pmf_img / models /
vincentb25's picture
Added all of the code for new space
history blame
1.71 kB
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
class ProtoNet(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, backbone):
# bias & scale of cosine classifier
self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(1).fill_(0), requires_grad=True)
self.scale_cls = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(1).fill_(10), requires_grad=True)
# backbone
self.backbone = backbone
def cos_classifier(self, w, f):
w.shape = B, nC, d
f.shape = B, M, d
f = F.normalize(f, p=2, dim=f.dim()-1, eps=1e-12)
w = F.normalize(w, p=2, dim=w.dim()-1, eps=1e-12)
cls_scores = f @ w.transpose(1, 2) # B, M, nC
cls_scores = self.scale_cls * (cls_scores + self.bias)
return cls_scores
def forward(self, supp_x, supp_y, x):
supp_x.shape = [B, nSupp, C, H, W]
supp_y.shape = [B, nSupp]
x.shape = [B, nQry, C, H, W]
num_classes = supp_y.max() + 1 # NOTE: assume B==1
B, nSupp, C, H, W = supp_x.shape
supp_f = self.backbone.forward(supp_x.view(-1, C, H, W))
supp_f = supp_f.view(B, nSupp, -1)
supp_y_1hot = F.one_hot(supp_y, num_classes).transpose(1, 2) # B, nC, nSupp
# B, nC, nSupp x B, nSupp, d = B, nC, d
prototypes = torch.bmm(supp_y_1hot.float(), supp_f)
prototypes = prototypes / supp_y_1hot.sum(dim=2, keepdim=True) # NOTE: may div 0 if some classes got 0 images
feat = self.backbone.forward(x.view(-1, C, H, W))
feat = feat.view(B, x.shape[1], -1) # B, nQry, d
logits = self.cos_classifier(prototypes, feat) # B, nQry, nC
return logits