acinar cell of salivary gland sperm |
acinar cell of salivary gland stromal cell |
acinar cell of salivary gland t follicular helper cell |
acinar cell of salivary gland tendon cell |
acinar cell of salivary gland tongue muscle cell |
acinar cell of salivary gland tracheal goblet cell |
acinar cell of salivary gland transit amplifying cell of large intestine |
acinar cell of salivary gland transit amplifying cell of small intestine |
acinar cell of salivary gland type i nk t cell |
acinar cell of salivary gland type i pneumocyte |
acinar cell of salivary gland type ii pneumocyte |
acinar cell of salivary gland vascular associated smooth muscle cell |
acinar cell of salivary gland vein endothelial cell |
acinar cell of salivary gland artery endothelial cell |
acinar cell of salivary gland bronchial vessel endothelial cell |
acinar cell of salivary gland capillary endothelial cell |
acinar cell of salivary gland classical monocyte |
acinar cell of salivary gland endothelial cell |
acinar cell of salivary gland endothelial cell of artery |
acinar cell of salivary gland langerhans cell |
acinar cell of salivary gland limbal stem cell |
acinar cell of salivary gland lung microvascular endothelial cell |
acinar cell of salivary gland retinal blood vessel endothelial cell |
acinar cell of salivary gland BTO:0001203 |
sperm adipocyte |
sperm adventitial cell |
sperm alveolar fibroblast |
sperm artery endothelial cell |
sperm b cell |
sperm basal cell |
sperm basal cell of prostate epithelium |
sperm bladder urothelial cell |
sperm bronchial smooth muscle cell |
sperm bronchial vessel endothelial cell |
sperm capillary endothelial cell |
sperm cardiac endothelial cell |
sperm cardiac muscle cell |
sperm cd141-positive myeloid dendritic cell |
sperm cd1c-positive myeloid dendritic cell |
sperm cd24 neutrophil |
sperm cd4-positive helper t cell |
sperm cd4-positive, alpha-beta memory t cell |
sperm cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytokine secreting effector t cell |
sperm cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytotoxic t cell |
sperm cell of skeletal muscle |
sperm ciliary body |
sperm ciliated cell |
sperm ciliated epithelial cell |
sperm classical monocyte |
sperm club cell |
sperm club cell of prostate epithelium |
sperm conjunctival epithelial cell |
sperm connective tissue cell |
sperm corneal epithelial cell |
sperm corneal keratocyte |
sperm dendritic cell |
sperm dn1 thymic pro-t cell |
sperm dn3 thymocyte |
sperm dn4 thymocyte |
sperm duct epithelial cell |
sperm duodenum glandular cell |
sperm endothelial cell |
sperm endothelial cell of artery |
sperm endothelial cell of hepatic sinusoid |
sperm endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel |
sperm endothelial cell of vascular tree |
sperm enterocyte of epithelium of large intestine |
sperm enterocyte of epithelium of small intestine |
sperm epithelial cell of lacrimal sac |
sperm epithelial cell of uterus |
sperm erythroid progenitor |
sperm eye photoreceptor cell |
sperm fibroblast |
sperm fibroblast of breast |
sperm fibroblast of cardiac tissue |
sperm goblet cell |
sperm granulocyte |
sperm gut endothelial cell |
sperm hematopoietic stem cell |
sperm hepatocyte |
sperm hillock cell of prostate epithelium |
sperm hillock-club cell of prostate epithelium |
sperm immature enterocyte |
sperm immature natural killer cell |
sperm immune cell |
sperm intermediate monocyte |
sperm intestinal crypt stem cell |
sperm intestinal crypt stem cell of large intestine |
sperm intestinal crypt stem cell of small intestine |
sperm intestinal enteroendocrine cell |
sperm intestinal tuft cell |
sperm intrahepatic cholangiocyte |
sperm ionocyte |
sperm keratinocyte |
sperm kidney epithelial cell |
sperm lacrimal gland functional unit cell |
sperm langerhans cell |
sperm large intestine goblet cell |
sperm limbal stem cell |
sperm limbal stromal cell |
sperm liver dendritic cell |
sperm luminal cell of prostate epithelium |
sperm luminal epithelial cell of mammary gland |
sperm lung ciliated cell |
sperm lung microvascular endothelial cell |
sperm lymphatic endothelial cell |
sperm macrophage |
sperm mature conventional dendritic cell |
sperm mature enterocyte |
sperm mature nk t cell |
sperm medullary thymic epithelial cell |
sperm melanocyte |
sperm memory b cell |
sperm mesenchymal stem cell |
sperm mesothelial cell |
sperm microglial cell |
sperm monocyte |
sperm mucus secreting cell |
sperm muller cell |
sperm muscle cell |
sperm myeloid cell |
sperm myeloid progenitor |
sperm myoepithelial cell |
sperm myofibroblast cell |
sperm myometrial cell |
sperm naive regulatory t cell |
sperm naive thymus-derived cd4-positive, alpha-beta t cell |
sperm nampt neutrophil |
sperm nk cell |
sperm non-classical monocyte |
sperm ocular surface cell |
sperm pancreatic alpha cell |
sperm pancreatic beta cell |
sperm pancreatic delta cell |
sperm pancreatic ductal cell |
sperm pancreatic pp cell |
sperm pancreatic stellate cell |
sperm paneth cell of epithelium of large intestine |
sperm paneth cell of epithelium of small intestine |
sperm pericyte cell |
sperm plasma cell |
sperm plasmacytoid dendritic cell |
sperm pulmonary ionocyte |
sperm radial glial cell |
sperm regulatory t cell |
sperm respiratory goblet cell |
sperm retina horizontal cell |
sperm retinal bipolar neuron |
sperm retinal blood vessel endothelial cell |
sperm retinal pigment epithelial cell |
sperm salivary gland cell |
sperm secretory cell |
sperm serous cell of epithelium of trachea |
sperm skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
sperm small intestine goblet cell |
sperm smooth muscle cell |
sperm stromal cell |
sperm t follicular helper cell |
sperm tendon cell |
sperm tongue muscle cell |
sperm tracheal goblet cell |
sperm transit amplifying cell of large intestine |
sperm transit amplifying cell of small intestine |
sperm type i nk t cell |
sperm type i pneumocyte |
sperm type ii pneumocyte |
sperm vascular associated smooth muscle cell |
sperm vein endothelial cell |
sperm BTO:0001129 |
stromal cell adipocyte |
stromal cell adventitial cell |
stromal cell alveolar fibroblast |
stromal cell artery endothelial cell |
stromal cell b cell |
stromal cell basal cell |
stromal cell basal cell of prostate epithelium |
stromal cell bladder urothelial cell |
stromal cell bronchial smooth muscle cell |
stromal cell bronchial vessel endothelial cell |
stromal cell capillary endothelial cell |
stromal cell cardiac endothelial cell |
stromal cell cardiac muscle cell |
stromal cell cd141-positive myeloid dendritic cell |
stromal cell cd1c-positive myeloid dendritic cell |
stromal cell cd24 neutrophil |
stromal cell cd4-positive helper t cell |
stromal cell cd4-positive, alpha-beta memory t cell |
stromal cell cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytokine secreting effector t cell |
stromal cell cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytotoxic t cell |
stromal cell cell of skeletal muscle |
stromal cell ciliary body |
stromal cell ciliated cell |
stromal cell ciliated epithelial cell |
stromal cell classical monocyte |
stromal cell club cell |
stromal cell club cell of prostate epithelium |
stromal cell conjunctival epithelial cell |
stromal cell connective tissue cell |
stromal cell corneal epithelial cell |
stromal cell corneal keratocyte |
stromal cell dendritic cell |
stromal cell dn1 thymic pro-t cell |
stromal cell dn3 thymocyte |
stromal cell dn4 thymocyte |
stromal cell duct epithelial cell |
stromal cell duodenum glandular cell |
stromal cell endothelial cell |
stromal cell endothelial cell of artery |
stromal cell endothelial cell of hepatic sinusoid |
stromal cell endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel |
stromal cell endothelial cell of vascular tree |
stromal cell enterocyte of epithelium of large intestine |
stromal cell enterocyte of epithelium of small intestine |
stromal cell epithelial cell of lacrimal sac |
stromal cell epithelial cell of uterus |
stromal cell erythroid progenitor |
stromal cell eye photoreceptor cell |
stromal cell fibroblast |
stromal cell fibroblast of breast |
stromal cell fibroblast of cardiac tissue |
stromal cell goblet cell |
stromal cell granulocyte |
stromal cell gut endothelial cell |
stromal cell hematopoietic stem cell |
stromal cell hepatocyte |
stromal cell hillock cell of prostate epithelium |
stromal cell hillock-club cell of prostate epithelium |
stromal cell immature enterocyte |
stromal cell immature natural killer cell |
stromal cell immune cell |
stromal cell intermediate monocyte |
stromal cell intestinal crypt stem cell |
stromal cell intestinal crypt stem cell of large intestine |
stromal cell intestinal crypt stem cell of small intestine |
stromal cell intestinal enteroendocrine cell |
stromal cell intestinal tuft cell |
stromal cell intrahepatic cholangiocyte |
stromal cell ionocyte |
stromal cell keratinocyte |
stromal cell kidney epithelial cell |
stromal cell lacrimal gland functional unit cell |
stromal cell langerhans cell |
stromal cell large intestine goblet cell |
stromal cell limbal stem cell |
stromal cell limbal stromal cell |
stromal cell liver dendritic cell |
stromal cell luminal cell of prostate epithelium |
stromal cell luminal epithelial cell of mammary gland |
stromal cell lung ciliated cell |
stromal cell lung microvascular endothelial cell |
stromal cell lymphatic endothelial cell |
stromal cell macrophage |
stromal cell mature conventional dendritic cell |
stromal cell mature enterocyte |
stromal cell mature nk t cell |
stromal cell medullary thymic epithelial cell |
stromal cell melanocyte |
stromal cell memory b cell |
stromal cell mesenchymal stem cell |
stromal cell mesothelial cell |
stromal cell microglial cell |
stromal cell monocyte |
stromal cell mucus secreting cell |
stromal cell muller cell |
stromal cell muscle cell |
stromal cell myeloid cell |
stromal cell myeloid progenitor |
stromal cell myoepithelial cell |
stromal cell myofibroblast cell |
stromal cell myometrial cell |
stromal cell naive regulatory t cell |
stromal cell naive thymus-derived cd4-positive, alpha-beta t cell |
stromal cell nampt neutrophil |
stromal cell nk cell |
stromal cell non-classical monocyte |
stromal cell ocular surface cell |
stromal cell pancreatic alpha cell |
stromal cell pancreatic beta cell |
stromal cell pancreatic delta cell |
stromal cell pancreatic ductal cell |
stromal cell pancreatic pp cell |
stromal cell pancreatic stellate cell |
stromal cell paneth cell of epithelium of large intestine |
stromal cell paneth cell of epithelium of small intestine |
stromal cell pericyte cell |
stromal cell plasma cell |
stromal cell plasmacytoid dendritic cell |
stromal cell pulmonary ionocyte |
stromal cell radial glial cell |
stromal cell regulatory t cell |
stromal cell respiratory goblet cell |
stromal cell retina horizontal cell |
stromal cell retinal bipolar neuron |
stromal cell retinal blood vessel endothelial cell |
stromal cell retinal pigment epithelial cell |
stromal cell salivary gland cell |
stromal cell secretory cell |
stromal cell serous cell of epithelium of trachea |
stromal cell skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
stromal cell small intestine goblet cell |
stromal cell smooth muscle cell |
stromal cell stromal cell |
stromal cell t follicular helper cell |
stromal cell tendon cell |
stromal cell tongue muscle cell |
stromal cell tracheal goblet cell |
stromal cell transit amplifying cell of large intestine |
stromal cell transit amplifying cell of small intestine |
stromal cell type i nk t cell |
stromal cell type i pneumocyte |
stromal cell type ii pneumocyte |
stromal cell vascular associated smooth muscle cell |
stromal cell vein endothelial cell |
stromal cell BTO:0000784 |
stromal cell BTO:0001253 |
stromal cell BTO:0001129 |
t follicular helper cell adipocyte |
t follicular helper cell adventitial cell |
t follicular helper cell alveolar fibroblast |
t follicular helper cell artery endothelial cell |
t follicular helper cell b cell |
t follicular helper cell basal cell |
t follicular helper cell basal cell of prostate epithelium |
t follicular helper cell bladder urothelial cell |
t follicular helper cell bronchial smooth muscle cell |
t follicular helper cell bronchial vessel endothelial cell |
t follicular helper cell capillary endothelial cell |
t follicular helper cell cardiac endothelial cell |
t follicular helper cell cardiac muscle cell |
t follicular helper cell cd141-positive myeloid dendritic cell |
t follicular helper cell cd1c-positive myeloid dendritic cell |
t follicular helper cell cd24 neutrophil |
t follicular helper cell cd4-positive helper t cell |
t follicular helper cell cd4-positive, alpha-beta memory t cell |
t follicular helper cell cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytokine secreting effector t cell |
t follicular helper cell cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytotoxic t cell |
t follicular helper cell cell of skeletal muscle |
t follicular helper cell ciliary body |
t follicular helper cell ciliated cell |
t follicular helper cell ciliated epithelial cell |
t follicular helper cell classical monocyte |
t follicular helper cell club cell |
t follicular helper cell club cell of prostate epithelium |
t follicular helper cell conjunctival epithelial cell |
t follicular helper cell connective tissue cell |
t follicular helper cell corneal epithelial cell |
t follicular helper cell corneal keratocyte |
t follicular helper cell dendritic cell |
t follicular helper cell dn1 thymic pro-t cell |
t follicular helper cell dn3 thymocyte |
t follicular helper cell dn4 thymocyte |
t follicular helper cell duct epithelial cell |
t follicular helper cell duodenum glandular cell |
t follicular helper cell endothelial cell |
t follicular helper cell endothelial cell of artery |
t follicular helper cell endothelial cell of hepatic sinusoid |
t follicular helper cell endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel |
t follicular helper cell endothelial cell of vascular tree |
t follicular helper cell enterocyte of epithelium of large intestine |
t follicular helper cell enterocyte of epithelium of small intestine |
t follicular helper cell epithelial cell of lacrimal sac |
t follicular helper cell epithelial cell of uterus |
t follicular helper cell erythroid progenitor |
t follicular helper cell eye photoreceptor cell |
t follicular helper cell fibroblast |
t follicular helper cell fibroblast of breast |
t follicular helper cell fibroblast of cardiac tissue |
t follicular helper cell goblet cell |
t follicular helper cell granulocyte |
t follicular helper cell gut endothelial cell |
t follicular helper cell hematopoietic stem cell |
t follicular helper cell hepatocyte |
t follicular helper cell hillock cell of prostate epithelium |
t follicular helper cell hillock-club cell of prostate epithelium |
t follicular helper cell immature enterocyte |
t follicular helper cell immature natural killer cell |
t follicular helper cell immune cell |
t follicular helper cell intermediate monocyte |
t follicular helper cell intestinal crypt stem cell |
t follicular helper cell intestinal crypt stem cell of large intestine |
t follicular helper cell intestinal crypt stem cell of small intestine |
t follicular helper cell intestinal enteroendocrine cell |
t follicular helper cell intestinal tuft cell |
t follicular helper cell intrahepatic cholangiocyte |
t follicular helper cell ionocyte |
t follicular helper cell keratinocyte |
t follicular helper cell kidney epithelial cell |
t follicular helper cell lacrimal gland functional unit cell |
t follicular helper cell langerhans cell |
t follicular helper cell large intestine goblet cell |
t follicular helper cell limbal stem cell |
t follicular helper cell limbal stromal cell |
t follicular helper cell liver dendritic cell |
t follicular helper cell luminal cell of prostate epithelium |
t follicular helper cell luminal epithelial cell of mammary gland |
t follicular helper cell lung ciliated cell |
t follicular helper cell lung microvascular endothelial cell |
t follicular helper cell lymphatic endothelial cell |
t follicular helper cell macrophage |
t follicular helper cell mature conventional dendritic cell |
t follicular helper cell mature enterocyte |
t follicular helper cell mature nk t cell |
t follicular helper cell medullary thymic epithelial cell |
t follicular helper cell melanocyte |
t follicular helper cell memory b cell |
t follicular helper cell mesenchymal stem cell |
t follicular helper cell mesothelial cell |
t follicular helper cell microglial cell |
t follicular helper cell monocyte |
t follicular helper cell mucus secreting cell |
t follicular helper cell muller cell |
t follicular helper cell muscle cell |
t follicular helper cell myeloid cell |
t follicular helper cell myeloid progenitor |
t follicular helper cell myoepithelial cell |
t follicular helper cell myofibroblast cell |
t follicular helper cell myometrial cell |
t follicular helper cell naive regulatory t cell |
t follicular helper cell naive thymus-derived cd4-positive, alpha-beta t cell |
t follicular helper cell nampt neutrophil |
t follicular helper cell nk cell |
t follicular helper cell non-classical monocyte |
t follicular helper cell ocular surface cell |
t follicular helper cell pancreatic alpha cell |
t follicular helper cell pancreatic beta cell |
t follicular helper cell pancreatic delta cell |
t follicular helper cell pancreatic ductal cell |
t follicular helper cell pancreatic pp cell |
t follicular helper cell pancreatic stellate cell |
t follicular helper cell paneth cell of epithelium of large intestine |
t follicular helper cell paneth cell of epithelium of small intestine |
t follicular helper cell pericyte cell |
t follicular helper cell plasma cell |
t follicular helper cell plasmacytoid dendritic cell |
t follicular helper cell pulmonary ionocyte |
t follicular helper cell radial glial cell |
t follicular helper cell regulatory t cell |
t follicular helper cell respiratory goblet cell |
t follicular helper cell retina horizontal cell |
t follicular helper cell retinal bipolar neuron |
t follicular helper cell retinal blood vessel endothelial cell |
t follicular helper cell retinal pigment epithelial cell |
t follicular helper cell salivary gland cell |
t follicular helper cell secretory cell |
t follicular helper cell serous cell of epithelium of trachea |
t follicular helper cell skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
t follicular helper cell small intestine goblet cell |
t follicular helper cell smooth muscle cell |
t follicular helper cell t follicular helper cell |
t follicular helper cell tendon cell |
t follicular helper cell tongue muscle cell |
t follicular helper cell tracheal goblet cell |
t follicular helper cell transit amplifying cell of large intestine |
t follicular helper cell transit amplifying cell of small intestine |
t follicular helper cell type i nk t cell |
t follicular helper cell type i pneumocyte |
t follicular helper cell type ii pneumocyte |
t follicular helper cell vascular associated smooth muscle cell |
t follicular helper cell vein endothelial cell |
t follicular helper cell BTO:0001374 |
tendon cell adipocyte |
tendon cell adventitial cell |
tendon cell alveolar fibroblast |
tendon cell artery endothelial cell |
tendon cell b cell |
tendon cell basal cell |
tendon cell basal cell of prostate epithelium |
tendon cell bladder urothelial cell |
tendon cell bronchial smooth muscle cell |
tendon cell bronchial vessel endothelial cell |
tendon cell capillary endothelial cell |
tendon cell cardiac endothelial cell |
tendon cell cardiac muscle cell |
tendon cell cd141-positive myeloid dendritic cell |
tendon cell cd1c-positive myeloid dendritic cell |
tendon cell cd24 neutrophil |
tendon cell cd4-positive helper t cell |
tendon cell cd4-positive, alpha-beta memory t cell |
tendon cell cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytokine secreting effector t cell |
tendon cell cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytotoxic t cell |
tendon cell cell of skeletal muscle |
tendon cell ciliary body |
tendon cell ciliated cell |
tendon cell ciliated epithelial cell |
tendon cell classical monocyte |
tendon cell club cell |
tendon cell club cell of prostate epithelium |
tendon cell conjunctival epithelial cell |
tendon cell connective tissue cell |
tendon cell corneal epithelial cell |
tendon cell corneal keratocyte |
tendon cell dendritic cell |
tendon cell dn1 thymic pro-t cell |
tendon cell dn3 thymocyte |
tendon cell dn4 thymocyte |
tendon cell duct epithelial cell |
tendon cell duodenum glandular cell |
tendon cell endothelial cell |
tendon cell endothelial cell of artery |
tendon cell endothelial cell of hepatic sinusoid |
tendon cell endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel |
tendon cell endothelial cell of vascular tree |
tendon cell enterocyte of epithelium of large intestine |
tendon cell enterocyte of epithelium of small intestine |
tendon cell epithelial cell of lacrimal sac |
tendon cell epithelial cell of uterus |
tendon cell erythroid progenitor |
tendon cell eye photoreceptor cell |
tendon cell fibroblast |
tendon cell fibroblast of breast |
tendon cell fibroblast of cardiac tissue |
tendon cell goblet cell |
tendon cell granulocyte |
tendon cell gut endothelial cell |
tendon cell hematopoietic stem cell |
tendon cell hepatocyte |
tendon cell hillock cell of prostate epithelium |
tendon cell hillock-club cell of prostate epithelium |
tendon cell immature enterocyte |
tendon cell immature natural killer cell |
tendon cell immune cell |
tendon cell intermediate monocyte |
tendon cell intestinal crypt stem cell |
tendon cell intestinal crypt stem cell of large intestine |
tendon cell intestinal crypt stem cell of small intestine |
tendon cell intestinal enteroendocrine cell |
tendon cell intestinal tuft cell |
tendon cell intrahepatic cholangiocyte |
tendon cell ionocyte |
tendon cell keratinocyte |
tendon cell kidney epithelial cell |
tendon cell lacrimal gland functional unit cell |
tendon cell langerhans cell |
tendon cell large intestine goblet cell |
tendon cell limbal stem cell |
tendon cell limbal stromal cell |
tendon cell liver dendritic cell |
tendon cell luminal cell of prostate epithelium |
tendon cell luminal epithelial cell of mammary gland |
tendon cell lung ciliated cell |
tendon cell lung microvascular endothelial cell |
tendon cell lymphatic endothelial cell |
tendon cell macrophage |
tendon cell mature conventional dendritic cell |
tendon cell mature enterocyte |
tendon cell mature nk t cell |
tendon cell medullary thymic epithelial cell |
tendon cell melanocyte |
tendon cell memory b cell |
tendon cell mesenchymal stem cell |
tendon cell mesothelial cell |
tendon cell microglial cell |
tendon cell monocyte |
tendon cell mucus secreting cell |
tendon cell muller cell |
tendon cell muscle cell |
tendon cell myeloid cell |
tendon cell myeloid progenitor |
tendon cell myoepithelial cell |
tendon cell myofibroblast cell |
tendon cell myometrial cell |
tendon cell naive regulatory t cell |
tendon cell naive thymus-derived cd4-positive, alpha-beta t cell |
tendon cell nampt neutrophil |
tendon cell nk cell |
tendon cell non-classical monocyte |
tendon cell ocular surface cell |
tendon cell pancreatic alpha cell |
tendon cell pancreatic beta cell |
tendon cell pancreatic delta cell |
tendon cell pancreatic ductal cell |
tendon cell pancreatic pp cell |
tendon cell pancreatic stellate cell |
tendon cell paneth cell of epithelium of large intestine |
tendon cell paneth cell of epithelium of small intestine |
tendon cell pericyte cell |
tendon cell plasma cell |
tendon cell plasmacytoid dendritic cell |
tendon cell pulmonary ionocyte |
tendon cell radial glial cell |
tendon cell regulatory t cell |
tendon cell respiratory goblet cell |
tendon cell retina horizontal cell |
tendon cell retinal bipolar neuron |
tendon cell retinal blood vessel endothelial cell |
tendon cell retinal pigment epithelial cell |
tendon cell salivary gland cell |
tendon cell secretory cell |
tendon cell serous cell of epithelium of trachea |
tendon cell skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
tendon cell small intestine goblet cell |
tendon cell smooth muscle cell |
tendon cell tendon cell |
tendon cell tongue muscle cell |
tendon cell tracheal goblet cell |
tendon cell transit amplifying cell of large intestine |
tendon cell transit amplifying cell of small intestine |
tendon cell type i nk t cell |
tendon cell type i pneumocyte |
tendon cell type ii pneumocyte |
tendon cell vascular associated smooth muscle cell |
tendon cell vein endothelial cell |
tendon cell BTO:0000887 |
tongue muscle cell adipocyte |
tongue muscle cell adventitial cell |
tongue muscle cell alveolar fibroblast |
tongue muscle cell artery endothelial cell |
tongue muscle cell b cell |
tongue muscle cell basal cell |
tongue muscle cell basal cell of prostate epithelium |
tongue muscle cell bladder urothelial cell |
tongue muscle cell bronchial smooth muscle cell |
tongue muscle cell bronchial vessel endothelial cell |
tongue muscle cell capillary endothelial cell |
tongue muscle cell cardiac endothelial cell |
tongue muscle cell cardiac muscle cell |
tongue muscle cell cd141-positive myeloid dendritic cell |
tongue muscle cell cd1c-positive myeloid dendritic cell |
tongue muscle cell cd24 neutrophil |
tongue muscle cell cd4-positive helper t cell |
tongue muscle cell cd4-positive, alpha-beta memory t cell |
tongue muscle cell cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytokine secreting effector t cell |
tongue muscle cell cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytotoxic t cell |
tongue muscle cell cell of skeletal muscle |
tongue muscle cell ciliary body |
tongue muscle cell ciliated cell |
tongue muscle cell ciliated epithelial cell |
tongue muscle cell classical monocyte |
tongue muscle cell club cell |
tongue muscle cell club cell of prostate epithelium |
tongue muscle cell conjunctival epithelial cell |
tongue muscle cell connective tissue cell |
tongue muscle cell corneal epithelial cell |
tongue muscle cell corneal keratocyte |
tongue muscle cell dendritic cell |
tongue muscle cell dn1 thymic pro-t cell |
tongue muscle cell dn3 thymocyte |
tongue muscle cell dn4 thymocyte |
tongue muscle cell duct epithelial cell |
tongue muscle cell duodenum glandular cell |
tongue muscle cell endothelial cell |
tongue muscle cell endothelial cell of artery |
tongue muscle cell endothelial cell of hepatic sinusoid |
tongue muscle cell endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel |
tongue muscle cell endothelial cell of vascular tree |
tongue muscle cell enterocyte of epithelium of large intestine |
tongue muscle cell enterocyte of epithelium of small intestine |
tongue muscle cell epithelial cell |
tongue muscle cell epithelial cell of lacrimal sac |
tongue muscle cell epithelial cell of uterus |
tongue muscle cell erythroid progenitor |
tongue muscle cell eye photoreceptor cell |
tongue muscle cell fibroblast |
tongue muscle cell fibroblast of breast |
tongue muscle cell fibroblast of cardiac tissue |
tongue muscle cell goblet cell |
tongue muscle cell granulocyte |
tongue muscle cell gut endothelial cell |
tongue muscle cell hematopoietic stem cell |
tongue muscle cell hepatocyte |
tongue muscle cell hillock cell of prostate epithelium |
tongue muscle cell hillock-club cell of prostate epithelium |
tongue muscle cell immature enterocyte |
tongue muscle cell immature natural killer cell |
tongue muscle cell immune cell |
tongue muscle cell intermediate monocyte |
tongue muscle cell intestinal crypt stem cell |
tongue muscle cell intestinal crypt stem cell of large intestine |
tongue muscle cell intestinal crypt stem cell of small intestine |
tongue muscle cell intestinal enteroendocrine cell |
tongue muscle cell intestinal tuft cell |
tongue muscle cell intrahepatic cholangiocyte |
tongue muscle cell ionocyte |
tongue muscle cell keratinocyte |
tongue muscle cell kidney epithelial cell |
tongue muscle cell lacrimal gland functional unit cell |
tongue muscle cell langerhans cell |
tongue muscle cell large intestine goblet cell |
tongue muscle cell limbal stem cell |
tongue muscle cell limbal stromal cell |
tongue muscle cell liver dendritic cell |
tongue muscle cell luminal cell of prostate epithelium |
tongue muscle cell luminal epithelial cell of mammary gland |
tongue muscle cell lung ciliated cell |
tongue muscle cell lung microvascular endothelial cell |
tongue muscle cell lymphatic endothelial cell |
tongue muscle cell macrophage |
tongue muscle cell mature conventional dendritic cell |
tongue muscle cell mature enterocyte |
tongue muscle cell mature nk t cell |
tongue muscle cell medullary thymic epithelial cell |
tongue muscle cell melanocyte |
tongue muscle cell memory b cell |
tongue muscle cell mesenchymal stem cell |
tongue muscle cell mesothelial cell |
tongue muscle cell microglial cell |
tongue muscle cell monocyte |
tongue muscle cell mucus secreting cell |
tongue muscle cell muller cell |
tongue muscle cell muscle cell |
tongue muscle cell myeloid cell |
tongue muscle cell myeloid progenitor |
tongue muscle cell myoepithelial cell |
tongue muscle cell myofibroblast cell |
tongue muscle cell myometrial cell |
tongue muscle cell naive regulatory t cell |
tongue muscle cell naive thymus-derived cd4-positive, alpha-beta t cell |
tongue muscle cell nampt neutrophil |
tongue muscle cell nk cell |
tongue muscle cell non-classical monocyte |
tongue muscle cell ocular surface cell |
tongue muscle cell pancreatic acinar cell |
tongue muscle cell pancreatic alpha cell |
tongue muscle cell pancreatic beta cell |
tongue muscle cell pancreatic delta cell |
tongue muscle cell pancreatic ductal cell |
tongue muscle cell pancreatic pp cell |
tongue muscle cell pancreatic stellate cell |
tongue muscle cell paneth cell of epithelium of large intestine |
tongue muscle cell paneth cell of epithelium of small intestine |
tongue muscle cell pericyte cell |
tongue muscle cell plasma cell |
tongue muscle cell plasmacytoid dendritic cell |
tongue muscle cell pulmonary ionocyte |
tongue muscle cell radial glial cell |
tongue muscle cell regulatory t cell |
tongue muscle cell respiratory goblet cell |
tongue muscle cell retina horizontal cell |
tongue muscle cell retinal bipolar neuron |
tongue muscle cell retinal blood vessel endothelial cell |
tongue muscle cell retinal pigment epithelial cell |
tongue muscle cell salivary gland cell |
tongue muscle cell secretory cell |
tongue muscle cell serous cell of epithelium of trachea |
tongue muscle cell skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
tongue muscle cell small intestine goblet cell |
tongue muscle cell smooth muscle cell |
tongue muscle cell tongue muscle cell |
tongue muscle cell tracheal goblet cell |
tongue muscle cell transit amplifying cell of large intestine |
tongue muscle cell transit amplifying cell of small intestine |
tongue muscle cell type i nk t cell |
tongue muscle cell type i pneumocyte |
tongue muscle cell type ii pneumocyte |
tongue muscle cell vascular associated smooth muscle cell |
tongue muscle cell vein endothelial cell |
tongue muscle cell BTO:0001385 |
tracheal goblet cell adipocyte |
tracheal goblet cell adventitial cell |
tracheal goblet cell alveolar fibroblast |
tracheal goblet cell artery endothelial cell |
tracheal goblet cell b cell |
tracheal goblet cell basal cell |
tracheal goblet cell basal cell of prostate epithelium |
tracheal goblet cell bladder urothelial cell |
tracheal goblet cell bronchial smooth muscle cell |
tracheal goblet cell bronchial vessel endothelial cell |
tracheal goblet cell capillary endothelial cell |
tracheal goblet cell cardiac endothelial cell |
tracheal goblet cell cardiac muscle cell |
tracheal goblet cell cd141-positive myeloid dendritic cell |
tracheal goblet cell cd1c-positive myeloid dendritic cell |
tracheal goblet cell cd24 neutrophil |
tracheal goblet cell cd4-positive helper t cell |
tracheal goblet cell cd4-positive, alpha-beta memory t cell |
tracheal goblet cell cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytokine secreting effector t cell |
tracheal goblet cell cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytotoxic t cell |
tracheal goblet cell cell of skeletal muscle |
tracheal goblet cell ciliary body |
tracheal goblet cell ciliated cell |
tracheal goblet cell ciliated epithelial cell |
tracheal goblet cell classical monocyte |
tracheal goblet cell club cell |
tracheal goblet cell club cell of prostate epithelium |
tracheal goblet cell conjunctival epithelial cell |
tracheal goblet cell connective tissue cell |
tracheal goblet cell corneal epithelial cell |
tracheal goblet cell corneal keratocyte |
tracheal goblet cell dendritic cell |
tracheal goblet cell dn1 thymic pro-t cell |
tracheal goblet cell dn3 thymocyte |
tracheal goblet cell dn4 thymocyte |
tracheal goblet cell duct epithelial cell |
tracheal goblet cell duodenum glandular cell |
tracheal goblet cell endothelial cell |
tracheal goblet cell endothelial cell of artery |
tracheal goblet cell endothelial cell of hepatic sinusoid |
tracheal goblet cell endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel |
tracheal goblet cell endothelial cell of vascular tree |
tracheal goblet cell enterocyte of epithelium of large intestine |
tracheal goblet cell enterocyte of epithelium of small intestine |
tracheal goblet cell epithelial cell |
tracheal goblet cell epithelial cell of lacrimal sac |
tracheal goblet cell epithelial cell of uterus |
tracheal goblet cell erythroid progenitor |
tracheal goblet cell eye photoreceptor cell |
tracheal goblet cell fast muscle cell |
tracheal goblet cell fibroblast |
tracheal goblet cell fibroblast of breast |
tracheal goblet cell fibroblast of cardiac tissue |
tracheal goblet cell goblet cell |
tracheal goblet cell granulocyte |
tracheal goblet cell gut endothelial cell |
tracheal goblet cell hematopoietic stem cell |
tracheal goblet cell hepatocyte |
tracheal goblet cell hillock cell of prostate epithelium |
tracheal goblet cell hillock-club cell of prostate epithelium |
tracheal goblet cell immature enterocyte |
tracheal goblet cell immature natural killer cell |
tracheal goblet cell immune cell |
tracheal goblet cell intermediate monocyte |
tracheal goblet cell intestinal crypt stem cell |
tracheal goblet cell intestinal crypt stem cell of large intestine |
tracheal goblet cell intestinal crypt stem cell of small intestine |
tracheal goblet cell intestinal enteroendocrine cell |
tracheal goblet cell intestinal tuft cell |
tracheal goblet cell intrahepatic cholangiocyte |
tracheal goblet cell ionocyte |
tracheal goblet cell keratinocyte |
tracheal goblet cell kidney epithelial cell |
tracheal goblet cell lacrimal gland functional unit cell |
tracheal goblet cell langerhans cell |
tracheal goblet cell large intestine goblet cell |
tracheal goblet cell limbal stem cell |
tracheal goblet cell limbal stromal cell |
tracheal goblet cell liver dendritic cell |
tracheal goblet cell luminal cell of prostate epithelium |
tracheal goblet cell luminal epithelial cell of mammary gland |
tracheal goblet cell lung ciliated cell |
tracheal goblet cell lung microvascular endothelial cell |
tracheal goblet cell lymphatic endothelial cell |
tracheal goblet cell macrophage |
tracheal goblet cell mature conventional dendritic cell |
tracheal goblet cell mature enterocyte |
tracheal goblet cell mature nk t cell |
tracheal goblet cell medullary thymic epithelial cell |
tracheal goblet cell melanocyte |
tracheal goblet cell memory b cell |
tracheal goblet cell mesenchymal stem cell |
tracheal goblet cell mesothelial cell |
tracheal goblet cell microglial cell |
tracheal goblet cell monocyte |
tracheal goblet cell mucus secreting cell |
tracheal goblet cell muller cell |
tracheal goblet cell muscle cell |
tracheal goblet cell myeloid cell |
tracheal goblet cell myeloid progenitor |
tracheal goblet cell myoepithelial cell |
tracheal goblet cell myofibroblast cell |
tracheal goblet cell myometrial cell |
tracheal goblet cell naive regulatory t cell |
tracheal goblet cell naive thymus-derived cd4-positive, alpha-beta t cell |
tracheal goblet cell nampt neutrophil |
tracheal goblet cell nk cell |
tracheal goblet cell non-classical monocyte |
tracheal goblet cell ocular surface cell |
tracheal goblet cell pancreatic acinar cell |
tracheal goblet cell pancreatic alpha cell |
tracheal goblet cell pancreatic beta cell |
tracheal goblet cell pancreatic delta cell |
tracheal goblet cell pancreatic ductal cell |
tracheal goblet cell pancreatic pp cell |
tracheal goblet cell pancreatic stellate cell |
tracheal goblet cell paneth cell of epithelium of large intestine |
tracheal goblet cell paneth cell of epithelium of small intestine |
tracheal goblet cell pericyte cell |
tracheal goblet cell plasma cell |
tracheal goblet cell plasmacytoid dendritic cell |
tracheal goblet cell pulmonary ionocyte |
tracheal goblet cell radial glial cell |
tracheal goblet cell regulatory t cell |
tracheal goblet cell respiratory goblet cell |
tracheal goblet cell retina horizontal cell |
tracheal goblet cell retinal bipolar neuron |
tracheal goblet cell retinal blood vessel endothelial cell |
tracheal goblet cell retinal pigment epithelial cell |
tracheal goblet cell salivary gland cell |
tracheal goblet cell secretory cell |
tracheal goblet cell serous cell of epithelium of trachea |
tracheal goblet cell skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
tracheal goblet cell small intestine goblet cell |
tracheal goblet cell smooth muscle cell |
tracheal goblet cell retinal ganglion cell |
tracheal goblet cell schwann cell |
tracheal goblet cell serous cell of epithelium of bronchus |
tracheal goblet cell tracheal goblet cell |
tracheal goblet cell transit amplifying cell of large intestine |
tracheal goblet cell transit amplifying cell of small intestine |
tracheal goblet cell type i nk t cell |
tracheal goblet cell type i pneumocyte |
tracheal goblet cell type ii pneumocyte |
tracheal goblet cell vascular associated smooth muscle cell |
tracheal goblet cell vein endothelial cell |
tracheal goblet cell BTO:0001388 |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine adipocyte |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine adventitial cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine alveolar fibroblast |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine artery endothelial cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine b cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine basal cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine basal cell of prostate epithelium |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine bladder urothelial cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine bronchial smooth muscle cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine bronchial vessel endothelial cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine capillary endothelial cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine cardiac endothelial cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine cardiac muscle cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine cd141-positive myeloid dendritic cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine cd1c-positive myeloid dendritic cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine cd24 neutrophil |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine cd4-positive helper t cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine cd4-positive, alpha-beta memory t cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytokine secreting effector t cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytotoxic t cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine cell of skeletal muscle |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine ciliary body |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine ciliated cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine ciliated epithelial cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine classical monocyte |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine club cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine club cell of prostate epithelium |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine conjunctival epithelial cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine connective tissue cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine corneal epithelial cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine corneal keratocyte |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine dendritic cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine dn1 thymic pro-t cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine dn3 thymocyte |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine dn4 thymocyte |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine duct epithelial cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine duodenum glandular cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine endothelial cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine endothelial cell of artery |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine endothelial cell of hepatic sinusoid |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine endothelial cell of vascular tree |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine enterocyte of epithelium of large intestine |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine enterocyte of epithelium of small intestine |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine epithelial cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine epithelial cell of lacrimal sac |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine epithelial cell of uterus |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine erythroid progenitor |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine eye photoreceptor cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine fast muscle cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine fibroblast |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine fibroblast of breast |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine fibroblast of cardiac tissue |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine goblet cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine granulocyte |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine gut endothelial cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine hematopoietic stem cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine hepatocyte |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine hillock cell of prostate epithelium |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine hillock-club cell of prostate epithelium |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine immature enterocyte |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine immature natural killer cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine immune cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine intermediate monocyte |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine intestinal crypt stem cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine intestinal crypt stem cell of large intestine |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine intestinal crypt stem cell of small intestine |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine intestinal enteroendocrine cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine intestinal tuft cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine intrahepatic cholangiocyte |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine ionocyte |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine keratinocyte |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine kidney epithelial cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine lacrimal gland functional unit cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine langerhans cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine large intestine goblet cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine limbal stem cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine limbal stromal cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine liver dendritic cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine luminal cell of prostate epithelium |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine luminal epithelial cell of mammary gland |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine lung ciliated cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine lung microvascular endothelial cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine lymphatic endothelial cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine macrophage |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine mature conventional dendritic cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine mature enterocyte |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine mature nk t cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine medullary thymic epithelial cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine melanocyte |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine memory b cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine mesenchymal stem cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine mesothelial cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine microglial cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine monocyte |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine mucus secreting cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine muller cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine muscle cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine myeloid cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine myeloid progenitor |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine myoepithelial cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine myofibroblast cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine myometrial cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine naive regulatory t cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine naive thymus-derived cd4-positive, alpha-beta t cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine nampt neutrophil |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine nk cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine non-classical monocyte |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine ocular surface cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine pancreatic acinar cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine pancreatic alpha cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine pancreatic beta cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine pancreatic delta cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine pancreatic ductal cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine pancreatic pp cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine pancreatic stellate cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine paneth cell of epithelium of large intestine |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine paneth cell of epithelium of small intestine |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine pericyte cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine plasma cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine plasmacytoid dendritic cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine pulmonary ionocyte |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine radial glial cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine regulatory t cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine respiratory goblet cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine retina horizontal cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine retinal bipolar neuron |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine retinal blood vessel endothelial cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine retinal pigment epithelial cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine salivary gland cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine secretory cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine serous cell of epithelium of trachea |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine small intestine goblet cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine smooth muscle cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine transit amplifying cell of large intestine |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine transit amplifying cell of small intestine |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine type i nk t cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine type i pneumocyte |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine type ii pneumocyte |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine vascular associated smooth muscle cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine vein endothelial cell |
transit amplifying cell of large intestine BTO:0000706 |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine adipocyte |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine adventitial cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine alveolar fibroblast |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine artery endothelial cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine b cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine basal cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine basal cell of prostate epithelium |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine bladder urothelial cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine bronchial smooth muscle cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine bronchial vessel endothelial cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine capillary endothelial cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine cardiac endothelial cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine cardiac muscle cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine cd141-positive myeloid dendritic cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine cd1c-positive myeloid dendritic cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine cd24 neutrophil |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine cd4-positive helper t cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine cd4-positive, alpha-beta memory t cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytokine secreting effector t cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytotoxic t cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine cell of skeletal muscle |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine ciliary body |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine ciliated cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine ciliated epithelial cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine classical monocyte |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine club cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine club cell of prostate epithelium |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine conjunctival epithelial cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine connective tissue cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine corneal epithelial cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine corneal keratocyte |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine dendritic cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine dn1 thymic pro-t cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine dn3 thymocyte |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine dn4 thymocyte |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine duct epithelial cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine duodenum glandular cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine endothelial cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine endothelial cell of artery |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine endothelial cell of hepatic sinusoid |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine endothelial cell of vascular tree |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine enterocyte of epithelium of large intestine |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine enterocyte of epithelium of small intestine |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine epithelial cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine epithelial cell of lacrimal sac |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine epithelial cell of uterus |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine erythroid progenitor |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine eye photoreceptor cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine fast muscle cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine fibroblast |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine fibroblast of breast |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine fibroblast of cardiac tissue |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine goblet cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine granulocyte |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine gut endothelial cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine hematopoietic stem cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine hepatocyte |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine hillock cell of prostate epithelium |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine hillock-club cell of prostate epithelium |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine immature enterocyte |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine immature natural killer cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine immune cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine intermediate monocyte |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine intestinal crypt stem cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine intestinal crypt stem cell of large intestine |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine intestinal crypt stem cell of small intestine |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine intestinal enteroendocrine cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine intestinal tuft cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine intrahepatic cholangiocyte |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine ionocyte |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine keratinocyte |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine kidney epithelial cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine lacrimal gland functional unit cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine langerhans cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine large intestine goblet cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine limbal stem cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine limbal stromal cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine liver dendritic cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine luminal cell of prostate epithelium |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine luminal epithelial cell of mammary gland |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine lung ciliated cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine lung microvascular endothelial cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine lymphatic endothelial cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine macrophage |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine mature conventional dendritic cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine mature enterocyte |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine mature nk t cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine medullary thymic epithelial cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine melanocyte |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine memory b cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine mesenchymal stem cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine mesothelial cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine microglial cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine monocyte |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine mucus secreting cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine muller cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine muscle cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine myeloid cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine myeloid progenitor |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine myoepithelial cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine myofibroblast cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine myometrial cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine naive regulatory t cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine naive thymus-derived cd4-positive, alpha-beta t cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine nampt neutrophil |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine nk cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine non-classical monocyte |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine ocular surface cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine pancreatic acinar cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine pancreatic alpha cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine pancreatic beta cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine pancreatic delta cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine pancreatic ductal cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine pancreatic pp cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine pancreatic stellate cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine paneth cell of epithelium of large intestine |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine paneth cell of epithelium of small intestine |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine pericyte cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine plasma cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine plasmacytoid dendritic cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine pulmonary ionocyte |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine radial glial cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine regulatory t cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine respiratory goblet cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine retina horizontal cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine retinal bipolar neuron |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine retinal blood vessel endothelial cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine retinal pigment epithelial cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine salivary gland cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine secretory cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine serous cell of epithelium of trachea |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine small intestine goblet cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine smooth muscle cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine transit amplifying cell of small intestine |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine type i nk t cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine type i pneumocyte |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine type ii pneumocyte |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine vascular associated smooth muscle cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine vein endothelial cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine myeloid dendritic cell |
transit amplifying cell of small intestine BTO:0000651 |
type i nk t cell adipocyte |
type i nk t cell adventitial cell |
type i nk t cell alveolar fibroblast |
type i nk t cell artery endothelial cell |
type i nk t cell b cell |
type i nk t cell basal cell |
type i nk t cell basal cell of prostate epithelium |
type i nk t cell bladder urothelial cell |
type i nk t cell bronchial smooth muscle cell |
type i nk t cell bronchial vessel endothelial cell |
type i nk t cell capillary endothelial cell |
type i nk t cell cardiac endothelial cell |
type i nk t cell cardiac muscle cell |
type i nk t cell cd141-positive myeloid dendritic cell |
type i nk t cell cd1c-positive myeloid dendritic cell |
type i nk t cell cd24 neutrophil |
type i nk t cell cd4-positive helper t cell |
type i nk t cell cd4-positive, alpha-beta memory t cell |
type i nk t cell cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytokine secreting effector t cell |
type i nk t cell cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytotoxic t cell |
type i nk t cell cell of skeletal muscle |
type i nk t cell ciliary body |
type i nk t cell ciliated cell |
type i nk t cell ciliated epithelial cell |
type i nk t cell classical monocyte |
type i nk t cell club cell |
type i nk t cell club cell of prostate epithelium |
type i nk t cell conjunctival epithelial cell |
type i nk t cell connective tissue cell |
type i nk t cell corneal epithelial cell |
type i nk t cell corneal keratocyte |
type i nk t cell dendritic cell |
type i nk t cell dn1 thymic pro-t cell |
type i nk t cell dn3 thymocyte |
type i nk t cell dn4 thymocyte |
type i nk t cell duct epithelial cell |
type i nk t cell duodenum glandular cell |
type i nk t cell endothelial cell |
type i nk t cell endothelial cell of artery |
type i nk t cell endothelial cell of hepatic sinusoid |
type i nk t cell endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel |
type i nk t cell endothelial cell of vascular tree |
type i nk t cell enterocyte of epithelium of large intestine |
type i nk t cell enterocyte of epithelium of small intestine |
type i nk t cell epithelial cell |
type i nk t cell epithelial cell of lacrimal sac |
type i nk t cell epithelial cell of uterus |
type i nk t cell erythroid progenitor |
type i nk t cell eye photoreceptor cell |
type i nk t cell fast muscle cell |
type i nk t cell fibroblast |
type i nk t cell fibroblast of breast |
type i nk t cell fibroblast of cardiac tissue |
type i nk t cell goblet cell |
type i nk t cell granulocyte |
type i nk t cell gut endothelial cell |
type i nk t cell hematopoietic stem cell |
type i nk t cell hepatocyte |
type i nk t cell hillock cell of prostate epithelium |
type i nk t cell hillock-club cell of prostate epithelium |
type i nk t cell immature enterocyte |
type i nk t cell immature natural killer cell |
type i nk t cell immune cell |
type i nk t cell intermediate monocyte |
type i nk t cell intestinal crypt stem cell |
type i nk t cell intestinal crypt stem cell of large intestine |
type i nk t cell intestinal crypt stem cell of small intestine |
type i nk t cell intestinal enteroendocrine cell |
type i nk t cell intestinal tuft cell |
type i nk t cell intrahepatic cholangiocyte |
type i nk t cell ionocyte |
type i nk t cell keratinocyte |
type i nk t cell kidney epithelial cell |
type i nk t cell lacrimal gland functional unit cell |
type i nk t cell langerhans cell |
type i nk t cell large intestine goblet cell |
type i nk t cell limbal stem cell |
type i nk t cell limbal stromal cell |
type i nk t cell liver dendritic cell |
type i nk t cell luminal cell of prostate epithelium |
type i nk t cell luminal epithelial cell of mammary gland |
type i nk t cell lung ciliated cell |
type i nk t cell lung microvascular endothelial cell |
type i nk t cell lymphatic endothelial cell |
type i nk t cell macrophage |
type i nk t cell mature conventional dendritic cell |
type i nk t cell mature enterocyte |
type i nk t cell mature nk t cell |
type i nk t cell medullary thymic epithelial cell |
type i nk t cell melanocyte |
type i nk t cell memory b cell |
type i nk t cell mesenchymal stem cell |
type i nk t cell mesothelial cell |
type i nk t cell microglial cell |
type i nk t cell monocyte |
type i nk t cell mucus secreting cell |
type i nk t cell muller cell |
type i nk t cell muscle cell |
type i nk t cell myeloid cell |
type i nk t cell myeloid progenitor |
type i nk t cell myoepithelial cell |
type i nk t cell myofibroblast cell |
type i nk t cell myometrial cell |
type i nk t cell naive regulatory t cell |
type i nk t cell naive thymus-derived cd4-positive, alpha-beta t cell |
type i nk t cell nampt neutrophil |
type i nk t cell nk cell |
type i nk t cell non-classical monocyte |
type i nk t cell ocular surface cell |
type i nk t cell pancreatic acinar cell |
type i nk t cell pancreatic alpha cell |
type i nk t cell pancreatic beta cell |
type i nk t cell pancreatic delta cell |
type i nk t cell pancreatic ductal cell |
type i nk t cell pancreatic pp cell |
type i nk t cell pancreatic stellate cell |
type i nk t cell paneth cell of epithelium of large intestine |
type i nk t cell paneth cell of epithelium of small intestine |
type i nk t cell pericyte cell |
type i nk t cell plasma cell |
type i nk t cell plasmacytoid dendritic cell |
type i nk t cell pulmonary ionocyte |
type i nk t cell radial glial cell |
type i nk t cell regulatory t cell |
type i nk t cell respiratory goblet cell |
type i nk t cell retina horizontal cell |
type i nk t cell retinal bipolar neuron |
type i nk t cell retinal blood vessel endothelial cell |
type i nk t cell retinal pigment epithelial cell |
type i nk t cell salivary gland cell |
type i nk t cell schwann cell |
type i nk t cell secretory cell |
type i nk t cell serous cell of epithelium of bronchus |
type i nk t cell serous cell of epithelium of trachea |
type i nk t cell skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
type i nk t cell small intestine goblet cell |
type i nk t cell smooth muscle cell |
type i nk t cell type i nk t cell |
type i nk t cell type i pneumocyte |
type i nk t cell type ii pneumocyte |
type i nk t cell vascular associated smooth muscle cell |
type i nk t cell vein endothelial cell |
type i nk t cell myeloid dendritic cell |
type i nk t cell BTO:0000089 |
type i nk t cell BTO:0000784 |
type i nk t cell BTO:0001281 |
type i pneumocyte adipocyte |
type i pneumocyte adventitial cell |
type i pneumocyte alveolar fibroblast |
type i pneumocyte artery endothelial cell |
type i pneumocyte b cell |
type i pneumocyte basal cell |
type i pneumocyte basal cell of prostate epithelium |
type i pneumocyte bladder urothelial cell |
type i pneumocyte bronchial smooth muscle cell |
type i pneumocyte bronchial vessel endothelial cell |
type i pneumocyte capillary endothelial cell |
type i pneumocyte cardiac endothelial cell |
type i pneumocyte cardiac muscle cell |
type i pneumocyte cd141-positive myeloid dendritic cell |
type i pneumocyte cd1c-positive myeloid dendritic cell |
type i pneumocyte cd24 neutrophil |
type i pneumocyte cd4-positive helper t cell |
type i pneumocyte cd4-positive, alpha-beta memory t cell |
type i pneumocyte cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytokine secreting effector t cell |
type i pneumocyte cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytotoxic t cell |
type i pneumocyte cell of skeletal muscle |
type i pneumocyte ciliary body |
type i pneumocyte ciliated cell |
type i pneumocyte ciliated epithelial cell |
type i pneumocyte classical monocyte |
type i pneumocyte club cell |
type i pneumocyte club cell of prostate epithelium |
type i pneumocyte conjunctival epithelial cell |
type i pneumocyte connective tissue cell |
type i pneumocyte corneal epithelial cell |
type i pneumocyte corneal keratocyte |
type i pneumocyte dendritic cell |
type i pneumocyte dn1 thymic pro-t cell |
type i pneumocyte dn3 thymocyte |
type i pneumocyte dn4 thymocyte |
type i pneumocyte duct epithelial cell |
type i pneumocyte duodenum glandular cell |
type i pneumocyte endothelial cell |
type i pneumocyte endothelial cell of artery |
type i pneumocyte endothelial cell of hepatic sinusoid |
type i pneumocyte endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel |
type i pneumocyte endothelial cell of vascular tree |
type i pneumocyte enterocyte of epithelium of large intestine |
type i pneumocyte enterocyte of epithelium of small intestine |
type i pneumocyte epithelial cell |
type i pneumocyte epithelial cell of lacrimal sac |
type i pneumocyte epithelial cell of uterus |
type i pneumocyte erythroid progenitor |
type i pneumocyte eye photoreceptor cell |
type i pneumocyte fast muscle cell |
type i pneumocyte fibroblast |
type i pneumocyte fibroblast of breast |
type i pneumocyte fibroblast of cardiac tissue |
type i pneumocyte goblet cell |
type i pneumocyte granulocyte |
type i pneumocyte gut endothelial cell |
type i pneumocyte hematopoietic stem cell |
type i pneumocyte hepatocyte |
type i pneumocyte hillock cell of prostate epithelium |
type i pneumocyte hillock-club cell of prostate epithelium |
type i pneumocyte immature enterocyte |
type i pneumocyte immature natural killer cell |
type i pneumocyte immune cell |
type i pneumocyte intermediate monocyte |
type i pneumocyte intestinal crypt stem cell |
type i pneumocyte intestinal crypt stem cell of large intestine |
type i pneumocyte intestinal crypt stem cell of small intestine |
type i pneumocyte intestinal enteroendocrine cell |
type i pneumocyte intestinal tuft cell |
type i pneumocyte intrahepatic cholangiocyte |
type i pneumocyte ionocyte |
type i pneumocyte keratinocyte |
type i pneumocyte kidney epithelial cell |
type i pneumocyte lacrimal gland functional unit cell |
type i pneumocyte langerhans cell |
type i pneumocyte large intestine goblet cell |
type i pneumocyte limbal stem cell |
type i pneumocyte limbal stromal cell |
type i pneumocyte liver dendritic cell |
type i pneumocyte luminal cell of prostate epithelium |
type i pneumocyte luminal epithelial cell of mammary gland |
type i pneumocyte lung ciliated cell |
type i pneumocyte lung microvascular endothelial cell |
type i pneumocyte lymphatic endothelial cell |
type i pneumocyte macrophage |
type i pneumocyte mature conventional dendritic cell |
type i pneumocyte mature enterocyte |
type i pneumocyte mature nk t cell |
type i pneumocyte medullary thymic epithelial cell |
type i pneumocyte melanocyte |
type i pneumocyte memory b cell |
type i pneumocyte mesenchymal stem cell |
type i pneumocyte mesothelial cell |
type i pneumocyte microglial cell |
type i pneumocyte monocyte |
type i pneumocyte mucus secreting cell |
type i pneumocyte muller cell |
type i pneumocyte muscle cell |
type i pneumocyte myeloid cell |
type i pneumocyte myeloid progenitor |
type i pneumocyte myoepithelial cell |
type i pneumocyte myofibroblast cell |
type i pneumocyte myometrial cell |
type i pneumocyte naive regulatory t cell |
type i pneumocyte naive thymus-derived cd4-positive, alpha-beta t cell |
type i pneumocyte nampt neutrophil |
type i pneumocyte nk cell |
type i pneumocyte non-classical monocyte |
type i pneumocyte ocular surface cell |
type i pneumocyte pancreatic acinar cell |
type i pneumocyte pancreatic alpha cell |
type i pneumocyte pancreatic beta cell |
type i pneumocyte pancreatic delta cell |
type i pneumocyte pancreatic ductal cell |
type i pneumocyte pancreatic pp cell |
type i pneumocyte pancreatic stellate cell |
type i pneumocyte paneth cell of epithelium of large intestine |
type i pneumocyte paneth cell of epithelium of small intestine |
type i pneumocyte pericyte cell |
type i pneumocyte plasma cell |
type i pneumocyte plasmacytoid dendritic cell |
type i pneumocyte pulmonary ionocyte |
type i pneumocyte radial glial cell |
type i pneumocyte regulatory t cell |
type i pneumocyte respiratory goblet cell |
type i pneumocyte retina horizontal cell |
type i pneumocyte retinal bipolar neuron |
type i pneumocyte retinal blood vessel endothelial cell |
type i pneumocyte retinal pigment epithelial cell |
type i pneumocyte salivary gland cell |
type i pneumocyte schwann cell |
type i pneumocyte secretory cell |
type i pneumocyte serous cell of epithelium of bronchus |
type i pneumocyte serous cell of epithelium of trachea |
type i pneumocyte skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
type i pneumocyte small intestine goblet cell |
type i pneumocyte smooth muscle cell |
type i pneumocyte type i pneumocyte |
type i pneumocyte type ii pneumocyte |
type i pneumocyte vascular associated smooth muscle cell |
type i pneumocyte vein endothelial cell |
type i pneumocyte myeloid dendritic cell |
type i pneumocyte BTO:0000763 |
type ii pneumocyte adipocyte |
type ii pneumocyte adventitial cell |
type ii pneumocyte alveolar fibroblast |
type ii pneumocyte artery endothelial cell |
type ii pneumocyte b cell |
type ii pneumocyte basal cell |
type ii pneumocyte basal cell of prostate epithelium |
type ii pneumocyte bladder urothelial cell |
type ii pneumocyte bronchial smooth muscle cell |
type ii pneumocyte bronchial vessel endothelial cell |
type ii pneumocyte capillary endothelial cell |
type ii pneumocyte cardiac endothelial cell |
type ii pneumocyte cardiac muscle cell |
type ii pneumocyte cd141-positive myeloid dendritic cell |
type ii pneumocyte cd1c-positive myeloid dendritic cell |
type ii pneumocyte cd24 neutrophil |
type ii pneumocyte cd4-positive helper t cell |
type ii pneumocyte cd4-positive, alpha-beta memory t cell |
type ii pneumocyte cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytokine secreting effector t cell |
type ii pneumocyte cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytotoxic t cell |
type ii pneumocyte cell of skeletal muscle |
type ii pneumocyte ciliary body |
type ii pneumocyte ciliated cell |
type ii pneumocyte ciliated epithelial cell |
type ii pneumocyte classical monocyte |
type ii pneumocyte club cell |
type ii pneumocyte club cell of prostate epithelium |
type ii pneumocyte conjunctival epithelial cell |
type ii pneumocyte connective tissue cell |
type ii pneumocyte corneal epithelial cell |
type ii pneumocyte corneal keratocyte |
type ii pneumocyte dendritic cell |
type ii pneumocyte dn1 thymic pro-t cell |
type ii pneumocyte dn3 thymocyte |
type ii pneumocyte dn4 thymocyte |
type ii pneumocyte duct epithelial cell |
type ii pneumocyte duodenum glandular cell |
type ii pneumocyte endothelial cell |
type ii pneumocyte endothelial cell of artery |
type ii pneumocyte endothelial cell of hepatic sinusoid |
type ii pneumocyte endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel |
type ii pneumocyte endothelial cell of vascular tree |
type ii pneumocyte enterocyte of epithelium of large intestine |
type ii pneumocyte enterocyte of epithelium of small intestine |
type ii pneumocyte epithelial cell |
type ii pneumocyte epithelial cell of lacrimal sac |
type ii pneumocyte epithelial cell of uterus |
type ii pneumocyte erythroid progenitor |
type ii pneumocyte eye photoreceptor cell |
type ii pneumocyte fast muscle cell |
type ii pneumocyte fibroblast |
type ii pneumocyte fibroblast of breast |
type ii pneumocyte fibroblast of cardiac tissue |
type ii pneumocyte goblet cell |
type ii pneumocyte granulocyte |
type ii pneumocyte gut endothelial cell |
type ii pneumocyte hematopoietic stem cell |
type ii pneumocyte hepatocyte |
type ii pneumocyte hillock cell of prostate epithelium |
type ii pneumocyte hillock-club cell of prostate epithelium |
type ii pneumocyte immature enterocyte |
type ii pneumocyte immature natural killer cell |
type ii pneumocyte immune cell |
type ii pneumocyte intermediate monocyte |
type ii pneumocyte intestinal crypt stem cell |
type ii pneumocyte intestinal crypt stem cell of large intestine |
type ii pneumocyte intestinal crypt stem cell of small intestine |
type ii pneumocyte intestinal enteroendocrine cell |
type ii pneumocyte intestinal tuft cell |
type ii pneumocyte intrahepatic cholangiocyte |
type ii pneumocyte ionocyte |
type ii pneumocyte keratinocyte |
type ii pneumocyte kidney epithelial cell |
type ii pneumocyte lacrimal gland functional unit cell |
type ii pneumocyte langerhans cell |
type ii pneumocyte large intestine goblet cell |
type ii pneumocyte limbal stem cell |
type ii pneumocyte limbal stromal cell |
type ii pneumocyte liver dendritic cell |
type ii pneumocyte luminal cell of prostate epithelium |
type ii pneumocyte luminal epithelial cell of mammary gland |
type ii pneumocyte lung ciliated cell |
type ii pneumocyte lung microvascular endothelial cell |
type ii pneumocyte lymphatic endothelial cell |
type ii pneumocyte macrophage |
type ii pneumocyte mature conventional dendritic cell |
type ii pneumocyte mature enterocyte |
type ii pneumocyte mature nk t cell |
type ii pneumocyte medullary thymic epithelial cell |
type ii pneumocyte melanocyte |
type ii pneumocyte memory b cell |
type ii pneumocyte mesenchymal stem cell |
type ii pneumocyte mesothelial cell |
type ii pneumocyte microglial cell |
type ii pneumocyte monocyte |
type ii pneumocyte mucus secreting cell |
type ii pneumocyte muller cell |
type ii pneumocyte muscle cell |
type ii pneumocyte myeloid cell |
type ii pneumocyte myeloid progenitor |
type ii pneumocyte myoepithelial cell |
type ii pneumocyte myofibroblast cell |
type ii pneumocyte myometrial cell |
type ii pneumocyte naive regulatory t cell |
type ii pneumocyte naive thymus-derived cd4-positive, alpha-beta t cell |
type ii pneumocyte nampt neutrophil |
type ii pneumocyte nk cell |
type ii pneumocyte non-classical monocyte |
type ii pneumocyte ocular surface cell |
type ii pneumocyte pancreatic acinar cell |
type ii pneumocyte pancreatic alpha cell |
type ii pneumocyte pancreatic beta cell |
type ii pneumocyte pancreatic delta cell |
type ii pneumocyte pancreatic ductal cell |
type ii pneumocyte pancreatic pp cell |
type ii pneumocyte pancreatic stellate cell |
type ii pneumocyte paneth cell of epithelium of large intestine |
type ii pneumocyte paneth cell of epithelium of small intestine |
type ii pneumocyte pericyte cell |
type ii pneumocyte plasma cell |
type ii pneumocyte plasmacytoid dendritic cell |
type ii pneumocyte pulmonary ionocyte |
type ii pneumocyte radial glial cell |
type ii pneumocyte regulatory t cell |
type ii pneumocyte respiratory goblet cell |
type ii pneumocyte retina horizontal cell |
type ii pneumocyte retinal bipolar neuron |
type ii pneumocyte retinal blood vessel endothelial cell |
type ii pneumocyte retinal pigment epithelial cell |
type ii pneumocyte salivary gland cell |
type ii pneumocyte schwann cell |
type ii pneumocyte secretory cell |
type ii pneumocyte serous cell of epithelium of bronchus |
type ii pneumocyte serous cell of epithelium of trachea |
type ii pneumocyte skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
type ii pneumocyte small intestine goblet cell |
type ii pneumocyte smooth muscle cell |
type ii pneumocyte type ii pneumocyte |
type ii pneumocyte vascular associated smooth muscle cell |
type ii pneumocyte vein endothelial cell |
type ii pneumocyte myeloid dendritic cell |
type ii pneumocyte BTO:0000763 |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell adipocyte |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell adventitial cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell alveolar fibroblast |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell artery endothelial cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell b cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell basal cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell basal cell of prostate epithelium |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell bladder urothelial cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell bronchial smooth muscle cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell bronchial vessel endothelial cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell capillary endothelial cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell cardiac endothelial cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell cardiac muscle cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell cd141-positive myeloid dendritic cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell cd1c-positive myeloid dendritic cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell cd24 neutrophil |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell cd4-positive helper t cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell cd4-positive, alpha-beta memory t cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytokine secreting effector t cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytotoxic t cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell cell of skeletal muscle |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell ciliary body |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell ciliated cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell ciliated epithelial cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell classical monocyte |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell club cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell club cell of prostate epithelium |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell conjunctival epithelial cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell connective tissue cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell corneal epithelial cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell corneal keratocyte |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell dendritic cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell dn1 thymic pro-t cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell dn3 thymocyte |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell dn4 thymocyte |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell duct epithelial cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell duodenum glandular cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell endothelial cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell endothelial cell of artery |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell endothelial cell of hepatic sinusoid |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell endothelial cell of vascular tree |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell enterocyte of epithelium of large intestine |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell enterocyte of epithelium of small intestine |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell epithelial cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell epithelial cell of lacrimal sac |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell epithelial cell of uterus |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell erythroid progenitor |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell eye photoreceptor cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell fast muscle cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell fibroblast |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell fibroblast of breast |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell fibroblast of cardiac tissue |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell goblet cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell granulocyte |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell gut endothelial cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell hematopoietic stem cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell hepatocyte |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell hillock cell of prostate epithelium |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell hillock-club cell of prostate epithelium |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell immature enterocyte |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell immature natural killer cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell immune cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell intermediate monocyte |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell intestinal crypt stem cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell intestinal crypt stem cell of large intestine |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell intestinal crypt stem cell of small intestine |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell intestinal enteroendocrine cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell intestinal tuft cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell intrahepatic cholangiocyte |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell ionocyte |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell keratinocyte |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell kidney epithelial cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell lacrimal gland functional unit cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell langerhans cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell large intestine goblet cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell limbal stem cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell limbal stromal cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell liver dendritic cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell luminal cell of prostate epithelium |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell luminal epithelial cell of mammary gland |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell lung ciliated cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell lung microvascular endothelial cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell lymphatic endothelial cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell macrophage |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell mature conventional dendritic cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell mature enterocyte |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell mature nk t cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell medullary thymic epithelial cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell melanocyte |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell memory b cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell mesenchymal stem cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell mesothelial cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell microglial cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell monocyte |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell mucus secreting cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell muller cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell muscle cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell myeloid cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell myeloid progenitor |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell myoepithelial cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell myofibroblast cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell myometrial cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell naive regulatory t cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell naive thymus-derived cd4-positive, alpha-beta t cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell nampt neutrophil |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell nk cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell non-classical monocyte |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell ocular surface cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell pancreatic acinar cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell pancreatic alpha cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell pancreatic beta cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell pancreatic delta cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell pancreatic ductal cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell pancreatic pp cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell pancreatic stellate cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell paneth cell of epithelium of large intestine |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell paneth cell of epithelium of small intestine |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell pericyte cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell plasma cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell plasmablast |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell plasmacytoid dendritic cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell pulmonary ionocyte |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell radial glial cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell regulatory t cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell respiratory goblet cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell retina horizontal cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell retinal bipolar neuron |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell retinal blood vessel endothelial cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell retinal pigment epithelial cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell salivary gland cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell schwann cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell secretory cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell serous cell of epithelium of bronchus |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell serous cell of epithelium of trachea |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell small intestine goblet cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell smooth muscle cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell vascular associated smooth muscle cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell vein endothelial cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell double-positive, alpha-beta thymocyte |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell myeloid dendritic cell |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell BTO:0000817 |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell BTO:0001424 |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell BTO:0001374 |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell BTO:0000763 |
vein endothelial cell adipocyte |
vein endothelial cell adventitial cell |
vein endothelial cell alveolar fibroblast |
vein endothelial cell artery endothelial cell |
vein endothelial cell b cell |
vein endothelial cell basal cell |
vein endothelial cell basal cell of prostate epithelium |
vein endothelial cell bladder urothelial cell |
vein endothelial cell bronchial smooth muscle cell |
vein endothelial cell bronchial vessel endothelial cell |
vein endothelial cell capillary endothelial cell |
vein endothelial cell cardiac endothelial cell |
vein endothelial cell cardiac muscle cell |
vein endothelial cell cd141-positive myeloid dendritic cell |
vein endothelial cell cd1c-positive myeloid dendritic cell |
vein endothelial cell cd24 neutrophil |
vein endothelial cell cd4-positive helper t cell |
vein endothelial cell cd4-positive, alpha-beta memory t cell |
vein endothelial cell cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytokine secreting effector t cell |
vein endothelial cell cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytotoxic t cell |
vein endothelial cell cell of skeletal muscle |
vein endothelial cell ciliary body |
vein endothelial cell ciliated cell |
vein endothelial cell ciliated epithelial cell |
vein endothelial cell classical monocyte |
vein endothelial cell club cell |
vein endothelial cell club cell of prostate epithelium |
vein endothelial cell conjunctival epithelial cell |
vein endothelial cell connective tissue cell |
vein endothelial cell corneal epithelial cell |
vein endothelial cell corneal keratocyte |
vein endothelial cell dendritic cell |
vein endothelial cell dn1 thymic pro-t cell |
vein endothelial cell dn3 thymocyte |
vein endothelial cell dn4 thymocyte |
vein endothelial cell duct epithelial cell |
vein endothelial cell duodenum glandular cell |
vein endothelial cell endothelial cell |
vein endothelial cell endothelial cell of artery |
vein endothelial cell endothelial cell of hepatic sinusoid |
vein endothelial cell endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel |
vein endothelial cell endothelial cell of vascular tree |
vein endothelial cell enterocyte of epithelium of large intestine |
vein endothelial cell enterocyte of epithelium of small intestine |
vein endothelial cell epithelial cell |
vein endothelial cell epithelial cell of lacrimal sac |
vein endothelial cell epithelial cell of uterus |
vein endothelial cell erythroid progenitor |
vein endothelial cell eye photoreceptor cell |
vein endothelial cell fast muscle cell |
vein endothelial cell fibroblast |
vein endothelial cell fibroblast of breast |
vein endothelial cell fibroblast of cardiac tissue |
vein endothelial cell goblet cell |
vein endothelial cell granulocyte |
vein endothelial cell gut endothelial cell |
vein endothelial cell hematopoietic stem cell |
vein endothelial cell hepatocyte |
vein endothelial cell hillock cell of prostate epithelium |
vein endothelial cell hillock-club cell of prostate epithelium |
vein endothelial cell immature enterocyte |
vein endothelial cell immature natural killer cell |
vein endothelial cell immune cell |
vein endothelial cell intermediate monocyte |
vein endothelial cell intestinal crypt stem cell |
vein endothelial cell intestinal crypt stem cell of large intestine |
vein endothelial cell intestinal crypt stem cell of small intestine |
vein endothelial cell intestinal enteroendocrine cell |
vein endothelial cell intestinal tuft cell |
vein endothelial cell intrahepatic cholangiocyte |
vein endothelial cell ionocyte |
vein endothelial cell keratinocyte |
vein endothelial cell kidney epithelial cell |
vein endothelial cell lacrimal gland functional unit cell |
vein endothelial cell langerhans cell |
vein endothelial cell large intestine goblet cell |
vein endothelial cell limbal stem cell |
vein endothelial cell limbal stromal cell |
vein endothelial cell liver dendritic cell |
vein endothelial cell luminal cell of prostate epithelium |
vein endothelial cell luminal epithelial cell of mammary gland |
vein endothelial cell lung ciliated cell |
vein endothelial cell lung microvascular endothelial cell |
vein endothelial cell lymphatic endothelial cell |
vein endothelial cell macrophage |
vein endothelial cell mature conventional dendritic cell |
vein endothelial cell mature enterocyte |
vein endothelial cell mature nk t cell |
vein endothelial cell medullary thymic epithelial cell |
vein endothelial cell melanocyte |
vein endothelial cell memory b cell |
vein endothelial cell mesenchymal stem cell |
vein endothelial cell mesothelial cell |
vein endothelial cell microglial cell |
vein endothelial cell monocyte |
vein endothelial cell mucus secreting cell |
vein endothelial cell muller cell |
vein endothelial cell muscle cell |
vein endothelial cell myeloid cell |
vein endothelial cell myeloid progenitor |
vein endothelial cell myoepithelial cell |
vein endothelial cell myofibroblast cell |
vein endothelial cell myometrial cell |
vein endothelial cell naive regulatory t cell |
vein endothelial cell naive thymus-derived cd4-positive, alpha-beta t cell |
vein endothelial cell nampt neutrophil |
vein endothelial cell nk cell |
vein endothelial cell non-classical monocyte |
vein endothelial cell ocular surface cell |
vein endothelial cell pancreatic acinar cell |
vein endothelial cell pancreatic alpha cell |
vein endothelial cell pancreatic beta cell |
vein endothelial cell pancreatic delta cell |
vein endothelial cell pancreatic ductal cell |
vein endothelial cell pancreatic pp cell |
vein endothelial cell pancreatic stellate cell |
vein endothelial cell paneth cell of epithelium of large intestine |
vein endothelial cell paneth cell of epithelium of small intestine |
vein endothelial cell pericyte cell |
vein endothelial cell plasma cell |
vein endothelial cell plasmablast |
vein endothelial cell plasmacytoid dendritic cell |
vein endothelial cell pulmonary ionocyte |
vein endothelial cell radial glial cell |
vein endothelial cell regulatory t cell |
vein endothelial cell respiratory goblet cell |
vein endothelial cell respiratory mucous cell |
vein endothelial cell retina horizontal cell |
vein endothelial cell retinal bipolar neuron |
vein endothelial cell retinal blood vessel endothelial cell |
vein endothelial cell retinal ganglion cell |
vein endothelial cell retinal pigment epithelial cell |
vein endothelial cell salivary gland cell |
vein endothelial cell schwann cell |
vein endothelial cell secretory cell |
vein endothelial cell serous cell of epithelium of bronchus |
vein endothelial cell serous cell of epithelium of trachea |
vein endothelial cell skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
vein endothelial cell small intestine goblet cell |
vein endothelial cell smooth muscle cell |
vein endothelial cell double-positive, alpha-beta thymocyte |
vein endothelial cell vein endothelial cell |
vein endothelial cell myeloid dendritic cell |
vein endothelial cell BTO:0001385 |
vein endothelial cell BTO:0000817 |
vein endothelial cell BTO:0001374 |
vein endothelial cell BTO:0000123 |
vein endothelial cell BTO:0000763 |
artery endothelial cell adipocyte |
artery endothelial cell adventitial cell |
artery endothelial cell alveolar fibroblast |
artery endothelial cell retina horizontal cell |
artery endothelial cell retinal bipolar neuron |
artery endothelial cell retinal blood vessel endothelial cell |
artery endothelial cell retinal ganglion cell |
artery endothelial cell retinal pigment epithelial cell |
artery endothelial cell salivary gland cell |
artery endothelial cell schwann cell |
artery endothelial cell secretory cell |
artery endothelial cell serous cell of epithelium of bronchus |
artery endothelial cell serous cell of epithelium of trachea |
artery endothelial cell skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
artery endothelial cell small intestine goblet cell |
artery endothelial cell smooth muscle cell |
artery endothelial cell artery endothelial cell |
artery endothelial cell b cell |
artery endothelial cell basal cell |
artery endothelial cell basal cell of prostate epithelium |
artery endothelial cell bladder urothelial cell |
artery endothelial cell bronchial smooth muscle cell |
artery endothelial cell bronchial vessel endothelial cell |
artery endothelial cell capillary endothelial cell |
artery endothelial cell cardiac endothelial cell |
artery endothelial cell cardiac muscle cell |
artery endothelial cell cd141-positive myeloid dendritic cell |
artery endothelial cell cd1c-positive myeloid dendritic cell |
artery endothelial cell cd24 neutrophil |
artery endothelial cell cd4-positive helper t cell |
artery endothelial cell cd4-positive, alpha-beta memory t cell |
artery endothelial cell cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytokine secreting effector t cell |
artery endothelial cell cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytotoxic t cell |
artery endothelial cell cell of skeletal muscle |
artery endothelial cell ciliated cell |
artery endothelial cell ciliated epithelial cell |
artery endothelial cell classical monocyte |
artery endothelial cell club cell |
artery endothelial cell club cell of prostate epithelium |
artery endothelial cell conjunctival epithelial cell |
artery endothelial cell connective tissue cell |
artery endothelial cell corneal epithelial cell |
artery endothelial cell corneal keratocyte |
artery endothelial cell dendritic cell |
artery endothelial cell dn1 thymic pro-t cell |
artery endothelial cell dn3 thymocyte |
artery endothelial cell dn4 thymocyte |
artery endothelial cell duct epithelial cell |
artery endothelial cell duodenum glandular cell |
artery endothelial cell endothelial cell |
artery endothelial cell endothelial cell of artery |
artery endothelial cell endothelial cell of hepatic sinusoid |
artery endothelial cell endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel |
artery endothelial cell endothelial cell of vascular tree |
artery endothelial cell enterocyte of epithelium of large intestine |
artery endothelial cell enterocyte of epithelium of small intestine |
artery endothelial cell epithelial cell |
artery endothelial cell epithelial cell of lacrimal sac |
artery endothelial cell epithelial cell of uterus |
artery endothelial cell erythroid progenitor |
artery endothelial cell eye photoreceptor cell |
artery endothelial cell fast muscle cell |
artery endothelial cell fibroblast |
artery endothelial cell fibroblast of breast |
artery endothelial cell fibroblast of cardiac tissue |
artery endothelial cell goblet cell |
artery endothelial cell granulocyte |
artery endothelial cell gut endothelial cell |
artery endothelial cell hematopoietic stem cell |
artery endothelial cell hepatocyte |
artery endothelial cell hillock cell of prostate epithelium |
artery endothelial cell hillock-club cell of prostate epithelium |
artery endothelial cell immature enterocyte |
artery endothelial cell immature natural killer cell |
artery endothelial cell immune cell |
artery endothelial cell intermediate monocyte |
artery endothelial cell intestinal crypt stem cell |
artery endothelial cell intestinal crypt stem cell of large intestine |
artery endothelial cell intestinal crypt stem cell of small intestine |
artery endothelial cell intestinal enteroendocrine cell |
artery endothelial cell intestinal tuft cell |
artery endothelial cell intrahepatic cholangiocyte |
artery endothelial cell ionocyte |
artery endothelial cell keratinocyte |
artery endothelial cell kidney epithelial cell |
artery endothelial cell lacrimal gland functional unit cell |
artery endothelial cell langerhans cell |
artery endothelial cell large intestine goblet cell |
artery endothelial cell limbal stem cell |
artery endothelial cell limbal stromal cell |
artery endothelial cell liver dendritic cell |
artery endothelial cell luminal cell of prostate epithelium |
artery endothelial cell luminal epithelial cell of mammary gland |
artery endothelial cell lung ciliated cell |
artery endothelial cell lung microvascular endothelial cell |
artery endothelial cell lymphatic endothelial cell |
artery endothelial cell macrophage |
artery endothelial cell mature conventional dendritic cell |
artery endothelial cell mature enterocyte |
artery endothelial cell mature nk t cell |
artery endothelial cell medullary thymic epithelial cell |
artery endothelial cell melanocyte |
artery endothelial cell memory b cell |
artery endothelial cell mesenchymal stem cell |
artery endothelial cell mesothelial cell |
artery endothelial cell microglial cell |
artery endothelial cell monocyte |
artery endothelial cell mucus secreting cell |
artery endothelial cell muller cell |
artery endothelial cell muscle cell |
artery endothelial cell myeloid cell |
artery endothelial cell myeloid progenitor |
artery endothelial cell myoepithelial cell |
artery endothelial cell myofibroblast cell |
artery endothelial cell myometrial cell |
artery endothelial cell naive regulatory t cell |
artery endothelial cell naive thymus-derived cd4-positive, alpha-beta t cell |
artery endothelial cell nampt neutrophil |
artery endothelial cell nk cell |
artery endothelial cell non-classical monocyte |
artery endothelial cell ocular surface cell |
artery endothelial cell pancreatic acinar cell |
artery endothelial cell pancreatic alpha cell |
artery endothelial cell pancreatic beta cell |
artery endothelial cell pancreatic delta cell |
artery endothelial cell pancreatic ductal cell |
artery endothelial cell pancreatic pp cell |
artery endothelial cell pancreatic stellate cell |
artery endothelial cell paneth cell of epithelium of large intestine |
artery endothelial cell paneth cell of epithelium of small intestine |
artery endothelial cell pericyte cell |
artery endothelial cell plasma cell |
artery endothelial cell plasmablast |
artery endothelial cell plasmacytoid dendritic cell |
artery endothelial cell pulmonary ionocyte |
artery endothelial cell radial glial cell |
artery endothelial cell regulatory t cell |
artery endothelial cell respiratory goblet cell |
artery endothelial cell respiratory mucous cell |
artery endothelial cell ciliary body |
artery endothelial cell double-positive, alpha-beta thymocyte |
artery endothelial cell myeloid dendritic cell |
artery endothelial cell BTO:0003718 |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell adipocyte |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell adventitial cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell alveolar fibroblast |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell retina horizontal cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell retinal bipolar neuron |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell retinal blood vessel endothelial cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell retinal ganglion cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell retinal pigment epithelial cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell salivary gland cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell schwann cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell secretory cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell serous cell of epithelium of bronchus |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell serous cell of epithelium of trachea |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell small intestine goblet cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell smooth muscle cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell b cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell basal cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell basal cell of prostate epithelium |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell bladder urothelial cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell bronchial smooth muscle cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell bronchial vessel endothelial cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell capillary endothelial cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell cardiac endothelial cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell cardiac muscle cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell cd141-positive myeloid dendritic cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell cd1c-positive myeloid dendritic cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell cd24 neutrophil |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell cd4-positive helper t cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell cd4-positive, alpha-beta memory t cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytokine secreting effector t cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytotoxic t cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell cell of skeletal muscle |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell ciliary body |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell ciliated cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell ciliated epithelial cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell classical monocyte |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell club cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell club cell of prostate epithelium |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell conjunctival epithelial cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell connective tissue cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell corneal epithelial cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell corneal keratocyte |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell dendritic cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell dn1 thymic pro-t cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell dn3 thymocyte |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell dn4 thymocyte |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell double-positive, alpha-beta thymocyte |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell duct epithelial cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell duodenum glandular cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell endothelial cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell endothelial cell of artery |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell endothelial cell of hepatic sinusoid |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell endothelial cell of vascular tree |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell enterocyte of epithelium of large intestine |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell enterocyte of epithelium of small intestine |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell epithelial cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell epithelial cell of lacrimal sac |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell epithelial cell of uterus |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell erythroid progenitor |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell eye photoreceptor cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell fast muscle cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell fibroblast |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell fibroblast of breast |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell fibroblast of cardiac tissue |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell goblet cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell granulocyte |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell gut endothelial cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell hematopoietic stem cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell hepatocyte |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell hillock cell of prostate epithelium |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell hillock-club cell of prostate epithelium |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell immature enterocyte |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell immature natural killer cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell immune cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell intermediate monocyte |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell intestinal crypt stem cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell intestinal crypt stem cell of large intestine |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell intestinal crypt stem cell of small intestine |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell intestinal enteroendocrine cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell intestinal tuft cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell intrahepatic cholangiocyte |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell ionocyte |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell keratinocyte |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell kidney epithelial cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell lacrimal gland functional unit cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell langerhans cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell large intestine goblet cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell limbal stem cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell limbal stromal cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell liver dendritic cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell luminal cell of prostate epithelium |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell luminal epithelial cell of mammary gland |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell lung ciliated cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell lung microvascular endothelial cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell lymphatic endothelial cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell macrophage |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell mature conventional dendritic cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell mature enterocyte |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell mature nk t cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell medullary thymic epithelial cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell melanocyte |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell memory b cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell mesenchymal stem cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell mesothelial cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell microglial cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell monocyte |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell mucus secreting cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell muller cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell muscle cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell myeloid cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell myeloid dendritic cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell myeloid progenitor |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell myoepithelial cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell myofibroblast cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell myometrial cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell naive regulatory t cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell naive thymus-derived cd4-positive, alpha-beta t cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell nampt neutrophil |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell nk cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell non-classical monocyte |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell ocular surface cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell pancreatic acinar cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell pancreatic alpha cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell pancreatic beta cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell pancreatic delta cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell pancreatic ductal cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell pancreatic pp cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell pancreatic stellate cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell paneth cell of epithelium of large intestine |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell paneth cell of epithelium of small intestine |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell pericyte cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell plasma cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell plasmablast |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell plasmacytoid dendritic cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell pulmonary ionocyte |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell radial glial cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell regulatory t cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell respiratory goblet cell |
bronchial vessel endothelial cell BTO:0000763 |
capillary endothelial cell adipocyte |
capillary endothelial cell adventitial cell |
capillary endothelial cell alveolar fibroblast |
capillary endothelial cell retina horizontal cell |
capillary endothelial cell retinal bipolar neuron |
capillary endothelial cell retinal blood vessel endothelial cell |
capillary endothelial cell retinal ganglion cell |
capillary endothelial cell retinal pigment epithelial cell |
capillary endothelial cell salivary gland cell |
capillary endothelial cell schwann cell |
capillary endothelial cell secretory cell |
capillary endothelial cell serous cell of epithelium of bronchus |
capillary endothelial cell serous cell of epithelium of trachea |
capillary endothelial cell skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
capillary endothelial cell small intestine goblet cell |
capillary endothelial cell smooth muscle cell |
capillary endothelial cell b cell |
capillary endothelial cell basal cell |
capillary endothelial cell basal cell of prostate epithelium |
capillary endothelial cell bladder urothelial cell |
capillary endothelial cell bronchial smooth muscle cell |
capillary endothelial cell capillary endothelial cell |
capillary endothelial cell cardiac endothelial cell |
capillary endothelial cell cardiac muscle cell |
capillary endothelial cell cd141-positive myeloid dendritic cell |
capillary endothelial cell cd1c-positive myeloid dendritic cell |
capillary endothelial cell cd24 neutrophil |
capillary endothelial cell cd4-positive helper t cell |
capillary endothelial cell cd4-positive, alpha-beta memory t cell |
capillary endothelial cell cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytokine secreting effector t cell |
capillary endothelial cell cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytotoxic t cell |
capillary endothelial cell cell of skeletal muscle |
capillary endothelial cell ciliary body |
capillary endothelial cell ciliated cell |
capillary endothelial cell ciliated epithelial cell |
capillary endothelial cell classical monocyte |
capillary endothelial cell club cell |
capillary endothelial cell club cell of prostate epithelium |
capillary endothelial cell conjunctival epithelial cell |
capillary endothelial cell connective tissue cell |
capillary endothelial cell corneal epithelial cell |
capillary endothelial cell corneal keratocyte |
capillary endothelial cell dendritic cell |
capillary endothelial cell dn1 thymic pro-t cell |
capillary endothelial cell dn3 thymocyte |
capillary endothelial cell dn4 thymocyte |
capillary endothelial cell double-positive, alpha-beta thymocyte |
capillary endothelial cell duct epithelial cell |
capillary endothelial cell duodenum glandular cell |
capillary endothelial cell endothelial cell |
capillary endothelial cell endothelial cell of artery |
capillary endothelial cell endothelial cell of hepatic sinusoid |
capillary endothelial cell endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel |
capillary endothelial cell endothelial cell of vascular tree |
capillary endothelial cell enterocyte of epithelium of large intestine |
capillary endothelial cell enterocyte of epithelium of small intestine |
capillary endothelial cell epithelial cell |
capillary endothelial cell epithelial cell of lacrimal sac |
capillary endothelial cell epithelial cell of uterus |
capillary endothelial cell erythroid progenitor |
capillary endothelial cell eye photoreceptor cell |
capillary endothelial cell fast muscle cell |
capillary endothelial cell fibroblast |
capillary endothelial cell fibroblast of breast |
capillary endothelial cell fibroblast of cardiac tissue |
capillary endothelial cell goblet cell |
capillary endothelial cell granulocyte |
capillary endothelial cell gut endothelial cell |
capillary endothelial cell hematopoietic stem cell |
capillary endothelial cell hepatocyte |
capillary endothelial cell hillock cell of prostate epithelium |
capillary endothelial cell hillock-club cell of prostate epithelium |
capillary endothelial cell immature enterocyte |
capillary endothelial cell immature natural killer cell |
capillary endothelial cell immune cell |
capillary endothelial cell intermediate monocyte |
capillary endothelial cell intestinal crypt stem cell |
capillary endothelial cell intestinal crypt stem cell of large intestine |
capillary endothelial cell intestinal crypt stem cell of small intestine |
capillary endothelial cell intestinal enteroendocrine cell |
capillary endothelial cell intestinal tuft cell |
capillary endothelial cell intrahepatic cholangiocyte |
capillary endothelial cell ionocyte |
capillary endothelial cell keratinocyte |
capillary endothelial cell kidney epithelial cell |
capillary endothelial cell lacrimal gland functional unit cell |
capillary endothelial cell langerhans cell |
capillary endothelial cell large intestine goblet cell |
capillary endothelial cell limbal stem cell |
capillary endothelial cell limbal stromal cell |
capillary endothelial cell liver dendritic cell |
capillary endothelial cell luminal cell of prostate epithelium |
capillary endothelial cell luminal epithelial cell of mammary gland |
capillary endothelial cell lung ciliated cell |
capillary endothelial cell lung microvascular endothelial cell |
capillary endothelial cell lymphatic endothelial cell |
capillary endothelial cell macrophage |
capillary endothelial cell mature conventional dendritic cell |
capillary endothelial cell mature enterocyte |
capillary endothelial cell mature nk t cell |
capillary endothelial cell medullary thymic epithelial cell |
capillary endothelial cell melanocyte |
capillary endothelial cell memory b cell |
capillary endothelial cell mesenchymal stem cell |
capillary endothelial cell mesothelial cell |
capillary endothelial cell microglial cell |
capillary endothelial cell monocyte |
capillary endothelial cell mucus secreting cell |
capillary endothelial cell muller cell |
capillary endothelial cell muscle cell |
capillary endothelial cell myeloid cell |
capillary endothelial cell myeloid progenitor |
capillary endothelial cell myoepithelial cell |
capillary endothelial cell myofibroblast cell |
capillary endothelial cell myometrial cell |
capillary endothelial cell naive regulatory t cell |
capillary endothelial cell naive thymus-derived cd4-positive, alpha-beta t cell |
capillary endothelial cell nampt neutrophil |
capillary endothelial cell nk cell |
capillary endothelial cell non-classical monocyte |
capillary endothelial cell ocular surface cell |
capillary endothelial cell pancreatic acinar cell |
capillary endothelial cell pancreatic alpha cell |
capillary endothelial cell pancreatic beta cell |
capillary endothelial cell pancreatic delta cell |
capillary endothelial cell pancreatic ductal cell |
capillary endothelial cell pancreatic pp cell |
capillary endothelial cell pancreatic stellate cell |
capillary endothelial cell paneth cell of epithelium of large intestine |
capillary endothelial cell paneth cell of epithelium of small intestine |
capillary endothelial cell pericyte cell |
capillary endothelial cell plasma cell |
capillary endothelial cell plasmablast |
capillary endothelial cell plasmacytoid dendritic cell |
capillary endothelial cell pulmonary ionocyte |
capillary endothelial cell radial glial cell |
capillary endothelial cell regulatory t cell |
capillary endothelial cell respiratory goblet cell |
capillary endothelial cell myeloid dendritic cell |
capillary endothelial cell BTO:0001385 |
capillary endothelial cell BTO:0000887 |
capillary endothelial cell BTO:0001374 |
capillary endothelial cell BTO:0000123 |
capillary endothelial cell BTO:0000763 |
classical monocyte adipocyte |
classical monocyte adventitial cell |
classical monocyte alveolar fibroblast |
classical monocyte retina horizontal cell |
classical monocyte retinal bipolar neuron |
classical monocyte retinal blood vessel endothelial cell |
classical monocyte retinal ganglion cell |
classical monocyte retinal pigment epithelial cell |
classical monocyte salivary gland cell |
classical monocyte schwann cell |
classical monocyte secretory cell |
classical monocyte serous cell of epithelium of bronchus |
classical monocyte serous cell of epithelium of trachea |
classical monocyte skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
classical monocyte small intestine goblet cell |
classical monocyte smooth muscle cell |
classical monocyte b cell |
classical monocyte basal cell |
classical monocyte basal cell of prostate epithelium |
classical monocyte bladder urothelial cell |
classical monocyte bronchial smooth muscle cell |
classical monocyte cardiac endothelial cell |
classical monocyte cardiac muscle cell |
classical monocyte cd141-positive myeloid dendritic cell |
classical monocyte cd1c-positive myeloid dendritic cell |
classical monocyte cd24 neutrophil |
classical monocyte cd4-positive helper t cell |
classical monocyte cd4-positive, alpha-beta memory t cell |
classical monocyte cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytokine secreting effector t cell |
classical monocyte cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytotoxic t cell |
classical monocyte cell of skeletal muscle |
classical monocyte ciliated cell |
classical monocyte ciliated epithelial cell |
classical monocyte ciliary body |
classical monocyte classical monocyte |
classical monocyte club cell |
classical monocyte club cell of prostate epithelium |
classical monocyte conjunctival epithelial cell |
classical monocyte connective tissue cell |
classical monocyte corneal epithelial cell |
classical monocyte corneal keratocyte |
classical monocyte dendritic cell |
classical monocyte dn1 thymic pro-t cell |
classical monocyte dn3 thymocyte |
classical monocyte dn4 thymocyte |
classical monocyte double-positive, alpha-beta thymocyte |
classical monocyte duct epithelial cell |
classical monocyte duodenum glandular cell |
classical monocyte endothelial cell |
classical monocyte endothelial cell of artery |
classical monocyte endothelial cell of hepatic sinusoid |
classical monocyte endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel |
classical monocyte endothelial cell of vascular tree |
classical monocyte enterocyte of epithelium of large intestine |
classical monocyte enterocyte of epithelium of small intestine |
classical monocyte epithelial cell |
classical monocyte epithelial cell of lacrimal sac |
classical monocyte epithelial cell of uterus |
classical monocyte erythroid progenitor |
classical monocyte eye photoreceptor cell |
classical monocyte fast muscle cell |
classical monocyte fibroblast |
classical monocyte fibroblast of breast |
classical monocyte fibroblast of cardiac tissue |
classical monocyte goblet cell |
classical monocyte granulocyte |
classical monocyte gut endothelial cell |
classical monocyte hematopoietic stem cell |
classical monocyte hepatocyte |
classical monocyte hillock cell of prostate epithelium |
classical monocyte hillock-club cell of prostate epithelium |
classical monocyte immature enterocyte |
classical monocyte immature natural killer cell |
classical monocyte immune cell |
classical monocyte intermediate monocyte |
classical monocyte intestinal crypt stem cell |
classical monocyte intestinal crypt stem cell of large intestine |
classical monocyte intestinal crypt stem cell of small intestine |
classical monocyte intestinal enteroendocrine cell |
classical monocyte intestinal tuft cell |
classical monocyte intrahepatic cholangiocyte |
classical monocyte ionocyte |
classical monocyte keratinocyte |
classical monocyte kidney epithelial cell |
classical monocyte lacrimal gland functional unit cell |
classical monocyte langerhans cell |
classical monocyte large intestine goblet cell |
classical monocyte limbal stem cell |
classical monocyte limbal stromal cell |
classical monocyte liver dendritic cell |
classical monocyte luminal cell of prostate epithelium |
classical monocyte luminal epithelial cell of mammary gland |
classical monocyte lung ciliated cell |
classical monocyte lung microvascular endothelial cell |
classical monocyte lymphatic endothelial cell |
classical monocyte macrophage |
classical monocyte mature conventional dendritic cell |
classical monocyte mature enterocyte |
classical monocyte mature nk t cell |
classical monocyte medullary thymic epithelial cell |
classical monocyte melanocyte |
classical monocyte memory b cell |
classical monocyte mesenchymal stem cell |
classical monocyte mesothelial cell |
classical monocyte microglial cell |
classical monocyte monocyte |
classical monocyte mucus secreting cell |
classical monocyte muller cell |
classical monocyte muscle cell |
classical monocyte myeloid cell |
classical monocyte myeloid dendritic cell |
classical monocyte myeloid progenitor |
classical monocyte myoepithelial cell |
classical monocyte myofibroblast cell |
classical monocyte myometrial cell |
classical monocyte naive regulatory t cell |
classical monocyte naive thymus-derived cd4-positive, alpha-beta t cell |
classical monocyte nampt neutrophil |
classical monocyte nk cell |
classical monocyte non-classical monocyte |
classical monocyte ocular surface cell |
classical monocyte pancreatic acinar cell |
classical monocyte pancreatic alpha cell |
classical monocyte pancreatic beta cell |
classical monocyte pancreatic delta cell |
classical monocyte pancreatic ductal cell |
classical monocyte pancreatic pp cell |
classical monocyte pancreatic stellate cell |
classical monocyte paneth cell of epithelium of large intestine |
classical monocyte paneth cell of epithelium of small intestine |
classical monocyte pericyte cell |
classical monocyte plasma cell |
classical monocyte plasmablast |
classical monocyte plasmacytoid dendritic cell |
classical monocyte pulmonary ionocyte |
classical monocyte radial glial cell |
classical monocyte regulatory t cell |
classical monocyte respiratory goblet cell |
classical monocyte BTO:0000089 |
classical monocyte BTO:0000784 |
classical monocyte BTO:0001281 |
classical monocyte BTO:0000763 |
endothelial cell adipocyte |
endothelial cell adventitial cell |
endothelial cell alveolar fibroblast |
endothelial cell retina horizontal cell |
endothelial cell retinal bipolar neuron |
endothelial cell retinal blood vessel endothelial cell |
endothelial cell retinal ganglion cell |
endothelial cell retinal pigment epithelial cell |
endothelial cell salivary gland cell |
endothelial cell schwann cell |
endothelial cell secretory cell |
endothelial cell serous cell of epithelium of bronchus |
endothelial cell serous cell of epithelium of trachea |
endothelial cell skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
endothelial cell small intestine goblet cell |
endothelial cell smooth muscle cell |
endothelial cell b cell |
endothelial cell basal cell |
endothelial cell basal cell of prostate epithelium |
endothelial cell bladder urothelial cell |
endothelial cell bronchial smooth muscle cell |
endothelial cell cardiac endothelial cell |
endothelial cell cardiac muscle cell |
endothelial cell cd141-positive myeloid dendritic cell |
endothelial cell cd1c-positive myeloid dendritic cell |
endothelial cell cd24 neutrophil |
endothelial cell cd4-positive helper t cell |
endothelial cell cd4-positive, alpha-beta memory t cell |
endothelial cell cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytokine secreting effector t cell |
endothelial cell cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytotoxic t cell |
endothelial cell cell of skeletal muscle |
endothelial cell ciliated cell |
endothelial cell ciliated epithelial cell |
endothelial cell club cell |
endothelial cell club cell of prostate epithelium |
endothelial cell conjunctival epithelial cell |
endothelial cell connective tissue cell |
endothelial cell corneal epithelial cell |
endothelial cell corneal keratocyte |
endothelial cell dendritic cell |
endothelial cell dn1 thymic pro-t cell |
endothelial cell dn3 thymocyte |
endothelial cell dn4 thymocyte |
endothelial cell duct epithelial cell |
endothelial cell duodenum glandular cell |
endothelial cell double-positive, alpha-beta thymocyte |
endothelial cell endothelial cell |
endothelial cell endothelial cell of artery |
endothelial cell endothelial cell of hepatic sinusoid |
endothelial cell endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel |
endothelial cell endothelial cell of vascular tree |
endothelial cell enterocyte of epithelium of large intestine |
endothelial cell enterocyte of epithelium of small intestine |
endothelial cell epithelial cell |
endothelial cell epithelial cell of lacrimal sac |
endothelial cell epithelial cell of uterus |
endothelial cell erythroid progenitor |
endothelial cell eye photoreceptor cell |
endothelial cell fast muscle cell |
endothelial cell fibroblast |
endothelial cell fibroblast of breast |
endothelial cell fibroblast of cardiac tissue |
endothelial cell goblet cell |
endothelial cell granulocyte |
endothelial cell gut endothelial cell |
endothelial cell hematopoietic stem cell |
endothelial cell hepatocyte |
endothelial cell hillock cell of prostate epithelium |
endothelial cell hillock-club cell of prostate epithelium |
endothelial cell immature enterocyte |
endothelial cell immature natural killer cell |
endothelial cell immune cell |
endothelial cell intermediate monocyte |
endothelial cell intestinal crypt stem cell |
endothelial cell intestinal crypt stem cell of large intestine |
endothelial cell intestinal crypt stem cell of small intestine |
endothelial cell intestinal enteroendocrine cell |
endothelial cell intestinal tuft cell |
endothelial cell intrahepatic cholangiocyte |
endothelial cell ionocyte |
endothelial cell keratinocyte |
endothelial cell kidney epithelial cell |
endothelial cell lacrimal gland functional unit cell |
endothelial cell langerhans cell |
endothelial cell large intestine goblet cell |
endothelial cell limbal stem cell |
endothelial cell limbal stromal cell |
endothelial cell liver dendritic cell |
endothelial cell luminal cell of prostate epithelium |
endothelial cell luminal epithelial cell of mammary gland |
endothelial cell lung ciliated cell |
endothelial cell lung microvascular endothelial cell |
endothelial cell lymphatic endothelial cell |
endothelial cell macrophage |
endothelial cell mature conventional dendritic cell |
endothelial cell mature enterocyte |
endothelial cell mature nk t cell |
endothelial cell medullary thymic epithelial cell |
endothelial cell melanocyte |
endothelial cell memory b cell |
endothelial cell mesenchymal stem cell |
endothelial cell mesothelial cell |
endothelial cell microglial cell |
endothelial cell monocyte |
endothelial cell mucus secreting cell |
endothelial cell muller cell |
endothelial cell muscle cell |
endothelial cell myeloid cell |
endothelial cell myeloid progenitor |
endothelial cell myoepithelial cell |
endothelial cell myofibroblast cell |
endothelial cell myometrial cell |
endothelial cell naive regulatory t cell |
endothelial cell naive thymus-derived cd4-positive, alpha-beta t cell |
endothelial cell nampt neutrophil |
endothelial cell nk cell |
endothelial cell non-classical monocyte |
endothelial cell ocular surface cell |
endothelial cell pancreatic acinar cell |
endothelial cell pancreatic alpha cell |
endothelial cell pancreatic beta cell |
endothelial cell pancreatic delta cell |
endothelial cell pancreatic ductal cell |
endothelial cell pancreatic pp cell |
endothelial cell pancreatic stellate cell |
endothelial cell paneth cell of epithelium of large intestine |
endothelial cell paneth cell of epithelium of small intestine |
endothelial cell pericyte cell |
endothelial cell plasma cell |
endothelial cell plasmablast |
endothelial cell plasmacytoid dendritic cell |
endothelial cell pulmonary ionocyte |
endothelial cell radial glial cell |
endothelial cell regulatory t cell |
endothelial cell respiratory goblet cell |
endothelial cell ciliary body |
endothelial cell myeloid dendritic cell |
endothelial cell BTO:0001388 |
endothelial cell BTO:0000784 |
endothelial cell BTO:0001203 |
endothelial cell BTO:0001281 |
endothelial cell BTO:0001424 |
endothelial cell BTO:0000439 |
endothelial cell BTO:0001487 |
endothelial cell BTO:0001253 |
endothelial cell BTO:0000988 |
endothelial cell BTO:0001129 |
endothelial cell BTO:0000759 |
endothelial cell BTO:0003718 |
endothelial cell BTO:0000671 |
endothelial cell of artery adipocyte |
endothelial cell of artery adventitial cell |
endothelial cell of artery alveolar fibroblast |
endothelial cell of artery retina horizontal cell |
endothelial cell of artery retinal bipolar neuron |
endothelial cell of artery retinal blood vessel endothelial cell |
endothelial cell of artery retinal ganglion cell |
endothelial cell of artery retinal pigment epithelial cell |
endothelial cell of artery salivary gland cell |
endothelial cell of artery schwann cell |
endothelial cell of artery secretory cell |
endothelial cell of artery serous cell of epithelium of bronchus |
endothelial cell of artery serous cell of epithelium of trachea |
endothelial cell of artery skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
endothelial cell of artery small intestine goblet cell |
endothelial cell of artery smooth muscle cell |
endothelial cell of artery b cell |
endothelial cell of artery basal cell |
endothelial cell of artery basal cell of prostate epithelium |
endothelial cell of artery bladder urothelial cell |
endothelial cell of artery bronchial smooth muscle cell |
endothelial cell of artery cardiac endothelial cell |
endothelial cell of artery cardiac muscle cell |
endothelial cell of artery cd141-positive myeloid dendritic cell |
endothelial cell of artery cd1c-positive myeloid dendritic cell |
endothelial cell of artery cd24 neutrophil |
endothelial cell of artery cd4-positive helper t cell |
endothelial cell of artery cd4-positive, alpha-beta memory t cell |
endothelial cell of artery cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytokine secreting effector t cell |
endothelial cell of artery cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytotoxic t cell |
endothelial cell of artery cell of skeletal muscle |
endothelial cell of artery ciliated cell |
endothelial cell of artery ciliated epithelial cell |
endothelial cell of artery club cell |
endothelial cell of artery club cell of prostate epithelium |
endothelial cell of artery conjunctival epithelial cell |
endothelial cell of artery connective tissue cell |
endothelial cell of artery corneal epithelial cell |
endothelial cell of artery corneal keratocyte |
endothelial cell of artery dendritic cell |
endothelial cell of artery dn1 thymic pro-t cell |
endothelial cell of artery dn3 thymocyte |
endothelial cell of artery dn4 thymocyte |
endothelial cell of artery duct epithelial cell |
endothelial cell of artery duodenum glandular cell |
endothelial cell of artery ciliary body |
endothelial cell of artery double-positive, alpha-beta thymocyte |
endothelial cell of artery endothelial cell of artery |
endothelial cell of artery endothelial cell of hepatic sinusoid |
endothelial cell of artery endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel |
endothelial cell of artery endothelial cell of vascular tree |
endothelial cell of artery enterocyte of epithelium of large intestine |
endothelial cell of artery enterocyte of epithelium of small intestine |
endothelial cell of artery epithelial cell |
endothelial cell of artery epithelial cell of lacrimal sac |
endothelial cell of artery epithelial cell of uterus |
endothelial cell of artery erythroid progenitor |
endothelial cell of artery eye photoreceptor cell |
endothelial cell of artery fast muscle cell |
endothelial cell of artery fibroblast |
endothelial cell of artery fibroblast of breast |
endothelial cell of artery fibroblast of cardiac tissue |
endothelial cell of artery goblet cell |
endothelial cell of artery granulocyte |
endothelial cell of artery gut endothelial cell |
endothelial cell of artery hematopoietic stem cell |
endothelial cell of artery hepatocyte |
endothelial cell of artery hillock cell of prostate epithelium |
endothelial cell of artery hillock-club cell of prostate epithelium |
endothelial cell of artery immature enterocyte |
endothelial cell of artery immature natural killer cell |
endothelial cell of artery immune cell |
endothelial cell of artery intermediate monocyte |
endothelial cell of artery intestinal crypt stem cell |
endothelial cell of artery intestinal crypt stem cell of large intestine |
endothelial cell of artery intestinal crypt stem cell of small intestine |
endothelial cell of artery intestinal enteroendocrine cell |
endothelial cell of artery intestinal tuft cell |
endothelial cell of artery intrahepatic cholangiocyte |
endothelial cell of artery ionocyte |
endothelial cell of artery keratinocyte |
endothelial cell of artery kidney epithelial cell |
endothelial cell of artery lacrimal gland functional unit cell |
endothelial cell of artery langerhans cell |
endothelial cell of artery large intestine goblet cell |
endothelial cell of artery limbal stem cell |
endothelial cell of artery limbal stromal cell |
endothelial cell of artery liver dendritic cell |
endothelial cell of artery luminal cell of prostate epithelium |
endothelial cell of artery luminal epithelial cell of mammary gland |
endothelial cell of artery lung ciliated cell |
endothelial cell of artery lung microvascular endothelial cell |
endothelial cell of artery lymphatic endothelial cell |
endothelial cell of artery macrophage |
endothelial cell of artery mature conventional dendritic cell |
endothelial cell of artery mature enterocyte |
endothelial cell of artery mature nk t cell |
endothelial cell of artery medullary thymic epithelial cell |
endothelial cell of artery melanocyte |
endothelial cell of artery memory b cell |
endothelial cell of artery mesenchymal stem cell |
endothelial cell of artery mesothelial cell |
endothelial cell of artery microglial cell |
endothelial cell of artery monocyte |
endothelial cell of artery mucus secreting cell |
endothelial cell of artery muller cell |
endothelial cell of artery muscle cell |
endothelial cell of artery myeloid cell |
endothelial cell of artery myeloid dendritic cell |
endothelial cell of artery myeloid progenitor |
endothelial cell of artery myoepithelial cell |
endothelial cell of artery myofibroblast cell |
endothelial cell of artery myometrial cell |
endothelial cell of artery naive regulatory t cell |
endothelial cell of artery naive thymus-derived cd4-positive, alpha-beta t cell |
endothelial cell of artery nampt neutrophil |
endothelial cell of artery nk cell |
endothelial cell of artery non-classical monocyte |
endothelial cell of artery ocular surface cell |
endothelial cell of artery pancreatic acinar cell |
endothelial cell of artery pancreatic alpha cell |
endothelial cell of artery pancreatic beta cell |
endothelial cell of artery pancreatic delta cell |
endothelial cell of artery pancreatic ductal cell |
endothelial cell of artery pancreatic pp cell |
endothelial cell of artery pancreatic stellate cell |
endothelial cell of artery paneth cell of epithelium of large intestine |
endothelial cell of artery paneth cell of epithelium of small intestine |
endothelial cell of artery pericyte cell |
endothelial cell of artery plasma cell |
endothelial cell of artery plasmablast |
endothelial cell of artery plasmacytoid dendritic cell |
endothelial cell of artery pulmonary ionocyte |
endothelial cell of artery radial glial cell |
endothelial cell of artery regulatory t cell |
endothelial cell of artery respiratory goblet cell |
endothelial cell of artery BTO:0001385 |
endothelial cell of artery BTO:0000817 |
endothelial cell of artery BTO:0000887 |
endothelial cell of artery BTO:0001374 |
endothelial cell of artery BTO:0000763 |
langerhans cell adipocyte |
langerhans cell adventitial cell |
langerhans cell alveolar fibroblast |
langerhans cell retina horizontal cell |
langerhans cell retinal bipolar neuron |
langerhans cell retinal blood vessel endothelial cell |
langerhans cell retinal ganglion cell |
langerhans cell retinal pigment epithelial cell |
langerhans cell salivary gland cell |
langerhans cell schwann cell |
langerhans cell secretory cell |
langerhans cell serous cell of epithelium of bronchus |
langerhans cell serous cell of epithelium of trachea |
langerhans cell skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
langerhans cell small intestine goblet cell |
langerhans cell smooth muscle cell |
langerhans cell b cell |
langerhans cell basal cell |
langerhans cell basal cell of prostate epithelium |
langerhans cell bladder urothelial cell |
langerhans cell bronchial smooth muscle cell |
langerhans cell cardiac endothelial cell |
langerhans cell cardiac muscle cell |
langerhans cell cd141-positive myeloid dendritic cell |
langerhans cell cd1c-positive myeloid dendritic cell |
langerhans cell cd24 neutrophil |
langerhans cell cd4-positive helper t cell |
langerhans cell cd4-positive, alpha-beta memory t cell |
langerhans cell cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytokine secreting effector t cell |
langerhans cell cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytotoxic t cell |
langerhans cell cell of skeletal muscle |
langerhans cell ciliated cell |
langerhans cell ciliated epithelial cell |
langerhans cell club cell |
langerhans cell club cell of prostate epithelium |
langerhans cell conjunctival epithelial cell |
langerhans cell connective tissue cell |
langerhans cell corneal epithelial cell |
langerhans cell corneal keratocyte |
langerhans cell dendritic cell |
langerhans cell dn1 thymic pro-t cell |
langerhans cell dn3 thymocyte |
langerhans cell dn4 thymocyte |
langerhans cell duct epithelial cell |
langerhans cell duodenum glandular cell |
langerhans cell endothelial cell of hepatic sinusoid |
langerhans cell endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel |
langerhans cell endothelial cell of vascular tree |
langerhans cell enterocyte of epithelium of large intestine |
langerhans cell enterocyte of epithelium of small intestine |
langerhans cell epithelial cell |
langerhans cell epithelial cell of lacrimal sac |
langerhans cell epithelial cell of uterus |
langerhans cell erythroid progenitor |
langerhans cell eye photoreceptor cell |
langerhans cell fast muscle cell |
langerhans cell fibroblast |
langerhans cell fibroblast of breast |
langerhans cell fibroblast of cardiac tissue |
langerhans cell goblet cell |
langerhans cell granulocyte |
langerhans cell gut endothelial cell |
langerhans cell hematopoietic stem cell |
langerhans cell hepatocyte |
langerhans cell hillock cell of prostate epithelium |
langerhans cell hillock-club cell of prostate epithelium |
langerhans cell immature enterocyte |
langerhans cell immature natural killer cell |
langerhans cell immune cell |
langerhans cell intermediate monocyte |
langerhans cell intestinal crypt stem cell |
langerhans cell intestinal crypt stem cell of large intestine |
langerhans cell intestinal crypt stem cell of small intestine |
langerhans cell intestinal enteroendocrine cell |
langerhans cell intestinal tuft cell |
langerhans cell intrahepatic cholangiocyte |
langerhans cell ionocyte |
langerhans cell keratinocyte |
langerhans cell kidney epithelial cell |
langerhans cell lacrimal gland functional unit cell |
langerhans cell ciliary body |
langerhans cell langerhans cell |
langerhans cell large intestine goblet cell |
langerhans cell limbal stem cell |
langerhans cell limbal stromal cell |
langerhans cell liver dendritic cell |
langerhans cell luminal cell of prostate epithelium |
langerhans cell luminal epithelial cell of mammary gland |
langerhans cell lung ciliated cell |
langerhans cell lung microvascular endothelial cell |
langerhans cell lymphatic endothelial cell |
langerhans cell macrophage |
langerhans cell mature conventional dendritic cell |
langerhans cell mature enterocyte |
langerhans cell mature nk t cell |
langerhans cell medullary thymic epithelial cell |
langerhans cell melanocyte |
langerhans cell memory b cell |
langerhans cell mesenchymal stem cell |
langerhans cell mesothelial cell |
langerhans cell microglial cell |
langerhans cell monocyte |
langerhans cell mucus secreting cell |
langerhans cell muller cell |
langerhans cell muscle cell |
langerhans cell myeloid cell |
langerhans cell myeloid progenitor |
langerhans cell myoepithelial cell |
langerhans cell myofibroblast cell |
langerhans cell myometrial cell |
langerhans cell naive regulatory t cell |
langerhans cell naive thymus-derived cd4-positive, alpha-beta t cell |
langerhans cell nampt neutrophil |
langerhans cell nk cell |
langerhans cell non-classical monocyte |
langerhans cell ocular surface cell |
langerhans cell pancreatic acinar cell |
langerhans cell pancreatic alpha cell |
langerhans cell pancreatic beta cell |
langerhans cell pancreatic delta cell |
langerhans cell pancreatic ductal cell |
langerhans cell pancreatic pp cell |
langerhans cell pancreatic stellate cell |
langerhans cell paneth cell of epithelium of large intestine |
langerhans cell paneth cell of epithelium of small intestine |
langerhans cell pericyte cell |
langerhans cell plasma cell |
langerhans cell plasmablast |
langerhans cell plasmacytoid dendritic cell |
langerhans cell pulmonary ionocyte |
langerhans cell radial glial cell |
langerhans cell regulatory t cell |
langerhans cell respiratory goblet cell |
langerhans cell respiratory mucous cell |
langerhans cell double-positive, alpha-beta thymocyte |
langerhans cell myeloid dendritic cell |
langerhans cell BTO:0001253 |
limbal stem cell adipocyte |
limbal stem cell adventitial cell |
limbal stem cell alveolar fibroblast |
limbal stem cell retina horizontal cell |
limbal stem cell retinal bipolar neuron |
limbal stem cell retinal blood vessel endothelial cell |
limbal stem cell retinal ganglion cell |
limbal stem cell retinal pigment epithelial cell |
limbal stem cell salivary gland cell |
limbal stem cell schwann cell |
limbal stem cell secretory cell |
limbal stem cell serous cell of epithelium of bronchus |
limbal stem cell serous cell of epithelium of trachea |
limbal stem cell skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
limbal stem cell small intestine goblet cell |
limbal stem cell smooth muscle cell |
limbal stem cell b cell |
limbal stem cell basal cell |
limbal stem cell basal cell of prostate epithelium |
limbal stem cell bladder urothelial cell |
limbal stem cell bronchial smooth muscle cell |
limbal stem cell cardiac endothelial cell |
limbal stem cell cardiac muscle cell |
limbal stem cell cd141-positive myeloid dendritic cell |
limbal stem cell cd1c-positive myeloid dendritic cell |
limbal stem cell cd24 neutrophil |
limbal stem cell cd4-positive helper t cell |
limbal stem cell cd4-positive, alpha-beta memory t cell |
limbal stem cell cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytokine secreting effector t cell |
limbal stem cell cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytotoxic t cell |
limbal stem cell cell of skeletal muscle |
limbal stem cell ciliated cell |
limbal stem cell ciliated epithelial cell |
limbal stem cell club cell |
limbal stem cell club cell of prostate epithelium |
limbal stem cell conjunctival epithelial cell |
limbal stem cell connective tissue cell |
limbal stem cell corneal epithelial cell |
limbal stem cell corneal keratocyte |
limbal stem cell dendritic cell |
limbal stem cell dn1 thymic pro-t cell |
limbal stem cell dn3 thymocyte |
limbal stem cell dn4 thymocyte |
limbal stem cell duct epithelial cell |
limbal stem cell duodenum glandular cell |
limbal stem cell endothelial cell of hepatic sinusoid |
limbal stem cell endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel |
limbal stem cell endothelial cell of vascular tree |
limbal stem cell enterocyte of epithelium of large intestine |
limbal stem cell enterocyte of epithelium of small intestine |
limbal stem cell epithelial cell |
limbal stem cell epithelial cell of lacrimal sac |
limbal stem cell epithelial cell of uterus |
limbal stem cell erythroid progenitor |
limbal stem cell eye photoreceptor cell |
limbal stem cell fast muscle cell |
limbal stem cell fibroblast |
limbal stem cell fibroblast of breast |
limbal stem cell fibroblast of cardiac tissue |
limbal stem cell goblet cell |
limbal stem cell granulocyte |
limbal stem cell gut endothelial cell |
limbal stem cell hematopoietic stem cell |
limbal stem cell hepatocyte |
limbal stem cell hillock cell of prostate epithelium |
limbal stem cell hillock-club cell of prostate epithelium |
limbal stem cell immature enterocyte |
limbal stem cell immature natural killer cell |
limbal stem cell immune cell |
limbal stem cell intermediate monocyte |
limbal stem cell intestinal crypt stem cell |
limbal stem cell intestinal crypt stem cell of large intestine |
limbal stem cell intestinal crypt stem cell of small intestine |
limbal stem cell intestinal enteroendocrine cell |
limbal stem cell intestinal tuft cell |
limbal stem cell intrahepatic cholangiocyte |
limbal stem cell ionocyte |
limbal stem cell keratinocyte |
limbal stem cell kidney epithelial cell |
limbal stem cell lacrimal gland functional unit cell |
limbal stem cell large intestine goblet cell |
limbal stem cell limbal stem cell |
limbal stem cell limbal stromal cell |
limbal stem cell liver dendritic cell |
limbal stem cell luminal cell of prostate epithelium |
limbal stem cell luminal epithelial cell of mammary gland |
limbal stem cell lung ciliated cell |
limbal stem cell lung microvascular endothelial cell |
limbal stem cell lymphatic endothelial cell |
limbal stem cell macrophage |
limbal stem cell mature conventional dendritic cell |
limbal stem cell mature enterocyte |
limbal stem cell mature nk t cell |
limbal stem cell medullary thymic epithelial cell |
limbal stem cell melanocyte |
limbal stem cell memory b cell |
limbal stem cell mesenchymal stem cell |
limbal stem cell mesothelial cell |
limbal stem cell microglial cell |
limbal stem cell monocyte |
limbal stem cell mucus secreting cell |
limbal stem cell muller cell |
limbal stem cell muscle cell |
limbal stem cell myeloid cell |
limbal stem cell myeloid progenitor |
limbal stem cell myoepithelial cell |
limbal stem cell myofibroblast cell |
limbal stem cell myometrial cell |
limbal stem cell naive regulatory t cell |
limbal stem cell naive thymus-derived cd4-positive, alpha-beta t cell |
limbal stem cell nampt neutrophil |
limbal stem cell nk cell |
limbal stem cell non-classical monocyte |
limbal stem cell ocular surface cell |
limbal stem cell pancreatic acinar cell |
limbal stem cell pancreatic alpha cell |
limbal stem cell pancreatic beta cell |
limbal stem cell pancreatic delta cell |
limbal stem cell pancreatic ductal cell |
limbal stem cell pancreatic pp cell |
limbal stem cell pancreatic stellate cell |
limbal stem cell paneth cell of epithelium of large intestine |
limbal stem cell paneth cell of epithelium of small intestine |
limbal stem cell pericyte cell |
limbal stem cell plasma cell |
limbal stem cell plasmablast |
limbal stem cell plasmacytoid dendritic cell |
limbal stem cell pulmonary ionocyte |
limbal stem cell radial glial cell |
limbal stem cell regulatory t cell |
limbal stem cell respiratory goblet cell |
limbal stem cell ciliary body |
limbal stem cell double-positive, alpha-beta thymocyte |
limbal stem cell myeloid dendritic cell |
limbal stem cell BTO:0000439 |
lung microvascular endothelial cell adipocyte |
lung microvascular endothelial cell adventitial cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell alveolar fibroblast |
lung microvascular endothelial cell retina horizontal cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell retinal bipolar neuron |
lung microvascular endothelial cell retinal blood vessel endothelial cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell retinal ganglion cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell retinal pigment epithelial cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell salivary gland cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell schwann cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell secretory cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell serous cell of epithelium of bronchus |
lung microvascular endothelial cell serous cell of epithelium of trachea |
lung microvascular endothelial cell skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell small intestine goblet cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell smooth muscle cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell b cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell basal cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell basal cell of prostate epithelium |
lung microvascular endothelial cell bladder urothelial cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell bronchial smooth muscle cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell cardiac endothelial cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell cardiac muscle cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell cd141-positive myeloid dendritic cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell cd1c-positive myeloid dendritic cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell cd24 neutrophil |
lung microvascular endothelial cell cd4-positive helper t cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell cd4-positive, alpha-beta memory t cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytokine secreting effector t cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytotoxic t cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell cell of skeletal muscle |
lung microvascular endothelial cell ciliated cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell ciliated epithelial cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell club cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell club cell of prostate epithelium |
lung microvascular endothelial cell conjunctival epithelial cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell connective tissue cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell corneal epithelial cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell corneal keratocyte |
lung microvascular endothelial cell dendritic cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell dn1 thymic pro-t cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell dn3 thymocyte |
lung microvascular endothelial cell dn4 thymocyte |
lung microvascular endothelial cell duct epithelial cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell duodenum glandular cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell endothelial cell of hepatic sinusoid |
lung microvascular endothelial cell endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel |
lung microvascular endothelial cell endothelial cell of vascular tree |
lung microvascular endothelial cell enterocyte of epithelium of large intestine |
lung microvascular endothelial cell enterocyte of epithelium of small intestine |
lung microvascular endothelial cell epithelial cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell epithelial cell of lacrimal sac |
lung microvascular endothelial cell epithelial cell of uterus |
lung microvascular endothelial cell erythroid progenitor |
lung microvascular endothelial cell eye photoreceptor cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell fast muscle cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell fibroblast |
lung microvascular endothelial cell fibroblast of breast |
lung microvascular endothelial cell fibroblast of cardiac tissue |
lung microvascular endothelial cell goblet cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell granulocyte |
lung microvascular endothelial cell gut endothelial cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell hematopoietic stem cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell hepatocyte |
lung microvascular endothelial cell hillock cell of prostate epithelium |
lung microvascular endothelial cell hillock-club cell of prostate epithelium |
lung microvascular endothelial cell immature enterocyte |
lung microvascular endothelial cell immature natural killer cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell immune cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell intermediate monocyte |
lung microvascular endothelial cell intestinal crypt stem cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell intestinal crypt stem cell of large intestine |
lung microvascular endothelial cell intestinal crypt stem cell of small intestine |
lung microvascular endothelial cell intestinal enteroendocrine cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell intestinal tuft cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell intrahepatic cholangiocyte |
lung microvascular endothelial cell ionocyte |
lung microvascular endothelial cell keratinocyte |
lung microvascular endothelial cell kidney epithelial cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell lacrimal gland functional unit cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell large intestine goblet cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell limbal stromal cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell liver dendritic cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell luminal cell of prostate epithelium |
lung microvascular endothelial cell luminal epithelial cell of mammary gland |
lung microvascular endothelial cell lung ciliated cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell ciliary body |
lung microvascular endothelial cell double-positive, alpha-beta thymocyte |
lung microvascular endothelial cell lung microvascular endothelial cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell lymphatic endothelial cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell macrophage |
lung microvascular endothelial cell mature conventional dendritic cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell mature enterocyte |
lung microvascular endothelial cell mature nk t cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell medullary thymic epithelial cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell melanocyte |
lung microvascular endothelial cell memory b cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell mesenchymal stem cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell mesothelial cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell microglial cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell monocyte |
lung microvascular endothelial cell mucus secreting cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell muller cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell muscle cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell myeloid cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell myeloid dendritic cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell myeloid progenitor |
lung microvascular endothelial cell myoepithelial cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell myofibroblast cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell myometrial cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell naive regulatory t cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell naive thymus-derived cd4-positive, alpha-beta t cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell nampt neutrophil |
lung microvascular endothelial cell nk cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell non-classical monocyte |
lung microvascular endothelial cell ocular surface cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell pancreatic acinar cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell pancreatic alpha cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell pancreatic beta cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell pancreatic delta cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell pancreatic ductal cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell pancreatic pp cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell pancreatic stellate cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell paneth cell of epithelium of large intestine |
lung microvascular endothelial cell paneth cell of epithelium of small intestine |
lung microvascular endothelial cell pericyte cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell plasma cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell plasmablast |
lung microvascular endothelial cell plasmacytoid dendritic cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell pulmonary ionocyte |
lung microvascular endothelial cell radial glial cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell regulatory t cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell respiratory goblet cell |
lung microvascular endothelial cell BTO:0000763 |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell adipocyte |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell adventitial cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell alveolar fibroblast |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell retina horizontal cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell retinal bipolar neuron |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytokine secreting effector t cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell endothelial cell of vascular tree |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell intermediate monocyte |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell monocyte |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell nampt neutrophil |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell erythroid progenitor |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell eye photoreceptor cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell fast muscle cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell fibroblast |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell fibroblast of breast |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell fibroblast of cardiac tissue |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell goblet cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell granulocyte |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell gut endothelial cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell hematopoietic stem cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell hepatocyte |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell hillock cell of prostate epithelium |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell hillock-club cell of prostate epithelium |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell immature enterocyte |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell immature natural killer cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell immune cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell intestinal crypt stem cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell intestinal crypt stem cell of large intestine |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell intestinal crypt stem cell of small intestine |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell intestinal enteroendocrine cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell intestinal tuft cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell intrahepatic cholangiocyte |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell ionocyte |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell keratinocyte |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell kidney epithelial cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell lacrimal gland functional unit cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell large intestine goblet cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell limbal stromal cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell liver dendritic cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell luminal cell of prostate epithelium |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell luminal epithelial cell of mammary gland |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell lung ciliated cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell lymphatic endothelial cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell macrophage |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell mature conventional dendritic cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell mature enterocyte |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell mature nk t cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell medullary thymic epithelial cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell melanocyte |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell memory b cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell mesenchymal stem cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell mesothelial cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell microglial cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell mucus secreting cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell muller cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell muscle cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell myeloid cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell myeloid progenitor |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell myoepithelial cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell myofibroblast cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell myometrial cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell naive regulatory t cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell naive thymus-derived cd4-positive, alpha-beta t cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell nk cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell non-classical monocyte |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell ocular surface cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell pancreatic acinar cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell pancreatic alpha cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell pancreatic beta cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell pancreatic delta cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell pancreatic ductal cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell pancreatic pp cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell pancreatic stellate cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell paneth cell of epithelium of large intestine |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell paneth cell of epithelium of small intestine |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell pericyte cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell plasma cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell plasmablast |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell plasmacytoid dendritic cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell pulmonary ionocyte |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell radial glial cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell regulatory t cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell respiratory goblet cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell respiratory mucous cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell retinal blood vessel endothelial cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell retinal ganglion cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell retinal pigment epithelial cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell salivary gland cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell schwann cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell secretory cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell serous cell of epithelium of bronchus |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell serous cell of epithelium of trachea |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell small intestine goblet cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell smooth muscle cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell b cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell basal cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell basal cell of prostate epithelium |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell bladder urothelial cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell bronchial smooth muscle cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell cardiac endothelial cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell cardiac muscle cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell cd141-positive myeloid dendritic cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell cd1c-positive myeloid dendritic cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell cd24 neutrophil |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell cd4-positive helper t cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell cd4-positive, alpha-beta memory t cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytotoxic t cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell cell of skeletal muscle |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell ciliated cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell ciliated epithelial cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell club cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell club cell of prostate epithelium |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell conjunctival epithelial cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell connective tissue cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell corneal epithelial cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell corneal keratocyte |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell dendritic cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell dn1 thymic pro-t cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell dn3 thymocyte |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell dn4 thymocyte |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell duct epithelial cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell duodenum glandular cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell endothelial cell of hepatic sinusoid |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell enterocyte of epithelium of large intestine |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell enterocyte of epithelium of small intestine |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell epithelial cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell epithelial cell of lacrimal sac |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell epithelial cell of uterus |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell ciliary body |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell double-positive, alpha-beta thymocyte |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell myeloid dendritic cell |
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell BTO:0000439 |
adipocyte BTO:0000439 |
adventitial cell BTO:0001203 |
adventitial cell BTO:0000763 |
alveolar fibroblast BTO:0000763 |
b cell schwann cell |
b cell secretory cell |
b cell serous cell of epithelium of bronchus |
b cell serous cell of epithelium of trachea |
b cell skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
b cell small intestine goblet cell |
b cell smooth muscle cell |
b cell BTO:0001388 |
b cell BTO:0000784 |
b cell BTO:0001203 |
b cell BTO:0000817 |
b cell BTO:0001424 |
b cell BTO:0000439 |
b cell BTO:0000988 |
b cell BTO:0001487 |
b cell BTO:0001374 |
b cell BTO:0000123 |
b cell BTO:0000706 |
b cell BTO:0000651 |
b cell BTO:0003718 |
b cell BTO:0000671 |
b cell BTO:0000763 |
basal cell BTO:0001388 |
basal cell BTO:0001203 |
basal cell BTO:0001385 |
basal cell BTO:0000817 |
basal cell BTO:0000763 |
basal cell of prostate epithelium BTO:0001129 |
bladder urothelial cell BTO:0000123 |
bronchial smooth muscle cell BTO:0000763 |
cardiac endothelial cell BTO:0000562 |
cardiac muscle cell retinal ganglion cell |
cardiac muscle cell retinal pigment epithelial cell |
cardiac muscle cell salivary gland cell |
cardiac muscle cell schwann cell |
cardiac muscle cell secretory cell |
cardiac muscle cell serous cell of epithelium of bronchus |
cardiac muscle cell serous cell of epithelium of trachea |
cardiac muscle cell skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
cardiac muscle cell small intestine goblet cell |
cardiac muscle cell smooth muscle cell |
cardiac muscle cell BTO:0000562 |
cd141-positive myeloid dendritic cell schwann cell |
cd141-positive myeloid dendritic cell secretory cell |
cd141-positive myeloid dendritic cell serous cell of epithelium of bronchus |
cd141-positive myeloid dendritic cell serous cell of epithelium of trachea |
cd141-positive myeloid dendritic cell skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
cd141-positive myeloid dendritic cell small intestine goblet cell |
cd141-positive myeloid dendritic cell smooth muscle cell |
cd141-positive myeloid dendritic cell BTO:0000089 |
cd141-positive myeloid dendritic cell BTO:0000784 |
cd141-positive myeloid dendritic cell BTO:0001281 |
cd141-positive myeloid dendritic cell BTO:0001253 |
cd1c-positive myeloid dendritic cell schwann cell |
cd1c-positive myeloid dendritic cell secretory cell |
cd1c-positive myeloid dendritic cell serous cell of epithelium of bronchus |
cd1c-positive myeloid dendritic cell serous cell of epithelium of trachea |
cd1c-positive myeloid dendritic cell skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
cd1c-positive myeloid dendritic cell small intestine goblet cell |
cd1c-positive myeloid dendritic cell smooth muscle cell |
cd1c-positive myeloid dendritic cell BTO:0000784 |
cd1c-positive myeloid dendritic cell BTO:0001281 |
cd1c-positive myeloid dendritic cell BTO:0001253 |
cd24 neutrophil schwann cell |
cd24 neutrophil secretory cell |
cd24 neutrophil serous cell of epithelium of bronchus |
cd24 neutrophil serous cell of epithelium of trachea |
cd24 neutrophil skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
cd24 neutrophil small intestine goblet cell |
cd24 neutrophil smooth muscle cell |
cd24 neutrophil BTO:0000141 |
cd24 neutrophil BTO:0000089 |
cd4-positive helper t cell BTO:0001203 |
cd4-positive helper t cell BTO:0001253 |
cd4-positive helper t cell BTO:0001374 |
cd4-positive helper t cell BTO:0000671 |
cd4-positive, alpha-beta memory t cell BTO:0000089 |
cd4-positive, alpha-beta memory t cell BTO:0001281 |
cd4-positive, alpha-beta memory t cell BTO:0001253 |
cd4-positive, alpha-beta memory t cell BTO:0000784 |
cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytokine secreting effector t cell retina horizontal cell |
cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytokine secreting effector t cell retinal bipolar neuron |
cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytokine secreting effector t cell retinal ganglion cell |
cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytokine secreting effector t cell retinal pigment epithelial cell |
cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytokine secreting effector t cell salivary gland cell |
cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytokine secreting effector t cell schwann cell |
cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytokine secreting effector t cell secretory cell |
cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytokine secreting effector t cell serous cell of epithelium of bronchus |
cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytokine secreting effector t cell serous cell of epithelium of trachea |
cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytokine secreting effector t cell skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytokine secreting effector t cell small intestine goblet cell |
cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytokine secreting effector t cell smooth muscle cell |
cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytokine secreting effector t cell BTO:0000089 |
cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytotoxic t cell schwann cell |
cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytotoxic t cell secretory cell |
cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytotoxic t cell serous cell of epithelium of bronchus |
cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytotoxic t cell serous cell of epithelium of trachea |
cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytotoxic t cell skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytotoxic t cell small intestine goblet cell |
cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytotoxic t cell smooth muscle cell |
cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytotoxic t cell BTO:0001253 |
cd8-positive, alpha-beta cytotoxic t cell BTO:0001374 |
cell of skeletal muscle BTO:0001253 |
ciliary body BTO:0000439 |
ciliated cell BTO:0001388 |
ciliated epithelial cell BTO:0001424 |
club cell BTO:0000763 |
club cell of prostate epithelium retinal ganglion cell |
club cell of prostate epithelium retinal pigment epithelial cell |
club cell of prostate epithelium salivary gland cell |
club cell of prostate epithelium schwann cell |
club cell of prostate epithelium secretory cell |
club cell of prostate epithelium serous cell of epithelium of bronchus |
club cell of prostate epithelium serous cell of epithelium of trachea |
club cell of prostate epithelium skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
club cell of prostate epithelium small intestine goblet cell |
club cell of prostate epithelium smooth muscle cell |
club cell of prostate epithelium BTO:0001129 |
conjunctival epithelial cell BTO:0000439 |
connective tissue cell BTO:0001388 |
corneal epithelial cell BTO:0000439 |
corneal keratocyte BTO:0000439 |
dendritic cell schwann cell |
dendritic cell secretory cell |
dendritic cell serous cell of epithelium of bronchus |
dendritic cell serous cell of epithelium of trachea |
dendritic cell skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
dendritic cell small intestine goblet cell |
dendritic cell smooth muscle cell |
dendritic cell BTO:0000439 |
dendritic cell BTO:0000763 |
dendritic cell BTO:0001374 |
dn1 thymic pro-t cell BTO:0001374 |
dn3 thymocyte BTO:0001374 |
dn4 thymocyte BTO:0001374 |
duct epithelial cell BTO:0001203 |
duodenum glandular cell BTO:0000651 |
endothelial cell of hepatic sinusoid BTO:0000759 |
endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel retina horizontal cell |
endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel retinal bipolar neuron |
endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel retinal ganglion cell |
endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel retinal pigment epithelial cell |
endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel salivary gland cell |
endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel schwann cell |
endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel secretory cell |
endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel serous cell of epithelium of bronchus |
endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel serous cell of epithelium of trachea |
endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel small intestine goblet cell |
endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel smooth muscle cell |
endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel BTO:0001203 |
endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel BTO:0001385 |
endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel BTO:0000817 |
endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel BTO:0001424 |
endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel BTO:0000887 |
endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel BTO:0001374 |
endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel BTO:0000123 |
endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel BTO:0000763 |
endothelial cell of vascular tree retina horizontal cell |
endothelial cell of vascular tree retinal bipolar neuron |
endothelial cell of vascular tree retinal ganglion cell |
endothelial cell of vascular tree retinal pigment epithelial cell |
endothelial cell of vascular tree salivary gland cell |
endothelial cell of vascular tree schwann cell |
endothelial cell of vascular tree secretory cell |
endothelial cell of vascular tree serous cell of epithelium of bronchus |
endothelial cell of vascular tree serous cell of epithelium of trachea |
endothelial cell of vascular tree skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
endothelial cell of vascular tree small intestine goblet cell |
endothelial cell of vascular tree smooth muscle cell |
endothelial cell of vascular tree BTO:0000887 |
enterocyte of epithelium of large intestine BTO:0000706 |
enterocyte of epithelium of small intestine BTO:0000651 |
epithelial cell of lacrimal sac BTO:0000439 |
epithelial cell of uterus BTO:0001424 |
erythroid progenitor BTO:0000141 |
erythroid progenitor BTO:0001129 |
eye photoreceptor cell BTO:0000439 |
fibroblast BTO:0000759 |
fibroblast BTO:0001388 |
fibroblast BTO:0001203 |
fibroblast BTO:0001385 |
fibroblast BTO:0001424 |
fibroblast BTO:0000439 |
fibroblast BTO:0001487 |
fibroblast BTO:0000988 |
fibroblast BTO:0001129 |
fibroblast BTO:0001374 |
fibroblast BTO:0000123 |
fibroblast BTO:0000706 |
fibroblast BTO:0000651 |
fibroblast BTO:0003718 |
fibroblast BTO:0000763 |
fibroblast of breast BTO:0000817 |
fibroblast of cardiac tissue BTO:0000562 |
goblet cell BTO:0000706 |
goblet cell BTO:0000651 |
goblet cell BTO:0001388 |
granulocyte BTO:0000141 |
granulocyte BTO:0000089 |
gut endothelial cell serous cell of epithelium of bronchus |
gut endothelial cell serous cell of epithelium of trachea |
gut endothelial cell skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
gut endothelial cell small intestine goblet cell |
gut endothelial cell smooth muscle cell |
gut endothelial cell BTO:0000706 |
gut endothelial cell BTO:0000651 |
hematopoietic stem cell BTO:0000089 |
hematopoietic stem cell BTO:0000784 |
hematopoietic stem cell BTO:0001281 |
hematopoietic stem cell BTO:0000141 |
hepatocyte BTO:0000759 |
hepatocyte BTO:0000562 |
hillock cell of prostate epithelium retinal ganglion cell |
hillock cell of prostate epithelium retinal pigment epithelial cell |
hillock cell of prostate epithelium salivary gland cell |
hillock cell of prostate epithelium schwann cell |
hillock cell of prostate epithelium secretory cell |
hillock cell of prostate epithelium serous cell of epithelium of bronchus |
hillock cell of prostate epithelium serous cell of epithelium of trachea |
hillock cell of prostate epithelium skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
hillock cell of prostate epithelium small intestine goblet cell |
hillock cell of prostate epithelium smooth muscle cell |
hillock cell of prostate epithelium BTO:0001129 |
hillock-club cell of prostate epithelium retinal ganglion cell |
hillock-club cell of prostate epithelium retinal pigment epithelial cell |
hillock-club cell of prostate epithelium salivary gland cell |
hillock-club cell of prostate epithelium schwann cell |
hillock-club cell of prostate epithelium secretory cell |
hillock-club cell of prostate epithelium serous cell of epithelium of bronchus |
hillock-club cell of prostate epithelium serous cell of epithelium of trachea |
hillock-club cell of prostate epithelium skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
hillock-club cell of prostate epithelium small intestine goblet cell |
hillock-club cell of prostate epithelium smooth muscle cell |
hillock-club cell of prostate epithelium BTO:0001129 |
immature enterocyte BTO:0000706 |
immature enterocyte BTO:0000651 |
immature natural killer cell BTO:0001374 |
immune cell BTO:0001385 |
immune cell BTO:0001424 |
intermediate monocyte retina horizontal cell |
intermediate monocyte retinal bipolar neuron |
intermediate monocyte retinal ganglion cell |
intermediate monocyte retinal pigment epithelial cell |
intermediate monocyte salivary gland cell |
intermediate monocyte schwann cell |
intermediate monocyte secretory cell |
intermediate monocyte serous cell of epithelium of bronchus |
intermediate monocyte serous cell of epithelium of trachea |
intermediate monocyte skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
intermediate monocyte small intestine goblet cell |
intermediate monocyte smooth muscle cell |
intermediate monocyte pancreatic delta cell |
intermediate monocyte pancreatic ductal cell |
intermediate monocyte pancreatic pp cell |
intermediate monocyte pancreatic stellate cell |
intermediate monocyte paneth cell of epithelium of large intestine |
intermediate monocyte paneth cell of epithelium of small intestine |
intermediate monocyte pericyte cell |
intermediate monocyte plasma cell |
intermediate monocyte plasmablast |
intermediate monocyte plasmacytoid dendritic cell |
intermediate monocyte pulmonary ionocyte |
intermediate monocyte radial glial cell |
intermediate monocyte regulatory t cell |
intermediate monocyte respiratory goblet cell |
intermediate monocyte BTO:0000784 |
intermediate monocyte BTO:0001281 |
intermediate monocyte BTO:0000763 |
intestinal crypt stem cell BTO:0000706 |
intestinal crypt stem cell BTO:0000651 |
intestinal crypt stem cell of large intestine BTO:0000706 |
intestinal crypt stem cell of small intestine BTO:0000651 |
intestinal enteroendocrine cell BTO:0000706 |
intestinal enteroendocrine cell BTO:0000651 |
intestinal tuft cell BTO:0000706 |
intestinal tuft cell BTO:0000651 |
intrahepatic cholangiocyte BTO:0000759 |
ionocyte retinal ganglion cell |
ionocyte retinal pigment epithelial cell |
ionocyte salivary gland cell |
ionocyte schwann cell |
ionocyte secretory cell |
ionocyte serous cell of epithelium of bronchus |
ionocyte serous cell of epithelium of trachea |
ionocyte skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
ionocyte small intestine goblet cell |
ionocyte smooth muscle cell |
ionocyte BTO:0001388 |
ionocyte BTO:0001203 |
keratinocyte BTO:0001385 |
kidney epithelial cell BTO:0000671 |
lacrimal gland functional unit cell BTO:0000439 |
large intestine goblet cell BTO:0000706 |
limbal stromal cell serous cell of epithelium of bronchus |
limbal stromal cell serous cell of epithelium of trachea |
limbal stromal cell skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
limbal stromal cell small intestine goblet cell |
limbal stromal cell smooth muscle cell |
limbal stromal cell BTO:0000439 |
liver dendritic cell BTO:0000759 |
luminal cell of prostate epithelium BTO:0001129 |
luminal epithelial cell of mammary gland BTO:0000817 |
lung ciliated cell BTO:0000763 |
lymphatic endothelial cell BTO:0003718 |
macrophage schwann cell |
macrophage secretory cell |
macrophage serous cell of epithelium of bronchus |
macrophage serous cell of epithelium of trachea |
macrophage skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
macrophage small intestine goblet cell |
macrophage smooth muscle cell |
macrophage BTO:0000759 |
macrophage BTO:0001388 |
macrophage BTO:0000784 |
macrophage BTO:0001281 |
macrophage BTO:0000817 |
macrophage BTO:0001424 |
macrophage BTO:0000439 |
macrophage BTO:0001487 |
macrophage BTO:0001253 |
macrophage BTO:0000141 |
macrophage BTO:0000562 |
macrophage BTO:0001129 |
macrophage BTO:0000887 |
macrophage BTO:0001203 |
macrophage BTO:0001374 |
macrophage BTO:0000123 |
macrophage BTO:0000763 |
macrophage BTO:0003718 |
macrophage BTO:0000089 |
macrophage BTO:0000671 |
mature conventional dendritic cell small intestine goblet cell |
mature conventional dendritic cell smooth muscle cell |
mature conventional dendritic cell BTO:0000784 |
mature enterocyte BTO:0000706 |
mature enterocyte BTO:0000651 |
mature nk t cell BTO:0000887 |
mature nk t cell BTO:0000784 |
mature nk t cell BTO:0001281 |
mature nk t cell BTO:0001374 |
medullary thymic epithelial cell serous cell of epithelium of bronchus |
medullary thymic epithelial cell serous cell of epithelium of trachea |
medullary thymic epithelial cell skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
medullary thymic epithelial cell small intestine goblet cell |
medullary thymic epithelial cell smooth muscle cell |
medullary thymic epithelial cell BTO:0001374 |
melanocyte BTO:0000439 |
melanocyte BTO:0001253 |
memory b cell schwann cell |
memory b cell secretory cell |
memory b cell serous cell of epithelium of bronchus |
memory b cell serous cell of epithelium of trachea |
memory b cell skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
memory b cell small intestine goblet cell |
memory b cell smooth muscle cell |
memory b cell BTO:0000089 |
memory b cell BTO:0001203 |
memory b cell BTO:0001281 |
memory b cell BTO:0001253 |
memory b cell BTO:0000141 |
memory b cell BTO:0000784 |
memory b cell BTO:0001374 |
mesenchymal stem cell retinal ganglion cell |
mesenchymal stem cell retinal pigment epithelial cell |
mesenchymal stem cell salivary gland cell |
mesenchymal stem cell schwann cell |
mesenchymal stem cell secretory cell |
mesenchymal stem cell serous cell of epithelium of bronchus |
mesenchymal stem cell serous cell of epithelium of trachea |
mesenchymal stem cell skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
mesenchymal stem cell small intestine goblet cell |
mesenchymal stem cell smooth muscle cell |
mesenchymal stem cell BTO:0001487 |
mesenchymal stem cell BTO:0000887 |
mesothelial cell BTO:0000887 |
mesothelial cell BTO:0000763 |
mesothelial cell BTO:0001374 |
microglial cell schwann cell |
microglial cell secretory cell |
microglial cell serous cell of epithelium of bronchus |
microglial cell serous cell of epithelium of trachea |
microglial cell skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
microglial cell small intestine goblet cell |
microglial cell smooth muscle cell |
microglial cell BTO:0000439 |
monocyte retina horizontal cell |
monocyte retinal bipolar neuron |
monocyte retinal ganglion cell |
monocyte retinal pigment epithelial cell |
monocyte salivary gland cell |
monocyte schwann cell |
monocyte secretory cell |
monocyte serous cell of epithelium of bronchus |
monocyte serous cell of epithelium of trachea |
monocyte skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
monocyte small intestine goblet cell |
monocyte smooth muscle cell |
monocyte myeloid dendritic cell |
monocyte myeloid progenitor |
monocyte myoepithelial cell |
monocyte myofibroblast cell |
monocyte myometrial cell |
monocyte naive regulatory t cell |
monocyte naive thymus-derived cd4-positive, alpha-beta t cell |
monocyte nampt neutrophil |
monocyte nk cell |
monocyte non-classical monocyte |
monocyte ocular surface cell |
monocyte pancreatic acinar cell |
monocyte pancreatic alpha cell |
monocyte pancreatic beta cell |
monocyte pancreatic delta cell |
monocyte pancreatic ductal cell |
monocyte pancreatic pp cell |
monocyte pancreatic stellate cell |
monocyte paneth cell of epithelium of large intestine |
monocyte paneth cell of epithelium of small intestine |
monocyte pericyte cell |
monocyte plasma cell |
monocyte plasmablast |
monocyte plasmacytoid dendritic cell |
monocyte pulmonary ionocyte |
monocyte radial glial cell |
monocyte regulatory t cell |
monocyte respiratory goblet cell |
monocyte BTO:0000759 |
monocyte BTO:0001203 |
monocyte BTO:0000439 |
monocyte BTO:0000141 |
monocyte BTO:0001129 |
monocyte BTO:0001374 |
monocyte BTO:0000706 |
monocyte BTO:0000651 |
monocyte BTO:0000089 |
mucus secreting cell BTO:0001388 |
muller cell BTO:0000439 |
muscle cell BTO:0001253 |
myeloid cell schwann cell |
myeloid cell secretory cell |
myeloid cell serous cell of epithelium of bronchus |
myeloid cell serous cell of epithelium of trachea |
myeloid cell skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
myeloid cell small intestine goblet cell |
myeloid cell smooth muscle cell |
myeloid cell BTO:0000988 |
myeloid cell BTO:0001129 |
myeloid progenitor serous cell of epithelium of bronchus |
myeloid progenitor serous cell of epithelium of trachea |
myeloid progenitor skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
myeloid progenitor small intestine goblet cell |
myeloid progenitor smooth muscle cell |
myeloid progenitor BTO:0000141 |
myeloid progenitor BTO:0000089 |
myoepithelial cell BTO:0001203 |
myofibroblast cell BTO:0001487 |
myofibroblast cell BTO:0000123 |
myofibroblast cell BTO:0000763 |
myometrial cell BTO:0001424 |
naive regulatory t cell BTO:0001374 |
naive thymus-derived cd4-positive, alpha-beta t cell BTO:0000089 |
naive thymus-derived cd4-positive, alpha-beta t cell BTO:0001281 |
naive thymus-derived cd4-positive, alpha-beta t cell BTO:0001253 |
naive thymus-derived cd4-positive, alpha-beta t cell BTO:0000784 |
nampt neutrophil retina horizontal cell |
nampt neutrophil retinal bipolar neuron |
nampt neutrophil retinal ganglion cell |
nampt neutrophil retinal pigment epithelial cell |
nampt neutrophil salivary gland cell |
nampt neutrophil schwann cell |
nampt neutrophil secretory cell |
nampt neutrophil serous cell of epithelium of bronchus |
nampt neutrophil serous cell of epithelium of trachea |
nampt neutrophil skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
nampt neutrophil small intestine goblet cell |
nampt neutrophil smooth muscle cell |
nampt neutrophil pancreatic delta cell |
nampt neutrophil pancreatic ductal cell |
nampt neutrophil pancreatic pp cell |
nampt neutrophil pancreatic stellate cell |
nampt neutrophil paneth cell of epithelium of large intestine |
nampt neutrophil paneth cell of epithelium of small intestine |
nampt neutrophil pericyte cell |
nampt neutrophil plasma cell |
nampt neutrophil plasmablast |
nampt neutrophil plasmacytoid dendritic cell |
nampt neutrophil pulmonary ionocyte |
nampt neutrophil radial glial cell |
nampt neutrophil regulatory t cell |
nampt neutrophil respiratory goblet cell |
nampt neutrophil BTO:0000141 |
nampt neutrophil BTO:0000089 |
nk cell BTO:0000759 |
nk cell BTO:0000089 |
nk cell BTO:0000784 |
nk cell BTO:0001203 |
nk cell BTO:0001281 |
nk cell BTO:0000817 |
nk cell BTO:0001424 |
nk cell BTO:0001487 |
nk cell BTO:0001253 |
nk cell BTO:0000141 |
nk cell BTO:0000988 |
nk cell BTO:0001374 |
nk cell BTO:0000123 |
nk cell BTO:0000763 |
nk cell BTO:0003718 |
nk cell BTO:0000671 |
non-classical monocyte schwann cell |
non-classical monocyte secretory cell |
non-classical monocyte serous cell of epithelium of bronchus |
non-classical monocyte serous cell of epithelium of trachea |
non-classical monocyte skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
non-classical monocyte small intestine goblet cell |
non-classical monocyte smooth muscle cell |
non-classical monocyte BTO:0000089 |
non-classical monocyte BTO:0000784 |
non-classical monocyte BTO:0000763 |
ocular surface cell BTO:0000439 |
pancreatic alpha cell BTO:0000988 |
pancreatic beta cell BTO:0000988 |
pancreatic delta cell BTO:0000988 |
pancreatic ductal cell BTO:0000988 |
pancreatic pp cell BTO:0000988 |
pancreatic stellate cell BTO:0000988 |
paneth cell of epithelium of large intestine BTO:0000706 |
paneth cell of epithelium of small intestine BTO:0000651 |
pericyte cell BTO:0001203 |
pericyte cell BTO:0001385 |
pericyte cell BTO:0000817 |
pericyte cell BTO:0001424 |
pericyte cell BTO:0000887 |
pericyte cell BTO:0000123 |
pericyte cell BTO:0003718 |
pericyte cell BTO:0000763 |
plasma cell BTO:0000759 |
plasma cell BTO:0001388 |
plasma cell BTO:0000089 |
plasma cell BTO:0000784 |
plasma cell BTO:0001203 |
plasma cell BTO:0001281 |
plasma cell BTO:0000817 |
plasma cell BTO:0000439 |
plasma cell BTO:0001487 |
plasma cell BTO:0001253 |
plasma cell BTO:0000141 |
plasma cell BTO:0000988 |
plasma cell BTO:0001374 |
plasma cell BTO:0000706 |
plasma cell BTO:0000651 |
plasma cell BTO:0003718 |
plasma cell BTO:0000123 |
plasma cell BTO:0000763 |
plasmacytoid dendritic cell retinal ganglion cell |
plasmacytoid dendritic cell retinal pigment epithelial cell |
plasmacytoid dendritic cell salivary gland cell |
plasmacytoid dendritic cell schwann cell |
plasmacytoid dendritic cell secretory cell |
plasmacytoid dendritic cell serous cell of epithelium of bronchus |
plasmacytoid dendritic cell serous cell of epithelium of trachea |
plasmacytoid dendritic cell skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
plasmacytoid dendritic cell small intestine goblet cell |
plasmacytoid dendritic cell smooth muscle cell |
plasmacytoid dendritic cell BTO:0000089 |
plasmacytoid dendritic cell BTO:0000784 |
plasmacytoid dendritic cell BTO:0001281 |
plasmacytoid dendritic cell BTO:0000123 |
plasmacytoid dendritic cell BTO:0000763 |
pulmonary ionocyte BTO:0000763 |
radial glial cell BTO:0000439 |
regulatory t cell small intestine goblet cell |
regulatory t cell smooth muscle cell |
regulatory t cell BTO:0000784 |
regulatory t cell BTO:0001281 |
regulatory t cell BTO:0001253 |
respiratory goblet cell retinal ganglion cell |
respiratory goblet cell retinal pigment epithelial cell |
respiratory goblet cell salivary gland cell |
respiratory goblet cell schwann cell |
respiratory goblet cell secretory cell |
respiratory goblet cell serous cell of epithelium of bronchus |
respiratory goblet cell serous cell of epithelium of trachea |
respiratory goblet cell skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
respiratory goblet cell small intestine goblet cell |
respiratory goblet cell smooth muscle cell |
respiratory goblet cell BTO:0000763 |
retina horizontal cell BTO:0000439 |
retinal bipolar neuron BTO:0000439 |
retinal pigment epithelial cell skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
retinal pigment epithelial cell BTO:0000439 |
salivary gland cell skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
salivary gland cell BTO:0001203 |
secretory cell skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
secretory cell BTO:0001388 |
serous cell of epithelium of trachea skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
serous cell of epithelium of trachea BTO:0001388 |
skeletal muscle satellite stem cell retinal ganglion cell |
skeletal muscle satellite stem cell schwann cell |
skeletal muscle satellite stem cell serous cell of epithelium of bronchus |
skeletal muscle satellite stem cell skeletal muscle satellite stem cell |
skeletal muscle satellite stem cell small intestine goblet cell |
skeletal muscle satellite stem cell smooth muscle cell |
skeletal muscle satellite stem cell BTO:0000887 |
small intestine goblet cell BTO:0000651 |
smooth muscle cell BTO:0001388 |
smooth muscle cell BTO:0001487 |
smooth muscle cell BTO:0000562 |
smooth muscle cell BTO:0001129 |
smooth muscle cell BTO:0000887 |
smooth muscle cell BTO:0000123 |
smooth muscle cell BTO:0000763 |
smooth muscle cell BTO:0001253 |
smooth muscle cell BTO:0003718 |
epithelial cell BTO:0001385 |
epithelial cell BTO:0001424 |
epithelial cell BTO:0001253 |
epithelial cell BTO:0001129 |
epithelial cell BTO:0003718 |
pancreatic acinar cell BTO:0000988 |
fast muscle cell BTO:0000887 |
fast muscle cell BTO:0001374 |
retinal ganglion cell BTO:0000439 |
schwann cell BTO:0001385 |
serous cell of epithelium of bronchus BTO:0000763 |
myeloid dendritic cell BTO:0001374 |
plasmablast BTO:0000141 |
plasmablast BTO:0000089 |
double-positive, alpha-beta thymocyte BTO:0001388 |
respiratory mucous cell BTO:0000763 |
BTO:0000282 BTO:0001489 |
BTO:0000282 BTO:0000439 |
BTO:0000282 BTO:0001090 |
BTO:0001368 BTO:0001493 |
BTO:0001368 BTO:0000149 |
BTO:0001368 BTO:0001374 |
BTO:0000141 BTO:0001486 |
BTO:0000651 BTO:0000648 |
BTO:0001488 BTO:0000522 |
BTO:0001488 BTO:0000345 |
BTO:0001488 BTO:0000254 |
BTO:0001488 BTO:0000784 |
BTO:0001488 BTO:0001374 |
BTO:0001488 BTO:0000080 |
BTO:0000763 BTO:0000203 |
BTO:0000522 BTO:0001489 |
BTO:0000522 BTO:0000765 |
BTO:0000522 BTO:0000431 |
BTO:0003099 BTO:0000083 |
BTO:0003099 BTO:0001424 |
BTO:0003096 BTO:0000082 |
BTO:0003096 BTO:0001129 |
BTO:0000345 BTO:0000988 |
BTO:0000345 BTO:0000759 |
BTO:0000000 BTO:0000042 |
BTO:0001388 BTO:0000203 |
BTO:0000988 BTO:0001491 |
BTO:0000149 BTO:0000254 |
BTO:0000149 BTO:0000431 |
BTO:0000149 BTO:0000817 |
BTO:0000042 BTO:0001489 |
BTO:0000887 BTO:0001485 |
BTO:0000634 BTO:0001489 |
BTO:0000634 BTO:0001253 |
BTO:0000671 BTO:0000431 |
BTO:0000671 BTO:0001491 |
BTO:0000671 BTO:0001244 |
BTO:0000671 BTO:0003092 |
BTO:0001489 BTO:0003091 |
BTO:0001489 BTO:0000088 |
BTO:0001489 BTO:0000570 |
BTO:0001489 BTO:0000421 |
BTO:0001489 BTO:0000203 |
BTO:0001489 BTO:0001493 |
BTO:0001489 BTO:0001486 |
BTO:0001489 BTO:0000202 |
BTO:0001489 BTO:0001485 |
BTO:0001489 BTO:0005810 |
BTO:0001489 BTO:0001491 |
BTO:0001244 BTO:0001491 |
BTO:0001129 BTO:0000080 |
BTO:0000562 BTO:0000088 |
BTO:0001085 BTO:0000088 |
BTO:0001085 BTO:0003718 |
BTO:0000254 BTO:0000083 |
BTO:0000765 BTO:0001203 |
BTO:0000648 BTO:0000511 |
BTO:0000648 BTO:0000706 |
BTO:0000753 BTO:0000570 |
BTO:0000753 BTO:0005810 |
BTO:0000753 BTO:0001281 |
BTO:0000753 BTO:0000784 |
BTO:0000753 BTO:0001374 |
BTO:0001281 BTO:0001491 |
BTO:0000123 BTO:0001491 |
BTO:0001385 BTO:0000202 |
BTO:0001385 BTO:0001090 |
BTO:0003091 BTO:0000081 |
BTO:0003091 BTO:0003092 |
BTO:0000511 BTO:0000058 |
BTO:0000089 BTO:0000570 |
BTO:0000759 BTO:0001491 |
BTO:0000421 BTO:0001487 |
BTO:0000082 BTO:0000081 |
BTO:0000082 BTO:0000080 |
BTO:0000083 BTO:0000081 |
BTO:0000058 BTO:0001491 |
BTO:0000439 BTO:0000202 |
BTO:0001203 BTO:0001090 |