# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. # # This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. import itertools import os from typing import Sequence, Tuple, List, Union import pickle import re import shutil import torch from pathlib import Path from .constants import proteinseq_toks, rnaseq_toks import math import random from copy import deepcopy RawMSA = Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] class Alphabet(object): def __init__( self, standard_toks: Sequence[str], prepend_toks: Sequence[str] = ("<pad>", "<eos>", "<unk>"), # "<null_0>", append_toks: Sequence[str] = ("<cls>", "<mask>", "<sep>"), # prepend_bos: bool = True, append_eos: bool = True, use_msa: bool = False, mask_prob: float = 0.15, ###--- ): self.mask_prob = mask_prob ###--- self.standard_toks = list(standard_toks) self.prepend_toks = list(prepend_toks) self.append_toks = list(append_toks) self.prepend_bos = prepend_bos self.append_eos = append_eos self.use_msa = use_msa self.all_toks = list(self.prepend_toks) self.all_toks.extend(self.standard_toks) # for i in range((8 - (len(self.all_toks) % 8)) % 8): # self.all_toks.append(f"<null_{i + 1}>") self.all_toks.extend(self.append_toks) self.tok_to_idx = {tok: i for i, tok in enumerate(self.all_toks)} # print(self.tok_to_idx) self.unk_idx = self.tok_to_idx["<unk>"] self.padding_idx = self.get_idx("<pad>") self.cls_idx = self.get_idx("<cls>") self.mask_idx = self.get_idx("<mask>") self.eos_idx = self.get_idx("<eos>") self.all_special_tokens = ['<eos>', '<pad>', '<mask>'] # , '<unk>', '<cls>' self.unique_no_split_tokens = self.all_toks def __len__(self): return len(self.all_toks) def get_idx(self, tok): return self.tok_to_idx.get(tok, self.unk_idx) def get_tok(self, ind): return self.all_toks[ind] def to_dict(self): return self.tok_to_idx.copy() def get_batch_converter(self): if self.use_msa: return MSABatchConverter(self) else: return BatchConverter(self) @classmethod def from_architecture(cls, name: str) -> "Alphabet": if name in ("ESM-1", "protein_bert_base"): standard_toks = proteinseq_toks["toks"] prepend_toks: Tuple[str, ...] = ("<null_0>", "<pad>", "<eos>", "<unk>") append_toks: Tuple[str, ...] = ("<cls>", "<mask>", "<sep>") prepend_bos = True append_eos = False use_msa = False elif name in ("ESM-1b", "roberta_large"): standard_toks = proteinseq_toks["toks"] ###---rnaseq prepend_toks = ("<cls>", "<pad>", "<eos>", "<unk>") append_toks = ("<mask>",) prepend_bos = True append_eos = True use_msa = False elif name in ("MSA Transformer", "msa_transformer"): standard_toks = proteinseq_toks["toks"] prepend_toks = ("<cls>", "<pad>", "<eos>", "<unk>") append_toks = ("<mask>",) prepend_bos = True append_eos = False use_msa = True else: raise ValueError("Unknown architecture selected") return cls(standard_toks, prepend_toks, append_toks, prepend_bos, append_eos, use_msa) def _tokenize(self, text) -> str: return text.split() def tokenize(self, text, **kwargs) -> List[str]: """ Inspired by https://github.com/huggingface/transformers/blob/master/src/transformers/tokenization_utils.py Converts a string in a sequence of tokens, using the tokenizer. Args: text (:obj:`str`): The sequence to be encoded. Returns: :obj:`List[str]`: The list of tokens. """ def split_on_token(tok, text): result = [] split_text = text.split(tok) for i, sub_text in enumerate(split_text): # AddedToken can control whitespace stripping around them. # We use them for GPT2 and Roberta to have different behavior depending on the special token # Cf. https://github.com/huggingface/transformers/pull/2778 # and https://github.com/huggingface/transformers/issues/3788 # We strip left and right by default if i < len(split_text) - 1: sub_text = sub_text.rstrip() if i > 0: sub_text = sub_text.lstrip() if i == 0 and not sub_text: result.append(tok) elif i == len(split_text) - 1: if sub_text: result.append(sub_text) else: pass else: if sub_text: result.append(sub_text) result.append(tok) return result def split_on_tokens(tok_list, text): if not text.strip(): return [] tokenized_text = [] text_list = [text] for tok in tok_list: tokenized_text = [] for sub_text in text_list: if sub_text not in self.unique_no_split_tokens: tokenized_text.extend(split_on_token(tok, sub_text)) else: tokenized_text.append(sub_text) text_list = tokenized_text return list( itertools.chain.from_iterable( ( self._tokenize(token) if token not in self.unique_no_split_tokens else [token] for token in tokenized_text ) ) ) no_split_token = self.unique_no_split_tokens tokenized_text = split_on_tokens(no_split_token, text) return tokenized_text def encode(self, text): return [self.tok_to_idx[tok] for tok in self.tokenize(text)] class FastaBatchedDataset(object): def __init__(self, sequence_labels, sequence_strs, mask_prob = 0.15): self.sequence_labels = list(sequence_labels) self.sequence_strs = list(sequence_strs) self.mask_prob = mask_prob @classmethod def from_file(cls, fasta_file, mask_prob = 0.15): sequence_labels, sequence_strs = [], [] cur_seq_label = None buf = [] def _flush_current_seq(): nonlocal cur_seq_label, buf if cur_seq_label is None: return sequence_labels.append(cur_seq_label) sequence_strs.append("".join(buf)) cur_seq_label = None buf = [] with open(fasta_file, "r") as infile: for line_idx, line in enumerate(infile): if line.startswith(">"): # label line _flush_current_seq() line = line[1:].strip() if len(line) > 0: cur_seq_label = line else: cur_seq_label = f"seqnum{line_idx:09d}" else: # sequence line buf.append(line.strip()) _flush_current_seq() assert len(set(sequence_labels)) == len( sequence_labels ), "Found duplicate sequence labels" return cls(sequence_labels, sequence_strs, mask_prob) def __len__(self): return len(self.sequence_labels) def mask_sequence(self, seq): ###--- length = len(seq) # print(self.mask_prob) max_length = math.ceil(length * self.mask_prob) rand = random.sample(range(0, length), max_length) res = ''.join(['<mask>' if idx in rand else ele for idx, ele in enumerate(seq)]) #print(seq, rand, res) return rand, res def __getitem__(self, idx): sequence_str = self.sequence_strs[idx] sequence_label = self.sequence_labels[idx] masked_indices, masked_sequence_str = self.mask_sequence(sequence_str) return sequence_label, sequence_str, masked_sequence_str, masked_indices def get_batch_indices(self, toks_per_batch, extra_toks_per_seq=0): sizes = [(len(s), i) for i, s in enumerate(self.sequence_strs)] sizes.sort() batches = [] buf = [] max_len = 0 def _flush_current_buf(): nonlocal max_len, buf if len(buf) == 0: return batches.append(buf) buf = [] max_len = 0 for sz, i in sizes: sz += extra_toks_per_seq if max(sz, max_len) * (len(buf) + 1) > toks_per_batch: _flush_current_buf() max_len = max(max_len, sz) buf.append(i) _flush_current_buf() return batches class BatchConverter(object): """Callable to convert an unprocessed (labels + strings) batch to a processed (labels + tensor) batch. """ def __init__(self, alphabet): self.alphabet = alphabet def __call__(self, raw_batch: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): # RoBERTa uses an eos token, while ESM-1 does not. batch_size = len(raw_batch) batch_labels, seq_str_list, masked_seq_str_list, masked_indices_list = zip(*raw_batch) masked_seq_encoded_list = [self.alphabet.encode(seq_str) for seq_str in masked_seq_str_list] ###--- seq_encoded_list = [self.alphabet.encode(seq_str) for seq_str in seq_str_list] ###--- # print('====', seq_str_list) # print('----', masked_seq_str_list) # print('++++', masked_seq_encoded_list) # print('****', seq_encoded_list) max_len = max(len(seq_encoded) for seq_encoded in masked_seq_encoded_list) tokens = torch.empty( ( batch_size, max_len + int(self.alphabet.prepend_bos) + int(self.alphabet.append_eos), ), dtype=torch.int64, ) tokens.fill_(self.alphabet.padding_idx) masked_tokens = deepcopy(tokens) labels = [] strs, masked_strs = [], [] masked_indices = [] # print('=================') for i, (label, seq_str, masked_seq_str, seq_encoded, masked_seq_encoded, indices_mask) in enumerate( zip(batch_labels, seq_str_list, masked_seq_str_list, seq_encoded_list, masked_seq_encoded_list, masked_indices_list) ###--- ): labels.append(label) strs.append(seq_str) masked_strs.append(masked_seq_str) masked_indices.append(indices_mask) if self.alphabet.prepend_bos: tokens[i, 0] = self.alphabet.cls_idx masked_tokens[i, 0] = self.alphabet.cls_idx seq = torch.tensor(seq_encoded, dtype=torch.int64) masked_seq = torch.tensor(masked_seq_encoded, dtype=torch.int64) # print(tokens, masked_tokens) tokens[ i, int(self.alphabet.prepend_bos) : len(seq_encoded) + int(self.alphabet.prepend_bos), ] = seq masked_tokens[ i, int(self.alphabet.prepend_bos) : len(masked_seq_encoded) + int(self.alphabet.prepend_bos), ] = masked_seq # print(tokens, masked_tokens) if self.alphabet.append_eos: tokens[i, len(seq_encoded) + int(self.alphabet.prepend_bos)] = self.alphabet.eos_idx masked_tokens[i, len(masked_seq_encoded) + int(self.alphabet.prepend_bos)] = self.alphabet.eos_idx # print(tokens, masked_tokens) return labels, strs, masked_strs, tokens, masked_tokens, masked_indices class MSABatchConverter(BatchConverter): def __call__(self, inputs: Union[Sequence[RawMSA], RawMSA]): if isinstance(inputs[0][0], str): # Input is a single MSA raw_batch: Sequence[RawMSA] = [inputs] # type: ignore else: raw_batch = inputs # type: ignore batch_size = len(raw_batch) max_alignments = max(len(msa) for msa in raw_batch) max_seqlen = max(len(msa[0][1]) for msa in raw_batch) tokens = torch.empty( ( batch_size, max_alignments, max_seqlen + int(self.alphabet.prepend_bos) + int(self.alphabet.append_eos), ), dtype=torch.int64, ) tokens.fill_(self.alphabet.padding_idx) labels = [] strs = [] for i, msa in enumerate(raw_batch): msa_seqlens = set(len(seq) for _, seq in msa) if not len(msa_seqlens) == 1: raise RuntimeError( "Received unaligned sequences for input to MSA, all sequence " "lengths must be equal." ) msa_labels, msa_strs, msa_tokens = super().__call__(msa) labels.append(msa_labels) strs.append(msa_strs) tokens[i, : msa_tokens.size(0), : msa_tokens.size(1)] = msa_tokens return labels, strs, tokens def read_fasta( path, keep_gaps=True, keep_insertions=True, to_upper=False, ): with open(path, "r") as f: for result in read_alignment_lines( f, keep_gaps=keep_gaps, keep_insertions=keep_insertions, to_upper=to_upper ): yield result def read_alignment_lines( lines, keep_gaps=True, keep_insertions=True, to_upper=False, ): seq = desc = None def parse(s): if not keep_gaps: s = re.sub("-", "", s) if not keep_insertions: s = re.sub("[a-z]", "", s) return s.upper() if to_upper else s for line in lines: # Line may be empty if seq % file_line_width == 0 if len(line) > 0 and line[0] == ">": if seq is not None: yield desc, parse(seq) desc = line.strip() seq = "" else: assert isinstance(seq, str) seq += line.strip() assert isinstance(seq, str) and isinstance(desc, str) yield desc, parse(seq) class ESMStructuralSplitDataset(torch.utils.data.Dataset): """ Structural Split Dataset as described in section A.10 of the supplement of our paper. https://doi.org/10.1101/622803 We use the full version of SCOPe 2.07, clustered at 90% sequence identity, generated on January 23, 2020. For each SCOPe domain: - We extract the sequence from the corresponding PDB file - We extract the 3D coordinates of the Carbon beta atoms, aligning them to the sequence. We put NaN where Cb atoms are missing. - From the 3D coordinates, we calculate a pairwise distance map, based on L2 distance - We use DSSP to generate secondary structure labels for the corresponding PDB file. This is also aligned to the sequence. We put - where SSP labels are missing. For each SCOPe classification level of family/superfamily/fold (in order of difficulty), we have split the data into 5 partitions for cross validation. These are provided in a downloaded splits folder, in the format: splits/{split_level}/{cv_partition}/{train|valid}.txt where train is the partition and valid is the concatentation of the remaining 4. For each SCOPe domain, we provide a pkl dump that contains: - seq : The domain sequence, stored as an L-length string - ssp : The secondary structure labels, stored as an L-length string - dist : The distance map, stored as an LxL numpy array - coords : The 3D coordinates, stored as an Lx3 numpy array """ base_folder = "structural-data" file_list = [ # url tar filename filename MD5 Hash ( "https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/fair-esm/structural-data/splits.tar.gz", "splits.tar.gz", "splits", "456fe1c7f22c9d3d8dfe9735da52411d", ), ( "https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/fair-esm/structural-data/pkl.tar.gz", "pkl.tar.gz", "pkl", "644ea91e56066c750cd50101d390f5db", ), ] def __init__( self, split_level, cv_partition, split, root_path=os.path.expanduser("~/.cache/torch/data/esm"), download=False, ): super().__init__() assert split in [ "train", "valid", ], "train_valid must be 'train' or 'valid'" self.root_path = root_path self.base_path = os.path.join(self.root_path, self.base_folder) # check if root path has what you need or else download it if download: self.download() self.split_file = os.path.join( self.base_path, "splits", split_level, cv_partition, f"{split}.txt" ) self.pkl_dir = os.path.join(self.base_path, "pkl") self.names = [] with open(self.split_file) as f: self.names = f.read().splitlines() def __len__(self): return len(self.names) def _check_exists(self) -> bool: for (_, _, filename, _) in self.file_list: fpath = os.path.join(self.base_path, filename) if not os.path.exists(fpath) or not os.path.isdir(fpath): return False return True def download(self): if self._check_exists(): print("Files already downloaded and verified") return from torchvision.datasets.utils import download_url for url, tar_filename, filename, md5_hash in self.file_list: download_path = os.path.join(self.base_path, tar_filename) download_url(url=url, root=self.base_path, filename=tar_filename, md5=md5_hash) shutil.unpack_archive(download_path, self.base_path) def __getitem__(self, idx): """ Returns a dict with the following entires - seq : Str (domain sequence) - ssp : Str (SSP labels) - dist : np.array (distance map) - coords : np.array (3D coordinates) """ name = self.names[idx] pkl_fname = os.path.join(self.pkl_dir, name[1:3], f"{name}.pkl") with open(pkl_fname, "rb") as f: obj = pickle.load(f) return obj