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Browse files- .gitignore +1 -0
- webui/index.html +157 -0
@@ -167,3 +167,4 @@ cython_debug/
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# and can be added to the global gitignore or merged into this file. For a more nuclear
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# option (not recommended) you can uncomment the following to ignore the entire idea folder.
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# and can be added to the global gitignore or merged into this file. For a more nuclear
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# option (not recommended) you can uncomment the following to ignore the entire idea folder.
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<!DOCTYPE html>
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<html lang="en">
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<meta charset="UTF-8">
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<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
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<title>My Web Page</title>
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<body style="background-color: black; color: white;">
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<div id="svg-container"></div>
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<button id="play-button">play</button>
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<p>Current status: listening</p>
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// Load the SVG
17 |
const svgContainer = document.getElementById('svg-container');
18 |
const svgContent = `
19 |
<svg width="800" height="600" viewBox="0 0 800 600" xmlns="">
20 |
<ellipse id="left-eye" cx="340" cy="200" rx="20" ry="20" fill="white"/>
21 |
<circle id="left-pupil" cx="340" cy="200" r="8" fill="black"/>
22 |
<ellipse id="right-eye" cx="460" cy="200" rx="20" ry="20" fill="white"/>
23 |
<circle id="right-pupil" cx="460" cy="200" r="8" fill="black"/>
24 |
<path id="upper-lip" d="M 300 300 C 350 284, 450 284, 500 300" stroke="white" stroke-width="10" fill="none"/>
25 |
<path id="lower-lip" d="M 300 300 C 350 316, 450 316, 500 300" stroke="white" stroke-width="10" fill="none"/>
26 |
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svgContainer.innerHTML = svgContent;
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// Set up audio context
30 |
const audioContext = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)();
31 |
const analyser = audioContext.createAnalyser();
32 |
analyser.fftSize = 256;
33 |
34 |
// Load audio file
35 |
const audio = new Audio('/heath_ledger.mp3');
36 |
const source = audioContext.createMediaElementSource(audio);
37 |
38 |
39 |
40 |
// Animation variables
41 |
let isAudioPlaying = false;
42 |
let lastBlinkTime = 0;
43 |
let eyeMovementOffset = { x: 0, y: 0 };
44 |
45 |
// Idle eye animation function
46 |
function animateIdleEyes(timestamp) {
47 |
const leftEye = document.getElementById('left-eye');
48 |
const rightEye = document.getElementById('right-eye');
49 |
const leftPupil = document.getElementById('left-pupil');
50 |
const rightPupil = document.getElementById('right-pupil');
51 |
const baseEyeX = { left: 340, right: 460 };
52 |
const baseEyeY = 200;
53 |
54 |
// Blink effect
55 |
const blinkInterval = 4000 + Math.random() * 2000; // Random blink interval between 4-6 seconds
56 |
if (timestamp - lastBlinkTime > blinkInterval) {
57 |
leftEye.setAttribute('ry', '2');
58 |
rightEye.setAttribute('ry', '2');
59 |
leftPupil.setAttribute('ry', '0.8');
60 |
rightPupil.setAttribute('ry', '0.8');
61 |
setTimeout(() => {
62 |
leftEye.setAttribute('ry', '20');
63 |
rightEye.setAttribute('ry', '20');
64 |
leftPupil.setAttribute('ry', '8');
65 |
rightPupil.setAttribute('ry', '8');
66 |
}, 150);
67 |
lastBlinkTime = timestamp;
68 |
69 |
70 |
// Subtle eye movement
71 |
const movementSpeed = 0.001;
72 |
eyeMovementOffset.x = Math.sin(timestamp * movementSpeed) * 6;
73 |
eyeMovementOffset.y = Math.cos(timestamp * movementSpeed * 1.3) * 1; // Reduced vertical movement
74 |
75 |
leftEye.setAttribute('cx', baseEyeX.left + eyeMovementOffset.x);
76 |
leftEye.setAttribute('cy', baseEyeY + eyeMovementOffset.y);
77 |
rightEye.setAttribute('cx', baseEyeX.right + eyeMovementOffset.x);
78 |
rightEye.setAttribute('cy', baseEyeY + eyeMovementOffset.y);
79 |
leftPupil.setAttribute('cx', baseEyeX.left + eyeMovementOffset.x);
80 |
leftPupil.setAttribute('cy', baseEyeY + eyeMovementOffset.y);
81 |
rightPupil.setAttribute('cx', baseEyeX.right + eyeMovementOffset.x);
82 |
rightPupil.setAttribute('cy', baseEyeY + eyeMovementOffset.y);
83 |
84 |
85 |
// Main animation function
86 |
function animate(timestamp) {
87 |
if (isAudioPlaying) {
88 |
const dataArray = new Uint8Array(analyser.frequencyBinCount);
89 |
90 |
91 |
// Calculate the average amplitude in the speech frequency range
92 |
const speechRange = dataArray.slice(5, 80); // Adjust based on your needs
93 |
const averageAmplitude = speechRange.reduce((a, b) => a + b) / speechRange.length;
94 |
95 |
// Normalize the amplitude (0-1 range)
96 |
const normalizedAmplitude = averageAmplitude / 255;
97 |
98 |
// Animate mouth
99 |
const upperLip = document.getElementById('upper-lip');
100 |
const lowerLip = document.getElementById('lower-lip');
101 |
const baseY = 300;
102 |
const maxMovement = 60;
103 |
const newUpperY = baseY - normalizedAmplitude * maxMovement;
104 |
const newLowerY = baseY + normalizedAmplitude * maxMovement;
105 |
106 |
// Adjust control points for more natural movement
107 |
const upperControlY1 = newUpperY - 8;
108 |
const upperControlY2 = newUpperY - 8;
109 |
const lowerControlY1 = newLowerY + 8;
110 |
const lowerControlY2 = newLowerY + 8;
111 |
112 |
upperLip.setAttribute('d', `M 300 ${baseY} C 350 ${upperControlY1}, 450 ${upperControlY2}, 500 ${baseY}`);
113 |
lowerLip.setAttribute('d', `M 300 ${baseY} C 350 ${lowerControlY1}, 450 ${lowerControlY2}, 500 ${baseY}`);
114 |
115 |
// Animate eyes
116 |
const leftEye = document.getElementById('left-eye');
117 |
const rightEye = document.getElementById('right-eye');
118 |
const leftPupil = document.getElementById('left-pupil');
119 |
const rightPupil = document.getElementById('right-pupil');
120 |
const baseEyeY = 200;
121 |
const maxEyeMovement = 10;
122 |
const newEyeY = baseEyeY - normalizedAmplitude * maxEyeMovement;
123 |
124 |
leftEye.setAttribute('cy', newEyeY);
125 |
rightEye.setAttribute('cy', newEyeY);
126 |
leftPupil.setAttribute('cy', newEyeY);
127 |
rightPupil.setAttribute('cy', newEyeY);
128 |
} else {
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131 |
132 |
133 |
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135 |
// Start animation
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// Handle audio play/pause
139 |
audio.addEventListener('play', () => {
140 |
isAudioPlaying = true;
141 |
142 |
143 |
144 |
audio.addEventListener('pause', () => {
145 |
isAudioPlaying = false;
146 |
147 |
148 |
audio.addEventListener('ended', () => {
149 |
isAudioPlaying = false;
150 |
151 |
152 |
// Play audio (you might want to trigger this with a user interaction)
153 |
document.getElementById('play-button').addEventListener('click', () => {
154 |
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