import itertools import os import sys import urllib.parse from dataclasses import dataclass, field import mesop as me # Get the directory from the environment variable EVAL_DIR = os.environ.get("EVAL_DIR") if EVAL_DIR: print(f"Directory set to: {EVAL_DIR}") else: print( "No directory specified. Exiting! Set the EVAL_DIR environment variable." ) sys.exit(1) EVAL_DIR_2 = os.environ.get("EVAL_DIR_2") if EVAL_DIR_2: print(f"Eval directory 2 set to: {EVAL_DIR_2}") @dataclass class Item: query: str = "" input: str = "" output: str = "" @dataclass class EvalGroup: items: list[Item] = field(default_factory=list) @me.stateclass class State: directories: list[str] group_1: EvalGroup group_2: EvalGroup def load_eval_dir(eval_dir: str): # Read all directories from args.dir directories = [ d for d in os.listdir(eval_dir) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(eval_dir, d)) ] items: list[Item] = [] for dir in directories: input_path = os.path.join(eval_dir, dir, "input.txt") output_path = os.path.join(eval_dir, dir, "output.txt") with open(input_path) as f: input_content = with open(output_path) as f: output_content = item = Item( input=input_content, output=output_content, query=urllib.parse.unquote(dir), ) items.append(item) return items def on_load(e: me.LoadEvent): state = me.state(State) assert EVAL_DIR state.group_1.items = load_eval_dir(EVAL_DIR) if EVAL_DIR_2: state.group_2.items = load_eval_dir(EVAL_DIR_2) print("state.group_2.items", state.group_2.items) # Store the directories in the state for later use # me.state(State).directories = directories on_load=on_load, security_policy=me.SecurityPolicy( allowed_script_srcs=[ "", ] ), ) def index(): state = me.state(State) with scrollable(): with style=me.Style( margin=me.Margin.symmetric(horizontal="auto", vertical=24), # background="white", padding=me.Padding.symmetric(horizontal=16), ) ): me.text("Eval viewer", type="headline-3") me.text(f"Group 1: {len(state.group_1.items)} items") me.text(f"Group 2: {len(state.group_2.items)} items") # Zip group_1 and group_2 items zipped_items = list( itertools.zip_longest( state.group_1.items, state.group_2.items, fillvalue=None ) ) with style=me.Style( display="grid", grid_template_columns="160px 300px 1fr 300px 1fr" if state.group_2.items else "160px 1fr 1fr", gap=16, ) ): # Header me.text("Query", style=me.Style(font_weight=500)) me.text("Input (1)", style=me.Style(font_weight=500)) me.text("Output (1)", style=me.Style(font_weight=500)) if state.group_2.items: me.text("Input (2)", style=me.Style(font_weight=500)) me.text("Output (2)", style=me.Style(font_weight=500)) # Body for item_1, item_2 in zipped_items: if item_1: me.text(item_1.query, style=me.Style(font_weight=500)) me.markdown( item_1.input, style=me.Style(overflow_y="auto", max_height=400) ) me.text(item_1.output) if item_2: me.markdown( item_2.input, style=me.Style(overflow_y="auto", max_height=400) ) me.text(item_2.output) @me.web_component(path="./scrollable.js") def scrollable( *, key: str | None = None, ): return me.insert_web_component( name="scrollable-component", key=key, )