test_virtual / utils /model_util.py
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Upload folder using huggingface_hub
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import torch
from diffusion import gaussian_diffusion as gd
from diffusion.respace import space_timesteps, SpacedDiffusion
from model.diffusion import FiLMTransformer
from torch.nn import functional as F
def get_person_num(config_path):
if "PXB184" in config_path:
person = "PXB184"
elif "RLW104" in config_path:
person = "RLW104"
elif "TXB805" in config_path:
person = "TXB805"
elif "GQS883" in config_path:
person = "GQS883"
assert False, f"something wrong with config: {config_path}"
return person
def load_model(model, state_dict):
missing_keys, unexpected_keys = model.load_state_dict(state_dict, strict=False)
assert len(unexpected_keys) == 0, unexpected_keys
assert all(
k.startswith("transformer.") or k.startswith("tokenizer.")
for k in missing_keys
), missing_keys
def create_model_and_diffusion(args, split_type):
model = FiLMTransformer(**get_model_args(args, split_type=split_type)).to(
diffusion = create_gaussian_diffusion(args)
return model, diffusion
def get_model_args(args, split_type):
if args.data_format == "face":
nfeat = 256
lfeat = 512
elif args.data_format == "pose":
nfeat = 104
lfeat = 256
if not hasattr(args, "num_audio_layers"):
args.num_audio_layers = 3 # backwards compat
model_args = {
"args": args,
"nfeats": nfeat,
"latent_dim": lfeat,
"ff_size": 1024,
"num_layers": args.layers,
"num_heads": args.heads,
"dropout": 0.1,
"cond_feature_dim": 512 * 2,
"activation": F.gelu,
"use_rotary": not args.not_rotary,
"cond_mode": "uncond" if args.unconstrained else "audio",
"split_type": split_type,
"num_audio_layers": args.num_audio_layers,
"device": args.device,
return model_args
def create_gaussian_diffusion(args):
predict_xstart = True
steps = 1000
scale_beta = 1.0
timestep_respacing = args.timestep_respacing
learn_sigma = False
rescale_timesteps = False
betas = gd.get_named_beta_schedule(args.noise_schedule, steps, scale_beta)
loss_type = gd.LossType.MSE
if not timestep_respacing:
timestep_respacing = [steps]
name = args.save_dir if hasattr(args, "save_dir") else args.model_path
return SpacedDiffusion(
use_timesteps=space_timesteps(steps, timestep_respacing),
gd.ModelMeanType.EPSILON if not predict_xstart else gd.ModelMeanType.START_X
if not args.sigma_small
else gd.ModelVarType.FIXED_SMALL
if not learn_sigma
else gd.ModelVarType.LEARNED_RANGE