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import html.entities
from typing import Dict, List, Optional
from . import config
unifiable_n = {
html.entities.name2codepoint[k]: v
for k, v in config.UNIFIABLE.items()
if k != "nbsp"
def hn(tag: str) -> int:
if tag[0] == "h" and len(tag) == 2:
n = tag[1]
if "0" < n <= "9":
return int(n)
return 0
def dumb_property_dict(style: str) -> Dict[str, str]:
:returns: A hash of css attributes
return {
x.strip().lower(): y.strip().lower()
for x, y in [z.split(":", 1) for z in style.split(";") if ":" in z]
def dumb_css_parser(data: str) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]:
:type data: str
:returns: A hash of css selectors, each of which contains a hash of
css attributes.
:rtype: dict
# remove @import sentences
data += ";"
importIndex = data.find("@import")
while importIndex != -1:
data = data[0:importIndex] + data[data.find(";", importIndex) + 1 :]
importIndex = data.find("@import")
# parse the css. reverted from dictionary comprehension in order to
# support older pythons
pairs = [x.split("{") for x in data.split("}") if "{" in x.strip()]
elements = {a.strip(): dumb_property_dict(b) for a, b in pairs}
except ValueError:
elements = {} # not that important
return elements
def element_style(
attrs: Dict[str, Optional[str]],
style_def: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]],
parent_style: Dict[str, str],
) -> Dict[str, str]:
:type attrs: dict
:type style_def: dict
:type style_def: dict
:returns: A hash of the 'final' style attributes of the element
:rtype: dict
style = parent_style.copy()
if "class" in attrs:
assert attrs["class"] is not None
for css_class in attrs["class"].split():
css_style = style_def.get("." + css_class, {})
if "style" in attrs:
assert attrs["style"] is not None
immediate_style = dumb_property_dict(attrs["style"])
return style
def google_list_style(style: Dict[str, str]) -> str:
Finds out whether this is an ordered or unordered list
:type style: dict
:rtype: str
if "list-style-type" in style:
list_style = style["list-style-type"]
if list_style in ["disc", "circle", "square", "none"]:
return "ul"
return "ol"
def google_has_height(style: Dict[str, str]) -> bool:
Check if the style of the element has the 'height' attribute
explicitly defined
:type style: dict
:rtype: bool
return "height" in style
def google_text_emphasis(style: Dict[str, str]) -> List[str]:
:type style: dict
:returns: A list of all emphasis modifiers of the element
:rtype: list
emphasis = []
if "text-decoration" in style:
if "font-style" in style:
if "font-weight" in style:
return emphasis
def google_fixed_width_font(style: Dict[str, str]) -> bool:
Check if the css of the current element defines a fixed width font
:type style: dict
:rtype: bool
font_family = ""
if "font-family" in style:
font_family = style["font-family"]
return "courier new" == font_family or "consolas" == font_family
def list_numbering_start(attrs: Dict[str, Optional[str]]) -> int:
Extract numbering from list element attributes
:type attrs: dict
:rtype: int or None
if "start" in attrs:
assert attrs["start"] is not None
return int(attrs["start"]) - 1
except ValueError:
return 0
def skipwrap(
para: str, wrap_links: bool, wrap_list_items: bool, wrap_tables: bool
) -> bool:
# If it appears to contain a link
# don't wrap
if not wrap_links and
return True
# If the text begins with four spaces or one tab, it's a code block;
# don't wrap
if para[0:4] == " " or para[0] == "\t":
return True
# If the text begins with only two "--", possibly preceded by
# whitespace, that's an emdash; so wrap.
stripped = para.lstrip()
if stripped[0:2] == "--" and len(stripped) > 2 and stripped[2] != "-":
return False
# I'm not sure what this is for; I thought it was to detect lists,
# but there's a <br>-inside-<span> case in one of the tests that
# also depends upon it.
if stripped[0:1] in ("-", "*") and not stripped[0:2] == "**":
return not wrap_list_items
# If text contains a pipe character it is likely a table
if not wrap_tables and
return True
# If the text begins with a single -, *, or +, followed by a space,
# or an integer, followed by a ., followed by a space (in either
# case optionally proceeded by whitespace), it's a list; don't wrap.
return bool(
or config.RE_UNORDERED_LIST_MATCHER.match(stripped)
def escape_md(text: str) -> str:
Escapes markdown-sensitive characters within other markdown
return config.RE_MD_CHARS_MATCHER.sub(r"\\\1", text)
def escape_md_section(
text: str,
escape_backslash: bool = True,
snob: bool = False,
escape_dot: bool = True,
escape_plus: bool = True,
escape_dash: bool = True
) -> str:
Escapes markdown-sensitive characters across whole document sections.
Each escaping operation can be controlled individually.
if escape_backslash:
text = config.RE_MD_BACKSLASH_MATCHER.sub(r"\\\1", text)
if snob:
text = config.RE_MD_CHARS_MATCHER_ALL.sub(r"\\\1", text)
if escape_dot:
text = config.RE_MD_DOT_MATCHER.sub(r"\1\\\2", text)
if escape_plus:
text = config.RE_MD_PLUS_MATCHER.sub(r"\1\\\2", text)
if escape_dash:
text = config.RE_MD_DASH_MATCHER.sub(r"\1\\\2", text)
return text
def reformat_table(lines: List[str], right_margin: int) -> List[str]:
Given the lines of a table
padds the cells and returns the new lines
# find the maximum width of the columns
max_width = [len(x.rstrip()) + right_margin for x in lines[0].split("|")]
max_cols = len(max_width)
for line in lines:
cols = [x.rstrip() for x in line.split("|")]
num_cols = len(cols)
# don't drop any data if colspan attributes result in unequal lengths
if num_cols < max_cols:
cols += [""] * (max_cols - num_cols)
elif max_cols < num_cols:
max_width += [len(x) + right_margin for x in cols[-(num_cols - max_cols) :]]
max_cols = num_cols
max_width = [
max(len(x) + right_margin, old_len) for x, old_len in zip(cols, max_width)
# reformat
new_lines = []
for line in lines:
cols = [x.rstrip() for x in line.split("|")]
if set(line.strip()) == set("-|"):
filler = "-"
new_cols = [
x.rstrip() + (filler * (M - len(x.rstrip())))
for x, M in zip(cols, max_width)
new_lines.append("|-" + "|".join(new_cols) + "|")
filler = " "
new_cols = [
x.rstrip() + (filler * (M - len(x.rstrip())))
for x, M in zip(cols, max_width)
new_lines.append("| " + "|".join(new_cols) + "|")
return new_lines
def pad_tables_in_text(text: str, right_margin: int = 1) -> str:
Provide padding for tables in the text
lines = text.split("\n")
table_buffer = [] # type: List[str]
table_started = False
new_lines = []
for line in lines:
# Toggle table started
if config.TABLE_MARKER_FOR_PAD in line:
table_started = not table_started
if not table_started:
table = reformat_table(table_buffer, right_margin)
table_buffer = []
# Process lines
if table_started:
return "\n".join(new_lines)