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# Copyright 2024 The InfiniFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import os
import json
import re
from copy import deepcopy
from api.db import LLMType, ParserType
from api.db.db_models import Dialog, Conversation
from import CommonService
from import KnowledgebaseService
from import LLMService, TenantLLMService, LLMBundle
from api.settings import chat_logger, retrievaler, kg_retrievaler
from import forbidden_select_fields4resume
from rag.nlp import keyword_extraction
from import index_name
from rag.utils import rmSpace, num_tokens_from_string, encoder
from api.utils.file_utils import get_project_base_directory
class DialogService(CommonService):
model = Dialog
class ConversationService(CommonService):
model = Conversation
def message_fit_in(msg, max_length=4000):
def count():
nonlocal msg
tks_cnts = []
for m in msg:
{"role": m["role"], "count": num_tokens_from_string(m["content"])})
total = 0
for m in tks_cnts:
total += m["count"]
return total
c = count()
if c < max_length:
return c, msg
msg_ = [m for m in msg[:-1] if m["role"] == "system"]
msg = msg_
c = count()
if c < max_length:
return c, msg
ll = num_tokens_from_string(msg_[0]["content"])
l = num_tokens_from_string(msg_[-1]["content"])
if ll / (ll + l) > 0.8:
m = msg_[0]["content"]
m = encoder.decode(encoder.encode(m)[:max_length - l])
msg[0]["content"] = m
return max_length, msg
m = msg_[1]["content"]
m = encoder.decode(encoder.encode(m)[:max_length - l])
msg[1]["content"] = m
return max_length, msg
def llm_id2llm_type(llm_id):
fnm = os.path.join(get_project_base_directory(), "conf")
llm_factories = json.load(open(os.path.join(fnm, "llm_factories.json"), "r"))
for llm_factory in llm_factories["factory_llm_infos"]:
for llm in llm_factory["llm"]:
if llm_id == llm["llm_name"]:
return llm["model_type"].strip(",")[-1]
def chat(dialog, messages, stream=True, **kwargs):
assert messages[-1]["role"] == "user", "The last content of this conversation is not from user."
llm = LLMService.query(llm_name=dialog.llm_id)
if not llm:
llm = TenantLLMService.query(tenant_id=dialog.tenant_id, llm_name=dialog.llm_id)
if not llm:
raise LookupError("LLM(%s) not found" % dialog.llm_id)
max_tokens = 8192
max_tokens = llm[0].max_tokens
kbs = KnowledgebaseService.get_by_ids(dialog.kb_ids)
embd_nms = list(set([kb.embd_id for kb in kbs]))
if len(embd_nms) != 1:
yield {"answer": "**ERROR**: Knowledge bases use different embedding models.", "reference": []}
return {"answer": "**ERROR**: Knowledge bases use different embedding models.", "reference": []}
is_kg = all([kb.parser_id == ParserType.KG for kb in kbs])
retr = retrievaler if not is_kg else kg_retrievaler
questions = [m["content"] for m in messages if m["role"] == "user"][-3:]
attachments = kwargs["doc_ids"].split(",") if "doc_ids" in kwargs else None
if "doc_ids" in messages[-1]:
attachments = messages[-1]["doc_ids"]
embd_mdl = LLMBundle(dialog.tenant_id, LLMType.EMBEDDING, embd_nms[0])
if llm_id2llm_type(dialog.llm_id) == "image2text":
chat_mdl = LLMBundle(dialog.tenant_id, LLMType.IMAGE2TEXT, dialog.llm_id)
chat_mdl = LLMBundle(dialog.tenant_id, LLMType.CHAT, dialog.llm_id)
prompt_config = dialog.prompt_config
field_map = KnowledgebaseService.get_field_map(dialog.kb_ids)
# try to use sql if field mapping is good to go
if field_map:"Use SQL to retrieval:{}".format(questions[-1]))
ans = use_sql(questions[-1], field_map, dialog.tenant_id, chat_mdl, prompt_config.get("quote", True))
if ans:
yield ans
for p in prompt_config["parameters"]:
if p["key"] == "knowledge":
if p["key"] not in kwargs and not p["optional"]:
raise KeyError("Miss parameter: " + p["key"])
if p["key"] not in kwargs:
prompt_config["system"] = prompt_config["system"].replace(
"{%s}" % p["key"], " ")
rerank_mdl = None
if dialog.rerank_id:
rerank_mdl = LLMBundle(dialog.tenant_id, LLMType.RERANK, dialog.rerank_id)
for _ in range(len(questions) // 2):
if "knowledge" not in [p["key"] for p in prompt_config["parameters"]]:
kbinfos = {"total": 0, "chunks": [], "doc_aggs": []}
if prompt_config.get("keyword", False):
questions[-1] += keyword_extraction(chat_mdl, questions[-1])
kbinfos = retr.retrieval(" ".join(questions), embd_mdl, dialog.tenant_id, dialog.kb_ids, 1, dialog.top_n,
top=dialog.top_k, aggs=False, rerank_mdl=rerank_mdl)
knowledges = [ck["content_with_weight"] for ck in kbinfos["chunks"]]
if dialog.prompt_config.get("self_rag") and not relevant(dialog.tenant_id, dialog.llm_id, questions[-1], knowledges):
questions[-1] = rewrite(dialog.tenant_id, dialog.llm_id, questions[-1])
kbinfos = retr.retrieval(" ".join(questions), embd_mdl, dialog.tenant_id, dialog.kb_ids, 1, dialog.top_n,
top=dialog.top_k, aggs=False, rerank_mdl=rerank_mdl)
knowledges = [ck["content_with_weight"] for ck in kbinfos["chunks"]]
"{}->{}".format(" ".join(questions), "\n->".join(knowledges)))
if not knowledges and prompt_config.get("empty_response"):
yield {"answer": prompt_config["empty_response"], "reference": kbinfos}
return {"answer": prompt_config["empty_response"], "reference": kbinfos}
kwargs["knowledge"] = "\n".join(knowledges)
gen_conf = dialog.llm_setting
msg = [{"role": "system", "content": prompt_config["system"].format(**kwargs)}]
msg.extend([{"role": m["role"], "content": re.sub(r"##\d+\$\$", "", m["content"])}
for m in messages if m["role"] != "system"])
used_token_count, msg = message_fit_in(msg, int(max_tokens * 0.97))
assert len(msg) >= 2, f"message_fit_in has bug: {msg}"
if "max_tokens" in gen_conf:
gen_conf["max_tokens"] = min(
max_tokens - used_token_count)
def decorate_answer(answer):
nonlocal prompt_config, knowledges, kwargs, kbinfos
refs = []
if knowledges and (prompt_config.get("quote", True) and kwargs.get("quote", True)):
answer, idx = retr.insert_citations(answer,
for ck in kbinfos["chunks"]],
for ck in kbinfos["chunks"]],
tkweight=1 - dialog.vector_similarity_weight,
idx = set([kbinfos["chunks"][int(i)]["doc_id"] for i in idx])
recall_docs = [
d for d in kbinfos["doc_aggs"] if d["doc_id"] in idx]
if not recall_docs: recall_docs = kbinfos["doc_aggs"]
kbinfos["doc_aggs"] = recall_docs
refs = deepcopy(kbinfos)
for c in refs["chunks"]:
if c.get("vector"):
del c["vector"]
if answer.lower().find("invalid key") >= 0 or answer.lower().find("invalid api") >= 0:
answer += " Please set LLM API-Key in 'User Setting -> Model Providers -> API-Key'"
return {"answer": answer, "reference": refs}
if stream:
answer = ""
for ans in chat_mdl.chat_streamly(msg[0]["content"], msg[1:], gen_conf):
answer = ans
yield {"answer": answer, "reference": {}}
yield decorate_answer(answer)
answer =
msg[0]["content"], msg[1:], gen_conf)"User: {}|Assistant: {}".format(
msg[-1]["content"], answer))
yield decorate_answer(answer)
def use_sql(question, field_map, tenant_id, chat_mdl, quota=True):
sys_prompt = "你是一个DBA。你需要这对以下表的字段结构,根据用户的问题列表,写出最后一个问题对应的SQL。"
user_promt = """
请写出SQL, 且只要SQL,不要有其他说明及文字。
"\n".join([f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in field_map.items()]),
tried_times = 0
def get_table():
nonlocal sys_prompt, user_promt, question, tried_times
sql =, [{"role": "user", "content": user_promt}], {
"temperature": 0.06})
print(user_promt, sql)"“{question}”==>{user_promt} get SQL: {sql}")
sql = re.sub(r"[\r\n]+", " ", sql.lower())
sql = re.sub(r".*select ", "select ", sql.lower())
sql = re.sub(r" +", " ", sql)
sql = re.sub(r"([;;]|```).*", "", sql)
if sql[:len("select ")] != "select ":
return None, None
if not"((sum|avg|max|min)\(|group by )", sql.lower()):
if sql[:len("select *")] != "select *":
sql = "select doc_id,docnm_kwd," + sql[6:]
flds = []
for k in field_map.keys():
if k in forbidden_select_fields4resume:
if len(flds) > 11:
sql = "select doc_id,docnm_kwd," + ",".join(flds) + sql[8:]
print(f"“{question}” get SQL(refined): {sql}")"“{question}” get SQL(refined): {sql}")
tried_times += 1
return retrievaler.sql_retrieval(sql, format="json"), sql
tbl, sql = get_table()
if tbl is None:
return None
if tbl.get("error") and tried_times <= 2:
user_promt = """
"\n".join([f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in field_map.items()]),
question, sql, tbl["error"]
tbl, sql = get_table()"TRY it again: {}".format(sql))"GET table: {}".format(tbl))
if tbl.get("error") or len(tbl["rows"]) == 0:
return None
docid_idx = set([ii for ii, c in enumerate(
tbl["columns"]) if c["name"] == "doc_id"])
docnm_idx = set([ii for ii, c in enumerate(
tbl["columns"]) if c["name"] == "docnm_kwd"])
clmn_idx = [ii for ii in range(
len(tbl["columns"])) if ii not in (docid_idx | docnm_idx)]
# compose markdown table
clmns = "|" + "|".join([re.sub(r"(/.*|([^()]+))", "", field_map.get(tbl["columns"][i]["name"],
tbl["columns"][i]["name"])) for i in
clmn_idx]) + ("|Source|" if docid_idx and docid_idx else "|")
line = "|" + "|".join(["------" for _ in range(len(clmn_idx))]) + \
("|------|" if docid_idx and docid_idx else "")
rows = ["|" +
"|".join([rmSpace(str(r[i])) for i in clmn_idx]).replace("None", " ") +
"|" for r in tbl["rows"]]
if quota:
rows = "\n".join([r + f" ##{ii}$$ |" for ii, r in enumerate(rows)])
rows = "\n".join([r + f" ##{ii}$$ |" for ii, r in enumerate(rows)])
rows = re.sub(r"T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}(\.[0-9]+Z)?\|", "|", rows)
if not docid_idx or not docnm_idx:
chat_logger.warning("SQL missing field: " + sql)
return {
"answer": "\n".join([clmns, line, rows]),
"reference": {"chunks": [], "doc_aggs": []}
docid_idx = list(docid_idx)[0]
docnm_idx = list(docnm_idx)[0]
doc_aggs = {}
for r in tbl["rows"]:
if r[docid_idx] not in doc_aggs:
doc_aggs[r[docid_idx]] = {"doc_name": r[docnm_idx], "count": 0}
doc_aggs[r[docid_idx]]["count"] += 1
return {
"answer": "\n".join([clmns, line, rows]),
"reference": {"chunks": [{"doc_id": r[docid_idx], "docnm_kwd": r[docnm_idx]} for r in tbl["rows"]],
"doc_aggs": [{"doc_id": did, "doc_name": d["doc_name"], "count": d["count"]} for did, d in
def relevant(tenant_id, llm_id, question, contents: list):
if llm_id2llm_type(llm_id) == "image2text":
chat_mdl = LLMBundle(tenant_id, LLMType.IMAGE2TEXT, llm_id)
chat_mdl = LLMBundle(tenant_id, LLMType.CHAT, llm_id)
prompt = """
You are a grader assessing relevance of a retrieved document to a user question.
It does not need to be a stringent test. The goal is to filter out erroneous retrievals.
If the document contains keyword(s) or semantic meaning related to the user question, grade it as relevant.
Give a binary score 'yes' or 'no' score to indicate whether the document is relevant to the question.
No other words needed except 'yes' or 'no'.
if not contents:return False
contents = "Documents: \n" + " - ".join(contents)
contents = f"Question: {question}\n" + contents
if num_tokens_from_string(contents) >= chat_mdl.max_length - 4:
contents = encoder.decode(encoder.encode(contents)[:chat_mdl.max_length - 4])
ans =, [{"role": "user", "content": contents}], {"temperature": 0.01})
if ans.lower().find("yes") >= 0: return True
return False
def rewrite(tenant_id, llm_id, question):
if llm_id2llm_type(llm_id) == "image2text":
chat_mdl = LLMBundle(tenant_id, LLMType.IMAGE2TEXT, llm_id)
chat_mdl = LLMBundle(tenant_id, LLMType.CHAT, llm_id)
prompt = """
You are an expert at query expansion to generate a paraphrasing of a question.
I can't retrieval relevant information from the knowledge base by using user's question directly.
You need to expand or paraphrase user's question by multiple ways such as using synonyms words/phrase,
writing the abbreviation in its entirety, adding some extra descriptions or explanations,
changing the way of expression, translating the original question into another language (English/Chinese), etc.
And return 5 versions of question and one is from translation.
Just list the question. No other words are needed.
ans =, [{"role": "user", "content": question}], {"temperature": 0.8})
return ans