# Copyright Lightning AI. Licensed under the Apache License 2.0, see LICENSE file. from typing import Any, Literal, Optional import torch # import torch._dynamo.config # import torch._inductor.config from litgpt.model import GPT from utils.snac_utils import layershift, snac_config from tqdm import tqdm def multinomial_num_samples_1(probs: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: if torch._dynamo.is_compiling(): # Faster alternative to `torch.multinomial(probs, num_samples=1)` that is also CUDAGraph friendly distribution = torch.empty_like(probs).exponential_(1) return torch.argmax(probs / distribution, dim=-1, keepdim=True) return torch.multinomial(probs, num_samples=1) def sample_top_p(logits_A: torch.Tensor, top_p: float) -> torch.Tensor: sorted_logits, sorted_indices = torch.sort(logits, descending=False) cumulative_probs = sorted_logits.softmax(dim=-1).cumsum(dim=-1) # Example: # sorted_probs=[0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3] -> sorted_cumprobs=[0.1, 0.25, 0.45, 0.7, 1.0] # sorted_indices_to_remove = [1, 1, 0, 0, 0] if top_p=0.7 sorted_indices_to_remove = cumulative_probs <= (1 - top_p) # Keep at least 1 token always to prevent the case where no token is selected # In this case the most probable one is always kept sorted_indices_to_remove[-1:] = 0 indices_to_remove = sorted_indices_to_remove.scatter( 0, sorted_indices, sorted_indices_to_remove ) logits = logits.masked_fill(indices_to_remove, float("-inf")) return logits def sample( logits: torch.Tensor, temperature: float = 1.0, top_k: Optional[int] = None, top_p: float = 1.0, ) -> torch.Tensor: if top_p < 0.0 or top_p > 1.0: raise ValueError(f"top_p must be in [0, 1], got {top_p}") logits = logits[0, -1] # optionally crop the logits to only the top k options if top_k is not None: v, i = torch.topk(logits, min(top_k, logits.size(-1))) # do not use `torch.where` as in nanogpt because it will repeat top-k collisions logits = torch.full_like(logits, float("-inf")).scatter_(-1, i, v) # optionally scale the logits and sample from a probability distribution if temperature > 0.0 or top_p > 0.0: if temperature > 0.0: logits = logits / temperature # optionally crop the logits to smallest set of logits with a cumulative probability above top_p if top_p < 1.0: logits = sample_top_p(logits, top_p) probs = torch.nn.functional.softmax(logits, dim=-1) return multinomial_num_samples_1(probs) return torch.argmax(logits, dim=-1, keepdim=True) def next_token( model: GPT, input_pos: torch.Tensor, x: list, **kwargs: Any ) -> torch.Tensor: input_pos = input_pos.to(model.device) logits_a, logit_t = model(x, input_pos) next_audio_tokens = [] for logit_a in logits_a: next_a = sample(logit_a, **kwargs).to(dtype=x[0].dtype) next_audio_tokens.append(next_a) next_t = sample(logit_t, **kwargs).to(dtype=x[0].dtype) return next_audio_tokens, next_t def next_token_asr( model: GPT, input_pos: torch.Tensor, audio_features: torch.tensor, lens: int, input_ids: list, **kwargs: Any, ) -> torch.Tensor: input_pos = input_pos.to(model.device) input_ids = [input_id.to(model.device) for input_id in input_ids] logits_a, logit_t = model(audio_features, input_ids, input_pos, whisper_lens=lens) next_audio_tokens = [] for logit_a in logits_a: next_a = sample(logit_a, **kwargs).to(dtype=input_ids[0].dtype) next_audio_tokens.append(next_a) next_t = sample(logit_t, **kwargs).to(dtype=input_ids[0].dtype) return next_audio_tokens, next_t def next_token_A1T2( model: GPT, audio_features: torch.tensor, input_ids: list, whisper_lens: int, task: list, input_pos: torch.Tensor, **kwargs: Any, ) -> torch.Tensor: input_pos = input_pos.to(model.device) input_ids = [input_id.to(model.device) for input_id in input_ids] logits_a, logit_t = model( audio_features, input_ids, input_pos, whisper_lens=whisper_lens, task=task ) next_audio_tokens = [] for logit_a in logits_a: next_a = sample(logit_a, **kwargs).to(dtype=input_ids[0].dtype) next_audio_tokens.append(next_a) next_t = sample(logit_t, **kwargs).to(dtype=input_ids[0].dtype) return next_audio_tokens, next_t def next_token_A1T1( model: GPT, audio_features: torch.tensor, input_ids: list, whisper_lens: int, task: list, input_pos: torch.Tensor, **kwargs: Any, ) -> torch.Tensor: input_pos = input_pos.to(model.device) input_ids = [input_id.to(model.device) for input_id in input_ids] logits_a, logit_t = model( audio_features, input_ids, input_pos, whisper_lens=whisper_lens, task=task ) next_t = sample(logit_t, **kwargs).to(dtype=input_ids[0].dtype) return next_t def next_token_batch( model: GPT, audio_features: torch.tensor, input_ids: list, whisper_lens: int, task: list, input_pos: torch.Tensor, **kwargs: Any, ) -> torch.Tensor: input_pos = input_pos.to(model.device) input_ids = [input_id.to(model.device) for input_id in input_ids] logits_a, logit_t = model( audio_features, input_ids, input_pos, whisper_lens=whisper_lens, task=task ) for i in range(7): logits_a[i] = logits_a[i][0].unsqueeze(0) logit_t = logit_t[1].unsqueeze(0) next_audio_tokens = [] for logit_a in logits_a: next_a = sample(logit_a, **kwargs).to(dtype=input_ids[0].dtype) next_audio_tokens.append(next_a) next_t = sample(logit_t, **kwargs).to(dtype=input_ids[0].dtype) return next_audio_tokens, next_t # torch._dynamo.config.automatic_dynamic_shapes = True # torch._inductor.config.triton.unique_kernel_names = True # torch._inductor.config.coordinate_descent_tuning = True # next_token = torch.compile(next_token, mode="reduce-overhead") @torch.inference_mode() def generate( model: GPT, input_ids: list, max_returned_tokens: int, *, temperature: float = 1.0, top_k: Optional[int] = None, top_p: float = 1.0, eos_id_a: Optional[int] = None, eos_id_t: Optional[int] = None, pad_id: Optional[int] = None, shift: Optional[int] = None, include_prompt: bool = True, generate_text=False, ) -> torch.Tensor: # print("eos_id_a:", eos_id_a) # print("eos_id_t:", eos_id_t) # print("pad_id:", pad_id) """ Takes a conditioning sequence (prompt) as input and continues to generate as many tokens as requested. The implementation of this function is modified from A. Karpathy's nanoGPT. Args: model: The model to use. prompt: Tensor of shape (T) with indices of the prompt sequence. max_returned_tokens: The maximum number of tokens to return (given plus generated). temperature: Scales the predicted logits by 1 / temperature. top_k: If specified, only sample among the tokens with the k highest probabilities. top_p: If specified, it represents the cumulative probability threshold to consider in the sampling process. In top-p sampling, the next token is sampled from the highest probability tokens whose cumulative probability exceeds the threshold `top_p`. When specified, it must be `0 <= top_p <= 1`. Here, `top_p=0` is equivalent to sampling the most probable token, while `top_p=1` samples from the whole distribution. It can be used in conjunction with `top_k` and `temperature` with the following order of application: 1. `top_k` sampling 2. `temperature` scaling 3. `top_p` sampling For more details, see https://arxiv.org/abs/1904.09751 or https://huyenchip.com/2024/01/16/sampling.html#top_p eos_id: If specified, stop generating any more token once the <eos> token is triggered. include_prompt: If true (default) prepends the prompt (after applying the prompt style) to the output. """ T = input_ids[0].size(0) device = input_ids[0].device assert max_returned_tokens > T if model.max_seq_length < max_returned_tokens - 1: # rolling the kv cache based on the `input_pos` value would be necessary. However, doing so would introduce a # data dependency on the `input_pos` tensor and impact model compilation. Since this setting is uncommon, we do # not support it to avoid negatively impacting the overall speed raise NotImplementedError( f"max_seq_length {model.max_seq_length} needs to be >= {max_returned_tokens - 1}" ) for input_id in input_ids: input_id = [input_id] ( tokens_A1, tokens_A2, tokens_A3, tokens_A4, tokens_A5, tokens_A6, tokens_A7, tokens_T, ) = input_ids tokens_A1_output = [tokens_A1] tokens_A2_output = [tokens_A2] tokens_A3_output = [tokens_A3] tokens_A4_output = [tokens_A4] tokens_A5_output = [tokens_A5] tokens_A6_output = [tokens_A6] tokens_A7_output = [tokens_A7] tokens_T_output = [tokens_T] list_output = [ tokens_A1_output, tokens_A2_output, tokens_A3_output, tokens_A4_output, tokens_A5_output, tokens_A6_output, tokens_A7_output, tokens_T_output, ] input_pos = torch.tensor([T], device=device) model_input_ids = [ tokens_A1.view(1, -1), tokens_A2.view(1, -1), tokens_A3.view(1, -1), tokens_A4.view(1, -1), tokens_A5.view(1, -1), tokens_A6.view(1, -1), tokens_A7.view(1, -1), tokens_T.view(1, -1), ] tokens_A, token_T = next_token( model, torch.arange(0, T, device=device), model_input_ids, temperature=temperature, top_k=top_k, top_p=top_p, ) for i in range(7): list_output[i].append(tokens_A[i].clone()) list_output[7].append(token_T.clone()) # prepare the input for the next iteration for i in range(7): tokens_A[i] = tokens_A[i].clone() + shift + i * snac_config.padded_vocab_size token_T = token_T.clone() text_end = False max_returned_tokens = 1000 for _ in tqdm(range(2, max_returned_tokens - T + 1)): model_input_ids = [ token_a.view(1, -1).to(torch.int32) for token_a in tokens_A ] + [token_T.view(1, -1).to(torch.int32)] tokens_A, token_T = next_token( model, input_pos, model_input_ids, temperature=temperature, top_k=top_k, top_p=top_p, ) if text_end: token_T = torch.tensor([pad_id], device=device) for i in range(7): list_output[i].append(tokens_A[i].clone()) list_output[7].append(token_T.clone()) if tokens_A[-1] == eos_id_a: break if token_T == eos_id_t: if generate_text: break text_end = True for i in range(7): tokens_A[i] = tokens_A[i].clone() + shift + i * snac_config.padded_vocab_size token_T = token_T.clone() input_pos = input_pos.add_(1) for i in range(len(list_output)): list_output[i] = torch.cat(list_output[i]) return list_output @torch.inference_mode() def generate_TA_BATCH( model: GPT, audio_features: torch.Tensor, input_ids: list, leng, task, max_returned_tokens: int = 1000, *, temperature: float = 1.0, top_k: Optional[int] = None, top_p: float = 1.0, eos_id_a: Optional[int] = None, eos_id_t: Optional[int] = None, pad_id_t: Optional[int] = None, shift: Optional[int] = None, include_prompt: bool = True, generate_text=False, ) -> torch.Tensor: T = input_ids[0].size(1) device = input_ids[0].device assert max_returned_tokens > T if model.max_seq_length < max_returned_tokens - 1: raise NotImplementedError( f"max_seq_length {model.max_seq_length} needs to be >= {max_returned_tokens - 1}" ) input_pos = torch.tensor([T], device=device) model_input_ids = input_ids list_output = [[] for i in range(8)] tokens_A, token_T = next_token_batch( model, audio_features.to(torch.float32).to(model.device), input_ids, [T - 3, T - 3], ["A1T2", "A1T2"], input_pos=torch.arange(0, T, device=device), temperature=temperature, top_k=top_k, top_p=top_p, ) for i in range(7): list_output[i].append(tokens_A[i].tolist()[0]) list_output[7].append(token_T.tolist()[0]) model_input_ids = [[] for i in range(8)] for i in range(7): tokens_A[i] = tokens_A[i].clone() + shift + i * snac_config.padded_vocab_size model_input_ids[i].append(tokens_A[i].clone().to(device).to(torch.int32)) model_input_ids[i].append(torch.tensor([layershift(snac_config.end_of_audio, i)], device=device)) model_input_ids[i] = torch.stack(model_input_ids[i]) model_input_ids[-1].append(token_T.clone().to(torch.int32)) model_input_ids[-1].append(token_T.clone().to(torch.int32)) model_input_ids[-1] = torch.stack(model_input_ids[-1]) text_end = False for _ in range(2, max_returned_tokens - T + 1): tokens_A, token_T = next_token_batch( model, None, model_input_ids, None, None, input_pos=input_pos, temperature=temperature, top_k=top_k, top_p=top_p, ) if text_end: token_T = torch.tensor([pad_id_t], device=device) if tokens_A[-1] == eos_id_a: break if token_T == eos_id_t: text_end = True for i in range(7): list_output[i].append(tokens_A[i].tolist()[0]) list_output[7].append(token_T.tolist()[0]) model_input_ids = [[] for i in range(8)] for i in range(7): tokens_A[i] = tokens_A[i].clone() + shift + i * snac_config.padded_vocab_size model_input_ids[i].append(tokens_A[i].clone().to(device).to(torch.int32)) model_input_ids[i].append( torch.tensor([layershift(snac_config.end_of_audio, i)], device=device) ) model_input_ids[i] = torch.stack(model_input_ids[i]) model_input_ids[-1].append(token_T.clone().to(torch.int32)) model_input_ids[-1].append(token_T.clone().to(torch.int32)) model_input_ids[-1] = torch.stack(model_input_ids[-1]) input_pos = input_pos.add_(1) return list_output @torch.inference_mode() def generate_TT( model: GPT, audio_features: torch.Tensor, input_ids: list, leng, task, max_returned_tokens: int = 2048, *, temperature: float = 1.0, top_k: Optional[int] = None, top_p: float = 1.0, eos_id_a: Optional[int] = None, eos_id_t: Optional[int] = None, pad_id_t: Optional[int] = None, shift: Optional[int] = None, include_prompt: bool = True, generate_text=False, ) -> torch.Tensor: T = input_ids[0].size(1) device = input_ids[0].device output = [] token_T = next_token_A1T1( model, None, input_ids, None, None, input_pos=torch.arange(0, T, device=device), temperature=temperature, top_k=top_k, top_p=top_p, ) output.append(token_T.clone().tolist()[0]) input_pos = torch.tensor([T], device=device) for _ in tqdm(range(2, max_returned_tokens - T + 1)): model_input_ids = [] for i in range(7): model_input_ids.append( torch.tensor([layershift(snac_config.end_of_audio, i)]) .view(1, -1) .to(torch.int32) .to(device) ) model_input_ids.append(token_T.clone().view(1, -1).to(torch.int32).to(device)) token_T = next_token_A1T1( model, None, model_input_ids, None, None, input_pos=input_pos, temperature=temperature, top_k=top_k, top_p=top_p, ) if token_T == eos_id_t: break output.append(token_T.clone().tolist()[0]) input_pos = input_pos.add_(1) return output @torch.inference_mode() def generate_AT( model: GPT, audio_features: torch.Tensor, input_ids: list, leng, task, max_returned_tokens: int = 2048, *, temperature: float = 1.0, top_k: Optional[int] = None, top_p: float = 1.0, eos_id_a: Optional[int] = None, eos_id_t: Optional[int] = None, pad_id_t: Optional[int] = None, shift: Optional[int] = None, include_prompt: bool = True, generate_text=False, ) -> torch.Tensor: T = input_ids[0].size(1) device = input_ids[0].device output = [] token_T = next_token_A1T1( model, audio_features.to(torch.float32).to(model.device), input_ids, [T - 3], ["AT"], input_pos=torch.arange(0, T, device=device), temperature=temperature, top_k=top_k, top_p=top_p, ) output.append(token_T.clone().tolist()[0]) input_pos = torch.tensor([T], device=device) text_end = False for _ in tqdm(range(2, max_returned_tokens - T + 1)): model_input_ids = [] for i in range(7): model_input_ids.append( torch.tensor([layershift(snac_config.end_of_audio, i)]) .view(1, -1) .to(torch.int32) .to(device) ) model_input_ids.append(token_T.clone().view(1, -1).to(torch.int32).to(device)) token_T = next_token_A1T1( model, None, model_input_ids, None, None, input_pos=input_pos, temperature=temperature, top_k=top_k, top_p=top_p, ) if token_T == eos_id_t: break output.append(token_T.clone().tolist()[0]) input_pos = input_pos.add_(1) return output @torch.inference_mode() def generate_TA( model: GPT, audio_features: torch.Tensor, input_ids: list, leng, task, max_returned_tokens: int = 2048, *, temperature: float = 1.0, top_k: Optional[int] = None, top_p: float = 1.0, eos_id_a: Optional[int] = None, eos_id_t: Optional[int] = None, pad_id_t: Optional[int] = None, shift: Optional[int] = None, include_prompt: bool = True, generate_text=False, ) -> torch.Tensor: T = input_ids[0].size(1) device = input_ids[0].device output = [[] for _ in range(8)] tokens_A, token_T = next_token_A1T2( model, None, input_ids, None, None, input_pos=torch.arange(0, T, device=device), temperature=temperature, top_k=top_k, top_p=top_p, ) for i in range(7): output[i].append(tokens_A[i].clone().tolist()[0]) output[7].append(token_T.clone().tolist()[0]) input_pos = torch.tensor([T], device=device) text_end = False for _ in tqdm(range(2, max_returned_tokens - T + 1)): model_input_ids = [] for i in range(7): model_input_ids.append( layershift(tokens_A[i].clone(), i) .view(1, -1) .to(torch.int32) .to(device) ) model_input_ids.append(token_T.clone().view(1, -1).to(torch.int32).to(device)) tokens_A, token_T = next_token_A1T2( model, None, model_input_ids, None, None, input_pos=input_pos, temperature=temperature, top_k=top_k, top_p=top_p, ) if text_end: token_T = torch.tensor([pad_id_t], device=device) if tokens_A[-1] == eos_id_a: break if token_T == eos_id_t: text_end = True for i in range(7): output[i].append(tokens_A[i].clone().tolist()[0]) output[7].append(token_T.clone().tolist()[0]) input_pos = input_pos.add_(1) return output @torch.inference_mode() def generate_AA( model: GPT, audio_features: torch.Tensor, input_ids: list, leng, task, max_returned_tokens: int = 2048, *, temperature: float = 1.0, top_k: Optional[int] = None, top_p: float = 1.0, eos_id_a: Optional[int] = None, eos_id_t: Optional[int] = None, pad_id_t: Optional[int] = None, shift: Optional[int] = None, include_prompt: bool = True, generate_text=False, ) -> torch.Tensor: T = input_ids[0].size(1) device = input_ids[0].device output = [[] for _ in range(8)] tokens_A, token_T = next_token_A1T2( model, audio_features.to(torch.float32).to(model.device), input_ids, [T - 3], ["A1T2"], input_pos=torch.arange(0, T, device=device), temperature=temperature, top_k=top_k, top_p=top_p, ) for i in range(7): output[i].append(tokens_A[i].clone().tolist()[0]) output[7].append(token_T.clone().tolist()[0]) input_pos = torch.tensor([T], device=device) text_end = False for _ in tqdm(range(2, max_returned_tokens - T + 1)): model_input_ids = [] for i in range(7): model_input_ids.append( layershift(tokens_A[i].clone(), i) .view(1, -1) .to(torch.int32) .to(device) ) model_input_ids.append(token_T.clone().view(1, -1).to(torch.int32).to(device)) tokens_A, token_T = next_token_A1T2( model, None, model_input_ids, None, None, input_pos=input_pos, temperature=temperature, top_k=top_k, top_p=top_p, ) if text_end: token_T = torch.tensor([pad_id_t], device=device) if tokens_A[-1] == eos_id_a: break if token_T == eos_id_t: # print("text_end") text_end = True for i in range(7): output[i].append(tokens_A[i].clone().tolist()[0]) output[7].append(token_T.clone().tolist()[0]) input_pos = input_pos.add_(1) return output @torch.inference_mode() def generate_ASR( model: GPT, audio_features: torch.Tensor, input_ids: list, leng, task, max_returned_tokens: int = 1200, *, temperature: float = 1.0, top_k: Optional[int] = None, top_p: float = 1.0, eos_id_a: Optional[int] = None, eos_id_t: Optional[int] = None, pad_id_t: Optional[int] = None, shift: Optional[int] = None, include_prompt: bool = True, generate_text=False, ) -> torch.Tensor: T = input_ids[0].size(1) device = input_ids[0].device output = [] token_T = next_token_A1T1( model, audio_features.to(torch.float32).to(model.device), input_ids, [T - 3], ["asr"], input_pos=torch.arange(0, T, device=device), temperature=temperature, top_k=top_k, top_p=top_p, ) output.append(token_T.clone().tolist()[0]) input_pos = torch.tensor([T], device=device) text_end = False for _ in tqdm(range(2, max_returned_tokens - T + 1)): model_input_ids = [] for i in range(7): model_input_ids.append( torch.tensor([layershift(snac_config.end_of_audio, i)]) .view(1, -1) .to(torch.int32) .to(device) ) model_input_ids.append(token_T.clone().view(1, -1).to(torch.int32).to(device)) token_T = next_token_A1T1( model, None, model_input_ids, None, None, input_pos=input_pos, temperature=temperature, top_k=top_k, top_p=top_p, ) if token_T == eos_id_t: break output.append(token_T.clone().tolist()[0]) input_pos = input_pos.add_(1) return output