import base64 import os import time from io import BytesIO from multiprocessing import Process import streamlit as st from PIL import Image import requests def start_server(): os.system("uvicorn server:app --port 8080 --host --workers 2") def load_models(): if not is_port_in_use(8080): with st.spinner(text="Loading models, please wait..."): proc = Process(target=start_server, args=(), daemon=True) proc.start() while not is_port_in_use(8080): time.sleep(1) st.success("Model server started.") else: st.success("Model server already running...") st.session_state["models_loaded"] = True def is_port_in_use(port): import socket with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s: return s.connect_ex(("", port)) == 0 def generate(prompt): correct_request = f"{prompt}" response = requests.get(correct_request) images = response.json()["images"] images = [ for img in images] return images if "models_loaded" not in st.session_state: st.session_state["models_loaded"] = False st.header("minDALL-E") #st.subheader("Generate images from text") st.write("Generate images from text: Interactive demo for [minDALL-E](") if not st.session_state["models_loaded"]: load_models() prompt = st.text_input("What do you want to see?") DEBUG = False # UI code taken from if prompt != "": container = st.empty() container.markdown( f""" <style> p {{ margin:0 }} div {{ margin:0 }} </style> <div data-stale="false" class="element-container css-1e5imcs e1tzin5v1"> <div class="stAlert"> <div role="alert" data-baseweb="notification" class="st-ae st-af st-ag st-ah st-ai st-aj st-ak st-g3 st-am st-b8 st-ao st-ap st-aq st-ar st-as st-at st-au st-av st-aw st-ax st-ay st-az st-b9 st-b1 st-b2 st-b3 st-b4 st-b5 st-b6"> <div class="st-b7"> <div class="css-whx05o e13vu3m50"> <div data-testid="stMarkdownContainer" class="css-1ekf893 e16nr0p30"> <img src="" width="30"/> Generating predictions for: <b>{prompt}</b> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> """, unsafe_allow_html=True, ) print(f"Getting selections: {prompt}") selected = generate(prompt) margin = 0.1 # for better position of zoom in arrow n_columns = 3 cols = st.columns([1] + [margin, 1] * (n_columns - 1)) for i, img in enumerate(selected): cols[(i % n_columns) * 2].image(img) container.markdown(f"**{prompt}**") st.button("Again!", key="again_button") st.write(f"<b><i>UI credits: <a href=''>DALL-E mini Space</a></i></b>", unsafe_allow_html=True)