File size: 7,726 Bytes
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from PIL import Image, ExifTags, PngImagePlugin
from sd_parsers import ParserManager
from io import BytesIO
from pathlib import Path
from os import path
import sys
import time
from typing import Union
#def format_metadata(params: dict) -> str:
def format_metadata(params):
lines = []
loras = params.get('lora', {})
for name, props in sorted(loras.items()):
weight = props.get('weight')
weight = float(weight) if weight else 0.0
if name and weight:
if lorainfo:
negative_prompt = params.get('negative_prompt')
if negative_prompt is not None:
lines.append('Negative prompt: ' + negative_prompt)
info = []
info.append(('Steps', params['num_inference_steps']))
sampler = params.get('sampler')
if sampler:
info.append(('Sampler', sampler))
info.append(('CFG Scale', params['guidance_scale']))
seed = params.get('seed', -1)
if seed != -1:
info.append(('Seed', seed))
width, height = params.get('width'), params.get('height')
if width and height:
info.append(('Size', '{}x{}'.format(width, height)))
model = params.get('model')
if model is not None:
if model.endswith('.safetensors'):
# filename without extension
model = path.basename(model).rsplit('.', 1)[0]
# else assume it's a model id
info.append(('Model', model))
mode = params.get('mode') # Img2Img, Txt2Img
if mode is not None:
info.append(('Mode', mode))
if mode == 'Img2Img':
strength = params.get('strength')
if strength is not None:
info.append(('Denoising strength', strength))
clip_skip = params.get('clip_skip', 0)
if clip_skip >= 1:
info.append(('Clip skip', clip_skip+1))
controlnet_model = params.get('cnet_model', '')
controlnet_conditioning_scale = params.get('controlnet_conditioning_scale', 0.0)
if controlnet_model and controlnet_conditioning_scale >= 0.001:
info.append(('ControlNet', controlnet_conditioning_scale))
info.append(('ControlNet Conditioning Scale', controlnet_conditioning_scale))
if params.get('guess_mode'):
info.append(('ControlNet Guess Mode', 1))
vae = params.get('vae')
if vae is not None:
info.append(('VAE', vae))
for (opt, meta) in [
('compel', 'Compel'),
('freeu', 'FreeU'),
('resadapter_norm', 'ResAdapter Normalization'),
('vae_tiling', 'VAE Tiling'),
if params.get(opt):
info.append((meta, 1))
for (opt, meta) in [
('eta', 'Eta'),
('pag_adaptive_scale', 'PAG Adaptive Scale'),
('pag_scale', 'PAG Scale'),
('sag_scale', 'SAG Scale'),
('token_merging_ratio', 'Token Merging Ratio'),
val = params.get(opt, 0.0)
if val and val >= 0.01:
info.append((meta, val))
lines.append(', '.join(['{}: {}'.format(k, v) for (k, v) in info]))
return '\n'.join(lines)
#def add_metadata_to_pil_image(pil_image: Image, params: Union[dict, str])-> None:
def add_metadata_to_pil_image(pil_image, params):
'''add generation parameters to the image info fields, in a Gradio-compatible way'''
if isinstance(params, str):
metadata = params
metadata = format_metadata(params)['parameters'] = metadata
# borrowed from piexif
usercomment = b'UNICODE\0' + metadata.encode('utf_16_be', errors='replace')
# The PIL Exif encoder detects both bytes and bytearrays as sequences of
# integers, so they get encoded with the wrong type, and most tools won't
# interpret that as text. A list wrapping a bytearray dodges those
# heuristics, correctly storing the data as a byte sequence.
usercomment = [bytearray(usercomment)]
exif = pil_image.getexif()
exif.setdefault(ExifTags.IFD.Exif, {})[ExifTags.Base.UserComment] = usercomment['exif'] = exif.tobytes()
def get_image_meta_str(image):
res = []
if image.filename:
res.append('Filename: {}'.format(image.filename))
if image.format:
res.append('Format: {}'.format(image.format))
res.append('Size: {}x{}'.format(*image.size))
info = ParserManager().parse(image)
if info:
for prompt in info.prompts:
if prompt:
res.append('Prompt: {}'.format(prompt))
for negative_prompt in info.negative_prompts:
if negative_prompt:
res.append('Negative Prompt: {}'.format(negative_prompt))
for sampler in info.samplers:
res.append('Sampler: {}'.format(
seed = sampler.parameters.get('seed')
if seed:
res.append('Seed: {}'.format(seed))
steps = sampler.parameters.get('steps')
if steps:
res.append('Steps: {}'.format(steps))
if sampler.model and
res.append('Model: {}'.format(
for (meta, value) in sorted(info.metadata.items()):
res.append('{}: {}'.format(meta, value))
return '\n'.join(res)
#def extract_meta_for_saving(pil_image: Image):
def extract_meta_for_saving(pil_image):
meta_args = {}
exif ='exif')
if exif:
meta_args["exif"] = exif
pngtexts = [ (key, value) for key, value in
if isinstance(key, str) and isinstance(value, str) ]
if pngtexts:
pnginfo = PngImagePlugin.PngInfo()
for key, value in pngtexts:
pnginfo.add_text(key, value)
meta_args["pnginfo"] = pnginfo
return meta_args
def filebytes(pil_image, format):
with BytesIO() as output_bytes:
meta_params = extract_meta_for_saving(pil_image)
if format in ['jpeg', 'jpg', 'webp']:
meta_params['quality'] = 90, format=format, **meta_params)
return output_bytes.getvalue()
def open_file_timestamp(basename, directory='.', extension='.png'):
output = Path(directory)
count = 0
opt = True
spbasename = basename.rsplit('-', 1)
if len(spbasename) == 2 and len(spbasename[1]) == 4 and spbasename[1].isdigit():
count = int(spbasename[1])
basename = spbasename[0]
opt = False
def getfilepath(count):
extra = '-{:04}'.format(count)
return output / '{}{}.{}'.format(basename, extra, extension)
filepath = getfilepath(count)
# otimizacao
if opt:
existing = sorted(output.glob(basename + '*.' + extension))
if existing:
count = 1
last = existing[-1].name[:len(extension)]
sepnum = (last.rsplit('-', 1)+[''])[1]
if sepnum.isdigit():
count = int(sepnum)
filepath = getfilepath(count)
while True:
return open(filepath, 'xb')
except FileExistsError:
count += 1
filepath = getfilepath(count)
def save_image_with_meta(pil_image, basename, directory, format="png"):
filedata = filebytes(pil_image, format)
with open_file_timestamp(basename, directory, format) as outfile:
def save_image_timestamp(pil_image, directory, format="png"):
outdir = Path(directory)
basename = time.strftime('%Y%m%d-0001')
return save_image_with_meta(pil_image, basename, outdir, format)