import streamlit as st from PIL import Image import pandas as pd import numpy as np from model_methods import predict import base64 # for title image from load_css import local_css # for highlighting text @st.cache # cached so that latency for subsequent runs are shorter def import_nltk(): import nltk'wordnet')'omw-1.4') # configuration of the page st.set_page_config( layout='centered','subreddit_icon.png'), page_title='Marvel vs. DC comics', initial_sidebar_state='auto' ) # embed source link in title image using base64 module # reference: # reference: im = open("subreddit_icon.png", "rb") contents = im_base64 = base64.b64encode(contents).decode("utf-8") im.close() html = f'''<a href=''> <img src='data:image/png;base64,{im_base64}' width='100'> </a><figcaption>Credit:</figcaption>''' st.markdown(html, unsafe_allow_html=True) st.title('Subreddit Post classifier') local_css("highlight_text.css") text = '''The algorithm driving this app is built using subreddit posts published between April and July 2022. It is only able to classify between <span class='highlight blue'> **Marvel** </span> and <span class='highlight blue'> **DC Comics** </span> subreddits.''' st.markdown(text, unsafe_allow_html=True) # Area for text input import_nltk() # import nltk module if not yet cached in local computer new_post = st.text_input('Please copy and paste the subreddit post here', '') # process new input def predict_post(): data = pd.Series(new_post) # pd.Series format new input coz that is the format that predict() recognises result = predict(data) if result == 1: post = 'Marvel' if result == 0: post = 'DC comics' st.write(f'### This post belongs to') st.success(f'# {post}') st.write(f'### subreddit') # instantiate submit button if st.button('Submit'): with st.sidebar: try: predict_post() except: st.warning(''' Unable to detect text. Please enter text for prediction. \n\n Thank you 🙏. ''')