Runtime error
Runtime error
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import torch
from utils.transforms import quat2mat, repr6d2mat, euler2mat
class ForwardKinematics:
def __init__(self, parents, offsets=None):
self.parents = parents
if offsets is not None and len(offsets.shape) == 2:
offsets = offsets.unsqueeze(0)
self.offsets = offsets
def forward(self, rots, offsets=None, global_pos=None):
Forward Kinematics: returns a per-bone transformation
@param rots: local joint rotations (batch_size, bone_num, 3, 3)
@param offsets: (batch_size, bone_num, 3) or None
@param global_pos: global_position: (batch_size, 3) or keep it as in offsets (default)
@return: (batch_szie, bone_num, 3, 4)
rots = rots.clone()
if offsets is None:
offsets =
if global_pos is None:
global_pos = offsets[:, 0]
pos = torch.zeros((rots.shape[0], rots.shape[1], 3), device=rots.device)
rest_pos = torch.zeros_like(pos)
res = torch.zeros((rots.shape[0], rots.shape[1], 3, 4), device=rots.device)
pos[:, 0] = global_pos
rest_pos[:, 0] = offsets[:, 0]
for i, p in enumerate(self.parents):
if i != 0:
rots[:, i] = torch.matmul(rots[:, p], rots[:, i])
pos[:, i] = torch.matmul(rots[:, p], offsets[:, i].unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1) + pos[:, p]
rest_pos[:, i] = rest_pos[:, p] + offsets[:, i]
res[:, i, :3, :3] = rots[:, i]
res[:, i, :, 3] = torch.matmul(rots[:, i], -rest_pos[:, i].unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1) + pos[:, i]
return res
def accumulate(self, local_rots):
Get global joint rotation from local rotations
@param local_rots: (batch_size, n_bone, 3, 3)
@return: global_rotations
res = torch.empty_like(local_rots)
for i, p in enumerate(self.parents):
if i == 0:
res[:, i] = local_rots[:, i]
res[:, i] = torch.matmul(res[:, p], local_rots[:, i])
return res
def unaccumulate(self, global_rots):
Get local joint rotation from global rotations
@param global_rots: (batch_size, n_bone, 3, 3)
@return: local_rotations
res = torch.empty_like(global_rots)
inv = torch.empty_like(global_rots)
for i, p in enumerate(self.parents):
if i == 0:
inv[:, i] = global_rots[:, i].transpose(-2, -1)
res[:, i] = global_rots[:, i]
res[:, i] = torch.matmul(inv[:, p], global_rots[:, i])
inv[:, i] = torch.matmul(res[:, i].transpose(-2, -1), inv[:, p])
return res
class ForwardKinematicsJoint:
def __init__(self, parents, offset):
self.parents = parents
self.offset = offset
rotation should have shape batch_size * Joint_num * (3/4) * Time
position should have shape batch_size * 3 * Time
offset should have shape batch_size * Joint_num * 3
output have shape batch_size * Time * Joint_num * 3
def forward(self, rotation: torch.Tensor, position: torch.Tensor, offset=None,
if not quater and rotation.shape[-2] != 3: raise Exception('Unexpected shape of rotation')
if quater and rotation.shape[-2] != 4: raise Exception('Unexpected shape of rotation')
rotation = rotation.permute(0, 3, 1, 2)
position = position.permute(0, 2, 1)
if rotation.shape[-1] == 6:
transform = repr6d2mat(rotation)
elif rotation.shape[-1] == 4:
norm = torch.norm(rotation, dim=-1, keepdim=True)
rotation = rotation / norm
transform = quat2mat(rotation)
elif rotation.shape[-1] == 3:
transform = euler2mat(rotation)
raise Exception('Only accept quaternion rotation input')
result = torch.empty(transform.shape[:-2] + (3,), device=position.device)
if offset is None:
offset = self.offset
offset = offset.reshape((-1, 1, offset.shape[-2], offset.shape[-1], 1))
result[..., 0, :] = position
for i, pi in enumerate(self.parents):
if pi == -1:
assert i == 0
result[..., i, :] = torch.matmul(transform[..., pi, :, :], offset[..., i, :, :]).squeeze()
transform[..., i, :, :] = torch.matmul(transform[..., pi, :, :].clone(), transform[..., i, :, :].clone())
if world: result[..., i, :] += result[..., pi, :]
return result
class InverseKinematicsJoint:
def __init__(self, rotations: torch.Tensor, positions: torch.Tensor, offset, parents, constrains):
self.rotations = rotations.detach().clone()
self.position = positions.detach().clone()
self.parents = parents
self.offset = offset
self.constrains = constrains
self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam([self.position, self.rotations], lr=1e-3, betas=(0.9, 0.999))
self.criteria = torch.nn.MSELoss() = ForwardKinematicsJoint(parents, offset)
self.glb = None
def step(self):
glb =, self.position)
loss = self.criteria(glb, self.constrains)
self.glb = glb
return loss.item()
class InverseKinematicsJoint2:
def __init__(self, rotations: torch.Tensor, positions: torch.Tensor, offset, parents, constrains, cid,
lambda_rec_rot=1., lambda_rec_pos=1., use_velo=False):
self.use_velo = use_velo
self.rotations_ori = rotations.detach().clone()
self.rotations = rotations.detach().clone()
self.position_ori = positions.detach().clone()
self.position = positions.detach().clone()
if self.use_velo:
self.position[1:] = self.position[1:] - self.position[:-1]
self.parents = parents
self.offset = offset
self.constrains = constrains.detach().clone()
self.cid = cid
self.lambda_rec_rot = lambda_rec_rot
self.lambda_rec_pos = lambda_rec_pos
self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam([self.position, self.rotations], lr=1e-3, betas=(0.9, 0.999))
self.criteria = torch.nn.MSELoss() = ForwardKinematicsJoint(parents, offset)
self.glb = None
def step(self):
if self.use_velo:
position = torch.cumsum(self.position, dim=0)
position = self.position
glb =, position)
self.constrain_loss = self.criteria(glb[:, self.cid], self.constrains)
self.rec_loss_rot = self.criteria(self.rotations, self.rotations_ori)
self.rec_loss_pos = self.criteria(self.position, self.position_ori)
loss = self.constrain_loss + self.rec_loss_rot * self.lambda_rec_rot + self.rec_loss_pos * self.lambda_rec_pos
self.glb = glb
return loss.item()
def get_position(self):
if self.use_velo:
position = torch.cumsum(self.position.detach(), dim=0)
position = self.position.detach()
return position