Runtime error
Runtime error
# coding=utf8 | |
# Youtube Video Translator | |
# Developed by Ruslan Magana Vsevolodovna | |
# | |
# importing all necessary libraries | |
import pathlib | |
import sys, os | |
from gtts import gTTS | |
import gradio as gr | |
import os | |
import speech_recognition as sr | |
import __init__ | |
from __init__ import Translator, constants | |
from pprint import pprint | |
from moviepy.editor import * | |
from pytube import YouTube | |
from youtube_transcript_api import YouTubeTranscriptApi | |
from utils import * | |
def download_video(url): | |
print("Downloading...") | |
local_file = ( | |
YouTube(url) | |
.streams.filter(progressive=True, file_extension="mp4") | |
.first() | |
.download() | |
) | |
print("Downloaded") | |
return local_file | |
def validate_youtube(url): | |
#This creates a youtube objet | |
try: | |
yt = YouTube(url) | |
except Exception: | |
print("Hi there URL seems invalid") | |
return True | |
#This will return the length of the video in sec as an int | |
video_length = yt.length | |
if video_length > 600: | |
print("Your video is larger than 10 minutes") | |
return True | |
else: | |
print("Your video is less than 10 minutes") | |
return False | |
def validate_url(url): | |
import validators | |
if not validators.url(url): | |
print("Hi there URL seems invalid ") | |
return True | |
else: | |
return False | |
def cleanup(): | |
import pathlib | |
import glob | |
types = ('*.mp4', '*.wav') # the tuple of file types | |
#Finding mp4 and wave files | |
junks = [] | |
for files in types: | |
junks.extend(glob.glob(files)) | |
try: | |
# Deleting those files | |
for junk in junks: | |
print("Deleting",junk) | |
# Setting the path for the file to delete | |
file = pathlib.Path(junk) | |
# Calling the unlink method on the path | |
file.unlink() | |
except Exception: | |
print("I cannot delete the file because it is being used by another process") | |
def getSize(filename): | |
st = os.stat(filename) | |
return st.st_size | |
def clean_transcript(transcript_list): | |
script = "" | |
for text in transcript_list: | |
t = text["text"] | |
if( (t != '[music]') and \ | |
(t != '[Music]') and \ | |
(t != '[музыка]') and \ | |
(t != '[Музыка]') and \ | |
(t != '[musik]') and \ | |
(t != '[Musik]') and \ | |
(t != '[musica]') and \ | |
(t != '[Musica]') and \ | |
(t != '[música]') and \ | |
(t != '[Música]') and \ | |
(t != '[音楽]') and \ | |
(t != '[音乐]') | |
) : | |
script += t + " " | |
return script | |
def get_transcript(url,desired_language): | |
id_you= url[url.index("=")+1:] | |
try: | |
# retrieve the available transcripts | |
transcript_list = YouTubeTranscriptApi.list_transcripts(id_you) | |
except Exception: | |
print('TranscriptsDisabled:') | |
is_translated = False | |
return " ", " ", is_translated | |
lista=[] | |
transcript_translation_languages=[] | |
# iterate over all available transcripts | |
for transcript in transcript_list: | |
lista.extend([ | |
transcript.language_code, | |
transcript.is_generated, | |
transcript.is_translatable, | |
transcript_translation_languages.append(transcript.translation_languages), | |
]) | |
print(lista) | |
n_size=int(len(lista)/4) | |
print("There are {} avialable scripts".format(n_size)) | |
import numpy as np | |
matrix = np.array(lista) | |
shape = (n_size,4) | |
matrix=matrix.reshape(shape) | |
matrix=matrix.tolist() | |
is_manually=False | |
is_automatic=False | |
for lista in matrix: | |
#print(lista) | |
language_code=lista[0] | |
is_generated=lista[1] | |
is_translatable=lista[2] | |
if not is_generated and is_translatable : | |
print("Script found manually generated") | |
is_manually=True | |
language_code_man=language_code | |
if is_generated and is_translatable : | |
print("Script found automatic generated") | |
is_automatic=True | |
language_code_au=language_code | |
if is_manually: | |
# we try filter for manually created transcripts | |
print('We extract manually created transcripts') | |
transcript = transcript_list.find_manually_created_transcript([language_code]) | |
elif is_automatic: | |
print('We extract generated transcript') | |
# or automatically generated ones, but not translated | |
transcript = transcript_list.find_generated_transcript([language_code]) | |
else: | |
print('We try find the transcript') | |
# we directly filter for the language you are looking for, using the transcript list | |
transcript = transcript_list.find_transcript([language_code]) | |
is_translated = False | |
if is_translatable : | |
for available_trad in transcript_translation_languages[0]: | |
if available_trad['language_code']==desired_language: | |
print("It was found the translation for lang:",desired_language) | |
print('We translate directly the transcript') | |
transcript_translated = transcript.translate(desired_language) | |
transcript_translated=transcript_translated.fetch() | |
translated=clean_transcript(transcript_translated) | |
is_translated = True | |
script_translated = "" | |
if is_translated : | |
script_translated = translated | |
transcript=transcript.fetch() | |
script = clean_transcript(transcript) | |
return script, script_translated, is_translated | |
# Set environment variables | |
home_dir = os.getcwd() | |
temp_dir=os.path.join(home_dir, "temp") | |
#Create temp directory | |
pathlib.Path(temp_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) | |
os.environ['home_dir'] = home_dir | |
os.environ['temp_dir'] = temp_dir | |
def video_to_translate(url,Idioma_de_Origen,Idioma_de_Destino): | |
print('Checking the url') | |
check =validate_youtube(url) | |
if check is True: return "./demo/tryagain2.mp4" | |
#Internal definitions | |
if Idioma_de_Origen == "English": | |
lang_in='en-US' | |
lang_api='en' | |
elif Idioma_de_Origen == "Italian": | |
lang_in='it-IT' | |
lang_api='it' | |
elif Idioma_de_Origen == "Spanish": | |
lang_in='es-MX' | |
lang_api='es' | |
elif Idioma_de_Origen == "Russian": | |
lang_in='ru-RU' | |
lang_api='rus' | |
elif Idioma_de_Origen == "German": | |
lang_in='de-DE' | |
lang_api='de' | |
elif Idioma_de_Origen == "Japanese": | |
lang_in='ja-JP' | |
lang_api='ja' | |
if Idioma_de_Destino == "English": | |
lang='en' | |
elif Idioma_de_Destino == "Italian": | |
lang='it' | |
elif Idioma_de_Destino == "Spanish": | |
lang='es' | |
elif Idioma_de_Destino == "Russian": | |
lang='ru' | |
elif Idioma_de_Destino == "German": | |
lang='de' | |
elif Idioma_de_Destino == "Japanese": | |
lang='ja' | |
# Initial directory | |
home_dir= os.getenv('home_dir') | |
print('Initial directory:',home_dir) | |
# Cleaning previous files | |
cleanup() | |
file_obj=download_video(url) | |
print(file_obj) | |
# Insert Local Video File Path | |
videoclip = VideoFileClip(file_obj) | |
is_traduc=False | |
# Trying to get transcripts | |
text, trans, is_traduc = get_transcript(url,desired_language=lang) | |
print("Transcript Found") | |
if not is_traduc: | |
print("No Transcript Found") | |
# Trying to recognize audio | |
# Insert Local Audio File Path | |"audio.wav",codec='pcm_s16le') | |
# initialize the recognizer | |
r = sr.Recognizer() | |
# open the file | |
with sr.AudioFile("audio.wav") as source: | |
# listen for the data (load audio to memory) | |
audio_data = r.record(source) | |
# recognize (convert from speech to text) | |
print("Recognize from ",lang_in) | |
#There is a limit of 10 MB on all single requests sent to the API using local file | |
size_wav=getSize("audio.wav") | |
if size_wav > 50000000: | |
print("The wav is too large") | |
audio_chunks=split_audio_wav("audio.wav") | |
text="" | |
for chunk in audio_chunks: | |
print("Converting audio to text",chunk) | |
try: | |
text_chunk= r.recognize_google(audio_data, language = lang_in) | |
except Exception: | |
print("This video cannot be recognized") | |
cleanup() | |
return "./demo/tryagain.mp4" | |
text=text+text_chunk+" " | |
text=str(text) | |
print(type(text)) | |
else: | |
try: | |
text = r.recognize_google(audio_data, language = lang_in) | |
except Exception: | |
print("This video cannot be recognized") | |
cleanup() | |
return "./demo/tryagain.mp4" | |
#print(text) | |
print("Destination language ",lang) | |
# init the Google API translator | |
translator = Translator() | |
try: | |
translation = translator.translate(text, dest=lang) | |
except Exception: | |
print("This text cannot be translated") | |
cleanup() | |
return "./demo/tryagain.mp4" | |
#translation.text | |
trans=translation.text | |
myobj = gTTS(text=trans, lang=lang, slow=False) | |"audio.wav") | |
# loading audio file | |
audioclip = AudioFileClip("audio.wav") | |
# adding audio to the video clip | |
new_audioclip = CompositeAudioClip([audioclip]) | | = new_audioclip | |
new_video="video_translated_"+lang+".mp4" | |
# Return back to main directory | |
os.chdir(home_dir) | |
print('Final directory',os.getcwd()) | |
videoclip.write_videofile(new_video) | |
videoclip.close() | |
del file_obj | |
return new_video | |
Idioma_de_Origen = gr.inputs.Dropdown(["English","Italian","Japanese","Russian","Spanish","German"]) | |
Idioma_de_Destino = gr.inputs.Dropdown([ "Russian","Italian","Spanish","German","English","Japanese"]) | |
url =gr.inputs.Textbox(label = "Pega el enlace de Youtube aquí:") | |
gr.Interface(fn = video_to_translate, | |
inputs = [url,Idioma_de_Origen,Idioma_de_Destino], | |
outputs = 'video', | |
verbose = True, | |
title = 'Video Youtube Translator', | |
description = 'A simple application that translates Youtube small videos from English, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, and German to Italian, Spanish, Russian, English and Japanese. Wait one minute to process.', | |
article = | |
'''<div> | |
<p style="text-align: center"> All you need to do is to paste the Youtube link and hit submit,, then wait for compiling. After that click on Play/Pause for listing to the video. The video is saved in an mp4 format. | |
The lenght video limit is 10 minutes. For more information visit <a href=""></a> | |
</p> | |
</div>''', | |
examples = [ | |
["", "English","Spanish"], | |
["", "English","Russian"], | |
["", "Italian","English"], | |
["", "Russian","English"], | |
["", "Japanese","English"], | |
["", "German","Spanish"] | |
] | |
).launch() |