"""This script defines the base network model for Deep3DFaceRecon_pytorch """ import os import numpy as np import torch from collections import OrderedDict from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from . import networks class BaseModel(ABC): """This class is an abstract base class (ABC) for models. To create a subclass, you need to implement the following five functions: -- <__init__>: initialize the class; first call BaseModel.__init__(self, opt). -- <set_input>: unpack data from dataset and apply preprocessing. -- <forward>: produce intermediate results. -- <optimize_parameters>: calculate losses, gradients, and update network weights. -- <modify_commandline_options>: (optionally) add model-specific options and set default options. """ def __init__(self, opt): """Initialize the BaseModel class. Parameters: opt (Option class)-- stores all the experiment flags; needs to be a subclass of BaseOptions When creating your custom class, you need to implement your own initialization. In this fucntion, you should first call <BaseModel.__init__(self, opt)> Then, you need to define four lists: -- self.loss_names (str list): specify the training losses that you want to plot and save. -- self.model_names (str list): specify the images that you want to display and save. -- self.visual_names (str list): define networks used in our training. -- self.optimizers (optimizer list): define and initialize optimizers. You can define one optimizer for each network. If two networks are updated at the same time, you can use itertools.chain to group them. See cycle_gan_model.py for an example. """ self.opt = opt self.isTrain = False self.device = torch.device('cpu') self.save_dir = " " # os.path.join(opt.checkpoints_dir, opt.name) # save all the checkpoints to save_dir self.loss_names = [] self.model_names = [] self.visual_names = [] self.parallel_names = [] self.optimizers = [] self.image_paths = [] self.metric = 0 # used for learning rate policy 'plateau' @staticmethod def dict_grad_hook_factory(add_func=lambda x: x): saved_dict = dict() def hook_gen(name): def grad_hook(grad): saved_vals = add_func(grad) saved_dict[name] = saved_vals return grad_hook return hook_gen, saved_dict @staticmethod def modify_commandline_options(parser, is_train): """Add new model-specific options, and rewrite default values for existing options. Parameters: parser -- original option parser is_train (bool) -- whether training phase or test phase. You can use this flag to add training-specific or test-specific options. Returns: the modified parser. """ return parser @abstractmethod def set_input(self, input): """Unpack input data from the dataloader and perform necessary pre-processing steps. Parameters: input (dict): includes the data itself and its metadata information. """ pass @abstractmethod def forward(self): """Run forward pass; called by both functions <optimize_parameters> and <test>.""" pass @abstractmethod def optimize_parameters(self): """Calculate losses, gradients, and update network weights; called in every training iteration""" pass def setup(self, opt): """Load and print networks; create schedulers Parameters: opt (Option class) -- stores all the experiment flags; needs to be a subclass of BaseOptions """ if self.isTrain: self.schedulers = [networks.get_scheduler(optimizer, opt) for optimizer in self.optimizers] if not self.isTrain or opt.continue_train: load_suffix = opt.epoch self.load_networks(load_suffix) # self.print_networks(opt.verbose) def parallelize(self, convert_sync_batchnorm=True): if not self.opt.use_ddp: for name in self.parallel_names: if isinstance(name, str): module = getattr(self, name) setattr(self, name, module.to(self.device)) else: for name in self.model_names: if isinstance(name, str): module = getattr(self, name) if convert_sync_batchnorm: module = torch.nn.SyncBatchNorm.convert_sync_batchnorm(module) setattr(self, name, torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel(module.to(self.device), device_ids=[self.device.index], find_unused_parameters=True, broadcast_buffers=True)) # DistributedDataParallel is not needed when a module doesn't have any parameter that requires a gradient. for name in self.parallel_names: if isinstance(name, str) and name not in self.model_names: module = getattr(self, name) setattr(self, name, module.to(self.device)) # put state_dict of optimizer to gpu device if self.opt.phase != 'test': if self.opt.continue_train: for optim in self.optimizers: for state in optim.state.values(): for k, v in state.items(): if isinstance(v, torch.Tensor): state[k] = v.to(self.device) def data_dependent_initialize(self, data): pass def train(self): """Make models train mode""" for name in self.model_names: if isinstance(name, str): net = getattr(self, name) net.train() def eval(self): """Make models eval mode""" for name in self.model_names: if isinstance(name, str): net = getattr(self, name) net.eval() def test(self): """Forward function used in test time. This function wraps <forward> function in no_grad() so we don't save intermediate steps for backprop It also calls <compute_visuals> to produce additional visualization results """ with torch.no_grad(): self.forward() self.compute_visuals() def compute_visuals(self): """Calculate additional output images for visdom and HTML visualization""" pass def get_image_paths(self, name='A'): """ Return image paths that are used to load current data""" return self.image_paths if name =='A' else self.image_paths_B def update_learning_rate(self): """Update learning rates for all the networks; called at the end of every epoch""" for scheduler in self.schedulers: if self.opt.lr_policy == 'plateau': scheduler.step(self.metric) else: scheduler.step() lr = self.optimizers[0].param_groups[0]['lr'] print('learning rate = %.7f' % lr) def get_current_visuals(self): """Return visualization images. train.py will display these images with visdom, and save the images to a HTML""" visual_ret = OrderedDict() for name in self.visual_names: if isinstance(name, str): visual_ret[name] = getattr(self, name)[:, :3, ...] return visual_ret def get_current_losses(self): """Return traning losses / errors. train.py will print out these errors on console, and save them to a file""" errors_ret = OrderedDict() for name in self.loss_names: if isinstance(name, str): errors_ret[name] = float(getattr(self, 'loss_' + name)) # float(...) works for both scalar tensor and float number return errors_ret def save_networks(self, epoch): """Save all the networks to the disk. Parameters: epoch (int) -- current epoch; used in the file name '%s_net_%s.pth' % (epoch, name) """ if not os.path.isdir(self.save_dir): os.makedirs(self.save_dir) save_filename = 'epoch_%s.pth' % (epoch) save_path = os.path.join(self.save_dir, save_filename) save_dict = {} for name in self.model_names: if isinstance(name, str): net = getattr(self, name) if isinstance(net, torch.nn.DataParallel) or isinstance(net, torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel): net = net.module save_dict[name] = net.state_dict() for i, optim in enumerate(self.optimizers): save_dict['opt_%02d'%i] = optim.state_dict() for i, sched in enumerate(self.schedulers): save_dict['sched_%02d'%i] = sched.state_dict() torch.save(save_dict, save_path) def __patch_instance_norm_state_dict(self, state_dict, module, keys, i=0): """Fix InstanceNorm checkpoints incompatibility (prior to 0.4)""" key = keys[i] if i + 1 == len(keys): # at the end, pointing to a parameter/buffer if module.__class__.__name__.startswith('InstanceNorm') and \ (key == 'running_mean' or key == 'running_var'): if getattr(module, key) is None: state_dict.pop('.'.join(keys)) if module.__class__.__name__.startswith('InstanceNorm') and \ (key == 'num_batches_tracked'): state_dict.pop('.'.join(keys)) else: self.__patch_instance_norm_state_dict(state_dict, getattr(module, key), keys, i + 1) def load_networks(self, epoch): """Load all the networks from the disk. Parameters: epoch (int) -- current epoch; used in the file name '%s_net_%s.pth' % (epoch, name) """ if self.opt.isTrain and self.opt.pretrained_name is not None: load_dir = os.path.join(self.opt.checkpoints_dir, self.opt.pretrained_name) else: load_dir = self.save_dir load_filename = 'epoch_%s.pth' % (epoch) load_path = os.path.join(load_dir, load_filename) state_dict = torch.load(load_path, map_location=self.device) print('loading the model from %s' % load_path) for name in self.model_names: if isinstance(name, str): net = getattr(self, name) if isinstance(net, torch.nn.DataParallel): net = net.module net.load_state_dict(state_dict[name]) if self.opt.phase != 'test': if self.opt.continue_train: print('loading the optim from %s' % load_path) for i, optim in enumerate(self.optimizers): optim.load_state_dict(state_dict['opt_%02d'%i]) try: print('loading the sched from %s' % load_path) for i, sched in enumerate(self.schedulers): sched.load_state_dict(state_dict['sched_%02d'%i]) except: print('Failed to load schedulers, set schedulers according to epoch count manually') for i, sched in enumerate(self.schedulers): sched.last_epoch = self.opt.epoch_count - 1 def print_networks(self, verbose): """Print the total number of parameters in the network and (if verbose) network architecture Parameters: verbose (bool) -- if verbose: print the network architecture """ print('---------- Networks initialized -------------') for name in self.model_names: if isinstance(name, str): net = getattr(self, name) num_params = 0 for param in net.parameters(): num_params += param.numel() if verbose: print(net) print('[Network %s] Total number of parameters : %.3f M' % (name, num_params / 1e6)) print('-----------------------------------------------') def set_requires_grad(self, nets, requires_grad=False): """Set requies_grad=Fasle for all the networks to avoid unnecessary computations Parameters: nets (network list) -- a list of networks requires_grad (bool) -- whether the networks require gradients or not """ if not isinstance(nets, list): nets = [nets] for net in nets: if net is not None: for param in net.parameters(): param.requires_grad = requires_grad def generate_visuals_for_evaluation(self, data, mode): return {}