from scipy.ndimage import median_filter import json import numpy as np from pathlib import Path LOW = 250 HIGH = 4000 FPS = 100 BIN_FREQS = [ 43.06640625, 64.599609375, 86.1328125, 107.666015625, 129.19921875, 150.732421875, 172.265625, 193.798828125, 215.33203125, 236.865234375, 258.3984375, 279.931640625, 301.46484375, 322.998046875, 344.53125, 366.064453125, 387.59765625, 409.130859375, 430.6640625, 452.197265625, 495.263671875, 516.796875, 538.330078125, 581.396484375, 624.462890625, 645.99609375, 689.0625, 732.12890625, 775.1953125, 839.794921875, 882.861328125, 925.927734375, 990.52734375, 1055.126953125, 1098.193359375, 1184.326171875, 1248.92578125, 1313.525390625, 1399.658203125, 1485.791015625, 1571.923828125, 1658.056640625, 1765.72265625, 1873.388671875, 1981.0546875, 2088.720703125, 2217.919921875, 2347.119140625, 2497.8515625, 2627.05078125, 2799.31640625, 2950.048828125, 3143.84765625, 3316.11328125, 3509.912109375, 3725.244140625, 3940.576171875, 4177.44140625, 4435.83984375, 4694.23828125, 4974.169921875, 5275.634765625, 5577.099609375, 5921.630859375, 6266.162109375, 6653.759765625, 7041.357421875, 7450.48828125, 7902.685546875, 8376.416015625, 8871.6796875, 9388.4765625, 9948.33984375, 10551.26953125, 11175.732421875, 11843.26171875, 12553.857421875, 13285.986328125, 14082.71484375, 14922.509765625, 15805.37109375 ] BIN_FREQS = np.array(BIN_FREQS).round().astype(int) def to_uint8_list(arr): """Converts a numpy array to a list of uint8 values.""" scaled_arr = (arr * 255).astype(np.uint8) return scaled_arr.tolist() def apply_to_dict(d, func): """Recursively applies func to the leaf values of a nested dictionary.""" for key, value in d.items(): if isinstance(value, dict): apply_to_dict(value, func) else: d[key] = func(value) def convert_segments(input_data): segments_output = [] labels_output = [] # Extracting segments and appending to the respective lists for segment in input_data.segments: segments_output.append(segment.start) labels_output.append(segment.label) # Appending the end time of the last segment segments_output.append(input_data.segments[-1].end) return {"segments": segments_output, "labels": labels_output} def process(specs, struct, name): i_low = np.flatnonzero(BIN_FREQS < LOW) i_high = np.flatnonzero(BIN_FREQS > HIGH) i_mid = np.flatnonzero((LOW <= BIN_FREQS) & (BIN_FREQS <= HIGH)) # Compute the max energy value for each frequency band considering all instruments. max_low = specs[:, :, i_low].max() max_mid = specs[:, :, i_mid].max() max_high = specs[:, :, i_high].max() wavs_low, wavs_mid, wavs_high = [ specs[:, :, indices].mean(axis=-1) # spec[:, indices].mean(axis=1) for indices in [i_low, i_mid, i_high] ] wavs_low /= max_low wavs_mid /= max_mid wavs_high /= max_high assert wavs_low.max() <= 1.0 assert wavs_mid.max() <= 1.0 assert wavs_high.max() <= 1.0 navs_low = np.array([median_filter(wav, size=FPS) for wav in wavs_low]) navs_mid = np.array([median_filter(wav, size=FPS) for wav in wavs_mid]) navs_high = np.array([median_filter(wav, size=FPS) for wav in wavs_high]) navs_low = navs_low navs_mid = navs_low + navs_mid navs_high = navs_mid + navs_high max_nav = np.max([navs_low.max(), navs_mid.max(), navs_high.max()]) navs_low /= max_nav navs_mid /= max_nav navs_high /= max_nav assert navs_high.max() <= 1.0 data = { 'nav': {}, 'wav': {}, } for ( eg_low, eg_mid, eg_high, nav_low, nav_mid, nav_high, inst ) in zip( wavs_low, wavs_mid, wavs_high, navs_low, navs_mid, navs_high, [ 'bass', 'drum', 'other', 'vocal', ] ): data['wav'][inst] = { 'low': eg_low, 'mid': eg_mid, 'high': eg_high, } data['nav'][inst] = { 'low': nav_low, 'mid': nav_mid, 'high': nav_high, } apply_to_dict(data, to_uint8_list) data['duration'] = specs.shape[1] / FPS data['scores'] = { "segment": { "Precision@0.5":0, "Recall@0.5":0, "F-measure@0.5":0, "Precision@3.0":0, "Recall@3.0":0, "F-measure@3.0":0, "Ref-to-est deviation":0, "Est-to-ref deviation":0, "Pairwise Precision":0, "Pairwise Recall":0, "Pairwise F-measure":0, "Rand Index":0, "Adjusted Rand Index":0, "Mutual Information":0, "Adjusted Mutual Information":0, "Normalized Mutual Information":0, "NCE Over":0, "NCE Under":0, "NCE F-measure":0, "V Precision":0, "V Recall":0, "V-measure":0, "Accuracy":0 }, "beat": { "f1":0, "precision":0, "recall":0, "cmlt":0, "amlt":0 }, "downbeat": { "f1":0, "precision":0, "recall":0, "cmlt":0, "amlt":0 } } data['id'] = name data['truths'] = {'beats':, 'downbeats': struct.downbeats, **convert_segments(struct)} data['inferences'] = data['truths'] filename = f'dissector.{name}.json' with open(filename, 'w') as file: file.write(json.dumps(data)) return filename def generate_dissector_data(name, result): spec_path = Path(f'./spec/{name}.npy').resolve().as_posix() struct_path = Path(f'./struct/{name}.json').resolve().as_posix() specs = np.load(spec_path) return process(specs, result, name)