# main.py from deepmultilingualpunctuation import PunctuationModel import re from fastapi import FastAPI from fastapi.responses import HTMLResponse, FileResponse app = FastAPI() @app.get("/") async def root(): return FileResponse(path="static/index.html", media_type="text/html") @app.get("/html") async def root(): """Basic HTML response.""" body = ( "<html>" "<body style='padding: 10px;'>" "<h1>Welcome to the API</h1>" "<div>" "Check the docs: <a href='/docs'>here</a>" "</div>" "</body>" "</html>" ) return HTMLResponse(content=body) @app.get("/api/{input_text}") async def cal_api(input_text): #input_text = "my name is clara i live in berkeley california" model = PunctuationModel() output_text = model.restore_punctuation(input_text) split_text = output_text.split('. ') pcnt_file_cr = '.\n'.join(split_text) regex1 = r"\bi\b" regex2 = r"(?<=[.?!;])\s*\w" regex3 = r"^\w" pcnt_file_cr_cap = re.sub(regex3, lambda x: x.group().upper(), re.sub(regex2, lambda x: x.group().upper(), re.sub(regex1, "I", pcnt_file_cr))) return {"data": pcnt_file_cr_cap} @app.get("/item/{item_id}") async def read_item(item_id): return {"item_id": item_id}