yslan's picture
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The ray marcher takes the raw output of the implicit representation and uses the volume rendering equation to produce composited colors and depths.
Based off of the implementation in MipNeRF (this one doesn't do any cone tracing though!)
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from pdb import set_trace as st
class MipRayMarcher2(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
def run_forward(self, colors, densities, depths, rendering_options):
deltas = depths[:, :, 1:] - depths[:, :, :-1]
colors_mid = (colors[:, :, :-1] + colors[:, :, 1:]) / 2
densities_mid = (densities[:, :, :-1] + densities[:, :, 1:]) / 2
depths_mid = (depths[:, :, :-1] + depths[:, :, 1:]) / 2
if rendering_options['clamp_mode'] == 'softplus':
densities_mid = F.softplus(
densities_mid -
1) # activation bias of -1 makes things initialize better
assert False, "MipRayMarcher only supports `clamp_mode`=`softplus`!"
density_delta = densities_mid * deltas
alpha = 1 - torch.exp(-density_delta)
alpha_shifted = torch.cat(
[torch.ones_like(alpha[:, :, :1]), 1 - alpha + 1e-10], -2)
T = torch.cumprod(alpha_shifted, -2) # transmittance
weights = alpha * T[:, :, :-1]
visibility = T[:, :,
-1] # bg lambda, https://github.com/Kai-46/nerfplusplus/blob/ebf2f3e75fd6c5dfc8c9d0b533800daaf17bd95f/ddp_model.py#L101
# st()
composite_rgb = torch.sum(weights * colors_mid, -2)
weight_total = weights.sum(2)
# composite_depth = torch.sum(weights * depths_mid, -2) / weight_total
composite_depth = torch.sum(
weights * depths_mid,
-2) # shapenet white background, no need this.
# clip the composite to min/max range of depths
composite_depth = torch.nan_to_num(composite_depth, float('inf'))
composite_depth = torch.clamp(composite_depth, torch.min(depths),
if rendering_options.get('white_back', True):
composite_rgb = composite_rgb + 1 - weight_total
composite_rgb = composite_rgb * 2 - 1 # Scale (0,1) to (-1, 1)
return composite_rgb, composite_depth, visibility, weights
def forward(self, colors, densities, depths, rendering_options):
composite_rgb, composite_depth, visibility, weights = self.run_forward(
colors, densities, depths, rendering_options)
return composite_rgb, composite_depth, visibility, weights