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import torch
import torch.distributions
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.optim
from modules.tts.fs import FastSpeech
from tasks.tts.dataset_utils import FastSpeechWordDataset
from tasks.tts.speech_base import SpeechBaseTask
from import mel2token_to_dur
from import denorm_f0
from utils.commons.hparams import hparams
class FastSpeechTask(SpeechBaseTask):
def __init__(self):
self.dataset_cls = FastSpeechWordDataset
self.sil_ph = self.token_encoder.sil_phonemes()
def build_tts_model(self):
dict_size = len(self.token_encoder)
self.model = FastSpeech(dict_size, hparams)
def run_model(self, sample, infer=False, *args, **kwargs):
txt_tokens = sample['txt_tokens'] # [B, T_t]
spk_embed = sample.get('spk_embed')
spk_id = sample.get('spk_ids')
if not infer:
target = sample['mels'] # [B, T_s, 80]
mel2ph = sample['mel2ph'] # [B, T_s]
f0 = sample.get('f0')
uv = sample.get('uv')
output = self.model(txt_tokens, mel2ph=mel2ph, spk_embed=spk_embed, spk_id=spk_id,
f0=f0, uv=uv, infer=False)
losses = {}
self.add_mel_loss(output['mel_out'], target, losses)
self.add_dur_loss(output['dur'], mel2ph, txt_tokens, losses=losses)
if hparams['use_pitch_embed']:
self.add_pitch_loss(output, sample, losses)
return losses, output
use_gt_dur = kwargs.get('infer_use_gt_dur', hparams['use_gt_dur'])
use_gt_f0 = kwargs.get('infer_use_gt_f0', hparams['use_gt_f0'])
mel2ph, uv, f0 = None, None, None
if use_gt_dur:
mel2ph = sample['mel2ph']
if use_gt_f0:
f0 = sample['f0']
uv = sample['uv']
output = self.model(txt_tokens, mel2ph=mel2ph, spk_embed=spk_embed, spk_id=spk_id,
f0=f0, uv=uv, infer=True)
return output
def add_dur_loss(self, dur_pred, mel2ph, txt_tokens, losses=None):
:param dur_pred: [B, T], float, log scale
:param mel2ph: [B, T]
:param txt_tokens: [B, T]
:param losses:
B, T = txt_tokens.shape
nonpadding = (txt_tokens != 0).float()
dur_gt = mel2token_to_dur(mel2ph, T).float() * nonpadding
is_sil = torch.zeros_like(txt_tokens).bool()
for p in self.sil_ph:
is_sil = is_sil | (txt_tokens == self.token_encoder.encode(p)[0])
is_sil = is_sil.float() # [B, T_txt]
losses['pdur'] = F.mse_loss((dur_pred + 1).log(), (dur_gt + 1).log(), reduction='none')
losses['pdur'] = (losses['pdur'] * nonpadding).sum() / nonpadding.sum()
losses['pdur'] = losses['pdur'] * hparams['lambda_ph_dur']
# use linear scale for sentence and word duration
if hparams['lambda_word_dur'] > 0:
word_id = (is_sil.cumsum(-1) * (1 - is_sil)).long()
word_dur_p = dur_pred.new_zeros([B, word_id.max() + 1]).scatter_add(1, word_id, dur_pred)[:, 1:]
word_dur_g = dur_gt.new_zeros([B, word_id.max() + 1]).scatter_add(1, word_id, dur_gt)[:, 1:]
wdur_loss = F.mse_loss((word_dur_p + 1).log(), (word_dur_g + 1).log(), reduction='none')
word_nonpadding = (word_dur_g > 0).float()
wdur_loss = (wdur_loss * word_nonpadding).sum() / word_nonpadding.sum()
losses['wdur'] = wdur_loss * hparams['lambda_word_dur']
if hparams['lambda_sent_dur'] > 0:
sent_dur_p = dur_pred.sum(-1)
sent_dur_g = dur_gt.sum(-1)
sdur_loss = F.mse_loss((sent_dur_p + 1).log(), (sent_dur_g + 1).log(), reduction='mean')
losses['sdur'] = sdur_loss.mean() * hparams['lambda_sent_dur']
def add_pitch_loss(self, output, sample, losses):
mel2ph = sample['mel2ph'] # [B, T_s]
f0 = sample['f0']
uv = sample['uv']
nonpadding = (mel2ph != 0).float() if hparams['pitch_type'] == 'frame' \
else (sample['txt_tokens'] != 0).float()
p_pred = output['pitch_pred']
assert p_pred[..., 0].shape == f0.shape
if hparams['use_uv'] and hparams['pitch_type'] == 'frame':
assert p_pred[..., 1].shape == uv.shape, (p_pred.shape, uv.shape)
losses['uv'] = (F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(
p_pred[:, :, 1], uv, reduction='none') * nonpadding).sum() \
/ nonpadding.sum() * hparams['lambda_uv']
nonpadding = nonpadding * (uv == 0).float()
f0_pred = p_pred[:, :, 0]
losses['f0'] = (F.l1_loss(f0_pred, f0, reduction='none') * nonpadding).sum() \
/ nonpadding.sum() * hparams['lambda_f0']
def save_valid_result(self, sample, batch_idx, model_out):
sr = hparams['audio_sample_rate']
f0_gt = None
mel_out = model_out['mel_out']
if sample.get('f0') is not None:
f0_gt = denorm_f0(sample['f0'][0].cpu(), sample['uv'][0].cpu())
self.plot_mel(batch_idx, sample['mels'], mel_out, f0s=f0_gt)
if self.global_step > 0:
wav_pred = self.vocoder.spec2wav(mel_out[0].cpu(), f0=f0_gt)
self.logger.add_audio(f'wav_val_{batch_idx}', wav_pred, self.global_step, sr)
# with gt duration
model_out = self.run_model(sample, infer=True, infer_use_gt_dur=True)
dur_info = self.get_plot_dur_info(sample, model_out)
del dur_info['dur_pred']
wav_pred = self.vocoder.spec2wav(model_out['mel_out'][0].cpu(), f0=f0_gt)
self.logger.add_audio(f'wav_gdur_{batch_idx}', wav_pred, self.global_step, sr)
self.plot_mel(batch_idx, sample['mels'], model_out['mel_out'][0], f'mel_gdur_{batch_idx}',
dur_info=dur_info, f0s=f0_gt)
# with pred duration
if not hparams['use_gt_dur']:
model_out = self.run_model(sample, infer=True, infer_use_gt_dur=False)
dur_info = self.get_plot_dur_info(sample, model_out)
self.plot_mel(batch_idx, sample['mels'], model_out['mel_out'][0], f'mel_pdur_{batch_idx}',
dur_info=dur_info, f0s=f0_gt)
wav_pred = self.vocoder.spec2wav(model_out['mel_out'][0].cpu(), f0=f0_gt)
self.logger.add_audio(f'wav_pdur_{batch_idx}', wav_pred, self.global_step, sr)
# gt wav
if self.global_step <= hparams['valid_infer_interval']:
mel_gt = sample['mels'][0].cpu()
wav_gt = self.vocoder.spec2wav(mel_gt, f0=f0_gt)
self.logger.add_audio(f'wav_gt_{batch_idx}', wav_gt, self.global_step, sr)
def get_plot_dur_info(self, sample, model_out):
T_txt = sample['txt_tokens'].shape[1]
dur_gt = mel2token_to_dur(sample['mel2ph'], T_txt)[0]
dur_pred = model_out['dur'] if 'dur' in model_out else dur_gt
txt = self.token_encoder.decode(sample['txt_tokens'][0].cpu().numpy())
txt = txt.split(" ")
return {'dur_gt': dur_gt, 'dur_pred': dur_pred, 'txt': txt}
def test_step(self, sample, batch_idx):
:param sample:
:param batch_idx:
assert sample['txt_tokens'].shape[0] == 1, 'only support batch_size=1 in inference'
outputs = self.run_model(sample, infer=True)
text = sample['text'][0]
item_name = sample['item_name'][0]
tokens = sample['txt_tokens'][0].cpu().numpy()
mel_gt = sample['mels'][0].cpu().numpy()
mel_pred = outputs['mel_out'][0].cpu().numpy()
mel2ph = sample['mel2ph'][0].cpu().numpy()
mel2ph_pred = outputs['mel2ph'][0].cpu().numpy()
str_phs = self.token_encoder.decode(tokens, strip_padding=True)
base_fn = f'[{batch_idx:06d}][{item_name.replace("%", "_")}][%s]'
if text is not None:
base_fn += text.replace(":", "$3A")[:80]
base_fn = base_fn.replace(' ', '_')
gen_dir = self.gen_dir
wav_pred = self.vocoder.spec2wav(mel_pred)
self.saving_result_pool.add_job(self.save_result, args=[
wav_pred, mel_pred, base_fn % 'P', gen_dir, str_phs, mel2ph_pred])
if hparams['save_gt']:
wav_gt = self.vocoder.spec2wav(mel_gt)
self.saving_result_pool.add_job(self.save_result, args=[
wav_gt, mel_gt, base_fn % 'G', gen_dir, str_phs, mel2ph])
print(f"Pred_shape: {mel_pred.shape}, gt_shape: {mel_gt.shape}")
return {
'item_name': item_name,
'text': text,
'ph_tokens': self.token_encoder.decode(tokens.tolist()),
'wav_fn_pred': base_fn % 'P',
'wav_fn_gt': base_fn % 'G',