sovits-models /
GPTfree api
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#Add a comment to get your space restarted. This comment has no effect on behavior.
import os
import io
import gradio as gr
import librosa
import numpy as np
import utils
from inference.infer_tool import Svc
import logging
import soundfile
import asyncio
import argparse
import edge_tts
import gradio.processing_utils as gr_processing_utils
limitation = os.getenv("SYSTEM") == "spaces" # limit audio length in huggingface spaces
audio_postprocess_ori = gr.Audio.postprocess
def audio_postprocess(self, y):
data = audio_postprocess_ori(self, y)
if data is None:
return None
return gr_processing_utils.encode_url_or_file_to_base64(data["name"])
gr.Audio.postprocess = audio_postprocess
def create_vc_fn(model, sid):
def vc_fn(input_audio, vc_transform, auto_f0, tts_text, tts_voice, tts_mode):
if tts_mode:
if len(tts_text) > 100 and limitation:
return "Text is too long", None
if tts_text is None or tts_voice is None:
return "You need to enter text and select a voice", None, "-".join(tts_voice.split('-')[:-1])).save("tts.mp3"))
audio, sr = librosa.load("tts.mp3", sr=16000, mono=True)
raw_path = io.BytesIO()
soundfile.write(raw_path, audio, 16000, format="wav")
out_audio, out_sr = model.infer(sid, vc_transform, raw_path,
return "Success", (44100, out_audio.cpu().numpy())
if input_audio is None:
return "You need to upload an audio", None
sampling_rate, audio = input_audio
duration = audio.shape[0] / sampling_rate
if duration > 20 and limitation:
return "Please upload an audio file that is less than 20 seconds. If you need to generate a longer audio file, please use Colab.", None
audio = (audio / np.iinfo(audio.dtype).max).astype(np.float32)
if len(audio.shape) > 1:
audio = librosa.to_mono(audio.transpose(1, 0))
if sampling_rate != 16000:
audio = librosa.resample(audio, orig_sr=sampling_rate, target_sr=16000)
raw_path = io.BytesIO()
soundfile.write(raw_path, audio, 16000, format="wav")
out_audio, out_sr = model.infer(sid, vc_transform, raw_path,
return "Success", (44100, out_audio.cpu().numpy())
return vc_fn
def change_to_tts_mode(tts_mode):
if tts_mode:
return gr.Audio.update(visible=False), gr.Textbox.update(visible=True), gr.Dropdown.update(visible=True), gr.Checkbox.update(value=True)
return gr.Audio.update(visible=True), gr.Textbox.update(visible=False), gr.Dropdown.update(visible=False), gr.Checkbox.update(value=False)
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--device', type=str, default='cpu')
parser.add_argument('--api', action="store_true", default=False)
parser.add_argument("--share", action="store_true", default=False, help="share gradio app")
args = parser.parse_args()
hubert_model = utils.get_hubert_model().to(args.device)
models = []
others = {
"rudolf": "",
"teio": "",
"goldship": "",
"tannhauser": ""
voices = []
tts_voice_list = asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(edge_tts.list_voices())
for r in tts_voice_list:
for f in os.listdir("models"):
name = f
model = Svc(fr"models/{f}/{f}.pth", f"models/{f}/config.json", device=args.device)
cover = f"models/{f}/cover.png" if os.path.exists(f"models/{f}/cover.png") else None
models.append((name, cover, create_vc_fn(model, name)))
with gr.Blocks() as app:
"# <center> Sovits Models\n"
"## <center> The input audio should be clean and pure voice without background music.\n"
"![visitor badge](\n\n"
"[![Duplicate this Space](](\n\n"
"[![Original Repo](]("
with gr.Tabs():
for (name, cover, vc_fn) in models:
with gr.TabItem(name):
with gr.Row():
'<div align="center">'
f'<img style="width:auto;height:300px;" src="file/{cover}">' if cover else ""
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
vc_input = gr.Audio(label="Input audio"+' (less than 20 seconds)' if limitation else '')
vc_transform = gr.Number(label="vc_transform", value=0)
auto_f0 = gr.Checkbox(label="auto_f0", value=False)
tts_mode = gr.Checkbox(label="tts (use edge-tts as input)", value=False)
tts_text = gr.Textbox(visible=False, label="TTS text (100 words limitation)" if limitation else "TTS text")
tts_voice = gr.Dropdown(choices=voices, visible=False)
vc_submit = gr.Button("Generate", variant="primary")
with gr.Column():
vc_output1 = gr.Textbox(label="Output Message")
vc_output2 = gr.Audio(label="Output Audio"), [vc_input, vc_transform, auto_f0, tts_text, tts_voice, tts_mode], [vc_output1, vc_output2])
tts_mode.change(change_to_tts_mode, [tts_mode], [vc_input, tts_text, tts_voice, auto_f0])
for category, link in others.items():
with gr.TabItem(category):
<h2>Click to Go</h2>
<a href="{link}">
<img src=""
app.queue(concurrency_count=1, api_open=args.api).launch(share=args.share)