c4ai / tests /async /test_error_handling.py
# import os
# import sys
# import pytest
# import asyncio
# # Add the parent directory to the Python path
# parent_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
# sys.path.append(parent_dir)
# from crawl4ai.async_webcrawler import AsyncWebCrawler
# from crawl4ai.utils import InvalidCSSSelectorError
# class AsyncCrawlerWrapper:
# def __init__(self):
# self.crawler = None
# async def setup(self):
# self.crawler = AsyncWebCrawler(verbose=True)
# await self.crawler.awarmup()
# async def cleanup(self):
# if self.crawler:
# await self.crawler.aclear_cache()
# @pytest.fixture(scope="module")
# def crawler_wrapper():
# wrapper = AsyncCrawlerWrapper()
# asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(wrapper.setup())
# yield wrapper
# asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(wrapper.cleanup())
# @pytest.mark.asyncio
# async def test_network_error(crawler_wrapper):
# url = "https://www.nonexistentwebsite123456789.com"
# result = await crawler_wrapper.crawler.arun(url=url, bypass_cache=True)
# assert not result.success
# assert "Failed to crawl" in result.error_message
# # @pytest.mark.asyncio
# # async def test_timeout_error(crawler_wrapper):
# # # Simulating a timeout by using a very short timeout value
# # url = "https://www.nbcnews.com/business"
# # result = await crawler_wrapper.crawler.arun(url=url, bypass_cache=True, timeout=0.001)
# # assert not result.success
# # assert "timeout" in result.error_message.lower()
# # @pytest.mark.asyncio
# # async def test_invalid_css_selector(crawler_wrapper):
# # url = "https://www.nbcnews.com/business"
# # with pytest.raises(InvalidCSSSelectorError):
# # await crawler_wrapper.crawler.arun(url=url, bypass_cache=True, css_selector="invalid>>selector")
# # @pytest.mark.asyncio
# # async def test_js_execution_error(crawler_wrapper):
# # url = "https://www.nbcnews.com/business"
# # invalid_js = "This is not valid JavaScript code;"
# # result = await crawler_wrapper.crawler.arun(url=url, bypass_cache=True, js=invalid_js)
# # assert not result.success
# # assert "JavaScript" in result.error_message
# # @pytest.mark.asyncio
# # async def test_empty_page(crawler_wrapper):
# # # Use a URL that typically returns an empty page
# # url = "http://example.com/empty"
# # result = await crawler_wrapper.crawler.arun(url=url, bypass_cache=True)
# # assert result.success # The crawl itself should succeed
# # assert not result.markdown.strip() # The markdown content should be empty or just whitespace
# # @pytest.mark.asyncio
# # async def test_rate_limiting(crawler_wrapper):
# # # Simulate rate limiting by making multiple rapid requests
# # url = "https://www.nbcnews.com/business"
# # results = await asyncio.gather(*[crawler_wrapper.crawler.arun(url=url, bypass_cache=True) for _ in range(10)])
# # assert any(not result.success and "rate limit" in result.error_message.lower() for result in results)
# # Entry point for debugging
# if __name__ == "__main__":
# pytest.main([__file__, "-v"])