const getImageName = (prefix: string, length: number) => | |
new Array(length) | |
.fill(0) | |
.map((x, idx) => `chunk-method/${prefix}-0${idx + 1}`); | |
export const ImageMap = { | |
book: getImageName('book', 4), | |
laws: getImageName('law', 2), | |
manual: getImageName('manual', 4), | |
picture: getImageName('media', 2), | |
naive: getImageName('naive', 2), | |
paper: getImageName('paper', 2), | |
presentation: getImageName('presentation', 2), | |
qa: getImageName('qa', 2), | |
resume: getImageName('resume', 2), | |
table: getImageName('table', 2), | |
one: getImageName('one', 2), | |
}; | |
export const TextMap = { | |
book: { | |
title: '', | |
description: `<p>Supported file formats are <b>DOCX</b>, <b>PDF</b>, <b>TXT</b>.</p><p> | |
Since a book is long and not all the parts are useful, if it's a PDF, | |
please setup the <i>page ranges</i> for every book in order eliminate negative effects and save computing time for analyzing.</p>`, | |
}, | |
laws: { | |
title: '', | |
description: `<p>Supported file formats are <b>DOCX</b>, <b>PDF</b>, <b>TXT</b>.</p><p> | |
Legal documents have a very rigorous writing format. We use text feature to detect split point. | |
</p><p> | |
The chunk granularity is consistent with 'ARTICLE', and all the upper level text will be included in the chunk. | |
</p>`, | |
}, | |
manual: { | |
title: '', | |
description: `<p>Only <b>PDF</b> is supported.</p><p> | |
We assume manual has hierarchical section structure. We use the lowest section titles as pivots to slice documents. | |
So, the figures and tables in the same section will not be sliced apart, and chunk size might be large. | |
</p>`, | |
}, | |
naive: { | |
title: '', | |
description: `<p>Supported file formats are <b>DOCX, EXCEL, PPT, IMAGE, PDF, TXT</b>.</p> | |
<p>This method apply the naive ways to chunk files: </p> | |
<p> | |
<li>Successive text will be sliced into pieces using vision detection model.</li> | |
<li>Next, these successive pieces are merge into chunks whose token number is no more than 'Token number'.</li></p>`, | |
}, | |
paper: { | |
title: '', | |
description: `<p>Only <b>PDF</b> file is supported.</p><p> | |
If our model works well, the paper will be sliced by it's sections, like <i>abstract, 1.1, 1.2</i>, etc. </p><p> | |
The benefit of doing this is that LLM can better summarize the content of relevant sections in the paper, | |
resulting in more comprehensive answers that help readers better understand the paper. | |
The downside is that it increases the context of the LLM conversation and adds computational cost, | |
so during the conversation, you can consider reducing the ‘<b>topN</b>’ setting.</p>`, | |
}, | |
presentation: { | |
title: '', | |
description: `<p>The supported file formats are <b>PDF</b>, <b>PPTX</b>.</p><p> | |
Every page will be treated as a chunk. And the thumbnail of every page will be stored.</p><p> | |
<i>All the PPT files you uploaded will be chunked by using this method automatically, setting-up for every PPT file is not necessary.</i></p>`, | |
}, | |
qa: { | |
title: '', | |
description: `<p><b>EXCEL</b> and <b>CSV/TXT</b> files are supported.</p><p> | |
If the file is in excel format, there should be 2 columns question and answer without header. | |
And question column is ahead of answer column. | |
And it's O.K if it has multiple sheets as long as the columns are rightly composed.</p><p> | |
If it's in csv format, it should be UTF-8 encoded. Use TAB as delimiter to separate question and answer.</p><p> | |
<i>All the deformed lines will be ignored. | |
Every pair of Q&A will be treated as a chunk.</i></p>`, | |
}, | |
resume: { | |
title: '', | |
description: `<p>The supported file formats are <b>DOCX</b>, <b>PDF</b>, <b>TXT</b>. | |
</p><p> | |
The résumé comes in a variety of formats, just like a person’s personality, but we often have to organize them into structured data that makes it easy to search. | |
</p><p> | |
Instead of chunking the résumé, we parse the résumé into structured data. As a HR, you can dump all the résumé you have, | |
the you can list all the candidates that match the qualifications just by talk with <i>'RAGFlow'</i>. | |
</p> | |
`, | |
}, | |
table: { | |
title: '', | |
description: `<p><b>EXCEL</b> and <b>CSV/TXT</b> format files are supported.</p><p> | |
Here're some tips: | |
<ul> | |
<li>For csv or txt file, the delimiter between columns is <em><b>TAB</b></em>.</li> | |
<li>The first line must be column headers.</li> | |
<li>Column headers must be meaningful terms in order to make our LLM understanding. | |
It's good to enumerate some synonyms using slash <i>'/'</i> to separate, and even better to | |
enumerate values using brackets like <i>'gender/sex(male, female)'</i>.<p> | |
Here are some examples for headers:<ol> | |
<li>supplier/vendor<b>'TAB'</b>color(yellow, red, brown)<b>'TAB'</b>gender/sex(male, female)<b>'TAB'</b>size(M,L,XL,XXL)</li> | |
<li>姓名/名字<b>'TAB'</b>电话/手机/微信<b>'TAB'</b>最高学历(高中,职高,硕士,本科,博士,初中,中技,中专,专科,专升本,MPA,MBA,EMBA)</li> | |
</ol> | |
</p> | |
</li> | |
<li>Every row in table will be treated as a chunk.</li> | |
</ul>`, | |
}, | |
picture: { | |
title: '', | |
description: ` | |
<p>Image files are supported. Video is coming soon.</p><p> | |
If the picture has text in it, OCR is applied to extract the text as its text description. | |
</p><p> | |
If the text extracted by OCR is not enough, visual LLM is used to get the descriptions. | |
</p>`, | |
}, | |
one: { | |
title: '', | |
description: ` | |
<p>Supported file formats are <b>DOCX, EXCEL, PDF, TXT</b>. | |
</p><p> | |
For a document, it will be treated as an entire chunk, no split at all. | |
</p><p> | |
If you want to summarize something that needs all the context of an article and the selected LLM's context length covers the document length, you can try this method. | |
</p>`, | |
}, | |
}; | |