""" Train a diffusion model on images. """ # import imageio from pathlib import Path import torchvision import kornia import lz4.frame import gzip import random import json import sys import os import lmdb from tqdm import tqdm sys.path.append('.') import torch.distributed as dist import pytorch3d.ops import pickle import traceback from PIL import Image import torch as th if th.cuda.is_available(): from xformers.triton import FusedLayerNorm as LayerNorm import torch.multiprocessing as mp import lzma import webdataset as wds import numpy as np import point_cloud_utils as pcu from torch.utils.data import DataLoader, Dataset import imageio.v3 as iio import argparse import dnnlib from guided_diffusion import dist_util, logger from guided_diffusion.script_util import ( args_to_dict, add_dict_to_argparser, ) # from nsr.train_util import TrainLoop3DRec as TrainLoop from nsr.train_nv_util import TrainLoop3DRecNV, TrainLoop3DRec, TrainLoop3DRecNVPatch from nsr.script_util import create_3DAE_model, encoder_and_nsr_defaults, loss_defaults, rendering_options_defaults, eg3d_options_default from datasets.shapenet import load_data, load_data_for_lmdb, load_eval_data, load_memory_data from nsr.losses.builder import E3DGELossClass from datasets.eg3d_dataset import init_dataset_kwargs from nsr.volumetric_rendering.ray_sampler import RaySampler # from .lmdb_create import encode_and_compress_image def encode_and_compress_image(inp_array, is_image=False, compress=True): # Read the image using imageio # image = imageio.v3.imread(image_path) # Convert the image to bytes # with io.BytesIO() as byte_buffer: # imageio.imsave(byte_buffer, image, format="png") # image_bytes = byte_buffer.getvalue() if is_image: inp_bytes = iio.imwrite("<bytes>", inp_array, extension=".png") else: inp_bytes = inp_array.tobytes() # Compress the image data using gzip if compress: # compressed_data = gzip.compress(inp_bytes) compressed_data = lz4.frame.compress(inp_bytes) return compressed_data else: return inp_bytes from pdb import set_trace as st import bz2 # th.backends.cuda.matmul.allow_tf32 = True # https://huggingface.co/docs/diffusers/optimization/fp16 def training_loop(args): # def training_loop(args): # dist_util.setup_dist(args) # th.autograd.set_detect_anomaly(True) # type: ignore th.autograd.set_detect_anomaly(False) # type: ignore # https://blog.csdn.net/qq_41682740/article/details/126304613 SEED = args.seed # dist.init_process_group(backend='nccl', init_method='env://', rank=args.local_rank, world_size=th.cuda.device_count()) # logger.log(f"{args.local_rank=} init complete, seed={SEED}") # th.cuda.set_device(args.local_rank) th.cuda.empty_cache() # * deterministic algorithms flags th.cuda.manual_seed_all(SEED) np.random.seed(SEED) random.seed(SEED) ray_sampler = RaySampler() # logger.configure(dir=args.logdir, format_strs=["tensorboard", "csv"]) logger.configure(dir=args.logdir) logger.log("creating encoder and NSR decoder...") # device = dist_util.dev() # device = th.device("cuda", args.local_rank) # shared eg3d opts opts = eg3d_options_default() if args.sr_training: args.sr_kwargs = dnnlib.EasyDict( channel_base=opts.cbase, channel_max=opts.cmax, fused_modconv_default='inference_only', use_noise=True ) # ! close noise injection? since noise_mode='none' in eg3d if args.objv_dataset: from datasets.g_buffer_objaverse import load_data, load_eval_data, load_memory_data, load_data_for_lmdb else: # shapenet from datasets.shapenet import load_data, load_eval_data, load_memory_data, load_data_for_lmdb # auto_encoder = create_3DAE_model( # **args_to_dict(args, # encoder_and_nsr_defaults().keys())) # auto_encoder.to(device) # auto_encoder.train() logger.log("creating data loader...") # data = load_data( # st() # if args.overfitting: # data = load_memory_data( # file_path=args.data_dir, # batch_size=args.batch_size, # reso=args.image_size, # reso_encoder=args.image_size_encoder, # 224 -> 128 # num_workers=args.num_workers, # # load_depth=args.depth_lambda > 0 # load_depth=True # for evaluation # ) # else: if args.cfg in ('afhq', 'ffhq'): # ! load data logger.log("creating eg3d data loader...") training_set_kwargs, dataset_name = init_dataset_kwargs( data=args.data_dir, class_name='datasets.eg3d_dataset.ImageFolderDatasetLMDB', reso_gt=args.image_size) # only load pose here # if args.cond and not training_set_kwargs.use_labels: # raise Exception('check here') # training_set_kwargs.use_labels = args.cond training_set_kwargs.use_labels = True training_set_kwargs.xflip = False training_set_kwargs.random_seed = SEED # training_set_kwargs.max_size = args.dataset_size # desc = f'{args.cfg:s}-{dataset_name:s}-gpus{c.num_gpus:d}-batch{c.batch_size:d}-gamma{c.loss_kwargs.r1_gamma:g}' # * construct ffhq/afhq dataset training_set = dnnlib.util.construct_class_by_name( **training_set_kwargs) # subclass of training.dataset.Dataset dataset_size = len(training_set) # training_set_sampler = InfiniteSampler( # dataset=training_set, # rank=dist_util.get_rank(), # num_replicas=dist_util.get_world_size(), # seed=SEED) data = DataLoader( training_set, shuffle=False, batch_size=1, num_workers=16, drop_last=False, # prefetch_factor=2, pin_memory=True, persistent_workers=True, ) else: # data, dataset_name, dataset_size, dataset = load_data_for_lmdb( data, dataset_name, dataset_size = load_data_for_lmdb( file_path=args.data_dir, batch_size=args.batch_size, reso=args.image_size, reso_encoder=args.image_size_encoder, # 224 -> 128 num_workers=args.num_workers, load_depth=True, preprocess=None, dataset_size=args.dataset_size, trainer_name=args.trainer_name, shuffle_across_cls=args.shuffle_across_cls, wds_split=args.wds_split, four_view_for_latent=True # wds_output_path=os.path.join(logger.get_dir(), f'wds-%06d.tar') # load_depth=True # for evaluation ) # if args.pose_warm_up_iter > 0: # overfitting_dataset = load_memory_data( # file_path=args.data_dir, # batch_size=args.batch_size, # reso=args.image_size, # reso_encoder=args.image_size_encoder, # 224 -> 128 # num_workers=args.num_workers, # # load_depth=args.depth_lambda > 0 # load_depth=True # for evaluation # ) # data = [data, overfitting_dataset, args.pose_warm_up_iter] # eval_data = load_eval_data( # file_path=args.eval_data_dir, # batch_size=args.eval_batch_size, # reso=args.image_size, # reso_encoder=args.image_size_encoder, # 224 -> 128 # num_workers=args.num_workers, # load_depth=True, # for evaluation # preprocess=auto_encoder.preprocess) args.img_size = [args.image_size_encoder] # try dry run # batch = next(data) # batch = None # logger.log("creating model and diffusion...") # let all processes sync up before starting with a new epoch of training dist_util.synchronize() # schedule_sampler = create_named_schedule_sampler(args.schedule_sampler, diffusion) opt = dnnlib.EasyDict(args_to_dict(args, loss_defaults().keys())) # opt.max_depth, opt.min_depth = args.rendering_kwargs.ray_end, args.rendering_kwargs.ray_start # loss_class = E3DGELossClass(device, opt).to(device) # writer = SummaryWriter() # TODO, add log dir logger.log("training...") # TrainLoop = { # 'input_rec': TrainLoop3DRec, # 'nv_rec': TrainLoop3DRecNV, # 'nv_rec_patch': TrainLoop3DRecNVPatch, # }[args.trainer_name] # TrainLoop(rec_model=auto_encoder, # loss_class=loss_class, # data=data, # eval_data=eval_data, # **vars(args)).run_loop() # ! overfitting # Function to compress an image using gzip # def compress_image_gzip(image_path): # def encode_and_compress_image(inp_array, is_image=False): # # Read the image using imageio # # image = imageio.v3.imread(image_path) # # Convert the image to bytes # # with io.BytesIO() as byte_buffer: # # imageio.imsave(byte_buffer, image, format="png") # # image_bytes = byte_buffer.getvalue() # if is_image: # inp_bytes = iio.imwrite("<bytes>", inp_array, extension=".png") # else: # inp_bytes = inp_array.tobytes() # # Compress the image data using gzip # compressed_data = gzip.compress(inp_bytes) # return compressed_data def save_pcd_from_depth(dataset_loader, dataset_size, lmdb_path, start_shard, wds_split): """ Convert a PyTorch dataset to LMDB format. Parameters: - dataset: PyTorch dataset - lmdb_path: Path to store the LMDB database """ # env = lmdb.open(lmdb_path, map_size=1024 ** 4, readahead=False) # Adjust map_size based on your dataset size # sink = wds.ShardWriter(lmdb_path, start_shard=start_shard) # with env.begin(write=True) as txn: # with env.begin(write=True) as txn: # txn.put("length".encode("utf-8"), str(dataset_size).encode("utf-8")) # K = 10000 # fps K K = 4096 # fps K # K = 128*128*2 # fps K, 32768 # K = 1024*24 # 20480 # K = 4096 # fps K # if True: # try: for idx, sample in enumerate(tqdm(dataset_loader)): # pass # remove the batch index of returned dict sample sample_ins = sample.pop('ins') # !!! add all() assert all([ sample_ins[i] == sample_ins[0] for i in range(0, len(sample_ins)) ]), sample_ins # check the batch is the same instnace img_size = sample['raw_img'].shape[2] pcd_path = Path(f'{logger.get_dir()}/fps-pcd/{sample_ins[0]}') if (pcd_path / f'fps-{K}.ply').exists(): continue pcd_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # sample = { # # k:v.squeeze(0).cpu().numpy() if isinstance(v, th.Tensor) else v[0] for k, v in sample.items() # k:v.cpu().numpy() if isinstance(v, th.Tensor) else v for k, v in sample.items() # # k:v.cpu().numpy() if isinstance(v, torch.Tensor) else v for k, v in sample.items() # } B = sample['c'].shape[0] cam2world_matrix = sample['c'][:, :16].reshape(B, 4, 4) intrinsics = sample['c'][:, 16:25].reshape(B, 3, 3) ray_origins, ray_directions = ray_sampler( # shape: cam2world_matrix, intrinsics, img_size)[:2] micro = sample # self.gs.output_size,)[:2] # depth = rearrange(micro['depth'], '(B V) H W -> ') # depth_128 = th.nn.functional.interpolate( # micro['depth'].unsqueeze(1), (128, 128), # mode='nearest' # )[:, 0] # since each view has 128x128 Gaussians # depth = depth_128.reshape(B * V, -1).unsqueeze(-1) # fg_mask = (micro['depth'] > 0).unsqueeze(1).float() # fg_mask = micro['alpha_mask'].unsqueeze(1).float() # anti-alias? B 1 H W fg_mask = (micro['alpha_mask'] == 1).unsqueeze(1).float() # anti-alias? B 1 H W kernel = th.tensor([[0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 0]]).to(fg_mask.device) # ! erode. but still some noise... ''' erode_mask = kornia.morphology.erosion(fg_mask, kernel) # B 1 H W # torchvision.utils.save_image(fg_mask.float()*2-1,'mask.jpg', value_range=(-1,1), normalize=True) # torchvision.utils.save_image(erode_mask.float()*2-1,'erode_mask.jpg', value_range=(-1,1), normalize=True) fg_mask = (erode_mask==1).float().reshape(B, -1).unsqueeze(-1) > 0 # # ''' # fg_mask = fg_mask.reshape(B, -1).unsqueeze(-1) == 1 # ! for some failed data # ! no erode: fg_mask = fg_mask.reshape(B, -1).unsqueeze(-1) > 0 # ! for some failed data depth = micro['depth'].reshape(B, -1).unsqueeze(-1) depth = th.where(depth < 1.05, 0, depth) # filter outlier depth[depth == 0] = 1e10 # so that rays_o will not appear in the final pcd. # fg_mask = depth>0 # fg_mask = th.nn.functional.interpolate( # micro['depth_mask'].unsqueeze(1).to(th.uint8), # (128, 128), # mode='nearest').squeeze(1) # B*V H W # fg_mask = fg_mask.reshape(B * V, -1).unsqueeze(-1) # gt_pos = gt_pos[gt_pos.nonzero(as_tuple=True)].reshape(-1, 3) # return non-zero points for fps sampling # pcu.save_mesh_v(f'tmp/gt-512.ply', gt_pos.detach().cpu().numpy(),) # fps sampling try: gt_pos = ray_origins + depth * ray_directions # BV HW 3, already in the world space gt_pos = fg_mask * gt_pos # remove ray_origins when depth=0 # gt_pos = gt_pos[[8,16,24,25,26, 27, 31, 35]] # gt_pos = gt_pos[[5,10,15,20,24,25,26]] # gt_pos = gt_pos[[4, 12, 20, 25]] gt_pos = gt_pos[:] # gt_pos = gt_pos[[25,26]] gt_pos = gt_pos.reshape(-1, 3).to(dist_util.dev()) gt_pos = gt_pos.clip(-0.45, 0.45) gt_pos = th.where(gt_pos.abs()==0.45, 0, gt_pos) # no boundary here? Yes. # ! filter the zero points together here nonzero_mask = (gt_pos != 0).all(dim=-1) # Shape: (N, 3) nonzero_gt_pos = gt_pos[nonzero_mask] fps_points = pytorch3d.ops.sample_farthest_points( nonzero_gt_pos.unsqueeze(0), K=K)[0] pcu.save_mesh_v( str(pcd_path / f'fps-{K}.ply'), fps_points[0].detach().cpu().numpy(), ) assert (pcd_path / f'fps-{K}.ply').exists() except Exception as e: st() pass print(pcd_path, 'save failed: ', e) # ! debug projection matrix # def pcd_to_homo(pcd): # return th.cat([pcd, th.ones_like(pcd[..., 0:1])], -1) # st() # proj_point = th.inverse(cam2world_matrix[0]).to(fps_points) @ pcd_to_homo(fps_points[0]).permute(1, 0) # # proj_point = th.inverse(cam2world_matrix[0]).to(fps_points) @ pcd_to_homo((ray_origins + depth * ray_directions)[0].to(fps_points)).permute(1, 0) # proj_point[:2, ...] /= proj_point[2, ...] # proj_point[2, ...] = 1 # homo # proj_point = intrinsics[0].to(fps_points) @ proj_point[:3] # proj_point = proj_point.permute(1,0)[..., :2] # 768 4 # st() # torchvision.utils.save_image(micro['raw_img'][::5].permute(0,3,1,2).float()/127.5-1,'raw.jpg', value_range=(-1,1), normalize=True) # # encode batch images/depths/strings? no need to encode ins/fname here; just save the caption # # sample = dataset_loader[idx] # compressed_sample = {} # sample['ins'] = sample_ins[0] # sample['caption'] = sample.pop('caption')[0] # for k, v in sample.items(): # # key = f'{idx}-{k}'.encode('utf-8') # if 'img' in k: # only bytes required? laod the 512 depth bytes only. # v = encode_and_compress_image(v, is_image=True, compress=True) # # v = encode_and_compress_image(v, is_image=True, compress=False) # # elif 'depth' in k: # elif isinstance(v, str): # v = v.encode('utf-8') # caption / instance name # else: # regular bytes encoding # v = encode_and_compress_image(v.astype(np.float32), is_image=False, compress=True) # # v = encode_and_compress_image(v.astype(np.float32), is_image=False, compress=False) # compressed_sample[k] = v # # st() # TODO, add .gz for compression after pipeline done # sink.write({ # "__key__": f"sample_{wds_split:03d}_{idx:07d}", # # **{f'{k}.pyd': v for k, v in compressed_sample.items()}, # store as pickle, already compressed # 'sample.pyd': compressed_sample # # 'sample.gz': compressed_sample # }) # break # if idx > 25: # break # except: # continue # sink.close() # convert_to_lmdb(data, os.path.join(logger.get_dir(), dataset_name)) convert_to_lmdb_compressed(data, os.ath.join(logger.get_dir(), dataset_name)) # convert_to_lmdb_compressed(data, os.path.join(logger.get_dir()), dataset_size) save_pcd_from_depth(data, dataset_size, os.path.join(logger.get_dir(), f'wds-%06d.tar'), args.start_shard, args.wds_split) def create_argparser(**kwargs): # defaults.update(model_and_diffusion_defaults()) defaults = dict( seed=0, dataset_size=-1, trainer_name='input_rec', use_amp=False, overfitting=False, num_workers=4, image_size=128, image_size_encoder=224, iterations=150000, anneal_lr=False, lr=5e-5, weight_decay=0.0, lr_anneal_steps=0, batch_size=1, eval_batch_size=12, microbatch=-1, # -1 disables microbatches ema_rate="0.9999", # comma-separated list of EMA values log_interval=50, eval_interval=2500, save_interval=10000, resume_checkpoint="", use_fp16=False, fp16_scale_growth=1e-3, data_dir="", eval_data_dir="", # load_depth=False, # TODO logdir="/mnt/lustre/yslan/logs/nips23/", # test warm up pose sampling training objv_dataset=False, pose_warm_up_iter=-1, start_shard=0, shuffle_across_cls=False, wds_split=1, # out of 4 ) defaults.update(encoder_and_nsr_defaults()) # type: ignore defaults.update(loss_defaults()) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() add_dict_to_argparser(parser, defaults) return parser if __name__ == "__main__": # os.environ[ # "TORCH_DISTRIBUTED_DEBUG"] = "DETAIL" # set to DETAIL for runtime logging. # os.environ["TORCH_CPP_LOG_LEVEL"]="INFO" # os.environ["NCCL_DEBUG"]="INFO" args = create_argparser().parse_args() # args.local_rank = int(os.environ["LOCAL_RANK"]) args.gpus = th.cuda.device_count() opts = args args.rendering_kwargs = rendering_options_defaults(opts) # print(args) with open(os.path.join(args.logdir, 'args.json'), 'w') as f: json.dump(vars(args), f, indent=2) # Launch processes. print('Launching processes...') # try: training_loop(args) # except KeyboardInterrupt as e: # except Exception as e: # # print(e) # traceback.print_exc() # dist_util.cleanup() # clean port and socket when ctrl+c