Web agent for finding and extracting song lyrics from online sources.

from smolagents import CodeAgent, VisitWebpageTool
from loguru import logger

from config import load_prompt_templates
from tools.search_tools import ThrottledDuckDuckGoSearchTool

def create_web_agent(model):
    Create an agent specialized in web browsing and lyrics extraction.
        model: The LLM model to use with this agent
        A configured CodeAgent for web searches
    # Load prompt templates
    prompt_templates = load_prompt_templates()
    # Create the throttled search tool
    throttled_search_tool = ThrottledDuckDuckGoSearchTool(
    # Create and return the agent with specialized lyrics search instructions
    # Customize the prompts to use our specialized lyrics_search_agent prompt
    custom_prompt_templates = prompt_templates.copy()
    # Set our special prompt as the system prompt for better instruction
    if 'lyrics_search_agent' in custom_prompt_templates:
        custom_prompt_templates['system_prompt'] = custom_prompt_templates['lyrics_search_agent']
    agent = CodeAgent(
        tools=[throttled_search_tool, VisitWebpageTool()],
        description="Specialized agent for finding and extracting complete song lyrics",
        additional_authorized_imports=["numpy", "bs4", "json", "re"],
        max_steps=10,  # Hardcoded from config
        verbosity_level=2,  # Hardcoded from config
    logger.info("Web agent (lyrics search) created successfully")
    return agent