import requests from datetime import datetime class PerturbationScraper: def __init__(self): self.headers = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.124 Safari/537.36' } self.api_url = '' def get_perturbations(self): try: response = requests.get(self.api_url, headers=self.headers) response.raise_for_status() lines = response.json() perturbations = [] for line in lines: # Filtrer les alertes importantes (perturbations, déviations, travaux) important_alerts = [ alert for alert in line.get('alerts', []) if any(keyword in alert.get('alert_title', '').lower() for keyword in ['perturbation', 'déviation', 'travaux']) and 'descente à la demande' not in alert.get('alert_title', '').lower() and 'forte affluence' not in alert.get('alert_title', '').lower() ] if important_alerts: perturbation = { 'line': line.get('line_name', 'Inconnue'), 'line_trace': line.get('line_trace', ''), 'line_type': line.get('line_type', ''), 'alerts': [] } for alert in important_alerts: date_modif = datetime.strptime(alert.get('date_modif', ''), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') formatted_time = date_modif.strftime('%d/%m/%Y à %H:%M') perturbation['alerts'].append({ 'title': alert.get('alert_title', ''), 'description': alert.get('message_app', ''), 'update_time': formatted_time }) perturbations.append(perturbation) # Trier les perturbations par type de ligne (métro, tram, bus) type_order = {'metro_lines': 0, 'tram_lines': 1, 'bus_lines': 2} perturbations.sort(key=lambda x: type_order.get(x['line_type'], 999)) return perturbations except Exception as e: print(f"Erreur lors de la récupération des perturbations : {e}") return [] def main(): scraper = PerturbationScraper() perturbations = scraper.get_perturbations() print("\n=== Perturbations en cours ===\n") if not perturbations: print("Aucune perturbation n'est actuellement signalée.") else: current_type = None for p in perturbations: # Afficher un en-tête pour chaque type de transport line_type = p['line_type'] if line_type != current_type: if current_type is not None: print("\n" + "=" * 50 + "\n") current_type = line_type type_name = { 'metro_lines': '🚇 Métro', 'tram_lines': '🚊 Tramway', 'bus_lines': '🚌 Bus' }.get(line_type, 'Autre') print(f"{type_name}:") print(f"\nLigne {p['line']} - {p['line_trace']}") for alert in p['alerts']: print(f"\n🚨 {alert['title']}") print(f"{alert['description']}") print(f"\nℹ️ Mise à jour : {alert['update_time']}") print("-" * 50) if __name__ == "__main__": main()