# Bing search key BING_SEARCH_KEY= # Google search key GOOGLE_SEARCH_KEY= GOOGLE_SEARCH_ID= # aliyun key ALIYUN_KEY= # Yi Key YI_KEY= # google gemini GOOGLE_KEY= GOOGLE_PROXY_URL= # baidu BAIDU_KEY= BAIDU_SECRET= # tencent KEY:ID, SECRET:KEY TENCENT_KEY= TENCENT_SECRET= # openai key OPENAI_KEY=freeduckduckgo # openai proxy, default is for docker-compose, could modify if you need. OPENAI_PROXY_URL=http://freeduckduckgo:3456/v1 # deepseek DEEPSEEK_KEY=#your_key # chatglm GLM_KEY=#your_key # moonshot MOONSHOT_KEY= # lepthon key LEPTON_KEY= # Local llm: Ollama hostname, could modify if you need. OLLAMA_HOST=http://host.docker.internal:11434 # Local llm: LM Studio host name LMSTUDIO_HOSTNAME=localhost:1234 # Searxng hostname, could modify if you need. SEARXNG_HOSTNAME=http://searxng:8080 # https://github.com/searxng/searxng/tree/master/searx/engines SEARXNG_ENGINES=bing,google SEARXNG_IMAGES_ENGINES=bing,google # The count of resources referenced REFERENCE_COUNT = 8 # enable cache, 1 enable, 0 disable CACHE_ENABLE=1