var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); }; // src/tasks/index.ts var tasks_exports = {}; __export(tasks_exports, { audioClassification: () => audioClassification, automaticSpeechRecognition: () => automaticSpeechRecognition, conversational: () => conversational, documentQuestionAnswering: () => documentQuestionAnswering, featureExtraction: () => featureExtraction, fillMask: () => fillMask, imageClassification: () => imageClassification, imageSegmentation: () => imageSegmentation, imageToText: () => imageToText, objectDetection: () => objectDetection, questionAnswering: () => questionAnswering, request: () => request, sentenceSimilarity: () => sentenceSimilarity, streamingRequest: () => streamingRequest, summarization: () => summarization, tableQuestionAnswering: () => tableQuestionAnswering, textClassification: () => textClassification, textGeneration: () => textGeneration, textGenerationStream: () => textGenerationStream, textToImage: () => textToImage, tokenClassification: () => tokenClassification, translation: () => translation, visualQuestionAnswering: () => visualQuestionAnswering, zeroShotClassification: () => zeroShotClassification }); // src/lib/makeRequestOptions.ts var HF_INFERENCE_API_BASE_URL = ""; function makeRequestOptions(args, options) { const { model, accessToken, ...otherArgs } = args; const headers = {}; if (accessToken) { headers["Authorization"] = `Bearer ${accessToken}`; } const binary = "data" in args && !!; if (!binary) { headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"; } else { if (options?.wait_for_model) { headers["X-Wait-For-Model"] = "true"; } if (options?.use_cache === false) { headers["X-Use-Cache"] = "false"; } if (options?.dont_load_model) { headers["X-Load-Model"] = "0"; } } const url = /^http(s?):/.test(model) || model.startsWith("/") ? model : `${HF_INFERENCE_API_BASE_URL}${model}`; const info = { headers, method: "POST", body: binary ? : JSON.stringify({ ...otherArgs, options }), credentials: options?.includeCredentials ? "include" : "same-origin" }; return { url, info }; } // src/tasks/custom/request.ts async function request(args, options) { const { url, info } = makeRequestOptions(args, options); const response = await fetch(url, info); if (options?.retry_on_error !== false && response.status === 503 && !options?.wait_for_model) { return request(args, { ...options, wait_for_model: true }); } if (!response.ok) { if (response.headers.get("Content-Type")?.startsWith("application/json")) { const output = await response.json(); if (output.error) { throw new Error(output.error); } } throw new Error("An error occurred while fetching the blob"); } if (response.headers.get("Content-Type")?.startsWith("application/json")) { return await response.json(); } return await response.blob(); } // src/vendor/fetch-event-source/parse.ts function getLines(onLine) { let buffer; let position; let fieldLength; let discardTrailingNewline = false; return function onChunk(arr) { if (buffer === void 0) { buffer = arr; position = 0; fieldLength = -1; } else { buffer = concat(buffer, arr); } const bufLength = buffer.length; let lineStart = 0; while (position < bufLength) { if (discardTrailingNewline) { if (buffer[position] === 10 /* NewLine */) { lineStart = ++position; } discardTrailingNewline = false; } let lineEnd = -1; for (; position < bufLength && lineEnd === -1; ++position) { switch (buffer[position]) { case 58 /* Colon */: if (fieldLength === -1) { fieldLength = position - lineStart; } break; case 13 /* CarriageReturn */: discardTrailingNewline = true; case 10 /* NewLine */: lineEnd = position; break; } } if (lineEnd === -1) { break; } onLine(buffer.subarray(lineStart, lineEnd), fieldLength); lineStart = position; fieldLength = -1; } if (lineStart === bufLength) { buffer = void 0; } else if (lineStart !== 0) { buffer = buffer.subarray(lineStart); position -= lineStart; } }; } function getMessages(onId, onRetry, onMessage) { let message = newMessage(); const decoder = new TextDecoder(); return function onLine(line, fieldLength) { if (line.length === 0) { onMessage?.(message); message = newMessage(); } else if (fieldLength > 0) { const field = decoder.decode(line.subarray(0, fieldLength)); const valueOffset = fieldLength + (line[fieldLength + 1] === 32 /* Space */ ? 2 : 1); const value = decoder.decode(line.subarray(valueOffset)); switch (field) { case "data": = ? + "\n" + value : value; break; case "event": message.event = value; break; case "id": onId( = value); break; case "retry": const retry = parseInt(value, 10); if (!isNaN(retry)) { onRetry(message.retry = retry); } break; } } }; } function concat(a, b) { const res = new Uint8Array(a.length + b.length); res.set(a); res.set(b, a.length); return res; } function newMessage() { return { data: "", event: "", id: "", retry: void 0 }; } // src/tasks/custom/streamingRequest.ts async function* streamingRequest(args, options) { const { url, info } = makeRequestOptions({ ...args, stream: true }, options); const response = await fetch(url, info); if (options?.retry_on_error !== false && response.status === 503 && !options?.wait_for_model) { return streamingRequest(args, { ...options, wait_for_model: true }); } if (!response.ok) { if (response.headers.get("Content-Type")?.startsWith("application/json")) { const output = await response.json(); if (output.error) { throw new Error(output.error); } } throw new Error(`Server response contains error: ${response.status}`); } if (response.headers.get("content-type") !== "text/event-stream") { throw new Error( `Server does not support event stream content type, it returned ` + response.headers.get("content-type") ); } if (!response.body) { return; } const reader = response.body.getReader(); let events = []; const onEvent = (event) => { events.push(event); }; const onChunk = getLines( getMessages( () => { }, () => { }, onEvent ) ); try { while (true) { const { done, value } = await; if (done) return; onChunk(value); for (const event of events) { if ( > 0) { yield JSON.parse(; } } events = []; } } finally { reader.releaseLock(); } } // src/lib/InferenceOutputError.ts var InferenceOutputError = class extends TypeError { constructor(message) { super( `Invalid inference output: ${message}. Use the 'request' method with the same parameters to do a custom call with no type checking.` ); = "InferenceOutputError"; } }; // src/tasks/audio/audioClassification.ts async function audioClassification(args, options) { const res = await request(args, options); const isValidOutput = Array.isArray(res) && res.every((x) => typeof x.label === "string" && typeof x.score === "number"); if (!isValidOutput) { throw new InferenceOutputError("Expected Array<{label: string, score: number}>"); } return res; } // src/tasks/audio/automaticSpeechRecognition.ts async function automaticSpeechRecognition(args, options) { const res = await request(args, options); const isValidOutput = typeof res?.text === "string"; if (!isValidOutput) { throw new InferenceOutputError("Expected {text: string}"); } return res; } // src/tasks/cv/imageClassification.ts async function imageClassification(args, options) { const res = await request(args, options); const isValidOutput = Array.isArray(res) && res.every((x) => typeof x.label === "string" && typeof x.score === "number"); if (!isValidOutput) { throw new InferenceOutputError("Expected Array<{label: string, score: number}>"); } return res; } // src/tasks/cv/imageSegmentation.ts async function imageSegmentation(args, options) { const res = await request(args, options); const isValidOutput = Array.isArray(res) && res.every((x) => typeof x.label === "string" && typeof x.mask === "string" && typeof x.score === "number"); if (!isValidOutput) { throw new InferenceOutputError("Expected Array<{label: string, mask: string, score: number}>"); } return res; } // src/tasks/cv/imageToText.ts async function imageToText(args, options) { const res = (await request(args, options))?.[0]; if (typeof res?.generated_text !== "string") { throw new InferenceOutputError("Expected {generated_text: string}"); } return res; } // src/tasks/cv/objectDetection.ts async function objectDetection(args, options) { const res = await request(args, options); const isValidOutput = Array.isArray(res) && res.every( (x) => typeof x.label === "string" && typeof x.score === "number" && typeof === "number" && typeof === "number" && typeof === "number" && typeof === "number" ); if (!isValidOutput) { throw new InferenceOutputError( "Expected Array<{label:string; score:number; box:{xmin:number; ymin:number; xmax:number; ymax:number}}>" ); } return res; } // src/tasks/cv/textToImage.ts async function textToImage(args, options) { const res = await request(args, options); const isValidOutput = res && res instanceof Blob; if (!isValidOutput) { throw new InferenceOutputError("Expected Blob"); } return res; } // src/tasks/nlp/conversational.ts async function conversational(args, options) { const res = await request(args, options); const isValidOutput = Array.isArray(res.conversation.generated_responses) && res.conversation.generated_responses.every((x) => typeof x === "string") && Array.isArray(res.conversation.past_user_inputs) && res.conversation.past_user_inputs.every((x) => typeof x === "string") && typeof res.generated_text === "string" && Array.isArray(res.warnings) && res.warnings.every((x) => typeof x === "string"); if (!isValidOutput) { throw new InferenceOutputError( "Expected {conversation: {generated_responses: string[], past_user_inputs: string[]}, generated_text: string, warnings: string[]}" ); } return res; } // src/tasks/nlp/featureExtraction.ts async function featureExtraction(args, options) { const res = await request(args, options); let isValidOutput = true; if (Array.isArray(res)) { for (const e of res) { if (Array.isArray(e)) { isValidOutput = e.every((x) => typeof x === "number"); if (!isValidOutput) { break; } } else if (typeof e !== "number") { isValidOutput = false; break; } } } else { isValidOutput = false; } if (!isValidOutput) { throw new InferenceOutputError("Expected Array<number[] | number>"); } return res; } // src/tasks/nlp/fillMask.ts async function fillMask(args, options) { const res = await request(args, options); const isValidOutput = Array.isArray(res) && res.every( (x) => typeof x.score === "number" && typeof x.sequence === "string" && typeof x.token === "number" && typeof x.token_str === "string" ); if (!isValidOutput) { throw new InferenceOutputError( "Expected Array<{score: number, sequence: string, token: number, token_str: string}>" ); } return res; } // src/tasks/nlp/questionAnswering.ts async function questionAnswering(args, options) { const res = await request(args, options); const isValidOutput = typeof res?.answer === "string" && typeof res.end === "number" && typeof res.score === "number" && typeof res.start === "number"; if (!isValidOutput) { throw new InferenceOutputError("Expected {answer: string, end: number, score: number, start: number}"); } return res; } // src/tasks/nlp/sentenceSimilarity.ts async function sentenceSimilarity(args, options) { const res = await request(args, options); const isValidOutput = Array.isArray(res) && res.every((x) => typeof x === "number"); if (!isValidOutput) { throw new InferenceOutputError("Expected number[]"); } return res; } // src/tasks/nlp/summarization.ts async function summarization(args, options) { const res = await request(args, options); const isValidOutput = Array.isArray(res) && res.every((x) => typeof x?.summary_text === "string"); if (!isValidOutput) { throw new InferenceOutputError("Expected Array<{summary_text: string}>"); } return res?.[0]; } // src/tasks/nlp/tableQuestionAnswering.ts async function tableQuestionAnswering(args, options) { const res = await request(args, options); const isValidOutput = typeof res?.aggregator === "string" && typeof res.answer === "string" && Array.isArray(res.cells) && res.cells.every((x) => typeof x === "string") && Array.isArray(res.coordinates) && res.coordinates.every((coord) => Array.isArray(coord) && coord.every((x) => typeof x === "number")); if (!isValidOutput) { throw new InferenceOutputError( "Expected {aggregator: string, answer: string, cells: string[], coordinates: number[][]}" ); } return res; } // src/tasks/nlp/textClassification.ts async function textClassification(args, options) { const res = (await request(args, options))?.[0]; const isValidOutput = Array.isArray(res) && res.every((x) => typeof x?.label === "string" && typeof x.score === "number"); if (!isValidOutput) { throw new InferenceOutputError("Expected Array<{label: string, score: number}>"); } return res; } // src/tasks/nlp/textGeneration.ts async function textGeneration(args, options) { const res = await request(args, options); const isValidOutput = Array.isArray(res) && res.every((x) => typeof x?.generated_text === "string"); if (!isValidOutput) { throw new InferenceOutputError("Expected Array<{generated_text: string}>"); } return res?.[0]; } // src/tasks/nlp/textGenerationStream.ts async function* textGenerationStream(args, options) { yield* streamingRequest(args, options); } // src/utils/toArray.ts function toArray(obj) { if (Array.isArray(obj)) { return obj; } return [obj]; } // src/tasks/nlp/tokenClassification.ts async function tokenClassification(args, options) { const res = toArray(await request(args, options)); const isValidOutput = Array.isArray(res) && res.every( (x) => typeof x.end === "number" && typeof x.entity_group === "string" && typeof x.score === "number" && typeof x.start === "number" && typeof x.word === "string" ); if (!isValidOutput) { throw new InferenceOutputError( "Expected Array<{end: number, entity_group: string, score: number, start: number, word: string}>" ); } return res; } // src/tasks/nlp/translation.ts async function translation(args, options) { const res = await request(args, options); const isValidOutput = Array.isArray(res) && res.every((x) => typeof x?.translation_text === "string"); if (!isValidOutput) { throw new InferenceOutputError("Expected type Array<{translation_text: string}>"); } return res?.[0]; } // src/tasks/nlp/zeroShotClassification.ts async function zeroShotClassification(args, options) { const res = toArray( await request(args, options) ); const isValidOutput = Array.isArray(res) && res.every( (x) => Array.isArray(x.labels) && x.labels.every((_label) => typeof _label === "string") && Array.isArray(x.scores) && x.scores.every((_score) => typeof _score === "number") && typeof x.sequence === "string" ); if (!isValidOutput) { throw new InferenceOutputError("Expected Array<{labels: string[], scores: number[], sequence: string}>"); } return res; } // ../shared/src/base64FromBytes.ts function base64FromBytes(arr) { if (globalThis.Buffer) { return globalThis.Buffer.from(arr).toString("base64"); } else { const bin = []; arr.forEach((byte) => { bin.push(String.fromCharCode(byte)); }); return globalThis.btoa(bin.join("")); } } // src/tasks/multimodal/documentQuestionAnswering.ts async function documentQuestionAnswering(args, options) { const reqArgs = { ...args, inputs: { question: args.inputs.question, // convert Blob to base64 image: base64FromBytes(new Uint8Array(await args.inputs.image.arrayBuffer())) } }; const res = (await request(reqArgs, options))?.[0]; const isValidOutput = typeof res?.answer === "string" && typeof res.end === "number" && typeof res.score === "number" && typeof res.start === "number"; if (!isValidOutput) { throw new InferenceOutputError("Expected Array<{answer: string, end: number, score: number, start: number}>"); } return res; } // src/tasks/multimodal/visualQuestionAnswering.ts async function visualQuestionAnswering(args, options) { const reqArgs = { ...args, inputs: { question: args.inputs.question, // convert Blob to base64 image: base64FromBytes(new Uint8Array(await args.inputs.image.arrayBuffer())) } }; const res = (await request(reqArgs, options))?.[0]; const isValidOutput = typeof res?.answer === "string" && typeof res.score === "number"; if (!isValidOutput) { throw new InferenceOutputError("Expected Array<{answer: string, score: number}>"); } return res; } // src/HfInference.ts var HfInference = class { accessToken; defaultOptions; constructor(accessToken = "", defaultOptions = {}) { this.accessToken = accessToken; this.defaultOptions = defaultOptions; for (const [name, fn] of Object.entries(tasks_exports)) { Object.defineProperty(this, name, { enumerable: false, value: (params, options) => ( // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any fn({ ...params, accessToken }, { ...defaultOptions, ...options }) ) }); } } /** * Returns copy of HfInference tied to a specified endpoint. */ endpoint(endpointUrl) { return new HfInferenceEndpoint(endpointUrl, this.accessToken, this.defaultOptions); } }; var HfInferenceEndpoint = class { constructor(endpointUrl, accessToken = "", defaultOptions = {}) { accessToken; defaultOptions; for (const [name, fn] of Object.entries(tasks_exports)) { Object.defineProperty(this, name, { enumerable: false, value: (params, options) => ( // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any fn({ ...params, accessToken, model: endpointUrl }, { ...defaultOptions, ...options }) ) }); } } }; export { HfInference, HfInferenceEndpoint, audioClassification, automaticSpeechRecognition, conversational, documentQuestionAnswering, featureExtraction, fillMask, imageClassification, imageSegmentation, imageToText, objectDetection, questionAnswering, request, sentenceSimilarity, streamingRequest, summarization, tableQuestionAnswering, textClassification, textGeneration, textGenerationStream, textToImage, tokenClassification, translation, visualQuestionAnswering, zeroShotClassification };