the opposite reason. Having read the latest science on climate change, they will be making speeches through the night to call for comprehensive action to meet this threat.",
"It\u2019s an unusual tactic, but the real question isn\u2019t why are twenty-eight of them talking all night, but why the other seventy-two senators are sleeping when we\u2019re facing such a serious challenge. All the major American scientific organization have been warning us about the reality and seriousness of climate change for years. And while it may be happening slowly, that won\u2019t make it any less expensive or devastating. If taxpayers liked paying for damage from Hurricane Sandy, or the droughts and wildfires in the West and Midwest, they\u2019re going to have a ball as the impacts get stronger in the years to come.",
"So why are the Sleeping 72 ignoring this severe threat to our economy and our environment?",
"It\u2019s not that endorsing the science of climate change is unpopular in this country. 69% of Americans believe there is \u201csolid evidence\u201d the climate is changing (Pew, 2013). But as is almost always the case, members of Congress care a lot less about what Americans in general think than about what the voters of their state or district think. Even more specifically, that means being wary about taking position that might alienate the core supporters of your party, or \u2018gettable\u2019 moderates.",
"As a result, many House members from solidly conservative districts, and Senators from swing states, are afraid to step out on an issue like climate change. Never mind that prudent action now will save their constituents money in the long run, and protect future generations from devastating storms, droughts, and health effects. If the politics look worrisome, they\u2019d rather get a good night\u2019s sleep tonight.",
"But the funny thing about politics is that we often get it wrong. Like in sports, sometimes the worst thing you can do is play not to lose \u2013 avoid risks to nurse a lead, hoping it will hold up. Clearly, there are a lot incumbents who have calculated that denying the obvious truth of climate science will protect them from unnecessary political risk. But, in the long run, that could be a losing political strategy. 80% of voters under 35 want action to address climate change. More importantly to politicians who are afraid of the issue, 56% of younger voters who don\u2019tgenerally approveof President Obama\u2019s job performance support action (GS Strategy Group, Benenson Strategy Group, 2013). And it\u2019s not just the long run. Even in 2014, before that demographic wave washes over us, signalling a sensible position on climate change (it\u2019s real, we should act prudently) is a great way to signal moderation to swing voters.",
"Senators, of course, know the politics of their states much better than most of us outside observers. But most of them also know they got their jobs by, at some point, upsetting the status quo \u2013 beating an incumbent, surprising a front-runner, grabbing a forgotten issue and rallying the public. In business and in politics, new ideas are disruptive. If the Sleeping 72 want to avoid becoming the Kodak or Blockbuster of politics, they\u2019d better wake up to the threat of climate change.",
"```python def sum_two_numbers(num1: int, num2: int) -> int: \"\"\" Calculates the sum of two integers. This function takes in two integer variables as input parameters, adds them together using the addition operator, and returns the result as an integer. Args: num1 (int): The first integer to add. num2 (int): The second integer to add. Returns: int: The sum of num1 and num2. \"\"\" # Add the two input integers together using the + operator result = num1 + num2 # Return the calculated sum return result ``` Here's a detailed explanation of each part: 1. The function is defined using the `def` keyword, followed by the function name `sum_two_numbers`. The function name follows the snake_case naming convention, which is the recommended style for function names in Python. 2. The function takes two parameters, `num1` and `num2`, both of which are annotated with the `int` type hint to indicate that they should be integers. Type hints are optional but provide clarity about the expected types of the parameters. 3. The function return type is also annotated with `int` using the `->` syntax, indicating that the function will return an integer value. 4. The function has a docstring enclosed in triple quotes (`\"\"\"`) that provides a brief description of what the function does. The docstring follows the conventions outlined in PEP 257. 5. Inside the function, the `result` variable is assigned the sum of `num1` and `num2` using the addition operator (`+`). This line performs the actual calculation. 6. Finally, the `result` is returned using the `return` statement, which sends the calculated sum back to the caller of the function. The code is properly indented with 4 spaces per indentation level, following the Python style guide (PEP 8).",
"Keith Gaby",
"Get new posts by email",
"Michael Ashley",
"March 10, 2014at 7:22 pm (ET)",
"If people would pay attention to the fact that politicians follow the money not the voters they might see that this is the best time to start a green socialist/ capitalist party ( I know - it's a fantasy )",
"Vivian Tisevich",
"March 10, 2014at 9:17 pm (ET)",
"Hmm, wondering why Ohio isn't being represented tonight? Unless I missed seeing Senator Brown and Sen. Portman's name, and if so, I apologize. I realize there are many other issues of concern to keep my reps busy, such as working to amend the Indian Child Welfare Act, that I contacted them about today, but c'mon, is climate or the abduction of children off reservations even on their top ten list? It matters to me, even tho I'm just a little ole voting gal in Ohio. When we know better, we do better. Those of you there tonight made the choice to do better. thank You!",
"By the time the really obvious effects of climate change show, most of these senators will be out of office or died of old age. The extreme weather we experience now is easy to brush off as natural variation, and no one can say storm x was caused by climate change. It is hard for any person, especially senators to react to something unless it is staring them in the face. By the time it is staring us in the face it will be too late. The world will not end, but it will be forever changed.",
"Training for a major sports event is never easy, be it for the first 5km run or the fifth ultra-marathon, but Tink\u00e9 is here to the rescue! Follow the journey of Chris Small and James Rotheram, two first-time Tink\u00e9 users, as they make use of this nifty device to get their body prepared for their ascent up Mount Kinabalu.",
"Preparing for this big event should be no different from preparing for any other significant occasion in your life. Physical and mental preparation is important to ensure that you can perform at your peak during the event itself. The Tink\u00e9 then helps keep track of your fitness and wellness levels, to ensure that you deliver your best performance.",
"Tink\u00e9 interprets your fitness and stress indices through the measurement of your heart rate, respiratory rate, blood oxygen saturation and heart rate variability. The Zensorium application and dashboard then stores the readings and tracks the progress over time.",
"\u201cJames and I haven\u2019t done some tracking in awhile, and he came up with this idea. And so, we\u2019re going to climb Mount Kinabalu together,\u201d said 28-year-old Chris Small.",
"\u201cAnd the Tink\u00e9 is good for that (Helping to prepare for the climb),\u201d added 35-year-old James Rotheram.",
"Getting started, the duo decided to try out a hypoxia chamber to see how their body would fare under external conditions, similar to what they would face on their climb up Mount Kinabalu. After doing some simple exercises, Chris was shocked to see that his Vita reading was only 47/99.",
"\u201cA sense of a reality check, I wasn\u2019t as healthy as I thought I was,\u201d said Chris.",
"The duo knew that they had to improve their health, fitness and stamina, and fast. As part of their preparation, both friends practiced yoga for mind and body relaxation, two weeks prior to the climb.",
"\u201cEverywhere we\u2019ve come on this project, everyone has said we need to improve our breathing. And yoga is really a good way of doing that,\u201d mentioned James.",
"As a trial run, the duo trekked up Bukit Timah hill two days before their Mount Kinabalu climb.",
"On the day of the climb itself, while both James and Chris were satisfied with how they have progressed over the previous month, it remains uncertain if they would be able to complete the hike up Mount Kinabalu. Chris appeared fitter than James, and James was concerned if he would become a liability for Chris.",
"\u201cI think now we are in a better place than we were before. We\u2019ve spent two weeks of training, prepared all the gear that we need, we\u2019ve done our yoga, we\u2019ve worked on our breathing, and in relaxing ourselves and our bodies, and we\u2019ve done a lot of physical training. I think after all that, we are more prepared than we initially were. On Tink\u00e9, my scores are pretty good,\u201d said Chris.",
"\u201cMy score this morning wasn\u2019t brilliant on Tink\u00e9, but that\u2019s not telling how my body feels, but we need to get hiking to see how the body reacts,\u201d remarked a concerned James.",
"While the ascend itself was a daunting experience, both friends pulled through and made it to the top, being possibly at the highest point one could ever be in South East Asia.",
"\u201cThis was tough. This was really tough. Am I built for it? Maybe now? But a month ago and doing our training? No. All this played a role and helped me get ready for this climb,\u201d said Chris.",
"Using Tink\u00e9 for a month, Chris and James were able to improve their Vita and Zen indices, to successfully conquer Mount Kinabalu. The journey itself will not be easy, but training with Tink\u00e9 can make the process a whole lot simpler.",
"Recommended articles:",
"Zensorium | 5 Simple Back-to-Basics Workout",
"Zensorium | 5 Ways to be a better runner",
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"Follow us on:",
"Zensorium, the makers of Tink\u00e9 and Being.",
"The Worms series of games have always been a bit off-kilter. In its initial incarnation as a time-sensitive 2D turn-based strategy game, Worms pitted cute little animated earth-munchers against one another with a vast arsenal of weapons and power-ups amid bright, colorful environments that got blown to bits in the process. As fans eagerly anticipate the first 3D incarnation of the series next year, Team 17 have created an unusual spin-off to keep us quite busy and amused: the rather addictive and hyperactive combat puzzle game, Worms Blast.",
"Although Blast has the look of a Worms game, the gameplay is totally different. It's more like the puzzle-flavored Bust-a-Move, which involves shooting bubbles at puzzle pieces falling from the sky. In this game, you control a little boat-bound character armed with a bazooka that fires color-coded missiles. You can move left and right, tilt the cannon up and down to alter your trajectory, and collect other weapons and power-up crates, released by destroying puzzle pieces with a missile of the same color.",
"Since your character is in a boat, you also have to contend with rising tides, torrential weather conditions, sea monsters, and other hazards of the deep zooming around as you fight for survival. In most of the challenges, puzzle pieces gradually descend towards the water regardless of whether or not you shoot at them, so it's important to keep clearing the puzzle pieces lest you get pushed underwater. In addition, rising tides must be quelled by gathering falling stars, which are also among the puzzle pieces. If your aim is terribly off, and you hit nothing at all, cartoon items such as anvils, refrigerators, and cannonballs will fall from the sky, geared towards bonking you on the head and damaging your health. It's a far cry from the whole \"you-take-a-turn, I-take-a-turn\" format of the original games.",
"Worms Blast offers a number of gameplay modes. There are numerous full-screen challenges where you face the puzzles alone, as well as a number of head-to-head modes where you play via split screen against another person or the CPU. It's a good idea to play through some of the single-player challenges first -- they serve as a sort of boot camp, where you'll learn all the basics of puzzle combat (as odd as that may sound). As you progress in these single-player missions, you'll occasionally unlock new modes.",
"In one challenge, you've got six missiles and six tough-to-hit targets, but all the time in the world to hit them. In another, UFOs (composed of puzzle pieces) zoom towards the water and you've got to hit as many as possible directly in the belly before the timer runs out. Another challenge involves hitting rapidly descending targets on alternate sides of the screen in quick succession, adding a couple of seconds to the timer with each successful shot. There are simply too many variations in each mode to catalog here, which is a good thing. Some of the challenges are frustrating, but they're considerably varied and ultimately rewarding.",
"Timed target shooting is one of many intense challenges you'll face in puzzle mode.",
"Your progress in the main puzzle mode gets saved along the way, so once you pass a really tough challenge, you have the option of never looking back. You can also return to a challenge you enjoyed, or continue the remaining challenges with any character of your choice. The characters (which oddly enough, aren't limited to worms) have varying thresholds for damage, and their boats vary in terms of size and speed. There's also a tournament mode, in which you've got to survive for as long as possible during specific challenges, most of which are subtle variations of the ones introduced in the puzzle mode.",
"Kevin: alright sounds good! *we walk for a little while in the cold weather until we arrive at the bakery. we then walk into the bakery and order some snacks*",
"Zoe: *i put on my best puppy eyes and order two of everything that looks remotely interesting or tasty, including a couple of things i haven't tried before but look yummy. as we wait for our treats, i fiddle with my fingers and notice the change in temperature from the cold weather outside and the warmth inside the bakery makes my nose even more runny.* kevvii... *i smile warmly and sniffle a little bit*",
"Kevin: yes what is it sweetie? *i smile and ruffle your head, holding you close to me*",
"Zoe: *looks up at you with shiny eyes.* nothing much, just felt like telling you how much i love you, my favorite person ever! *gives you a big hug, pressing my cheek against yours.* and also, can we maybe hurry up with the snacks? i'm starting to feel a bit hungry over here. *laughs lightly, my voice slightly muffled due to being pressed against your chest*",
"Kevin: well i love you too! *i smile and quickly after, our snacks are prepared and i pay for them* thats on me! a little present *i giggle and nod*",
"Zoe: *my cheeks flush red with happiness as i lean against you, holding our snacks in one hand and linking arms with you. we start walking back towards home, taking small bites of our treats while savoring the taste and texture.* this is so good, kev! i think i found my new favorite thing to eat! *then you notice snot dripping out of my nostrils and i unconsciously lick it off my lips. suddenly, i realize how snotty my nose is and blush in embarrassment, but not trying to show it too much. i quickly exhale through my mouth to make room for the air that's to come into my lungs and my nostrils flare up a bit as i do so. i snort loudly, making a loud hocking sound as i sniffle. the snot quickly disappears back into my nostrils with each loud sniff, making my nostrils change in shape from round to a flat triangle and back again* i-i guess im pretty cold now huh...",
"\u043a\u0430\u043a \u043f\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0434\u0430\u0442\u044c json \u043d\u0430 \u0441\u0435\u0440\u0432\u0435\u0440",
"\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435, \u0443 \u043c\u0435\u043d\u044f \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c 2 json \u043e\u0431\u044a\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0430, \u043d\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u044f\u0449\u0438\u0435\u0441\u044f \u0432 javascript. \u041a\u0430\u043a\u0438\u043c \u043e\u0431\u0440\u0430\u0437\u043e\u043c \u043c\u043d\u0435 \u0445\u0440\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0442\u044c \u0438\u0445 \u043d\u0430 \u0441\u0435\u0440\u0432\u0435\u0440\u0435, \u0444\u0430\u0439\u043b\u0430\u043c\u0438 \u0438\u043b\u0438 \u0432 \u0437\u0430\u043f\u0440\u043e\u0441\u0435 \u043f\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0434\u0430\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044c? \u041f\u043e\u0436\u0430\u043b\u0443\u0439\u0441\u0442\u0430, \u0441 \u043f\u0440\u0438\u043c\u0435\u0440\u0430\u043c\u0438 \u043a\u043e\u0434\u0430.",
"\u0411\u044d\u043a\u044d\u043d\u0434 \u043d\u0430 ASP.NET 4.5",
"\u041d\u0430 \u043a\u043b\u0438\u0435\u043d\u0442\u0435 \u043a\u043e\u043d\u0432\u0435\u0440\u0442\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044c \u0435\u0433\u043e \u0432 string:",
"myStringObj = JSON.stringify(myObj);",
"\u0414\u0430\u043b\u044c\u0448\u0435 \u043e\u0442\u043f\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0438\u0442\u044c \u0435\u0433\u043e \u043b\u044e\u0431\u044b\u043c \u0441\u043f\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0431\u043e\u043c \u043d\u0430 \u0441\u0435\u0440\u0432\u0435\u0440 (xhr, form submit);",
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"Was ist die Hauptstadt von Frankreich?",
"Die Hauptstadt von Frankreich ist Paris. ",
"Category: Console",
"We all know that Microsoft is working on a certain project called the Project Scorpio and that it\u2019s just the next generation of the Xbox console. It was back in 2016, Microsoft had announced at the E3 about their next project codenamed Project Scorpio. Back then they announced that the console is set to be rolled out in 2017. It\u2019s already 2017, and we haven\u2019t heard anything much about the release date of the Xbox 2 until now. There are fresh rumors surrounding the Xbox Scorpio release date, and we are going to discuss it in this post.",
"The current console the Xbox One has been launched back on November 22, 2013, in the US and clearly ended up winning hearts of people. So Xbox fans really got excited when they first heard of the project. But the only question that has been on people\u2019s minds had been that when exactly does Microsoft plan to launch their products. Of course, they said the Xbox 2 Release Date in 2017 but we are already halfway through the year, already five months into the year and there is no real confirmation. Fans have been wondering is if the release date has been postponed to which we now have an answer.",
"The new rumor is basically good news for fans who can pretty much hope to pick up the console this Christmas. This is just the sort of news we had been waiting for since the time the project was announced. This is the rumor that has emerged right before the 2017 E3 gaming expo. And the best fact is that the news comes from none other than the Xbox boss Phil Spencer, who when asked on Twitter is there is a change in the Xbox 2 release date, replied saying this: \u201cSchedule looks very good right now, no issues.\u201d This is what has prompted fans and tech gurus to believe that the console will be coming out in the second of the year and the most convenient time is the holiday season of Christmas, which is a great time to send your product sales soaring.",
"We are expecting that Microsoft will announce the date of the release at the E3 gaming expo and there are expectations that they might also end up revealing the price of the console so that people are pretty much equipped to handle the pocket burn when Xbox 2 actually hits the market shelves.",
"There are a lot of talks going on surrounding the Xbox 2 and a lot of rumors as to what new things that console will be bringing on the table. There are reports that there\u2019ll be Voice Control Settings which will make the console a serious winner in the gaming industry. People expect the console to come with everything that the new and advanced technology has to offer in this modern day time. There are also talks that the Xbox 2 will be featuring custom game specific controllers that\u2019ll be great, to say the least. And folks, this is all that we know about the upcoming console, but there is no official confirmation regarding these, so you should really take these rumors with a pinch of salt.",
"Katabexin, Medichrom",
"The drug brand named Katabexin contains generic salt-Betahistine Hydrochloride and is manufactured by Medichrom.Katabexin is mainly associated with symptoms and indications-The International Classification of Diseases (ICD)- N07CA01-Betahistine.",
"Generic Salts",
"Betahistine Hydrochloride",
"Available types of drugs",
"N / A",
"Medical categories",
"Human DrugAntivertigo drugs",
"More Drugs",
"The drug brand named Kasmucol contains generic salt-Acebrophylline and is manufactured by Teva.Kasmucol is mainly associated with symptoms and indications-The International Classification of Diseases (ICD)- ATC.",
"Generic Salts",
"The drug brand named Kas contains generic salt-Preparation for Enteral Nutrition and is manufactured by Nutricia-Bago.Kas is mainly associated with symptoms and indications-The International Classification of Diseases (ICD)- ATC.",
"The drug brand named Kastair EZ contains generic salt-Montelukast Sodium and is manufactured by Pediatrica.Kastair EZ is mainly associated with symptoms and indications-The International Classification of Diseases (ICD)- R03DC03-Montelukast.",
"The drug brand named Kast contains generic salt-Montelukast and is manufactured by RND Laboratories.Kast is mainly associated with symptoms and indications-The International Classification of Diseases (ICD)- R03DC03-Montelukast.",
"The drug brand named Kastorion contains generic salt-Montelukast Sodium and is manufactured by OEP Philippines.Kastorion is mainly associated with symptoms and indications-The International Classification of Diseases (ICD)- R03DC03-Montelukas...",
"The drug brand named Katabios contains generic salt-Multivitamins and is manufactured by Specialita Igienico Terapeutiche.Katabios is mainly associated with symptoms and indications-The International Classification of Diseases (ICD)- A11BA-Mu...",
"The drug brand named Katagrip contains generic salt-Acetaminophen and is manufactured by Angelini.Katagrip is mainly associated with symptoms and indications-The International Classification of Diseases (ICD)- ATC.",
"Generic Salts",
"The drug brand named Katapekt contains generic salt-Ammonium Chloride and is manufactured by Vitabalans.Katapekt is mainly associated with symptoms and indications-The International Classification of Diseases (ICD)- N02AA59-Codeine, combinati...",
"The drug brand named Katar contains generic salt-Corynebacterium Pseudodiphtheriae and is manufactured by Istituto Sieroterapico Berna.Katar is mainly associated with symptoms and indications-The International Classification of Diseases (ICD)-...",
"The drug brand named Katasuccin contains generic salt-Succinic Acid and is manufactured by Unidentified Pharmaceutical Company.Katasuccin is mainly associated with symptoms and indications-The International Classification of Diseases (ICD)- A...",
"The drug brand named Katen contains generic salt-Mexiletine Hydrochloride and is manufactured by Zentiva.Katen is mainly associated with symptoms and indications-The International Classification of Diseases (ICD)- C01BB02-Mexiletine.",
"The drug brand named Kathro contains generic salt-Cholesterol and is manufactured by Unidentified Pharmaceutical Company.Kathro is mainly associated with symptoms and indications-The International Classification of Diseases (ICD)- ATC....",
"The drug brand named Katin contains generic salt-Bile Salts and is manufactured by Instituto Sanitas.Katin is mainly associated with symptoms and indications-The International Classification of Diseases (ICD)- ATC.",
"Generic Salts",
"The drug brand named Kativ N contains generic salt-Vitamin K1 (Phytonadione) and is manufactured by Unidentified Pharmaceutical Company.Kativ N is mainly associated with symptoms and indications-The International Classification of Diseases (IC...",
"The drug brand named Katogel contains generic salt-Emollient and is manufactured by Deverge Medicina e Medicalizzazione.Katogel is mainly associated with symptoms and indications-The International Classification of Diseases (ICD)- D02AX-Other...",
"The present disclosure relates to computer systems, and in particular to managing file access to applications that are deployed in a virtualized computer environment.",
"Virtualized computer environments, which may include cloud computing systems, composite information technology systems and computer cluster systems, are used to provide computer resources or other computing resources to end users. In a cloud computing environment, the physical hardware configuration is hidden from the end user. Cloud computing systems may include servers, network storage devices, routers, gateways, communication links, software (e.g., applications, operating systems, web services, etc.), and other devices. However, because the physical hardware and software platforms on which cloud computing system is implemented are hidden within a \u201ccloud,\u201d they can be managed, upgraded, replaced or otherwise changed by a system administrator without the customer being aware of or affected by the change.",
"A computer cluster, also referred to as a cluster, may be considered as a type of cloud computing environment and may include a set of loosely connected computers that may be connected to one another via local networks.",
"In a typical cloud computing environment, applications may be executed on virtual machines or appliances, which are guest operating systems installed within a host system and an optional preset configuration and structure (e.g., combination of operating system and web server). Virtual Machines are typically implemented with either software emulation or hardware virtualization, or both. A single hardware and/or software platform may host a number of virtual machines, each of which may have access to some portion of the platform's resources, such as processing resources, storage resources, etc.",
"Because different applications that are deployed in a cloud computing environment may require access to files, such files may not be consistent among the different applications and/or instances of applications unless a shared location is provided, which may impose unwanted additional complexity to the installation and maintenance of the application. Additionally, unexpected outcomes may occur in the event that two different applications and/or instances of applications access the same file in an overlapping time period. Yet further, synchronization of files used by more than one application and/or instance may be problematic in a cloud computing environment.",
"```python # Import necessary libraries import requests # For making HTTP requests to the website from bs4 import BeautifulSoup # For parsing HTML import psycopg2 # For connecting to PostgreSQL database # URL of the ecommerce site to scrape url = \"https://www.example-ecommerce-site.com/products\" # Send GET request to URL response = requests.get(url) # Parse the HTML content using BeautifulSoup soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html.parser') # Find all product elements on the page product_elements = soup.find_all('div', class_='product') # Extract attributes from each product element products_data = [] for product in product_elements: name = product.find('h2', class_='product-name').text.strip() price = product.find('span', class_='product-price').text.strip() img_url = product.find('img')['src'] description = product.find('div', class_='product-description').text.strip() # Store product data in a dictionary product_data = { 'name': name, 'price': price, 'img_url': img_url, 'description': description } products_data.append(product_data) # Connect to PostgreSQL database conn = psycopg2.connect( host=\"localhost\", database=\"mydb\", user=\"postgres\", password=\"password\" ) # Create a cursor object cur = conn.cursor() # Create products table if it doesn't exist cur.execute(\"\"\" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS products ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(255), price VARCHAR(20), img_url VARCHAR(255), description TEXT ) \"\"\") # Insert each product into the database for product in products_data: cur.execute(\"\"\" INSERT INTO products (name, price, img_url, description) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s) \"\"\", (product['name'], product['price'], product['img_url'], product['description'])) # Commit the changes and close the database connection conn.commit() cur.close() conn.close() print(f\"Successfully scraped and stored {len(products_data)} products.\") ``` Here's a detailed explanation of the code: 1. We start by importing the necessary libraries: - `requests` for making HTTP requests to the website - `BeautifulSoup` from the `bs4` library for parsing HTML - `psycopg2` for connecting to the PostgreSQL database 2. We specify the URL of the ecommerce site we want to scrape. 3. We send a GET request to the URL using `requests.get()` and store the response. 4. We parse the HTML content of the response using `BeautifulSoup` with the 'html.parser'. 5. We find all the product elements on the page using `soup.find_all()` with the appropriate CSS class selector. 6. We iterate over each product element and extract the relevant attributes: - Product name using `product.find()` with the CSS class selector for the name element - Price using `product.find()` with the CSS class selector for the price element - Image URL by accessing the 'src' attribute of the `` tag - Description using `product.find()` with the CSS class selector for the description element 7. We store the extracted data for each product in a dictionary and append it to the `products_data` list. 8. We establish a connection to the PostgreSQL database using `psycopg2.connect()` with the appropriate connection details. 9. We create a cursor object using `conn.cursor()` to execute SQL queries. 10. We create the `products` table if it doesn't already exist using an SQL `CREATE TABLE` statement. The table has columns for id (auto-incremented primary key), name, price, image URL, and description. 11. We iterate over each product in the `products_data` list and insert it into the `products` table using an SQL `INSERT` statement with placeholders for the values. 12. We commit the changes to the database using `conn.commit()` to ensure the data is persisted. 13. We close the cursor and the database connection using `cur.close()` and `conn.close()` to release the resources. 14. Finally, we print a success message indicating the number of products scraped and stored. Error Handling: To make the code more robust, you can add error handling using try-except blocks around the critical sections of code. For example: - Wrap the requests.get() call in a try-except block to handle network errors or invalid URLs. - Wrap the database connection and query execution in try-except blocks to handle database-related errors. - Use appropriate exception handling and logging to capture and handle any other potential errors that may occur during the scraping and data storage process. Improvements and Optimizations: - Use concurrent requests or asynchronous programming techniques to speed up the scraping process if dealing with a large number of products. - Implement rate limiting and respect the website's robots.txt file to avoid overloading the server and being blocked. - Use caching mechanisms to store and reuse previously scraped data to reduce the number of requests made to the website. - Validate and clean the scraped data before storing it in the database to ensure data integrity and consistency. - Consider using an ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) library like SQLAlchemy to simplify database interactions and handle database migrations. - Implement logging to track the progress and errors during the scraping process for better monitoring and debugging. Please note that web scraping should be done responsibly and in compliance with the website's terms of service and legal requirements. Make sure to review and adhere to the website's scraping policies and guidelines before implementing any web scraping code.",
"= = =",
"\ud83d\ude00 \ud83d\ude03 \ud83d\ude04 \ud83d\ude01 \ud83d\ude06 \ud83d\ude05 \ud83d\ude02 \ud83e\udd23 \u263a\ufe0f \ud83d\ude0a \ud83d\ude07 \ud83d\ude42 \ud83d\ude43 \ud83d\ude09 \ud83d\ude0c \ud83d\ude0d \ud83d\ude18 \ud83d\ude17 \ud83d\ude19 \ud83d\ude1a \ud83d\ude0b \ud83d\ude1c \ud83d\ude1d \ud83d\ude1b \ud83e\udd11 \ud83e\udd17 \ud83e\udd13 \ud83d\ude0e \ud83e\udd21 \ud83e\udd20 \ud83d\ude0f \ud83d\ude12 \ud83d\ude1e \ud83d\ude14 \ud83d\ude1f \ud83d\ude15 \ud83d\ude41 \u2639\ufe0f \ud83d\ude23 \ud83d\ude16 \ud83d\ude2b \ud83d\ude29 \ud83d\ude24 \ud83d\ude20 \ud83d\ude21 \ud83d\ude36 \ud83d\ude10 \ud83d\ude11 \ud83d\ude2f \ud83d\ude26 \ud83d\ude27 \ud83d\ude2e \ud83d\ude32 \ud83d\ude35 \ud83d\ude33 \ud83d\ude31 \ud83d\ude28 \ud83d\ude30 \ud83d\ude22 \ud83d\ude25 \ud83e\udd24 \ud83d\ude2d \ud83d\ude13 \ud83d\ude2a \ud83d\ude34 \ud83d\ude44 \ud83e\udd14 \ud83e\udd25 \ud83d\ude2c \ud83e\udd10 \ud83e\udd22 \ud83e\udd2e \ud83e\udd27 \ud83d\ude37 \ud83e\udd12 \ud83e\udd15 \ud83e\udd28 \ud83e\udd29 \ud83e\udd2f \ud83e\uddd0 \ud83e\udd2b \ud83e\udd2a \ud83e\udd7a \ud83e\udd2d \ud83e\udd71 \ud83e\udd73 \ud83e\udd74 \ud83e\udd76 \ud83e\udd72 \ud83e\udd78 \ud83e\udee0 \ud83e\udee4 \ud83e\udee5 \ud83e\udee2 \ud83e\udee3 \ud83e\udee1 \ud83e\udd79 \ud83e\udd75 \ud83d\ude08 \ud83d\udc7f \ud83e\udd2c \ud83d\udc79 \ud83d\udc7a \ud83d\udca9 \ud83d\udc7b \ud83d\udc80 \u2620\ufe0f \ud83d\udc7d \ud83d\udc7e \ud83e\udd16 \ud83c\udf83 \ud83d\ude3a \ud83d\ude38 \ud83d\ude39 \ud83d\ude3b \ud83d\ude3c \ud83d\ude3d \ud83d\ude3f \ud83d\ude3e \ud83d\ude40",
"= = =",
"Insert a row with default value column in sqlalchemy",
"I am writing a program which uses a database with sqlalchemy as client.",
"Here is one of my tables",
"class DownloadRecord(Base):",
" __tablename__ = \"DownloadRecords\"",
" id = Column(\"Id\", Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)",
" download_name = Column(\"DownloadName\", Unicode, nullable=False)",
" download_date = Column(",
" \"DownloadDate\", DateTime, default=datetime.datetime.utcnow, nullable=False",
" )",
"the column download_date is defined with a default value, both here and in the server side table. Here is the definition of the column on the mssql server",
"however I try to add the record DownloadRecord(download_name=\"new_download_name\") and I get the following exception.",
"sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError: (pyodbc.IntegrityError) ('23000',",
" \"[23000] [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Cannot",
" insert the value NULL into column 'DownloadDate', table",
" 'DownloadRecords'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails. (515)",
" (SQLExecDirectW); [23000] [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client",
" 11.0][SQL Server]The statement has been terminated. (3621)\") [SQL: INSERT INTO [DownloadRecords] ([DownloadName], [DownloadDate]) OUTPUT",
" inserted.[Id] VALUES (?, ?)] [parameters: (\"new_download_name\", None)]",
"I also tried to make this column nullable but When I added the new row the DownloadDate column was Null.",
"How do I make it automatically use the default value?",
"The problem is incompatibility between the type of the column DownloadDate and the type of the value you give as its default value on the client side.",
"The type you used is DateTime (on the server side as well as the client side).",
"However, in the following code:",
"Column(\"DownloadDate\", DateTime, default=datetime.datetime.utcnow, nullable=False)",
"the return value of datetime.datetime.utcnow() is a timezone aware object, while SQL Server's DateTime isn't.",
"I see two possible solutions:",
"Change the default value to a callable which returns a datetime object which is not timezone aware.",
"Change the type of the DownloadDate column to a timezone aware type. You can use SQL Server's datetimeoffset on the server side, and SQLAlchemy's DATETIMEOFFSET on the client side.",
"Take a look at Microsoft's docs on date and time types for the full reference.",
"On another note, consider moving to a code first design, where you define your schema in one place.",
"Live and let love /",
"\"Though Willow Pierce has moved forward since her husband died two years ago, she can't ignore her sixth sense that Jack is alive. When newcomer Con Russo comes to town, Willow is convinced he's Jack. She'd never forget his eyes. Willow is determined to learn the truth about Con's identity-even... Full description",
"The fate of chlorine and organic materials in swimming pools.",
"The fate of organic nitrogen and carbon introduced into a swimming pool by pool users has been studied using a 2.2 m(3) model pool. The study made use of a body fluid analogue (BFA), containing the primary endogenous organic amino compounds, and a soiling analogue represented by humic acid (HA). The system was used to examine the effect of organic loading and organic carbon (OC) sources (i.e. amino or HA) on the levels and speciation of the key chlorinated disinfection by-products of trihalomethanes (THMs) and chloramines under operating conditions representative of those employed on a full-scale pool. Results revealed OC, chloramines and THMs to all attain steady-state levels after 200-500 h of operation, reflecting mineralisation of the dosed OC. Steady-state levels of OC were roughly linearly dependent on dose rate over the range of operational conditions investigated and, as with the chloramine levels recorded, were in reasonable agreement with those reported for full-scale pools. THM levels recorded were somewhat lower than those found in real pools, and were dependent on both on pH carbon source: the THM formation propensity for the soling analogue was around eight times than of the BFA. Of the assayed by-products, only nitrate was found to accumulate, accounting for 4-28% of the dosed amino nitrogen. Contrary to previous postulations based on the application of Henry's Law, only insignificant amounts of the volatile by-products were found to be lost to the atmosphere.",
"textbf doesn't work with txfonts package",
"If I compile this, it won't work - the text won't be bold.",
"\\documentclass[9pt, a4paper]{extarticle}",
"If I remove the package usage, it'll work, but I do need it. What should I do? ",
"The log file tells you",
"LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `IL2/txr/m/n' undefined",
"(Font) using `IL2/cmr/m/n' instead on input line 5.",
"LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `IL2/txr/bx/n' undefined",
"(Font) using `IL2/txr/m/n' instead on input line 6.",
"meaning that txfonts doesn't support the IL2 encoding (just a few fonts do) and the standard Computer Modern font is used instead.",
"Kevin: how about no xD",
"Zoe: pfffft fine by me, i can be quite the chatterbox anyways :P hey, you wanna go grab some ice cream? maybe i can convince you to buy me some! :3",
"Kevin: oh yeah, sounds good. one can never say no to ice cream, huh? even when its a little cold outside. ok zoe, i will bite. whats your favorite type of ice cream?",
"Zoe: mwahaha, gotcha! well im a sucker for all things sweet and cold, but if i had to choose one, it would be strawberry cheesecake flavor! :D so kev... how about you start opening up a little for once and tell me about yourself? c'mon!",
"Kevin: nice, thats a good one! ehh.. im not that interesting, i'd prefer to know more about you xD so how old are you and where do you come from? what do you like to do?",
"Zoe: okay, okay, i see youre trying to play hard to get. alright, im 22 years old and originally from germany. as for what i like, i love theme parks, drawing, playing video games and computers in general.",
"Kevin: pcs are pretty cool! whats your rig?",
"Zoe: haha, not the kind of computer youre thinking about! :P my rig is just a simple tower desktop with an i5 processor and a decent graphics card. nothing too fancy. but hey, it does the job! :D",
"Our Vision",
"Develop and sustain a nationally recognized model for community fitness and health;",
"Maintain a wellness campus that serves more than 3,000 diverse members with integrative programming;",
"Operate with fiscal and organizational sustainability.",
"Vermont\u2019s future prosperity depends on our ability to provide citizens with a solid foundation of health and physical fitness. A healthy population becomes the basis for community and economic development, as healthy citizens are also productive employees, contributing community members, nurturing parents and motivated participants in our education system. The key to a healthy population is a multi-dimensional fitness environment that provides opportunities for a social and family experience, skill building through sports, and sustainable pursuit of fitness or athletic performance goals.",
"Vermonters have had a long standing commitment to the cultivation of our landscapes for recreational use, to thoughtful investment in an innovative recreation business community, and to the design of cutting edge equipment and programs designed to engage individuals at all ages and abilities in health and physical fitness and the pursuit of athletic performance. The Confluence\u2013as a community sports center--has a unique role to play in securing access for adults, youth and children to these investments and innovations that can overcome the challenges in our community. Together, we can work to forward a vision of a healthy population, a rewarding recreation legacy and sustainable economic future for Vermonters.",
"88 N.Y.2d 925 (1996)",
"669 N.E.2d 1111",
"646 N.Y.S.2d 789",
"The People of the State of New York, Respondent,",
"John A. Ceresoli, Appellant.",
"Court of Appeals of the State of New York.",
"Argued June 6, 1996.",
"Decided June 28, 1996.",
"Frank Policelli, Utica, for appellant.",
"Michael A. Arcuri, District Attorney of Oneida County, Utica (Timothy P. Fitzgerald of counsel), for respondent.",
"The order of the Appellate Division should be affirmed.",
"*926Defendant was charged with criminal possession of a forged instrument and with the theft of $3,500 from the Toccolana Club, a private social club in Rome, New York. After his conviction for grand larceny in the fourth degree (Penal Law \u00a7 155.30), defendant moved pursuant to CPL 330.30 to set aside the verdict on the ground of juror misconduct involving a single seated juror. During voir dire, the juror, a resident of Rome, was asked whether he was \"familiar with members of the Toccolano Club.\" The juror responded: \"I just know where it is, not really, no.\" It was subsequently established that the juror had decades earlier himself been a nominal member of the club, and two of his relatives were or had been members.",
"After a hearing on defendant's motion, the trial court found there was no improper conduct on the part of the juror, and further that the juror's conduct had not \"affected a substantial right of the defendant\" (CPL 330.30 [2]). The Appellate Division affirmed. The trial court's undisturbed factual finding has support in the record and, like the alleged excessiveness of defendant's sentence, is beyond the scope of our review.",
"Order affirmed in a memorandum.",
"Kennedy Says He\u2019d Consider a Senate Run If Warren Tapped for VP",
"A Kennedy in the Senate? Surely you jest.",
"Get a compelling long read and must-have lifestyle tips in your inbox every Sunday morning \u2014 great with coffee!",
"It\u2019s been seven years since we\u2019ve seen a Kennedy in the Senate. With a little nudge from presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, that could soon change.",
"Congressman Joe Kennedy III told WCVB\u2019s Janet Wu during a Thursday night taping of her show, On the Record, that he would consider a run for Elizabeth Warren\u2019s Senate seat in the event she\u2019s tapped to be Clinton\u2019s running mate this November.",
"Ted Kennedy won the seat in a special election in 1962 after his brother, John F. Kennedy, was elected president. He held the seat for 47 years until his death in 2009. Joe Kennedy worked on his great-uncle\u2019s re-election campaign in 2006 before enrolling in Harvard Law School, where Warren taught for nearly 20 years.",
"Cosmo centerfold Scott Brown won the seat in a 2010 special election, defeating Attorney General Martha Coakley. Brown served for just two years before he was ousted by Warren, who became the Bay State\u2019s first female senator. After a failed Senate campaign in New Hampshire, Brown now spends his time calling in to Herald Radio and following Donald Trump around.",
"Wu\u2019s interview with Kennedy airs Sunday at 11 a.m.",
"Characterization of the limited specificity of antigen recognition in earthworms.",
"Parenteral administration of foreign proteins results in earthworms in significantly increased levels of the antigen-binding protein (ABP). The earthworms (Lumbricus terrestris and Eisenia foetida; Oligochaeta, Annelida) were stimulated with different proteins and the ABP response was followed with an anti-ABP monoclonal antibody and in ligand assay with biotin conjugates of all proteins used for stimulation. ABP levels are increased after the stimulation with different proteins irrespective of the size and extent of glycosylation. Molar mass of the ABP molecules was always the same, 56 kDa in L. terrestris and 60 kDa in E. foetida. The level of the specificity is considerably lower in comparison with immunoglobulins since ABP reacts not only with the protein used for stimulation but also, though to lesser extent, with related proteins.",
" foreach ($relations->Relationship as $rel) {",
" if ($rel[\"Type\"] == Zend_Search_Lucene_Document_OpenXml::SCHEMA_COREPROPERTIES) {",
" // Found core properties! Read in contents...",
" $contents = simplexml_load_string(",
" $package->getFromName(dirname($rel[\"Target\"]) . \"/\" . basename($rel[\"Target\"]))",
" );",
" foreach ($contents->children(Zend_Search_Lucene_Document_OpenXml::SCHEMA_DUBLINCORE) as $child) {",
" $coreProperties[$child->getName()] = (string)$child;",
" }",
" foreach ($contents->children(Zend_Search_Lucene_Document_OpenXml::SCHEMA_COREPROPERTIES) as $child) {",
" $coreProperties[$child->getName()] = (string)$child;",
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" foreach ($contents->children(Zend_Search_Lucene_Document_OpenXml::SCHEMA_DUBLINCORETERMS) as $child) {",
" $coreProperties[$child->getName()] = (string)$child;",
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" return $coreProperties;",
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" /**",
" * Determine absolute zip path",
" *",
" * @param string $path",
" * @return string",
" */",
" protected function absoluteZipPath($path)",
" {",
" $path = str_replace(['/', '\\\\'], DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path);",
" $parts = array_filter(explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path), 'strlen');",
" $absolutes = [];",
" foreach ($parts as $part) {",
" if ('.' == $part) {",
" continue;",
" }",
" if ('..' == $part) {",
" array_pop($absolutes);",
" } else {",
" $absolutes[] = $part;",
" }",
" }",
" return implode('/', $absolutes);",
" }",
"One day, a little girl named Lily found a needle in her room. She knew it was difficult to play with it because it was sharp. Lily wanted to share the needle with her mom, so she could sew a button on her shirt.",
"Lily went to her mom and said, \"Mom, I found this needle. Can you share it with me and sew my shirt?\" Her mom smiled and said, \"Yes, Lily, we can share the needle and fix your shirt.\"",
"Together, they shared the needle and sewed the button on Lily's shirt. It was not difficult for them because they were sharing and helping each other. After they finished, Lily thanked her mom for sharing the needle and fixing her shirt. They both felt happy because they had shared and worked together.",
"Once upon a time, there was a little car named Beep. Beep loved to go fast and play in the sun. Beep was a healthy car because he always had good fuel. Good fuel made Beep happy and strong.",
"One day, Beep was driving in the park when he saw a big tree. The tree had many leaves that were falling. Beep liked how the leaves fall and wanted to play with them. Beep drove under the tree and watched the leaves fall on him. He laughed and beeped his horn.",
"Beep played with the falling leaves all day. When it was time to go home, Beep knew he needed more fuel. He went to the fuel place and got more healthy fuel. Now, Beep was ready to go fast and play again the next day. And Beep lived happily ever after.",
"Once upon a time, there was a boy who loved to climb. One day, he decided to climb to the top of a mountain to get a better view. When he reached the peak, he saw a lake below him. It looked so inviting, so he decided to climb back down to the lake.",
"As soon as the boy got to the lake, he noticed a boat on the shore. He asked the boat, \"Are you available?\" The boat replied, \"Yes, I am available for you to use.\" The boy was so excited! He couldn't wait to jump into the boat and go for a ride on the lake.",
"The boy took the boat out on the lake and had a wonderful time. But when he finished his ride, he noticed a sign near the shore. It said, \"Take care of the boat; treat it with respect\". The boy realized that it was not just available, it had been given to him to use with respect.",
"The moral of the story is that when given something, it should be treated with gratitude and respect. We should never take things for granted.",
"Once, there was a girl. She had a garage. Inside the garage she kept her toys.",
"One day, the girl noticed something was wrong with her toys. She went in the garage and saw that they had broken.",
"She decided she would repair them and make them as good as new. She made sure to wash them all so they were nice and healthy.",
"Then she took some glue and fixed all the toys until they looked perfect. She was very pleased with her work.",
"When she was done, the girl could play with her toys again and have lots of fun. She was very happy.",
"Mommy and Emily were playing a matching game together. Emily was so excited to find the matching games at the store. She liked watching the videos on the screen as she matched each card.",
"\"Mommy, I think I'm getting really good at this!\" Emily said.",
"\"That's wonderful, sweetheart!\" Mommy replied. \"You're doing so well!\"",
"But then, Emily noticed something strange. She pulled out one of the cards and looked closely at it.",
"\"Mommy, this card isn't real,\" she said. \"It's fake!\"",
"Mommy took the card and looked at it. \"You're right,\" she said. \"This card is fake. It doesn't match the others.\"",
"Mommy and Emily decided to get a new video game instead. Emily was happy to have an even better game to play. She could tell the difference between a real card and a fake one.",
"Once there was a little girl called Mia who loved to jump. Everywhere she went, she jumped. When walking to school, she would jump on the sidewalk. At the park, she would jump into the sandbox.",
"One day Mia was at the supermarket and she saw something unusual. She saw a lawyer. Mia had never seen a lawyer before so it made her very curious. She wanted to know what a lawyer did and why he was so dressed up. So, Mia jumped right up to the lawyer and asked him.",
"The lawyer was very confused. He had never seen a little girl so eager to talk to him. He tried to explain but Mia kept on jumping and interrupting.",
"Soon enough the store manager got involved. He explained to Mia that it was not appropriate to engage with strangers and it was wrong to interrupt people when they were talking.",
"Mia was very sorry for her behaviour and decided to never do something like this again. She had learned her lesson that it is important to be respectful to all strangers.",
"Once there was a girl named Lucy. She was three years old and she loved gum. She had lots of different flavours and she ate it every day.",
"One day Lucy thought it would be fun to try extra big bubblegum. She put it in her mouth and blew a huge bubble. Suddenly, the bubble popped and tickled her nose. She started to sneeze and sneeze.",
"Lucy looked down and saw her shirt was covered in gum. She was so ashamed. She wanted to hide but couldn't.",
"So she asked for help from her parents. They showed her how to use a wet cloth to wipe the gum away. She smiled with relief and promised never to try big bubblegum again.",
"Once, there was a small boy named Charlie. Charlie loved stories more than anything else. Charlie's mommy always said that stories were special and delicate.",
"One day, Charlie's mommy said \"Let's go to the store and get something special for dinner. Today, you can have whatever you want to eat!\"",
"Charlie was so excited! He wondered what he should pick. As they walked through the store, Charlie reached out and touched a strawberry. He asked his mommy, \"What does this taste like?\"",
"His mommy replied, \"Oh, it's very sweet! If you taste it, you'll love it!\"",
"Charlie was so excited! He couldn't wait to get home and have his special dinner.",
"When they arrived home, Charlie couldn't believe his eyes. On the table was a plate full of fresh strawberries! He smiled and said, \"Mommy, did you know strawberries were my favorite?\"",
"His mommy smiled and said, \"I had a feeling you would like them! Go ahead and taste them, they are so delicate and sweet.\"",
"Charlie picked one up, took a bite, and smiled. He had experienced the special and delightful taste of a strawberry. What a delicious dinner!",
"Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Cindy. Every day, Cindy would go to the store to get milk for her family. She loved the store and was always greeted by the friendly shopkeeper.",
"One day when Cindy was at the store, she noticed something strange: the shelves were all empty! She asked the shopkeeper why the shelves were empty. \"It's too hard for you to understand,\" the shopkeeper said.",
"Cindy wasn't happy about this. But she had to trust the shopkeeper. So, she said goodbye and went home.",
"When Cindy told her family the news they didn't recognize the problem. But then they noticed something even more strange: the milk was gone too!",
"The family soon realized what had happened: the shopkeeper had been preparing for a snowstorm and had run out of milk. They were relieved that the shopkeeper had already taken care of the problem.",
"Cindy was happy that she had recognized the problem. Next time, she would know that she shouldn't leave getting milk too late.",
"Cora: \"Darling...\" Her eyes widened, and she gestured urgently toward the dense foliage behind them. \u201cDid you hear that?\u201d she whispered, her voice barely audible above the rustling leaves. Cora\u2019s heart raced as she strained to catch any hint of movement.",
"Ahmed: He followed her gaze, scanning the shadows. The jungle was alive with unseen creatures\u2014their presence palpable. \u201cI heard it too,\u201d he murmured, leaning against a tree trunk. His focus remained on the mysterious sounds, but he refrained from taking any protective actions for Cora. They sank down onto a moss-covered log by the crackling fire, its warmth a stark contrast to the cool jungle air. The sounds intensified\u2014the distant calls of exotic birds, the eerie rustle of unseen animals, and the occasional snap of a twig. Ahmed listened, attuned to the symphony of the wild\u2014a primal rhythm that echoed his own unspoken desires.",
"AE Works Awarded Design to Upgrade Spinal Cord Injury Center",
"AE Works to lead design efforts that target expansion of one of the Country\u2019s largest Spinal Cord Injury Centers",
"Pittsburgh-headquartered architectural and engineering firm, AE Works was recently awarded a contract to provide design and engineering services to renovate and expand the existing Spinal Cord Injury & Disorders Center of Excellence (SCI&D COE) at the Hunter Holmes McGuire VA Medical Center in Richmond, Virginia. Providing critical care for veterans with spinal cord injuries, the Richmond facility is one of the largest of the 25 spinal cord injury centers in the VA Medical Center System.",
"Anticipating future requirements, the VA Medical Center staff embarked on proactive planning effort to meet the needs of providing critical healthcare services to a growing veteran population throughout five states and the District of Columbia. As a result of these planning efforts, this project will renovate targeted areas of the existing facility and also provide a new 20,000-SF addition to optimize delivery of these specialized clinical services.",
"Supporting the Department of Veterans Affairs\u2019 commitment to a patient-centered care model that focuses on providing world-class care in a welcoming, healing environment, the design will also focus on infrastructure efficiency, enhancing the patient experience and enriching collaboration opportunities among the hospital\u2019s many clinicians, instructors and researchers.",
"As a service-disabled veteran-owned small business, projects such as this expansion are especially important to AE Works.",
"\u201cOur work centers around people and the design of healthcare facilities brings that even more into focus. We feel very fortunate to be a part of this project and the opportunity to have a part in improving healthcare for Veterans,\u201d shares Michael Cherock, PE, AE Works President and Owner.",
"For more information on AE Works, please visit www.ae-works.com or call Carly Khanna at 301-332-9780.",
"AE Works Ltd., headquartered in Pittsburgh, PA with satellite offices in State College, PA and Washington DC, specializes in Architecture, MEP Engineering, Telecommunication and Security design services. AE Works Ltd. is a CVE Verified Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) with the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs.",
"About The Western PA Healthcare News Team",
"Throughout the year, our writers feature fresh, in-depth, and relevant information for our audience of 40,000+ healthcare leaders and professionals. As a healthcare business publication, we cover and cherish our relationship with the entire health care industry including administrators, nurses, physicians, physical therapists, pharmacists, and more. We cover a broad spectrum from hospitals to medical offices to outpatient services to eye surgery centers to university settings. We focus on rehabilitation, nursing homes, home care, hospice as well as men\u2019s health, women\u2019s heath, and pediatrics.",
"Kevin: yeah its most likely that, i agree. then you should enable the warning light and slowly drive the car to the stripes and stop it there. i've had a similar situation with my parents once. my father forgot to refill the tank and suddenly, there was no gas anymore in the engine and it slowed down. it was a dangerous situation but my dad managed to drive it to the side nicely",
"Zoe: wow, that sounds really scary! luckily your dad managed to handle it okay. but yes, it's always better to be prepared for these kinds of situations. maybe you should get him a car care package or something? :)",
"Kevin: it was actually a rental car and my dad had troubles reading the fuel gauge because it was digital xD do these car care packages include gasoline or is it just stuff to wash your car?",
"Zoe: haha, oh no! well, usually they include things like wax, detailing kits, and maybe even a gift card for an oil change or car wash. but you could also include a funny mug or something like that if you want to make him laugh about it. ;)",
"Kevin: yeah those mugs are quite funny. i bet there are stores where you can customize them xD what would be a funny joke to be printed on such a mug for my dad?",
"Zoe: how about \"World's Most Modern Dad... but still learning how to read digital fuel gauges\" lmmaooo",
"Kevin: haha xD good one",
"Zoe: i'm here to help with all your pun and joke needs, kevin! ;)",
"Kevin: good, i wouldn't want to have it another way zoe :D",
"Zoe: i'm glad we're on the same page about that! now, are you ready for bedtime",
"April 22, 2011",
"the meds i\u2019m on make it a little difficult to focus,",
"but here\u2019s what i\u2019ll say:",
"whatever you feel about healthcare,",
"who gets it, how it\u2019s paid for, and how we deal with it here,",
"all i know is that the healthcare system did not fail me.",
"without it, i would be dead now.",
"there are several instances where i came close to it.",
"don\u2019t get me wrong,",
"it was fucking hell (evidence below).and it still is since i\u2019m exactly done with everything.",
"there were times where i felt ignored, forgotten,",
"like no one would listen to me.",
"i\u2019m here.",
"and grateful.",
"like i said,",
"the drugs are making it difficult to do normal things.recovering makes it difficult to do normal things.",
"but in the next couple days,",
"i have some yarny goodness planned for you.",
"stick with me bitches.",
"mostly, though, i want to say thank you.",
"thank you to all the readers, inter-knitters, and friends",
"for your good thoughts, your well wishes, comments and prayers,",
"for all the tweets, texts, visits, and vibes from across the globe.",
"So glad to hear you are home. I wish you a speedy recovery. After my last surgery (double knee replacement), I thought I would get a whole lot of reading done. While on the drugs for a month, I could not focus enough to read a paragraph. What a disappointment! Take it easy and have patience with your recovery. Your body has had a jolt! Donna",
"I was just thinking of you. I\u2019m glad to hear you are recovering. Being in the hospital sucks. Yes they have the amazing ability to prevent deaths, but still, not a favorite place. Glad you\u2019re home. Here\u2019s hoping for a speedy recovery. (And I do hope you\u2019re able to at least knit.)",
"Another lurker hoping you have good drugs and a speedy recovery. Be sure to post a video when you\u2019re feeling well enough to do your own version of Sir Elton\u2019s \u201cI\u2019m Still Standing\u201d (or another \u201cbeen through hell, now giving guided tours\u201d song).",
"Don\u2019t even care about the yarny goodness, stoked to see that you are back in the world of the living! Hospitals are wonderful for saving lives, but home is where you heal\u2026",
"This event even made me a twitter follower, which is saying some as I don\u2019t have a cell phone!",
"Relax, think positive thoughts, and play with lots of great yarn!",
"I\u2019m not religious, but THANK GOD you are okay. You can\u2019t keep a good man down, that\u2019s what I say. . . . I am thinking about medicine/doctors. So many people say- oh, I don\u2019t like to take drugs, let the body heal itself, etc. These are people who have never been critically sick. Once you\u2019ve been there, life/attitudes change.",
"It\u2019s like a Alice in Wonderland experience, being critically sick. Or, a crap shoot.",
"But, hey, I am glad, so glad, you are on the road to recovery. What a great person you are!",
"Nancy Paris",
"de-lurking to say I\u2019m glad you are home and recovering. It\u2019s scary to rely on others when you\u2019ve been self-sufficient and a hospital seems to be no place to heal\u2026.you really need \u201chome\u201d for that. Give yourself plenty of time and don\u2019t overdo.",
"After finishing in first place at the Bold Leaders Challenge Feb. 18 and 19 at Fort Knox, Ky., the team qualifies to take part in the Sandhurst Military Skills Competition at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.",
"Sandhurst is an inter-company competition at West Point. Not only do West Point teams compete amongst themselves, but they compete against teams from their fellow federal service academies, select teams from the U.S. Army Cadet Command (ROTC), the United States Military Academy Preparatory School team, and international teams. Fifty-five teams will take part in Sandhurst, including international competitors from Great Britain, Australia, Afghanistan and China.",
"This will be the first time in more than a decade that a Citadel team has competed at Sandhurst.",
"\u201cWe have an exceptional group of young men and women that will represent The Citadel,\u201d said Col. Laurence Hutto, commanding officer of the Palmetto Battalion at The Citadel. \u201cWe are excited to be able to compete at this level for the first time in recent years.This is a testament to the commitment, training and leadership of our cadets and the instructors in the Palmetto Battalion.\u201d",
"The Palmetto Battalion Ranger Challenge team trains seven days a week while maintaining good standing in their academic requirements and cadet duties. They compete in a rapid, timed series military tasks along an eight-mile route.",
"The Palmetto Battalion Ranger Challenge team trains seven days a week while maintaining good standing in their academic requirements and cadet duties. They compete in a rapid, timed series military tasks along an eight-mile route. The winning squad is determined by the total time required to negotiate the course plus total points scored throughout the two days.",
"Making this a weekly event due to interest. BYOB",
"OFFICIAL RULES HERE (http://austinpoker.totallyimba.com/?page_id=11)",
"6-14 people:",
"$20 buy-in Texas Holdem Tourney gets 10,000 in chips",
"1 re-buy XOR 1 add-on up until break of 10,000",
"15-20 people:",
"$20 buy-in Texas Holdem Tourney gets 5,000 in chips",
"1 re-buy XOR 1 add-on up until break of 5,000",
"Blind levels will be adjusted for lower chip counts. This is due to a limited number of physical chips that can be put in play",
"$10 cash game after tourney (re-buy at will until host calls it for the night)",
"For now, we'll default to Will's place but if the group decides to float, we'll decide that with at least a day's warning.",
"Emergency room outreach to chronically addicted individuals. A pilot study.",
"There is a dearth of literature describing the treatment needs of substance-abusing or chronically mentally ill homeless individuals who frequently utilize emergency medical services. This homeless subset represents a discrete population in the larger homeless community. We describe a pilot program, supported by local county public funds, and conducted by a local nonprofit social work agency, which was designed to provide intensive case management services to such a population. Outreach and case management activities resulted in linking clients to a broad range of entitlements and community services. Among those receiving outreach and case management services (n = 10), emergency services decreased by 58% in the year following referral compared to the year before (p <.03). Emergency services for the purpose of this study are defined as ambulance response and transport followed by emergency room admission and treatment. Those in a comparable control group (n = 8) showed no decrease in emergency service use. These results suggest that such community-based outreach programs can significantly improve patient outcome and provide substantial cost savings for local governments and hospitals.",
"In 2011 Robert attempted to drink 365 beers in 365 days, and he nailed it! What will he do next?",
"It would be an understatement to say she wasn't attracting attention. All those invited dressed in gothic gowns or shriveled up attires. This wasn't just a party for the vampire lords, but for all the vampires. It was a mass gathering of each of the gangs, making peace for this one night to celebrate in the death of some old prune who'd turn skeletal before his heart stopped beating. Some danced, some drank, others ate, but there was a common respect amongst each other. A unsaid deal to behave and not act inappropriately. But they all stood in silence upon Cresila making her entrance.",
"It was a bold move to come in unannounced. Bolder still she didn't slip in unnoticed, but begged for everyone to give her attention by the way her outfit glowed light itself. Like she was mocking them in how protected she was from them. They knew who she was, why she was here. As secret as she wanted to be, the memories of vampires are long. Where do you think they came from to begin with?",
"They weren't from Angram. They came from someplace even farther away in the world. But, where her people hid behind trees and rocks, they hid in the shadows of concrete and steel. Embracing the new world for its technological marvels. Her people were snobs and considered themselves better than everyone. So, while there was no intense hatred towards Cresila, there was a lot of judgmental eyes going in her direction. But, one set didn't see her that way.",
"No, one man, high above in the rafters of the ballroom, was looking down upon the party with sudden interest. A queen of such an isolated kingdom wouldn't come without needing something. And sure enough, now that Kade was gone for good, she was looking to make some moves like they were. How fun it will be to play with her in this game of underworld politics. \"Hey, I didn't know strippers were invited!\" A crude comment was jeered to her, with a few voices laughing.",
"Cresila knew the eyes were on her, feeling the perring eyes of the vampires around her eyeball her as if she didn't belong. Cresila didn't belong. She knew that. And yet, here she was. This is why her footsmen and her maidens wanted to come with her but Cresila could handle herself. Besides, she would draw attention anyway. The more people came, her people, she would set them up for not only danger but being vulnerable. And her home would be open to being vulnerable. Which, she would never allow. While the eyes were on her, she stood in the middle of the ballroom, a soft grace of a smile on her face. Though, she couldn't help but twitch an eyeball at the comment that was shot at her, though she arched her back and shoulders, presenting herself in her regal manner. With a swish of her dress, she turned around, cascading a glow of sun rays from her dress that seemed to form a shielded ring around her. The imagery was a sun.",
"\"I find that joke rather crude, but then again, I don't think someone who dwells and lives in the slums of darkness would even understand a proper stripper.\" Cresila reaffirmed, her words intense as if it was the sun's rays. \"However, I have not come here to start a fight or cause discourse. One of my lovely messengers told me that King Kade has fallen, and I figured it would be nice to celebrate as well, along with expressing my condolences.\" Cresila felt eyes on her but didn't know where as she looked around, her eyes soon falling onto the hidden vampire (Erris) in the bleachers. When she locked eyes with him, Cresila felt a burning arrow shot through her, causing her to look away with a soft huff.",
"No matter, if you see me as a vile threat, that's fine, but come here in peace, and my kind of more so our court hasn't made themselves known in a very, very long time. But, if my outfit is so jarring, I can match the event.\" Cresila had a swirl of gold smoke escape her fingers, twirling around her body as if she was Cinderella in her transformation scene, and right before their very eyes, she transformed her dress from a golden sunny day to something more 'demure' and muted, but not taking away her shine. When the gold whisked away, she was standing in a dress that showed off her frame but her hair was in a high ponytail, the band being a purple silk scarf wrapped 3 times, she manifested sleeves onto her bare arms that reached to her wrists, the floral arrangement on the bottom of her dress matched the sleeves she created. Due to this change, her glow did dim to not-as-harsh beams, but her body did resonate with a warmth of fireflies dancing on her skin.",
"\"See? I can play nice and I don't think any strippers can do that.\" Cresila teased softly, purple gems decorated around her neck and down the middle of her chest, bestowing an intricate and delicate necklace. \"Does anyone care for a dance with me? I will say I am very light on my feet.\" Cresila laughed softly, her eyes going back to Erris as if daunting him to come down, a soft and gentle smile on her face. At first she was startled but now, she wasn't as alarmed as before. Then again, she would dwell on that initial reaction on their eyes meeting for the first time . . at a very later time. Right now, it was her time to swoon and entertain the vampires and whoever their leader was. And she had a feeling it was the vampire that was hidden in the rafters.",
"Saturday, 29 August 2015",
"August 22, 2015",
"193/1467) Home: All Natural Blonde by Amsterdam Brewery of Ontario: *; 5%, which goes to show how flexible the definition of light is becoming; grainy nose; bland - just a hint of fruit at finish; I imagine it does pay the rent, though;",
"194/1468) Home: Molotov Lite by Eviltwin Brewing of Connecticut, U.S.A.: **1/2; 8.5% Imperial India Pale Ale; opaque with a fluffy head; off-orange; earthy and resiny with a touch of citrus to the nose; earthy, resiny flavours with a bitter astringent after taste;",
"Such valves are used to adjust and modify the volume flow of a fluid through a fluid channel. It is known in this context that the flow of the fluid through the channel is to be controlled by exerting pressure from the outside on a tube in which the fluid channel is formed, such that the pressure is adjusted as a function of a desired volume flow of the fluid through the channel.",
"In medical technology, dosing of volume flows takes place, for example, through microvalves or directly through a corresponding pump with which the fluid to be dispensed is acted upon with pressure. Valves are used in medicine and in the cosmetic field, for example, in injection of medically and cosmetically active substances. In addition to the injection of substances for fat reduction or for injection beneath wrinkles, dosed dispensing of a substance is also necessary for application of ink for tattooing or permanent makeup in the cosmetic field. In addition to various vaccinations, medical applications also include, for example, mesotherapy. In these applications, in addition to the simple application of the media, simultaneous administration of multiple media is also provided, so that the media react with one another only after being applied.",
"The dosing of the fluid may be performed by means of a contact method or a noncontact method. The fluid-dispensing device thus either does or does not come in contact with the skin. Noncontact devices are also referred to as so-called dispensers. The process of delivering the fluid is itself known as dispensing, jetting or pulsing. This dosing serves to apply substances to the skin or in subsequent substance delivery systems (cf. EP 1 882 491, for example). Contacting may be understood as dosing onto or through a surface.",
"All these applications have in common the need for accurate dosing. Problems are often presented by chemical or fluid properties or particles or variable media.",
"The document DE 103 37 484 B4 describes a noncontact dosing system, in which a tube is squeezed at a high speed, so that a free-flying droplet of liquid is formed. Dosing frequencies of 50 Hz may be achieved in this way. The design here is an open system without a prepressure. The liquid fills the tube because of the capillary forces, but the maximum dosing quantity and dosing frequency are limited by this design. If there is a backpressure, functioning is very limited or impossible.",
"The document DE 693 25 591 T2 describes valve system for switching a flow through flexible tubes. Two positions (bistable open/closed) are selected via a pivotable lever. The liquids should flow through the valve at the coupled flange of this construction, which is manufactured by casting and welding. Possible contamination of the liquid is not prevented, nor can this principle be used as a disposable part or for higher frequencies (>1 Hz).",
"The document EP 1 699 560 B1 describes one possibility for pipetting extremely small quantities, but is based essentially on a combination of traditional pipetting systems and the known PipeJet method, i.e., a tube deformation, embodied in this case as a pipette tip. It is thus possible here to dose only extremely small particles which fly through the air to their destination. This method cannot be used for injections because it is impossible to work at a backpressure.",
"The document DE 197 06 513 C2 describes a micro-dosing method based on a pressure chamber having a reservoir connection and a fluid outlet. The pressure chamber is reduced in size by a displacement mechanism, so that the fluid is forced to the outlet. A device for detecting the position of the displacement mechanism is essential here.",
"The document US 2010/0030152 A1 describes a therapeutic micro-needle system, in which multiple cannulas are used instead of one cannula.",
" move.w #$0100,d0",
" clr.l d1",
" move.w #$0400,d4",
" clr.l d2",
" move.w #$1000,d3",
" addi.b #$10,d2",
" add.w d0,d1",
" cmp.w d1,d4",
" bgt.s NotReached",
" sub.w d2,d1",
" subi.w #$1000,d3",
" bpl.s NotReached",
" move.w d1,d0",
" swap d0",
" move.w d3,d0",
" sep #%00100000 ;8 bit accumulator",
" ldx #4 ;modifying 5 locations",
" ;",
" loop lda $ab1234,x ;load",
" inc a ;increment",
" sta $ab1234,x ;store",
" dex",
" bpl loop ;next",
" phb ;save current data bank",
" sep #%00110000 ;8 bit registers",
" lda #$ab ;target bank",
" pha ;push it to the stack & pull it...",
" plb ;into DB, making it the default bank",
" ldx #4 ;modifying 5 locations",
" ;",
" loop inc $1234,x ;effectively INC $AB1234,X",
" dex",
" bpl loop ;next",
" ;",
" plb ;restore previous bank",
" sei ;IRQs off",
" wai ;wait for interrupt",
" lda via001 ;start of interrupt handler",
" #!/bin/bash",
" TARGET_DIR=(\"$@\")",
" [ \"x$1\" == \"x\" ] && TARGET_DIR=(\".\")",
" function confirmDeletion() {",
" local confirm=\"\"",
" until [ \"x$confirm\" == 'xy' ] || [ \"x$confirm\" == 'xn' ]",
" do",
" read -ep \" Delete [y/n]: \" confirm",
" confirm=$(echo \"$confirm\" | tr [:upper:] [:lower:])",
" done",
" [ \"x$confirm\" == 'xy' ]",
" }",
" function deleteWithConfirmation() {",
" for file in \"${@}\"",
" do",
" if rm \"$file\"; then",
" echo \" OK: $file\"",
" else",
" echo \" FAIL: $file\"",
" fi",
" done",
" }",
" for i in {'*~','a.out','*.o','*.gch','*nppdf32Log*'}",
" do",
" echo \"Files matching: $i\"",
" FILES=()",
" while read -rd '' file",
" do",
" FILES+=(\"$file\")",
" echo \" $file\"",
" done < <(find \"${TARGET_DIR[@]}\" -depth -iname \"$i\" -print0)",
" if [ \"x${FILES[*]}\" != \"x\" ]; then",
" if confirmDeletion; then",
" deleteWithConfirmation \"${FILES[@]}\"",
" else",
" echo \" Skipping\"",
" fi",
" fi",
" done",
"Return the open file descriptor to the calling function via the eight bit accumulator by overwriting the appropriate register stack frame element:",
" sep #%00100000 ;select 8 bit accumulator",
" lda #0 ;clear...",
" xba ;.B",
" lda filedes ;get file descriptor, ...",
" rep #%00100000 ;select 16 bit accumulator &...",
" sta reg_a,s ;overwrite .C's stack copy",
"When the accumulator is pulled it will contain the value that was in filedes.",
"Flag an error by setting the carry bit in SR:",
" sep #%00100000 ;select 8 bit accumulator",
" lda reg_sr,s ;stack copy of SR",
" ora #%00000001 ;set carry bit &...",
" sta reg_sr,s ;rewrite",
"Flag a successful operation by clearing the carry bit in SR:",
" sep #%00100000 ;select 8 bit accumulator",
" lda reg_sr,s ;stack copy of SR",
" and #%11111110 ;clear carry bit &...",
" sta reg_sr,s ;rewrite",
"class PromptFormat:",
" botname = \"Chatbort\"",
" username = \"User\"",
" def __init__(self):",
" pass",
" #",
" def default_system_prompt(self):",
" raise NotImplementedError",
" def first_prompt(self):",
" raise NotImplementedError",
" def subs_prompt(self):",
" raise NotImplementedError",
" def stop_conditions(self, tokenizer):",
" raise NotImplementedError",
" def encoding_options(self): # (add_bos, add_eos, encode_special_tokens)",
" raise NotImplementedError",
" def print_bot_name(self):",
" return False",
" def print_extra_newline(self):",
" return False",
"class PromptFormat_raw(PromptFormat):",
" description = \"Model-agnostic mode simulating a raw chatlog\"",
" def __init__(self):",
" super().__init__()",
" pass",
" def default_system_prompt(self):",
" return \\",
" f\"\"\"This is a conversation between a helpful AI assistant named {self.botname} and a \"\"\" + \\",
" (f\"\"\"user named {self.username}.\"\"\" if self.username != \"User\" else \"\"\"user.\"\"\")",
" def first_prompt(self):",
" return \\",
" f\"\"\"<|system_prompt|>\\n{self.username}: <|user_prompt|>\\n{self.botname}:\"\"\"",
" def subs_prompt(self):",
" return \\",
" f\"\"\"{self.username}: <|user_prompt|>\\n{self.botname}:\"\"\"",
" def stop_conditions(self, tokenizer):",
" return \\",
" [self.username + \":\",",
" self.username[0:1] + \":\",",
" self.username.upper() + \":\",",
" self.username.lower() + \":\",",
" tokenizer.eos_token_id]",
" def encoding_options(self):",
" return False, False, False",
" def print_bot_name(self):",
" return True",
"Science experiment: Try taking a deep breath through an average soda straw. Not too easy is it? This is basically what your SS has to accomplish with it's stock intake system. Now take a deep breath without that straw in your mouth (for those of you that live in a smog-choked area like Los Angeles or New York City, the State of California wants you to know that this action might be harmful to your health). If you live in a clean area of your state or country, you should feel heartily refreshed afterwards. This is how your SS will feel after you chop the stock intake system and add a new system to help it breath easier. There are many alternatives to get more outside air into your motor, as it is optimal to duct in cooler, more oxygen-rich fresh air, rather than drawing hot oxygen-poor air from the engine compartment with an open-element air cleaner. One in particular that will use a minimum of duct work to direct airflow, is to install a cowl induction or ram-air hood so the engine can draw air directly from the outside of the engine compartment. An added benefit of an induction hood (be it \"ram-air\" style, cowl induction style, or via a hood scoop) is that as you drive faster, more air is pressurized in the intake tract, thereby \"force feeding\" your motor an additional charge of air, proportional to the amount of air the engine needs. Plus an induction hood just has that timeless hotrod appeal that oozes with coolness. For this buildup, I chose a cowl induction hood, to give my 454SS a look that dates back to it's muscle car heritage in the SS Camaros, Chevelles, and the like, and to keep it smooth and clean. Some other hotrodders might prefer a later-model Camaro-style ram-air hood. Others might find they need a hood scoop to clear some air cleaner assemblies. It is nothing more than the preference of the buyer. One consideration that is not simply preference is hood material. Realistic, affordable hoods are made out of two materials: steel or fiberglass. Steel hoods are typically more rigid and heavier than glass hoods, and most are a direct bolt-on for the stock hood. Steel hoods also do not require retaining pins on the front of the hood in most instances. There is some variance of quality but most steel hoods are of good to excellent quality, and your body man is probably better suited to work with steel than glass. On the other hand, fiberglass does not rust. Fiberglass does not dent. You can pick up a fiberglass hood (even a superb quality hood). By yourself. A good quality bolt-on glass hood also does not need hood pins to keep it retained. A great quality glass hood costs about the same or less than a steel hood, and due to the lighter weight, costs less to ship. Glass is my choice. Our options- and metal-laden 4800 pound (most of which is in the front) 454SS's need all the weight reduction they can get. Choose your material. Goodmark makes some of the best steel cowl hoods at glass-competitive prices which feature a 2\" rise, cowl screen, and boasts an extremely OEM-like fit. They can be reached at 770-339-8557, website www.goodmarkindustries.com. Harwood is THE name in auto fiberglass and Lexan, and they can be reached at 1-800-882-7223, website http://www.martelbros.com/harwood/harwood. Now with your hood selected and delivered, it is time to fit it on your vehicle. Steel hoods, if you bought a good quality one, should fit right onto the stock hinges, and only require adjustment and possibly some shimming to get the hood in the proper location before you prime and paint. Steel will typically come with a protective black paint coat to prevent rust during shipping. Goodmark notes that their protective coat is meant to be sprayed over, like POR-15 rust preventer is. Fiberglass requires more prep work. Unlike steel, fiberglass hoods are not stamped out, and thus, must be trimmed, sanded and otherwise fit to the specific vehicle it is being installed on. First, you must remove the stock hood and hinge springs. If it is a bolt-on hood, operating like the one you are removing from the truck, you will be using all of the hardware from the stock hood on the new hood (a sidenote: unless you are building an all-out race truck, you will probably want the bolt-on hood rather than the lift-off or pin-on style hood that requires removal of the hood every time you want to access the engine bay). Now, lay on the new hood and check for fit. The edges of the hood will need to be trimmed. This may be done with a block sander and coarse sanding paper (80 to 120 grit). Sand off a little, then check again, sand a little more and check, etc. until you have the proper fit and finish. Our trucks have a cowl vent between the hood and windshield. Harwood recommends trimming the back edge of the hood to fit this cowl vent as the stock hood did. Once the hood fits perfect, you are now ready to bolt it on the hinges. Bolt it to the hinges, and the hinges to the truck, and check again for clearance. Included with earlier style Harwood hoods and some other lesser-known brands of hoods is a prop rod. This is intended to hold the hood up, basically taking the place of the hinge springs, as the springs will not be re-used (for steel hoods and for some glass hoods, like the revised Harwood hoods, they are, but most other glass hoods will not withstand this usage). Install the prop rod on the radiator support rail. Harwood said this prop rod is a universal fit, so it is necessary to trim it to fit. Position it in the middle of the hood so as to prevent the hood from twisting while it is on the prop rod. If you position the prop rod to the side, you run the risk of twisting and cracking the hood or paint job. For the later, revised Harwood hoods the company notes that prop rods are not necessary. I spoke with Ray Martel, president of Martel Brothers Performance who owns Harwood, and he said that the bolt-on hoods for many applications have been redesigned and strengthened, allowing one to use the stock hinge springs. If you do not receive a prop rod with your hood, it does not need one, he says. Now you are ready to install the hood latch and spring on the front of the hood. Position the hood and adjust it in using the bump stops and adjustment screws. Check again for fit and operation. After you drive around for a week (or if you are like me, let it sit in the sun for about a week and a half) with an unfinished hood sitting atop your otherwise pristine SS, to allow the gelcoat to stabilize and the fiberglass agents to bond and cure, your truck is now ready to be shipped off to your body shop for finishing, priming, and painting.",
"SCU Middletown makes it easy for you to get a quote online. Find the quote you're interested in, and click the link to get started. It's that easy!",
"My practice is built on my respect for human resiliency: a belief in our ability to move forward from great difficulty and deep hurts as well as break patterns that are no longer serving us. I approach my clients with warmth and curiosity and seek to nurture a holding space that feels safe to address whatever unique concerns they bring. In sessions, I am engaged and accessible. I start with clients\u2019 present concerns and also facilitate interest in their deeper selves. Having been personally inspired by the positive impact of psychotherapy, I am passionate about walking alongside others navigating this courageous process. I enjoy working with adults dealing with life transitions, grief and loss, family of origin concerns, relationship issues, trauma, sexuality concerns, and anxiety. I also have a special interest in fertility-related struggles, pregnancy and postpartum concerns, difficult or traumatic birth experiences, miscarriage, stillbirth, and infant loss. I practice from a psychodynamic perspective, an approach that is curious about how our past is impacting our present, while also using interventions rooted in cognitive behavioral therapy and mindfulness. I also offer Somatic- and Attachment-Focused EMDR which is an integrative, physiological psychotherapy approach.",
"Russia's biggest operator reckons RCS technology gives it a weapon to use against its web-scale rivals. Digital transformation will be vital to operators' future prosperity. The growing appeal of Internet telephony and messaging applications leaves Africa's telcos in a quandary. Telcos are facing a cataclysmic upheaval that will force them to overhaul their technologies, culture and business practices. Light Reading editors Iain Morris and Ray Le Maistre discuss some of the key issues that are driving telco transformation strategies. Which of the following should a telco transform first?",
"How to check element visibility independent of parent visibility (jQuery or not)",
"my first Question so please be patient. I have a container that holds a varying number of child elements like this:",