diff --git "a/tools/train/distributed_shampoo.py" "b/tools/train/distributed_shampoo.py"
--- "a/tools/train/distributed_shampoo.py"
+++ "b/tools/train/distributed_shampoo.py"
@@ -48,103 +48,114 @@ import optax
 # pylint:disable=no-value-for-parameter
 class QuantizedValue:
-  """State associated with quantized value."""
-  quantized: chex.Array
-  diagonal: chex.Array  # Diagonal (if extract_diagonal is set)
-  bucket_size: chex.Array
-  quantized_dtype: jnp.dtype = struct.field(
-      pytree_node=False)  # Dtype for the quantized value.
-  extract_diagonal: bool = struct.field(
-      pytree_node=False)  # In case its centered.
-  shape: Any = struct.field(pytree_node=False)  # Shape of the tensor.
-  @classmethod
-  def from_float_value(cls, fvalue, quantized_dtype, extract_diagonal=False):
-    if isinstance(fvalue, list) and not fvalue:
-      return QuantizedValue([], [], [], quantized_dtype, extract_diagonal, [])
-    quantized, diagonal_fvalue, bucket_size = QuantizedValue.quantize(
-        fvalue, quantized_dtype, extract_diagonal)
-    return QuantizedValue(quantized, diagonal_fvalue, bucket_size,
-                          quantized_dtype, extract_diagonal,
-                          list(quantized.shape))
-  # Quantization is from Lingvo JAX optimizers.
-  # We extend it for int16 quantization of PSD matrices.
-  @classmethod
-  def quantize(cls, fvalue, quantized_dtype, extract_diagonal=False):
-    """Returns quantized value and the bucket."""
-    if quantized_dtype == jnp.float32:
-      return fvalue, [], []
-    elif quantized_dtype == jnp.bfloat16:
-      return fvalue.astype(jnp.bfloat16), [], []
-    float_dtype = fvalue.dtype
-    if quantized_dtype == jnp.int8:
-      # value -128 is not used.
-      num_buckets = jnp.array(127.0, dtype=float_dtype)
-    elif quantized_dtype == jnp.int16:
-      # value -32768 is not used.
-      num_buckets = jnp.array(32767.0, dtype=float_dtype)
-    else:
-      raise ValueError(f'Quantized dtype {quantized_dtype} not supported.')
-    # max value is mapped to num_buckets
-    if extract_diagonal and fvalue.ndim != 2:
-      raise ValueError(
-          f'Input array {fvalue} must be 2D to work with extract_diagonal.')
-    diagonal_fvalue = []
-    if extract_diagonal:
-      diagonal_fvalue = jnp.diag(fvalue)
-      # Remove the diagonal entries.
-      fvalue = fvalue - jnp.diag(diagonal_fvalue)
-    # TODO(rohananil): Extend this by making use of information about the blocks
-    # SM3 style which will be useful for diagonal statistics
-    # We first decide the scale.
-    if fvalue.ndim < 1:
-      raise ValueError(
-          f'Input array {fvalue} must have a strictly positive number of '
-          'dimensions.')
-    max_abs = jnp.max(jnp.abs(fvalue), axis=0)
-    bucket_size = max_abs / num_buckets
-    bs_expanded = bucket_size[jnp.newaxis, Ellipsis]
-    # To avoid divide by 0.0
-    bs_nonzero = jnp.where(bs_expanded > 0.0, bs_expanded,
-                           jnp.ones_like(bs_expanded))
-    ratio = fvalue / bs_nonzero
-    # We use rounding to remove bias.
-    quantized = jnp.round(ratio)
-    return quantized.astype(quantized_dtype), diagonal_fvalue, bucket_size
-  def to_float(self):
-    """Returns the float value."""
-    if isinstance(self.quantized, list) and not self.quantized:
-      return self.quantized
-    if self.quantized_dtype == jnp.float32:
-      return self.quantized
-    if self.quantized_dtype == jnp.bfloat16:
-      return self.quantized.astype(jnp.float32)
-    float_dtype = self.bucket_size.dtype
-    bucket_size = self.bucket_size[jnp.newaxis, Ellipsis]
-    val = self.quantized.astype(float_dtype) * bucket_size
-    if self.extract_diagonal:
-      val += jnp.diag(self.diagonal)
-    return val
+    """State associated with quantized value."""
+    quantized: chex.Array
+    diagonal: chex.Array  # Diagonal (if extract_diagonal is set)
+    bucket_size: chex.Array
+    quantized_dtype: jnp.dtype = struct.field(
+        pytree_node=False
+    )  # Dtype for the quantized value.
+    extract_diagonal: bool = struct.field(pytree_node=False)  # In case its centered.
+    shape: Any = struct.field(pytree_node=False)  # Shape of the tensor.
+    @classmethod
+    def from_float_value(cls, fvalue, quantized_dtype, extract_diagonal=False):
+        if isinstance(fvalue, list) and not fvalue:
+            return QuantizedValue([], [], [], quantized_dtype, extract_diagonal, [])
+        quantized, diagonal_fvalue, bucket_size = QuantizedValue.quantize(
+            fvalue, quantized_dtype, extract_diagonal
+        )
+        return QuantizedValue(
+            quantized,
+            diagonal_fvalue,
+            bucket_size,
+            quantized_dtype,
+            extract_diagonal,
+            list(quantized.shape),
+        )
+    # Quantization is from Lingvo JAX optimizers.
+    # We extend it for int16 quantization of PSD matrices.
+    @classmethod
+    def quantize(cls, fvalue, quantized_dtype, extract_diagonal=False):
+        """Returns quantized value and the bucket."""
+        if quantized_dtype == jnp.float32:
+            return fvalue, [], []
+        elif quantized_dtype == jnp.bfloat16:
+            return fvalue.astype(jnp.bfloat16), [], []
+        float_dtype = fvalue.dtype
+        if quantized_dtype == jnp.int8:
+            # value -128 is not used.
+            num_buckets = jnp.array(127.0, dtype=float_dtype)
+        elif quantized_dtype == jnp.int16:
+            # value -32768 is not used.
+            num_buckets = jnp.array(32767.0, dtype=float_dtype)
+        else:
+            raise ValueError(f"Quantized dtype {quantized_dtype} not supported.")
+        # max value is mapped to num_buckets
+        if extract_diagonal and fvalue.ndim != 2:
+            raise ValueError(
+                f"Input array {fvalue} must be 2D to work with extract_diagonal."
+            )
+        diagonal_fvalue = []
+        if extract_diagonal:
+            diagonal_fvalue = jnp.diag(fvalue)
+            # Remove the diagonal entries.
+            fvalue = fvalue - jnp.diag(diagonal_fvalue)
+        # TODO(rohananil): Extend this by making use of information about the blocks
+        # SM3 style which will be useful for diagonal statistics
+        # We first decide the scale.
+        if fvalue.ndim < 1:
+            raise ValueError(
+                f"Input array {fvalue} must have a strictly positive number of "
+                "dimensions."
+            )
+        max_abs = jnp.max(jnp.abs(fvalue), axis=0)
+        bucket_size = max_abs / num_buckets
+        bs_expanded = bucket_size[jnp.newaxis, Ellipsis]
+        # To avoid divide by 0.0
+        bs_nonzero = jnp.where(
+            bs_expanded > 0.0, bs_expanded, jnp.ones_like(bs_expanded)
+        )
+        ratio = fvalue / bs_nonzero
+        # We use rounding to remove bias.
+        quantized = jnp.round(ratio)
+        return quantized.astype(quantized_dtype), diagonal_fvalue, bucket_size
+    def to_float(self):
+        """Returns the float value."""
+        if isinstance(self.quantized, list) and not self.quantized:
+            return self.quantized
+        if self.quantized_dtype == jnp.float32:
+            return self.quantized
+        if self.quantized_dtype == jnp.bfloat16:
+            return self.quantized.astype(jnp.float32)
+        float_dtype = self.bucket_size.dtype
+        bucket_size = self.bucket_size[jnp.newaxis, Ellipsis]
+        val = self.quantized.astype(float_dtype) * bucket_size
+        if self.extract_diagonal:
+            val += jnp.diag(self.diagonal)
+        return val
 # Per parameter optimizer state used in data-parallel training.
 class ParameterStats(NamedTuple):
-  """State associated to each parameter of the model being trained."""
-  diagonal_statistics: QuantizedValue  # Accumulator for diagonal preconditioner
-  statistics: List[Any]  # Statistics (QuantizedValue, chex.Array)
-  preconditioners: List[Any]  # Preconditioners (QuantizedValue, chex.Array)
-  diagonal_momentum: QuantizedValue  # Momentum for the diagonal preconditioner
-  momentum: QuantizedValue  # Momentum for the shampoo preconditioner
+    """State associated to each parameter of the model being trained."""
+    diagonal_statistics: QuantizedValue  # Accumulator for diagonal preconditioner
+    statistics: List[Any]  # Statistics (QuantizedValue, chex.Array)
+    preconditioners: List[Any]  # Preconditioners (QuantizedValue, chex.Array)
+    diagonal_momentum: QuantizedValue  # Momentum for the diagonal preconditioner
+    momentum: QuantizedValue  # Momentum for the shampoo preconditioner
 # For training extremely large model; We keep a global state with a concatenated
@@ -153,91 +164,98 @@ class ParameterStats(NamedTuple):
 # communication.
 class GlobalShardedParameterStats:
-  statistics: chex.Array  # Statistics
-  preconditioners: chex.Array  # Preconditioners
+    statistics: chex.Array  # Statistics
+    preconditioners: chex.Array  # Preconditioners
 # These are per-parameter local states; All statistics here mirror the parameter
 # Thus the sharding is copied over from the param specification.
 class LocalShardedParameterStats:
-  """State associated to each parameter of the model being trained."""
-  diagonal_statistics: QuantizedValue  # Accumulator for diagonal preconditioner
-  diagonal_momentum: QuantizedValue  # Momentum for the diagonal preconditioner
-  momentum: QuantizedValue  # Momentum for the shampoo preconditioner
-  index_start: np.int32 = struct.field(
-      pytree_node=False)  # Index into global statistics array
-  sizes: Any = struct.field(pytree_node=False)  # Sizes of the statistics.
+    """State associated to each parameter of the model being trained."""
+    diagonal_statistics: QuantizedValue  # Accumulator for diagonal preconditioner
+    diagonal_momentum: QuantizedValue  # Momentum for the diagonal preconditioner
+    momentum: QuantizedValue  # Momentum for the shampoo preconditioner
+    index_start: np.int32 = struct.field(
+        pytree_node=False
+    )  # Index into global statistics array
+    sizes: Any = struct.field(pytree_node=False)  # Sizes of the statistics.
 class ShardedShampooStats(NamedTuple):
-  """Shampoo state in sharded mode."""
-  global_stats: Any
-  local_stats: Any
+    """Shampoo state in sharded mode."""
+    global_stats: Any
+    local_stats: Any
 class ShampooState(NamedTuple):
-  count: chex.Array
-  stats: Any
+    count: chex.Array
+    stats: Any
 class GraftingType(enum.IntEnum):
-  SGD = 1
-  ADAGRAD = 2
-  RMSPROP = 3
+    SGD = 1
+    ADAGRAD = 2
+    RMSPROP = 3
 def power_iteration(
-    matrix,
-    num_iters=100,
-    error_tolerance=1e-6,
-    precision=lax.Precision.HIGHEST):
-  r"""Power iteration algorithm.
-  The power iteration algorithm takes a symmetric PSD matrix `A`, and produces
-  a scalar `\lambda` , which is the greatest (in absolute value) eigenvalue
-  of `A`, and a vector v, which is the corresponding eigenvector of `A`.
-  References:
-    [Wikipedia, 2021](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power_iteration)
-  Args:
-    matrix: the symmetric PSD matrix.
-    num_iters: Number of iterations.
-    error_tolerance: Iterative exit condition.
-    precision: precision XLA related flag, the available options are:
-      a) lax.Precision.DEFAULT (better step time, but not precise)
-      b) lax.Precision.HIGH (increased precision, slower)
-      c) lax.Precision.HIGHEST (best possible precision, slowest)
-  Returns:
-    eigen vector, eigen value
-  """
-  matrix_size = matrix.shape[-1]
-  def _iter_condition(state):
-    i, unused_v, unused_s, unused_s_v, run_step = state
-    return jnp.logical_and(i < num_iters, run_step)
-  def _iter_body(state):
-    """One step of power iteration."""
-    i, new_v, s, s_v, unused_run_step = state
-    new_v = new_v / jnp.linalg.norm(new_v)
-    s_v = jnp.einsum('ij,j->i', matrix, new_v, precision=precision)
-    s_new = jnp.einsum('i,i->', new_v, s_v, precision=precision)
-    return (i + 1, s_v, s_new, s_v,
-            jnp.greater(jnp.abs(s_new - s), error_tolerance))
-  # Figure out how to use step as seed for random.
-  v_0 = np.random.RandomState(1729).uniform(-1.0, 1.0,
-                                            matrix_size).astype(matrix.dtype)
-  init_state = tuple([0, v_0, jnp.zeros([], dtype=matrix.dtype), v_0, True])
-  _, v_out, s_out, _, _ = lax.while_loop(
-      _iter_condition, _iter_body, init_state)
-  v_out = v_out / jnp.linalg.norm(v_out)
-  return v_out, s_out
+    matrix, num_iters=100, error_tolerance=1e-6, precision=lax.Precision.HIGHEST
+    r"""Power iteration algorithm.
+    The power iteration algorithm takes a symmetric PSD matrix `A`, and produces
+    a scalar `\lambda` , which is the greatest (in absolute value) eigenvalue
+    of `A`, and a vector v, which is the corresponding eigenvector of `A`.
+    References:
+      [Wikipedia, 2021](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power_iteration)
+    Args:
+      matrix: the symmetric PSD matrix.
+      num_iters: Number of iterations.
+      error_tolerance: Iterative exit condition.
+      precision: precision XLA related flag, the available options are:
+        a) lax.Precision.DEFAULT (better step time, but not precise)
+        b) lax.Precision.HIGH (increased precision, slower)
+        c) lax.Precision.HIGHEST (best possible precision, slowest)
+    Returns:
+      eigen vector, eigen value
+    """
+    matrix_size = matrix.shape[-1]
+    def _iter_condition(state):
+        i, unused_v, unused_s, unused_s_v, run_step = state
+        return jnp.logical_and(i < num_iters, run_step)
+    def _iter_body(state):
+        """One step of power iteration."""
+        i, new_v, s, s_v, unused_run_step = state
+        new_v = new_v / jnp.linalg.norm(new_v)
+        s_v = jnp.einsum("ij,j->i", matrix, new_v, precision=precision)
+        s_new = jnp.einsum("i,i->", new_v, s_v, precision=precision)
+        return (
+            i + 1,
+            s_v,
+            s_new,
+            s_v,
+            jnp.greater(jnp.abs(s_new - s), error_tolerance),
+        )
+    # Figure out how to use step as seed for random.
+    v_0 = (
+        np.random.RandomState(1729).uniform(-1.0, 1.0, matrix_size).astype(matrix.dtype)
+    )
+    init_state = tuple([0, v_0, jnp.zeros([], dtype=matrix.dtype), v_0, True])
+    _, v_out, s_out, _, _ = lax.while_loop(_iter_condition, _iter_body, init_state)
+    v_out = v_out / jnp.linalg.norm(v_out)
+    return v_out, s_out
 def matrix_inverse_pth_root(
@@ -246,381 +264,391 @@ def matrix_inverse_pth_root(
-    precision=lax.Precision.HIGHEST):
-  """Computes `matrix^(-1/p)`, where `p` is a positive integer.
-  This function uses the Coupled newton iterations algorithm for
-  the computation of a matrix's inverse pth root.
-  References:
-    [Functions of Matrices, Theory and Computation,
-     Nicholas J Higham, Pg 184, Eq 7.18](
-     https://epubs.siam.org/doi/book/10.1137/1.9780898717778)
-  Args:
-    matrix: the symmetric PSD matrix whose power it to be computed
-    p: exponent, for p a positive integer.
-    num_iters: Maximum number of iterations.
-    ridge_epsilon: Ridge epsilon added to make the matrix positive definite.
-    error_tolerance: Error indicator, useful for early termination.
-    precision: precision XLA related flag, the available options are:
-      a) lax.Precision.DEFAULT (better step time, but not precise)
-      b) lax.Precision.HIGH (increased precision, slower)
-      c) lax.Precision.HIGHEST (best possible precision, slowest)
-  Returns:
-    matrix^(-1/p)
-  """
-  # We use float32 for the matrix inverse pth root.
-  # Switch to f64 if you have hardware that supports it.
-  matrix_size = matrix.shape[0]
-  alpha = jnp.asarray(-1.0 / p, jnp.float32)
-  identity = jnp.eye(matrix_size, dtype=jnp.float32)
-  _, max_ev = power_iteration(
-      matrix=matrix, num_iters=100,
-      error_tolerance=1e-6, precision=precision)
-  ridge_epsilon = ridge_epsilon * jnp.maximum(max_ev, 1e-16)
-  def _unrolled_mat_pow_1(mat_m):
-    """Computes mat_m^1."""
-    return mat_m
-  def _unrolled_mat_pow_2(mat_m):
-    """Computes mat_m^2."""
-    return jnp.matmul(mat_m, mat_m, precision=precision)
-  def _unrolled_mat_pow_4(mat_m):
-    """Computes mat_m^4."""
-    mat_pow_2 = _unrolled_mat_pow_2(mat_m)
-    return jnp.matmul(
-        mat_pow_2, mat_pow_2, precision=precision)
-  def _unrolled_mat_pow_8(mat_m):
-    """Computes mat_m^4."""
-    mat_pow_4 = _unrolled_mat_pow_4(mat_m)
-    return jnp.matmul(
-        mat_pow_4, mat_pow_4, precision=precision)
-  def mat_power(mat_m, p):
-    """Computes mat_m^p, for p == 1, 2, 4 or 8.
+    precision=lax.Precision.HIGHEST,
+    """Computes `matrix^(-1/p)`, where `p` is a positive integer.
+    This function uses the Coupled newton iterations algorithm for
+    the computation of a matrix's inverse pth root.
+    References:
+      [Functions of Matrices, Theory and Computation,
+       Nicholas J Higham, Pg 184, Eq 7.18](
+       https://epubs.siam.org/doi/book/10.1137/1.9780898717778)
-      mat_m: a square matrix
-      p: a positive integer
+      matrix: the symmetric PSD matrix whose power it to be computed
+      p: exponent, for p a positive integer.
+      num_iters: Maximum number of iterations.
+      ridge_epsilon: Ridge epsilon added to make the matrix positive definite.
+      error_tolerance: Error indicator, useful for early termination.
+      precision: precision XLA related flag, the available options are:
+        a) lax.Precision.DEFAULT (better step time, but not precise)
+        b) lax.Precision.HIGH (increased precision, slower)
+        c) lax.Precision.HIGHEST (best possible precision, slowest)
-      mat_m^p
+      matrix^(-1/p)
-    # We unrolled the loop for performance reasons.
-    exponent = jnp.round(jnp.log2(p))
-    return lax.switch(
-        jnp.asarray(exponent, jnp.int32), [
-            _unrolled_mat_pow_1,
-            _unrolled_mat_pow_2,
-            _unrolled_mat_pow_4,
-            _unrolled_mat_pow_8,
-        ], (mat_m))
-  def _iter_condition(state):
-    (i, unused_mat_m, unused_mat_h, unused_old_mat_h, error,
-     run_step) = state
-    error_above_threshold = jnp.logical_and(
-        error > error_tolerance, run_step)
-    return jnp.logical_and(i < num_iters, error_above_threshold)
-  def _iter_body(state):
-    (i, mat_m, mat_h, unused_old_mat_h, error, unused_run_step) = state
-    mat_m_i = (1 - alpha) * identity + alpha * mat_m
-    new_mat_m = jnp.matmul(mat_power(mat_m_i, p), mat_m, precision=precision)
-    new_mat_h = jnp.matmul(mat_h, mat_m_i, precision=precision)
-    new_error = jnp.max(jnp.abs(new_mat_m - identity))
-    # sometimes error increases after an iteration before decreasing and
-    # converging. 1.2 factor is used to bound the maximal allowed increase.
-    return (i + 1, new_mat_m, new_mat_h, mat_h, new_error,
-            new_error < error * 1.2)
-  if matrix_size == 1:
-    resultant_mat_h = (matrix + ridge_epsilon)**alpha
-    error = 0
-  else:
-    damped_matrix = matrix + ridge_epsilon * identity
-    z = (1 + p) / (2 * jnp.linalg.norm(damped_matrix))
-    new_mat_m_0 = damped_matrix * z
-    new_error = jnp.max(jnp.abs(new_mat_m_0 - identity))
-    new_mat_h_0 = identity * jnp.power(z, 1.0 / p)
-    init_state = tuple(
-        [0, new_mat_m_0, new_mat_h_0, new_mat_h_0, new_error, True])
-    _, mat_m, mat_h, old_mat_h, error, convergence = lax.while_loop(
-        _iter_condition, _iter_body, init_state)
-    error = jnp.max(jnp.abs(mat_m - identity))
-    is_converged = jnp.asarray(convergence, old_mat_h.dtype)
-    resultant_mat_h = is_converged * mat_h + (1 - is_converged) * old_mat_h
-    resultant_mat_h = jnp.asarray(resultant_mat_h, matrix.dtype)
-  return resultant_mat_h, error
+    # We use float32 for the matrix inverse pth root.
+    # Switch to f64 if you have hardware that supports it.
+    matrix_size = matrix.shape[0]
+    alpha = jnp.asarray(-1.0 / p, jnp.float32)
+    identity = jnp.eye(matrix_size, dtype=jnp.float32)
+    _, max_ev = power_iteration(
+        matrix=matrix, num_iters=100, error_tolerance=1e-6, precision=precision
+    )
+    ridge_epsilon = ridge_epsilon * jnp.maximum(max_ev, 1e-16)
+    def _unrolled_mat_pow_1(mat_m):
+        """Computes mat_m^1."""
+        return mat_m
+    def _unrolled_mat_pow_2(mat_m):
+        """Computes mat_m^2."""
+        return jnp.matmul(mat_m, mat_m, precision=precision)
+    def _unrolled_mat_pow_4(mat_m):
+        """Computes mat_m^4."""
+        mat_pow_2 = _unrolled_mat_pow_2(mat_m)
+        return jnp.matmul(mat_pow_2, mat_pow_2, precision=precision)
+    def _unrolled_mat_pow_8(mat_m):
+        """Computes mat_m^4."""
+        mat_pow_4 = _unrolled_mat_pow_4(mat_m)
+        return jnp.matmul(mat_pow_4, mat_pow_4, precision=precision)
+    def mat_power(mat_m, p):
+        """Computes mat_m^p, for p == 1, 2, 4 or 8.
+        Args:
+          mat_m: a square matrix
+          p: a positive integer
+        Returns:
+          mat_m^p
+        """
+        # We unrolled the loop for performance reasons.
+        exponent = jnp.round(jnp.log2(p))
+        return lax.switch(
+            jnp.asarray(exponent, jnp.int32),
+            [
+                _unrolled_mat_pow_1,
+                _unrolled_mat_pow_2,
+                _unrolled_mat_pow_4,
+                _unrolled_mat_pow_8,
+            ],
+            (mat_m),
+        )
+    def _iter_condition(state):
+        (i, unused_mat_m, unused_mat_h, unused_old_mat_h, error, run_step) = state
+        error_above_threshold = jnp.logical_and(error > error_tolerance, run_step)
+        return jnp.logical_and(i < num_iters, error_above_threshold)
+    def _iter_body(state):
+        (i, mat_m, mat_h, unused_old_mat_h, error, unused_run_step) = state
+        mat_m_i = (1 - alpha) * identity + alpha * mat_m
+        new_mat_m = jnp.matmul(mat_power(mat_m_i, p), mat_m, precision=precision)
+        new_mat_h = jnp.matmul(mat_h, mat_m_i, precision=precision)
+        new_error = jnp.max(jnp.abs(new_mat_m - identity))
+        # sometimes error increases after an iteration before decreasing and
+        # converging. 1.2 factor is used to bound the maximal allowed increase.
+        return (i + 1, new_mat_m, new_mat_h, mat_h, new_error, new_error < error * 1.2)
+    if matrix_size == 1:
+        resultant_mat_h = (matrix + ridge_epsilon) ** alpha
+        error = 0
+    else:
+        damped_matrix = matrix + ridge_epsilon * identity
+        z = (1 + p) / (2 * jnp.linalg.norm(damped_matrix))
+        new_mat_m_0 = damped_matrix * z
+        new_error = jnp.max(jnp.abs(new_mat_m_0 - identity))
+        new_mat_h_0 = identity * jnp.power(z, 1.0 / p)
+        init_state = tuple([0, new_mat_m_0, new_mat_h_0, new_mat_h_0, new_error, True])
+        _, mat_m, mat_h, old_mat_h, error, convergence = lax.while_loop(
+            _iter_condition, _iter_body, init_state
+        )
+        error = jnp.max(jnp.abs(mat_m - identity))
+        is_converged = jnp.asarray(convergence, old_mat_h.dtype)
+        resultant_mat_h = is_converged * mat_h + (1 - is_converged) * old_mat_h
+        resultant_mat_h = jnp.asarray(resultant_mat_h, matrix.dtype)
+    return resultant_mat_h, error
 def merge_small_dims(shape_to_merge, max_dim):
-  """Merge small dimensions.
-  If there are some small dimensions, we collapse them:
-  e.g. [1, 2, 512, 1, 2048, 1, 3, 4] --> [1024, 2048, 12] if max_dim = 1024
-       [1, 2, 768, 1, 2048] --> [2, 768, 2048]
-  Args:
-    shape_to_merge: Shape to merge small dimensions.
-    max_dim: Maximal dimension of output shape used in merging.
-  Returns:
-    Merged shape.
-  """
-  resulting_shape = []
-  product = 1
-  for d in shape_to_merge:
-    if product * d <= max_dim:
-      product *= d
-    else:
-      if product > 1:
+    """Merge small dimensions.
+    If there are some small dimensions, we collapse them:
+    e.g. [1, 2, 512, 1, 2048, 1, 3, 4] --> [1024, 2048, 12] if max_dim = 1024
+         [1, 2, 768, 1, 2048] --> [2, 768, 2048]
+    Args:
+      shape_to_merge: Shape to merge small dimensions.
+      max_dim: Maximal dimension of output shape used in merging.
+    Returns:
+      Merged shape.
+    """
+    resulting_shape = []
+    product = 1
+    for d in shape_to_merge:
+        if product * d <= max_dim:
+            product *= d
+        else:
+            if product > 1:
+                resulting_shape.append(product)
+            product = d
+    if product > 1:
-      product = d
-  if product > 1:
-    resulting_shape.append(product)
-  return resulting_shape
+    return resulting_shape
 def pad_matrix(mat, max_size):
-  """Pad a matrix to a max_size.
-  Args:
-    mat: a matrix to pad.
-    max_size: matrix size requested.
-  Returns:
-    Given M returns [[M, 0], [0, I]]
-  """
-  size = mat.shape[0]
-  assert size <= max_size
-  if size == max_size:
+    """Pad a matrix to a max_size.
+    Args:
+      mat: a matrix to pad.
+      max_size: matrix size requested.
+    Returns:
+      Given M returns [[M, 0], [0, I]]
+    """
+    size = mat.shape[0]
+    assert size <= max_size
+    if size == max_size:
+        return mat
+    pad_size = max_size - size
+    zs1 = jnp.zeros([size, pad_size], dtype=mat.dtype)
+    zs2 = jnp.zeros([pad_size, size], dtype=mat.dtype)
+    eye = jnp.eye(pad_size, dtype=mat.dtype)
+    mat = jnp.concatenate([mat, zs1], 1)
+    mat = jnp.concatenate([mat, jnp.concatenate([zs2, eye], 1)], 0)
     return mat
-  pad_size = max_size - size
-  zs1 = jnp.zeros([size, pad_size], dtype=mat.dtype)
-  zs2 = jnp.zeros([pad_size, size], dtype=mat.dtype)
-  eye = jnp.eye(pad_size, dtype=mat.dtype)
-  mat = jnp.concatenate([mat, zs1], 1)
-  mat = jnp.concatenate([mat, jnp.concatenate([zs2, eye], 1)], 0)
-  return mat
 def pad_vector(vec, max_size):
-  """Pad a vector to a max_size.
+    """Pad a vector to a max_size.
-  Args:
-    vec: a vector to pad.
-    max_size: matrix size requested.
+    Args:
+      vec: a vector to pad.
+      max_size: matrix size requested.
-  Returns:
-    Given V returns [V, 0]
-  """
-  size = vec.shape[0]
-  assert size <= max_size
-  if size == max_size:
-    return vec
-  pad_size = max_size - size
-  zs1 = jnp.zeros([pad_size], dtype=vec.dtype)
-  return jnp.concatenate([vec, zs1], 0)
+    Returns:
+      Given V returns [V, 0]
+    """
+    size = vec.shape[0]
+    assert size <= max_size
+    if size == max_size:
+        return vec
+    pad_size = max_size - size
+    zs1 = jnp.zeros([pad_size], dtype=vec.dtype)
+    return jnp.concatenate([vec, zs1], 0)
 def efficient_cond(predicate, compute_fn, init_state, *args, **kwargs):
-  """Avoids wasteful buffer allocation with XLA."""
+    """Avoids wasteful buffer allocation with XLA."""
-  def _iter_body(unused_state):
-    results = compute_fn(*args, **kwargs)
-    return tuple([False] + list(results))
+    def _iter_body(unused_state):
+        results = compute_fn(*args, **kwargs)
+        return tuple([False] + list(results))
-  def _iter_condition(state):
-    return state[0]
+    def _iter_condition(state):
+        return state[0]
-  results = jax.lax.while_loop(_iter_condition, _iter_body,
-                               tuple([predicate] + init_state))
-  return tuple(results[1:])
+    results = jax.lax.while_loop(
+        _iter_condition, _iter_body, tuple([predicate] + init_state)
+    )
+    return tuple(results[1:])
 class BlockPartitioner:
-  """Partitions a tensor into smaller tensors."""
-  def __init__(self, param, block_size):
-    self._shape = param.shape
-    self._splits = []
-    split_sizes = []
-    # We split params into smaller blocks. Here we store the metadata to make
-    # that split.
-    for i, d in enumerate(param.shape):
-      if 0 < block_size < d:
-        # d-1, otherwise split appends a 0-size array.
-        nsplit = (d - 1) // block_size
-        indices = (np.arange(nsplit, dtype=np.int32) + 1) * block_size
-        sizes = np.ones(nsplit + 1, dtype=np.int32) * block_size
-        sizes[-1] = d - indices[-1]
-        self._splits.append((i, indices))
-        split_sizes.append(sizes)
-      else:
-        split_sizes.append(np.array([d], dtype=np.int32))
-    self._num_splits = len(split_sizes)
-    self._preconditioner_shapes = []
-    for t in itertools.product(*split_sizes):
-      self._preconditioner_shapes.extend([[d, d] for d in t])
-  def shapes_for_preconditioners(self):
-    return self._preconditioner_shapes
-  def num_splits(self):
-    return self._num_splits
-  def partition(self, tensor):
-    """Partition tensor into blocks."""
-    assert tensor.shape == self._shape
-    tensors = [tensor]
-    for (i, indices) in self._splits:
-      tensors_local = []
-      for t in tensors:
-        tensors_local.extend(jnp.split(t, indices_or_sections=indices, axis=i))
-      tensors = tensors_local
-    return tensors
-  def merge_partitions(self, partitions):
-    """Merge partitions back to original shape."""
-    for (i, indices) in reversed(self._splits):
-      n = len(indices) + 1
-      partial_merged_tensors = []
-      ind = 0
-      while ind < len(partitions):
-        partial_merged_tensors.append(
-            jnp.concatenate(partitions[ind:ind + n], axis=i))
-        ind += n
-      partitions = partial_merged_tensors
-    assert len(partitions) == 1
-    return partitions[0]
+    """Partitions a tensor into smaller tensors."""
+    def __init__(self, param, block_size):
+        self._shape = param.shape
+        self._splits = []
+        split_sizes = []
+        # We split params into smaller blocks. Here we store the metadata to make
+        # that split.
+        for i, d in enumerate(param.shape):
+            if 0 < block_size < d:
+                # d-1, otherwise split appends a 0-size array.
+                nsplit = (d - 1) // block_size
+                indices = (np.arange(nsplit, dtype=np.int32) + 1) * block_size
+                sizes = np.ones(nsplit + 1, dtype=np.int32) * block_size
+                sizes[-1] = d - indices[-1]
+                self._splits.append((i, indices))
+                split_sizes.append(sizes)
+            else:
+                split_sizes.append(np.array([d], dtype=np.int32))
+        self._num_splits = len(split_sizes)
+        self._preconditioner_shapes = []
+        for t in itertools.product(*split_sizes):
+            self._preconditioner_shapes.extend([[d, d] for d in t])
+    def shapes_for_preconditioners(self):
+        return self._preconditioner_shapes
+    def num_splits(self):
+        return self._num_splits
+    def partition(self, tensor):
+        """Partition tensor into blocks."""
+        assert tensor.shape == self._shape
+        tensors = [tensor]
+        for (i, indices) in self._splits:
+            tensors_local = []
+            for t in tensors:
+                tensors_local.extend(jnp.split(t, indices_or_sections=indices, axis=i))
+            tensors = tensors_local
+        return tensors
+    def merge_partitions(self, partitions):
+        """Merge partitions back to original shape."""
+        for (i, indices) in reversed(self._splits):
+            n = len(indices) + 1
+            partial_merged_tensors = []
+            ind = 0
+            while ind < len(partitions):
+                partial_merged_tensors.append(
+                    jnp.concatenate(partitions[ind : ind + n], axis=i)
+                )
+                ind += n
+            partitions = partial_merged_tensors
+        assert len(partitions) == 1
+        return partitions[0]
 class Preconditioner:
-  """Compute statistics/shape from gradients for preconditioning."""
-  def __init__(self, param, block_size, best_effort_shape_interpretation):
-    self._original_shape = param.shape
-    self._transformed_shape = param.shape
-    if best_effort_shape_interpretation:
-      self._transformed_shape = merge_small_dims(self._original_shape,
-                                                 block_size)
-    reshaped_param = jnp.reshape(param, self._transformed_shape)
-    self._partitioner = BlockPartitioner(reshaped_param, block_size)
-  def statistics_from_grad(self, grad):
-    """Compute statistics from gradients.
-    Args:
-      grad: Gradient to compute statistics from.
-    Returns:
-      A list of gradient statistics for each partition.
-    """
-    reshaped_grad = jnp.reshape(grad, self._transformed_shape)
-    partitioned_grads = self._partitioner.partition(reshaped_grad)
-    stats = []
-    for g in partitioned_grads:
-      g_stats = []
-      rank = len(g.shape)
-      for i in range(rank):
-        axes = list(range(i)) + list(range(i + 1, rank))
-        stat = jnp.tensordot(g, g, axes=(axes, axes))
-        g_stats.append(stat)
-      stats.extend(g_stats)
-    return stats
-  def shapes_for_preconditioners(self):
-    """Returns shape from statistics."""
-    return self._partitioner.shapes_for_preconditioners()
-  def exponent_for_preconditioner(self):
-    """Returns exponent to use for inverse-pth root M^{-1/p}."""
-    return 2 * len(self._transformed_shape)
-  def preconditioned_grad(self, grad, preconditioners):
-    """Precondition the gradient.
-    Args:
-      grad: A gradient tensor to precondition.
-      preconditioners: A list of preconditioners to apply.
-    Returns:
-      A preconditioned gradient.
-    """
-    reshaped_grad = jnp.reshape(grad, self._transformed_shape)
-    partitioned_grads = self._partitioner.partition(reshaped_grad)
-    preconditioned_partitioned_grads = []
-    num_splits = self._partitioner.num_splits()
-    for i, g in enumerate(partitioned_grads):
-      preconditioners_for_grad = preconditioners[i * num_splits:(i + 1) *
-                                                 num_splits]
-      rank = len(g.shape)
-      precond_g = g
-      for j in range(rank):
-        precond_g = jnp.tensordot(
-            precond_g, preconditioners_for_grad[j], axes=[[0], [0]])
-      preconditioned_partitioned_grads.append(precond_g)
-    merged_grad = self._partitioner.merge_partitions(
-        preconditioned_partitioned_grads)
-    return jnp.reshape(merged_grad, self._original_shape)
+    """Compute statistics/shape from gradients for preconditioning."""
+    def __init__(self, param, block_size, best_effort_shape_interpretation):
+        self._original_shape = param.shape
+        self._transformed_shape = param.shape
+        if best_effort_shape_interpretation:
+            self._transformed_shape = merge_small_dims(self._original_shape, block_size)
+        reshaped_param = jnp.reshape(param, self._transformed_shape)
+        self._partitioner = BlockPartitioner(reshaped_param, block_size)
+    def statistics_from_grad(self, grad):
+        """Compute statistics from gradients.
+        Args:
+          grad: Gradient to compute statistics from.
+        Returns:
+          A list of gradient statistics for each partition.
+        """
+        reshaped_grad = jnp.reshape(grad, self._transformed_shape)
+        partitioned_grads = self._partitioner.partition(reshaped_grad)
+        stats = []
+        for g in partitioned_grads:
+            g_stats = []
+            rank = len(g.shape)
+            for i in range(rank):
+                axes = list(range(i)) + list(range(i + 1, rank))
+                stat = jnp.tensordot(g, g, axes=(axes, axes))
+                g_stats.append(stat)
+            stats.extend(g_stats)
+        return stats
+    def shapes_for_preconditioners(self):
+        """Returns shape from statistics."""
+        return self._partitioner.shapes_for_preconditioners()
+    def exponent_for_preconditioner(self):
+        """Returns exponent to use for inverse-pth root M^{-1/p}."""
+        return 2 * len(self._transformed_shape)
+    def preconditioned_grad(self, grad, preconditioners):
+        """Precondition the gradient.
+        Args:
+          grad: A gradient tensor to precondition.
+          preconditioners: A list of preconditioners to apply.
+        Returns:
+          A preconditioned gradient.
+        """
+        reshaped_grad = jnp.reshape(grad, self._transformed_shape)
+        partitioned_grads = self._partitioner.partition(reshaped_grad)
+        preconditioned_partitioned_grads = []
+        num_splits = self._partitioner.num_splits()
+        for i, g in enumerate(partitioned_grads):
+            preconditioners_for_grad = preconditioners[
+                i * num_splits : (i + 1) * num_splits
+            ]
+            rank = len(g.shape)
+            precond_g = g
+            for j in range(rank):
+                precond_g = jnp.tensordot(
+                    precond_g, preconditioners_for_grad[j], axes=[[0], [0]]
+                )
+            preconditioned_partitioned_grads.append(precond_g)
+        merged_grad = self._partitioner.merge_partitions(
+            preconditioned_partitioned_grads
+        )
+        return jnp.reshape(merged_grad, self._original_shape)
 def _convert_to_parameter_stats(global_stats, local_stat):
-  """Creates parameter stats from sharded stats."""
-  index_start = int(local_stat.index_start)
-  index_end = int(len(local_stat.sizes)) + index_start
-  statistics = global_stats.statistics[index_start:index_end, :, :]
-  preconditioners = global_stats.preconditioners[index_start:index_end, :, :]
-  new_statistics = []
-  new_preconditioners = []
-  for i, size in enumerate(local_stat.sizes):
-    new_statistics.append(statistics[i][:size, :size])
-    new_preconditioners.append(preconditioners[i][:size, :size])
-  return ParameterStats(local_stat.diagonal_statistics, new_statistics,
-                        new_preconditioners, local_stat.diagonal_momentum,
-                        local_stat.momentum)
+    """Creates parameter stats from sharded stats."""
+    index_start = int(local_stat.index_start)
+    index_end = int(len(local_stat.sizes)) + index_start
+    statistics = global_stats.statistics[index_start:index_end, :, :]
+    preconditioners = global_stats.preconditioners[index_start:index_end, :, :]
+    new_statistics = []
+    new_preconditioners = []
+    for i, size in enumerate(local_stat.sizes):
+        new_statistics.append(statistics[i][:size, :size])
+        new_preconditioners.append(preconditioners[i][:size, :size])
+    return ParameterStats(
+        local_stat.diagonal_statistics,
+        new_statistics,
+        new_preconditioners,
+        local_stat.diagonal_momentum,
+        local_stat.momentum,
+    )
 def _convert_from_parameter_stats(parameter_stats, local_stats):
-  """Creates sharded stats from paramter stats."""
-  return LocalShardedParameterStats(parameter_stats.diagonal_statistics,
-                                    parameter_stats.diagonal_momentum,
-                                    parameter_stats.momentum,
-                                    local_stats.index_start, local_stats.sizes)
+    """Creates sharded stats from paramter stats."""
+    return LocalShardedParameterStats(
+        parameter_stats.diagonal_statistics,
+        parameter_stats.diagonal_momentum,
+        parameter_stats.momentum,
+        local_stats.index_start,
+        local_stats.sizes,
+    )
 def batch(x, num_devices):
-  """Batch `x` so that so that leading axis is num_devices."""
-  n = len(x)
-  b = int(n / num_devices)
-  return jnp.stack([jnp.stack(x[idx:idx + b]) for idx in range(0, n, b)])
+    """Batch `x` so that so that leading axis is num_devices."""
+    n = len(x)
+    b = int(n / num_devices)
+    return jnp.stack([jnp.stack(x[idx : idx + b]) for idx in range(0, n, b)])
 def unbatch(batched_values):
-  """Unbatch values across leading axis and return a list of elements."""
-  b1, b2 = batched_values.shape[0], batched_values.shape[1]
-  results = []
-  for v_array in jnp.split(batched_values, indices_or_sections=b1, axis=0):
-    v_array = jnp.squeeze(v_array)
-    # b2 = batches (number of preconditioner computation) per core.
-    if b2 > 1:
-      for v in jnp.split(v_array, indices_or_sections=b2, axis=0):
-        results.append(jnp.squeeze(v))
-    else:
-      results.append(v_array)
-  return results
+    """Unbatch values across leading axis and return a list of elements."""
+    b1, b2 = batched_values.shape[0], batched_values.shape[1]
+    results = []
+    for v_array in jnp.split(batched_values, indices_or_sections=b1, axis=0):
+        v_array = jnp.squeeze(v_array)
+        # b2 = batches (number of preconditioner computation) per core.
+        if b2 > 1:
+            for v in jnp.split(v_array, indices_or_sections=b2, axis=0):
+                results.append(jnp.squeeze(v))
+        else:
+            results.append(v_array)
+    return results
 def distributed_shampoo(
@@ -653,959 +681,1146 @@ def distributed_shampoo(
-    precision=lax.Precision.HIGHEST):
-  """Distributed Shampoo optimizer.
-  Distributed Shampoo is a second-order preconditioned method (concretely, a
-  variant of full-matrix Adagrad), that provides significant convergence and
-  wall-clock time improvements compared to conventional first-order methods,
-  and that has been shown to scale to large state-of-the-art deep learning
-  models.
-  References:
-    Scalable Second Order Optimization for Deep Learning,
-    Rohan Anil, Vineet Gupta, Tomer Koren, Kevin Regan, Yoram Singer
-    Preprint: https://arxiv.org/abs/2002.09018
-  Args:
-    learning_rate: the step size used to update the parameters.
-    block_size: Block size for large layers (if > 0). Preconditioning compute
-      operation is cubic in the dimension of the tensor. Block size allows us to
-      chunk the layers into sub-layers of maximal dimension dictated by this
-      value. Use 128 as default (increase if you have compute budget).
-    beta1: momentum parameter.
-    beta2: second moment averaging parameter.
-    diagonal_epsilon: epsilon for diagonal adagrad (only if layerwise grafting
-      to AdaGrad is enabled).
-    matrix_epsilon: epsilon to add to statistics before computing inverse pth
-      root. If you are running in f32 precision for inverse pth root
-      (recommended today) this can go upto 1e-6. If you have latest hardware
-      with native f64 precision, set this upto 1e-12.
-    weight_decay: Weight decay for regularization.
-    start_preconditioning_step: When to start Shampoo update before which
-      diagonal update is used. This is because we dont have enough information
-      to do stable inverse.
-    preconditioning_compute_steps: How often to compute preconditioner.
-      Performance tuning params for controlling memory and compute requirements.
-      Ideally set this and statistics_compute_steps params to 1.
-    statistics_compute_steps: How often to compute statistics.
-    best_effort_shape_interpretation: If there are some small dimensions,
-      collapse them e.g. [1, 2, 512, 1, 2048, 1, 3, 4] --> [1024, 2048, 12] if
-      block = 1024, [1, 2, 768, 1, 2048] --> [2, 768, 2048]
-    graft_type: Grafting is a technique to fix the layerwise scale of Shampoo
-      optimizer. This allows us to plugin the Shampoo optimizer into settings
-      where SGD/AdaGrad is already well tuned. Available options are:
-        GraftingType.SGD and GraftingType.ADAGRAD.
-    nesterov: Nesterov momentum.
-    exponent_override: Override the exponent used in matrix inverse.
-    batch_axis_name: labeled axis over pmap for data-parallel training the
-      optimizer used for.
-    mesh_axis_names: Axis names for the mesh (used in pjit).
-    num_devices_for_pjit: Number of devices to parallelize over when using pjit.
-    shard_optimizer_states: Shard optimizer states to save memory in model
-      parallel training.
-    best_effort_memory_usage_reduction: Best effort memory usage reduction.
-      diagonal_statistics -> jnp.bfloat16
-      momentum buffers (2x) -> jnp.int8
-      statistics, preconditioners -> jnp.int16 + diagonals
-    inverse_failure_threshold: numerics are hard and inverses fail sometimes; we
-      determine that using this threshold.
-    moving_average_for_momentum: Whether to use moving average for momentum
-      instead of exponential moving average.
-    skip_preconditioning_dim_size_gt: Skip if preconditioning dim size is
-        greater than this value.
-    clip_by_scaled_gradient_norm: Clip by scaled gradient norm (only useful
-      when using RMSProp Grafting).
-    precision: precision XLA related flag, the available options are: a)
-      lax.Precision.DEFAULT (better step time, but not precise) b)
-      lax.Precision.HIGH (increased precision, slower) c) lax.Precision.HIGHEST
-      (best possible precision, slowest)
-  Returns:
-    a GradientTransformation.
-  """
-  def quantized_dtype_for_momentum_buffers():
-    return jnp.int8 if best_effort_memory_usage_reduction else jnp.float32
-  # TODO(rohananil): Explore int8-16 quantization with non-linear bucket sizes.
-  def quantized_dtype_for_diagonal_statistics_buffers():
-    return jnp.bfloat16 if best_effort_memory_usage_reduction else jnp.float32
-  # Preconditioner and statistics are both stores as int16 in this mode.
-  # We take out the diagonal to make quantization easier.
-  def quantized_dtype_for_second_moment_statistics_buffers():
-    return jnp.int16 if best_effort_memory_usage_reduction and batch_axis_name else jnp.float32
-  # Preconditioner and statistics are both stores as int16 in this mode.
-  # We take out the diagonal to make quantization easier.
-  def quantized_dtype_for_second_moment_preconditioner_buffers():
-    return jnp.int16 if best_effort_memory_usage_reduction and batch_axis_name else jnp.float32
-  def _to_float(maybe_quantized):
-    if isinstance(maybe_quantized, QuantizedValue):
-      return maybe_quantized.to_float()
-    else:
-      return maybe_quantized
-  def _maybe_quantize_statistics(statistics_list):
-    return _maybe_quantize_matrices_with_dtype(
-        statistics_list, quantized_dtype_for_second_moment_statistics_buffers())
-  def _maybe_quantize_preconditioners(statistics_list):
-    return _maybe_quantize_matrices_with_dtype(
-        statistics_list,
-        quantized_dtype_for_second_moment_preconditioner_buffers())
-  def _maybe_quantize_matrices_with_dtype(statistics_list, quantized_dtype):
-    if quantized_dtype != jnp.float32:
-      return ([
-          QuantizedValue.from_float_value(
-              s, quantized_dtype, extract_diagonal=True)
-          for s in statistics_list
-      ])
-    else:
-      return statistics_list
+    precision=lax.Precision.HIGHEST,
+    """Distributed Shampoo optimizer.
-  def _maybe_dequantize_preconditioners(preconditioner_list):
-    return _maybe_dequantize_matrices_with_dtype(
-        preconditioner_list,
-        quantized_dtype_for_second_moment_preconditioner_buffers())
+    Distributed Shampoo is a second-order preconditioned method (concretely, a
+    variant of full-matrix Adagrad), that provides significant convergence and
+    wall-clock time improvements compared to conventional first-order methods,
+    and that has been shown to scale to large state-of-the-art deep learning
+    models.
-  def _maybe_dequantize_matrices_with_dtype(statistics_list, quantized_dtype):
-    if quantized_dtype != jnp.float32:
-      return [s.to_float() for s in statistics_list]
-    else:
-      return statistics_list
-  def _quantize_diagonal_statistics(diagonal_statistics):
-    return QuantizedValue.from_float_value(
-        diagonal_statistics, quantized_dtype_for_diagonal_statistics_buffers())
-  def _quantize_momentum(momentum_statistics):
-    return QuantizedValue.from_float_value(
-        momentum_statistics, quantized_dtype_for_momentum_buffers())
-  def sharded_init_fn(params):
-    params_flat, treedef = jax.tree_flatten(params)
-    # Find max size to pad to.
-    max_size = 0
-    for param in params_flat:
-      preconditioner = Preconditioner(param, block_size,
-                                      best_effort_shape_interpretation)
-      if not _skip_preconditioning(param):
-        shapes = preconditioner.shapes_for_preconditioners()
-        sizes = [s[0] for s in shapes]
-        max_size = max(max(sizes), max_size)
-    padded_statistics = []
-    padded_preconditioners = []
-    local_stats_flat = []
-    for param in params_flat:
-      preconditioner = Preconditioner(param, block_size,
-                                      best_effort_shape_interpretation)
-      shapes = preconditioner.shapes_for_preconditioners()
-      sizes = []
-      statistics = []
-      preconditioners = []
-      index_start = len(padded_statistics)
-      if not _skip_preconditioning(param):
-        sizes = [s[0] for s in shapes]
-        shapes = preconditioner.shapes_for_preconditioners()
-        statistics = [matrix_epsilon * jnp.eye(max_size) for s in shapes]
-        preconditioners = [jnp.eye(max_size) for s in shapes]
-        padded_statistics.extend(statistics)
-        padded_preconditioners.extend(preconditioners)
-      diagonal_statistics = []
-      if graft_type != GraftingType.SGD:
-        diagonal_statistics = jnp.zeros_like(param)
-      local_stats_flat.append(
-          LocalShardedParameterStats(
-              _quantize_diagonal_statistics(diagonal_statistics),
-              _quantize_momentum(jnp.zeros_like(param)),
-              _quantize_momentum(jnp.zeros_like(param)), index_start, sizes))
-    local_stats = jax.tree_unflatten(treedef, local_stats_flat)
-    # Pad the statistics and preconditioner matrices to be a multiple of
-    # num devices.
-    # TODO(rohananil): Relax to only the size of the mesh axis where the dim
-    # is split on.
-    to_pad = -len(padded_statistics) % num_devices_for_pjit
-    padded_statistics.extend([
-        jnp.eye(max_size, dtype=padded_statistics[0].dtype)
-        for _ in range(to_pad)
-    ])
-    padded_preconditioners.extend([
-        jnp.eye(max_size, dtype=padded_statistics[0].dtype)
-        for _ in range(to_pad)
-    ])
-    global_stats = GlobalShardedParameterStats(
-        jnp.stack(padded_statistics), jnp.stack(padded_preconditioners))
-    return ShampooState(
-        count=jnp.zeros([], jnp.int32),
-        stats=ShardedShampooStats(global_stats, local_stats))
-  def sharded_update_fn(grads, state, params):
-    """Transform the input gradient and update all statistics in sharded mode.
-    Args:
-      grads: the gradient tensors for the parameters.
-      state: a named tuple containing the state of the optimizer
-      params: the parameters that should be updated.
+    References:
+      Scalable Second Order Optimization for Deep Learning,
+      Rohan Anil, Vineet Gupta, Tomer Koren, Kevin Regan, Yoram Singer
-    Returns:
-      A tuple containing the new parameters and the new optimizer state.
-    """
-    params_flat, treedef = jax.tree_flatten(params)
-    grads_flat = treedef.flatten_up_to(grads)
-    global_stats = state.stats.global_stats
-    local_stats_flat = treedef.flatten_up_to(state.stats.local_stats)
-    stats_flat = [
-        _convert_to_parameter_stats(global_stats, local_stat)
-        for local_stat in local_stats_flat
-    ]
-    new_stats_flat = jax.tree_multimap(
-        lambda g, s, p: _compute_stats(g, s, p, state.count), grads_flat,
-        stats_flat, params_flat)
-    exponents = []
-    for stat, param in zip(new_stats_flat, params_flat):
-      num_statistics = len(stat.statistics)
-      if num_statistics > 0:
-        preconditioner = Preconditioner(param, block_size,
-                                        best_effort_shape_interpretation)
-        exponent = (
-            preconditioner.exponent_for_preconditioner()
-            if exponent_override == 0 else exponent_override)
-        exponents.extend([exponent] * num_statistics)
-    outputs = jax.tree_multimap(
-        lambda g, s, p: _transform_grad(g, s, p, state.count), grads_flat,
-        new_stats_flat, params_flat)
-    updates_flat, new_stats_flat = list(zip(*outputs)) if outputs else ((), ())
-    updates = jax.tree_unflatten(treedef, updates_flat)
-    # Create new local_stats
-    new_local_stats_flat = [
-        _convert_from_parameter_stats(new_stat, local_stat)
-        for new_stat, local_stat in zip(new_stats_flat, local_stats_flat)
-    ]
-    new_local_stats = jax.tree_unflatten(treedef, new_local_stats_flat)
-    max_size = global_stats.statistics.shape[1]
-    new_padded_statistics = []
-    for stat in new_stats_flat:
-      new_padded_statistics.extend(
-          [pad_matrix(stat, max_size) for stat in stat.statistics])
-    # Create global stats
-    # TODO(rohananil): Preconditioner is not updated every step, so cost of
-    # stack/pad can be obviated away.
-    # Pad the statistics and preconditioner matrices to be a multiple of
-    # num devices.
-    # TODO(rohananil): Relax to only the size of the mesh axis where the dim
-    # is split on.
-    to_pad = -len(new_padded_statistics) % num_devices_for_pjit
-    new_padded_statistics.extend([
-        jnp.eye(max_size, dtype=new_padded_statistics[0].dtype)
-        for _ in range(to_pad)
-    ])
-    exponents.extend([1 for _ in range(to_pad)])
-    new_stacked_padded_statistics = jnp.stack(new_padded_statistics)
-    new_stacked_exponents = jnp.stack(exponents)
-    def _matrix_inverse_pth_root_vmap(xs, ps):
-      mi_pth_root = functools.partial(
-          matrix_inverse_pth_root,
-          ridge_epsilon=matrix_epsilon,
-          precision=precision)
-      preconditioners, errors = jax.vmap(mi_pth_root)(xs, ps)
-      return preconditioners, errors
-    def _internal_inverse_pth_root_all():
-      preconditioners, errors = _matrix_inverse_pth_root_vmap(
-          new_stacked_padded_statistics, new_stacked_exponents)
-      return preconditioners, errors
-    if preconditioning_compute_steps == 1:
-      new_preconditioners, errors = _internal_inverse_pth_root_all()
-    else:
-      # Passing statistics instead of preconditioners as they are similarly
-      # shaped tensors. Note statistics will be ignored as we are passing in
-      # a large init value for error.
-      preconditioners_init = new_stacked_padded_statistics
-      errors_init = np.stack([inverse_failure_threshold] * len(exponents))
-      init_state = [preconditioners_init, errors_init]
-      perform_step = state.count % preconditioning_compute_steps == 0
-      new_preconditioners, errors = efficient_cond(
-          perform_step, _internal_inverse_pth_root_all, init_state)
-    errors = errors.reshape((-1, 1, 1))
-    predicate = jnp.logical_or(
-        jnp.isnan(errors),
-        errors >= inverse_failure_threshold).astype(new_preconditioners.dtype)
-    # TODO(rohananil): Check for numerical instabilities.
-    new_conditional_preconditioners = (
-        predicate * global_stats.preconditioners +
-        (1.0 - predicate) * new_preconditioners)
-    new_global_stats = GlobalShardedParameterStats(
-        new_stacked_padded_statistics, new_conditional_preconditioners)
-    new_shampoo_state = ShampooState(
-        count=state.count + 1,
-        stats=ShardedShampooStats(new_global_stats, new_local_stats))
-    return updates, new_shampoo_state
-  def init_fn(params):
-    """Initialise the optimiser's state."""
-    def _init(param):
-      preconditioner = Preconditioner(param, block_size,
-                                      best_effort_shape_interpretation)
-      statistics = []
-      preconditioners = []
-      if not _skip_preconditioning(param):
-        shapes = preconditioner.shapes_for_preconditioners()
-        statistics = [matrix_epsilon * jnp.eye(s[0]) for s in shapes]
-        preconditioners = [jnp.eye(s[0]) for s in shapes]
-      diagonal_statistics = []
-      if graft_type != GraftingType.SGD:
-        diagonal_statistics = jnp.zeros_like(param)
-      return ParameterStats(
-          _quantize_diagonal_statistics(diagonal_statistics),
-          _maybe_quantize_statistics(statistics),
-          _maybe_quantize_preconditioners(preconditioners),
-          _quantize_momentum(jnp.zeros_like(param)),
-          _quantize_momentum(jnp.zeros_like(param)))
-    return ShampooState(
-        count=jnp.zeros([], jnp.int32), stats=jax.tree_map(_init, params))
-  def _skip_preconditioning(param):
-    return len(param.shape) < 1 or any(
-        [s > skip_preconditioning_dim_size_gt for s in param.shape])
-  def _compute_stats(grad, state, param, step):
-    """Compute per-parameter statistics."""
-    preconditioner = Preconditioner(param, block_size,
-                                    best_effort_shape_interpretation)
-    new_statistics = [[]] * len(state.statistics)
-    w1 = beta2
-    w2 = beta2 if beta2 == 1.0 else (1.0 - beta2)
-    if not _skip_preconditioning(param):
-      def compute_updated_statistics():
-        new_stats = preconditioner.statistics_from_grad(grad)
-        new_stats_accumulators = []
-        for stat, stat_accumulator in zip(new_stats, state.statistics):
-          new_stats_accumulators.append(w1 * _to_float(stat_accumulator) +
-                                        w2 * stat)
-        return _maybe_quantize_statistics(new_stats_accumulators)
-      if statistics_compute_steps > 1:
-        perform_step = step % statistics_compute_steps == 0
-        init_state = state.statistics
-        new_statistics = list(
-            efficient_cond(perform_step, compute_updated_statistics,
-                           init_state))
-      else:
-        new_statistics = compute_updated_statistics()
-    return ParameterStats(state.diagonal_statistics, new_statistics,
-                          state.preconditioners, state.diagonal_momentum,
-                          state.momentum)
-  def _matrix_inverse_pth_root_vmap(xs, ps):
-    mi_pth_root = functools.partial(
-        matrix_inverse_pth_root,
-        ridge_epsilon=matrix_epsilon,
-        precision=precision)
-    return jax.vmap(mi_pth_root)(xs, ps)
-  def _quantized_matrix_inverse_pth_root_vmap(qxs, qds, qbs, ps):
-    def _quantized_to_float(qx, qd, qb):
-      qv = QuantizedValue(qx, qd, qb, qx.dtype, True, list(qx.shape))
-      return qv.to_float()
-    def matrix_inverse_pth_root_wrapper(qx, qd, qb, p):
-      v = _quantized_to_float(qx, qd, qb)
-      preconditioner, error = matrix_inverse_pth_root(
-          v, p, ridge_epsilon=matrix_epsilon, precision=precision)
-      qp = QuantizedValue.from_float_value(preconditioner, qx.dtype, True)
-      return qp.quantized, qp.diagonal, qp.bucket_size, error
-    return jax.vmap(matrix_inverse_pth_root_wrapper)(qxs, qds, qbs, ps)
-  def _matrix_inverse_pth_root_pjit(xs, ps):
-    mesh_axis_names_tuple = tuple(mesh_axis_names)
-    # Partition the concatenated statistics matrix across all cores.
-    partitioned_xs, partitioned_ps = pjit.pjit(
-        lambda x, y: (x, y),
-        in_axis_resources=None,
-        out_axis_resources=pjit.PartitionSpec(mesh_axis_names_tuple,))(xs, ps)
-    # Run matrix inverse pth root on each shard.
-    partitioned_preconditioners, partitioned_errors = _matrix_inverse_pth_root_vmap(
-        partitioned_xs, partitioned_ps)
-    # Recombine the outputs at each core.
-    preconditioners, errors = pjit.pjit(
-        lambda x, y: (x, y),
-        in_axis_resources=(pjit.PartitionSpec(mesh_axis_names_tuple,),
-                           pjit.PartitionSpec(mesh_axis_names_tuple,)),
-        out_axis_resources=(None, None))(partitioned_preconditioners,
-                                         partitioned_errors)
-    return preconditioners, errors
-  def _pmap_compute_preconditioners(states, step, statistics,
-                                    num_statistics_per_state, original_shapes,
-                                    exponents, max_size, prev_preconditioners):
-    """Computes preconditioners for given statistics in states in PMAP mode.
+      Preprint: https://arxiv.org/abs/2002.09018
-      states: A list of optimizer states.
-      step: Current step number
-      statistics: A list of statistics for all variables (for every dim)
-      num_statistics_per_state: Number of statistis per state to reconstruct
-        output states.
-      original_shapes: A list of shapes of the statistics.
-      exponents: Exponent power to use for inverse-pth roots.
-      max_size: Maximum dim of the statistics to pad.
-      prev_preconditioners: Previously available preconditioner.
+      learning_rate: the step size used to update the parameters.
+      block_size: Block size for large layers (if > 0). Preconditioning compute
+        operation is cubic in the dimension of the tensor. Block size allows us to
+        chunk the layers into sub-layers of maximal dimension dictated by this
+        value. Use 128 as default (increase if you have compute budget).
+      beta1: momentum parameter.
+      beta2: second moment averaging parameter.
+      diagonal_epsilon: epsilon for diagonal adagrad (only if layerwise grafting
+        to AdaGrad is enabled).
+      matrix_epsilon: epsilon to add to statistics before computing inverse pth
+        root. If you are running in f32 precision for inverse pth root
+        (recommended today) this can go upto 1e-6. If you have latest hardware
+        with native f64 precision, set this upto 1e-12.
+      weight_decay: Weight decay for regularization.
+      start_preconditioning_step: When to start Shampoo update before which
+        diagonal update is used. This is because we dont have enough information
+        to do stable inverse.
+      preconditioning_compute_steps: How often to compute preconditioner.
+        Performance tuning params for controlling memory and compute requirements.
+        Ideally set this and statistics_compute_steps params to 1.
+      statistics_compute_steps: How often to compute statistics.
+      best_effort_shape_interpretation: If there are some small dimensions,
+        collapse them e.g. [1, 2, 512, 1, 2048, 1, 3, 4] --> [1024, 2048, 12] if
+        block = 1024, [1, 2, 768, 1, 2048] --> [2, 768, 2048]
+      graft_type: Grafting is a technique to fix the layerwise scale of Shampoo
+        optimizer. This allows us to plugin the Shampoo optimizer into settings
+        where SGD/AdaGrad is already well tuned. Available options are:
+          GraftingType.SGD and GraftingType.ADAGRAD.
+      nesterov: Nesterov momentum.
+      exponent_override: Override the exponent used in matrix inverse.
+      batch_axis_name: labeled axis over pmap for data-parallel training the
+        optimizer used for.
+      mesh_axis_names: Axis names for the mesh (used in pjit).
+      num_devices_for_pjit: Number of devices to parallelize over when using pjit.
+      shard_optimizer_states: Shard optimizer states to save memory in model
+        parallel training.
+      best_effort_memory_usage_reduction: Best effort memory usage reduction.
+        diagonal_statistics -> jnp.bfloat16
+        momentum buffers (2x) -> jnp.int8
+        statistics, preconditioners -> jnp.int16 + diagonals
+      inverse_failure_threshold: numerics are hard and inverses fail sometimes; we
+        determine that using this threshold.
+      moving_average_for_momentum: Whether to use moving average for momentum
+        instead of exponential moving average.
+      skip_preconditioning_dim_size_gt: Skip if preconditioning dim size is
+          greater than this value.
+      clip_by_scaled_gradient_norm: Clip by scaled gradient norm (only useful
+        when using RMSProp Grafting).
+      precision: precision XLA related flag, the available options are: a)
+        lax.Precision.DEFAULT (better step time, but not precise) b)
+        lax.Precision.HIGH (increased precision, slower) c) lax.Precision.HIGHEST
+        (best possible precision, slowest)
-      New optimizer states after computing the preconditioner.
+      a GradientTransformation.
-    num_devices = lax.psum(1, batch_axis_name)
-    num_statistics = len(statistics)
-    # Pad statistics and exponents to next multiple of num_devices.
-    packed_statistics = [pad_matrix(stat, max_size) for stat in statistics]
-    to_pad = -num_statistics % num_devices
-    packed_statistics.extend([
-        jnp.eye(max_size, dtype=packed_statistics[0].dtype)
-        for _ in range(to_pad)
-    ])
-    exponents.extend([1 for _ in range(to_pad)])
-    if not packed_statistics:
-      return states
-    all_statistics = batch(packed_statistics, num_devices)
-    all_exponents = batch(exponents, num_devices)
-    def _internal_inverse_pth_root_all():
-      current_replica = lax.axis_index(batch_axis_name)
-      preconditioners, errors = _matrix_inverse_pth_root_vmap(
-          all_statistics[current_replica], all_exponents[current_replica])
-      preconditioners = jax.lax.all_gather(preconditioners, batch_axis_name)
-      errors = jax.lax.all_gather(errors, batch_axis_name)
-      preconditioners_flat = unbatch(preconditioners)
-      errors_flat = unbatch(errors)
-      return preconditioners_flat, errors_flat
-    if preconditioning_compute_steps == 1:
-      preconditioners_flat, errors_flat = _internal_inverse_pth_root_all()
-    else:
-      # Passing statistics instead of preconditioners as they are similarly
-      # shaped tensors. Note statistics will be ignored as we are passing in
-      # a large init value for error.
-      preconditioners_init = packed_statistics
-      errors_init = ([inverse_failure_threshold] * len(packed_statistics))
-      init_state = [preconditioners_init, errors_init]
-      perform_step = step % preconditioning_compute_steps == 0
-      preconditioners_flat, errors_flat = efficient_cond(
-          perform_step, _internal_inverse_pth_root_all, init_state)
-    def _skip(error):
-      condition = jnp.logical_or(
-          jnp.isnan(error), error >= inverse_failure_threshold)
-      return condition.astype(error.dtype)
-    def _select_preconditioner(error, new_p, old_p):
-      return lax.cond(
-          _skip(error), lambda _: old_p, lambda _: new_p, operand=None)
-    new_preconditioners_flat = []
-    for p, shape, prev_p, error in zip(preconditioners_flat, original_shapes,
-                                       prev_preconditioners, errors_flat):
-      new_preconditioners_flat.append(
-          _select_preconditioner(error, p[:shape[0], :shape[1]], prev_p))
-    assert len(states) == len(num_statistics_per_state)
-    assert len(new_preconditioners_flat) == num_statistics
-    # Add back empty preconditioners so we that we can set the optimizer state.
-    preconditioners_for_states = []
-    idx = 0
-    for num_statistics, state in zip(num_statistics_per_state, states):
-      if num_statistics == 0:
-        preconditioners_for_states.append([])
-      else:
-        preconditioners_for_state = new_preconditioners_flat[idx:idx +
-                                                             num_statistics]
-        assert len(state.statistics) == len(preconditioners_for_state)
-        preconditioners_for_states.append(preconditioners_for_state)
-        idx += num_statistics
-    new_states = []
-    for state, new_preconditioners in zip(states, preconditioners_for_states):
-      new_states.append(
-          ParameterStats(state.diagonal_statistics, state.statistics,
-                         new_preconditioners, state.diagonal_momentum,
-                         state.momentum))
-    return new_states
-  def _pmap_quantized_compute_preconditioners(states, step, statistics,
-                                              num_statistics_per_state,
-                                              original_shapes, exponents,
-                                              max_size, prev_preconditioners):
-    """Computes preconditioners for given statistics in states in PMAP mode.
-    For quantization, each statistic is represented by three values:
-      quantized matrix, diagonal, and bucket sizes, we run inverse pth-roots
-      without ever recreating the original matrix in f32.
-    Args:
-      states: A list of optimizer states.
-      step: Current step number
-      statistics: A list of statistics for all variables (for every dim)
-      num_statistics_per_state: Number of statistis per state to reconstruct
-        output states.
-      original_shapes: A list of shapes of the statistics.
-      exponents: Exponent power to use for inverse-pth roots.
-      max_size: Maximum dim of the statistics to pad.
-      prev_preconditioners: Previously available preconditioner.
-    Returns:
-      New optimizer states after computing the preconditioner.
-    """
-    num_devices = lax.psum(1, batch_axis_name)
-    num_statistics = len(statistics)
-    quantized_dtype = quantized_dtype_for_second_moment_statistics_buffers()
-    # Complexity here is around: shapes needing be statically shaped,
-    # our custom quantization type requires a different type of packing.
-    # Parallel tensors:
-    # quantized [dxd]
-    # diagonals [d] f32
-    # bucket_sizes [d] f32
-    packed_quantized_statistics = [
-        pad_matrix(stat.quantized, max_size) for stat in statistics
-    ]
-    packed_quantized_diagonals = [
-        pad_vector(stat.diagonal, max_size) for stat in statistics
-    ]
-    packed_quantized_bucket_sizes = [
-        pad_vector(stat.bucket_size, max_size) for stat in statistics
-    ]
-    to_pad = -num_statistics % num_devices
-    padded_eye = jnp.eye(max_size, dtype=jnp.float32)
-    quantized_eye = QuantizedValue.from_float_value(padded_eye, quantized_dtype,
-                                                    True)
-    packed_quantized_statistics.extend(
-        [quantized_eye.quantized for _ in range(to_pad)])
-    packed_quantized_diagonals.extend(
-        [quantized_eye.diagonal for _ in range(to_pad)])
-    packed_quantized_bucket_sizes.extend(
-        [quantized_eye.bucket_size for _ in range(to_pad)])
-    exponents.extend([1 for _ in range(to_pad)])
-    if not packed_quantized_statistics:
-      return states
-    all_quantized_statistics = batch(packed_quantized_statistics, num_devices)
-    all_quantized_diagonals = batch(packed_quantized_diagonals, num_devices)
-    all_quantized_bucket_sizes = batch(packed_quantized_bucket_sizes,
-                                       num_devices)
-    all_exponents = batch(exponents, num_devices)
-    def _internal_inverse_pth_root_all():
-      current_replica = lax.axis_index(batch_axis_name)
-      quantized_preconditioners, quantized_diagonals, quantized_bucket_sizes, errors = (
-          _quantized_matrix_inverse_pth_root_vmap(
-              all_quantized_statistics[current_replica],
-              all_quantized_diagonals[current_replica],
-              all_quantized_bucket_sizes[current_replica],
-              all_exponents[current_replica]))
-      quantized_preconditioners = jax.lax.all_gather(quantized_preconditioners,
-                                                     batch_axis_name)
-      quantized_diagonals = jax.lax.all_gather(quantized_diagonals,
-                                               batch_axis_name)
-      quantized_bucket_sizes = jax.lax.all_gather(quantized_bucket_sizes,
-                                                  batch_axis_name)
-      errors = jax.lax.all_gather(errors, batch_axis_name)
-      quantized_preconditioners_flat = unbatch(quantized_preconditioners)
-      quantized_diagonals_flat = unbatch(quantized_diagonals)
-      quantized_bucket_sizes_flat = unbatch(quantized_bucket_sizes)
-      errors_flat = unbatch(errors)
-      return (quantized_preconditioners_flat, quantized_diagonals_flat,
-              quantized_bucket_sizes_flat, errors_flat)
-    if preconditioning_compute_steps == 1:
-      (quantized_preconditioners_flat, quantized_diagonals_flat,
-       quantized_bucket_sizes_flat, errors_flat) = (
-           _internal_inverse_pth_root_all())
-    else:
-      # Passing statistics instead of preconditioners as they are similarly
-      # shaped tensors. Note statistics will be ignored as we are passing in
-      # a large init value for error.
-      quantized_preconditioners_init = packed_quantized_statistics
-      quantized_diagonals_init = packed_quantized_diagonals
-      quantized_bucket_sizes_init = packed_quantized_bucket_sizes
-      errors_init = ([inverse_failure_threshold] *
-                     len(quantized_preconditioners_init))
-      init_state = [
-          quantized_preconditioners_init, quantized_diagonals_init,
-          quantized_bucket_sizes_init, errors_init
-      ]
-      perform_step = step % preconditioning_compute_steps == 0
-      (quantized_preconditioners_flat, quantized_diagonals_flat,
-       quantized_bucket_sizes_flat, errors_flat) = (
-           efficient_cond(perform_step, _internal_inverse_pth_root_all,
-                          init_state))
-    def _skip(error):
-      condition = jnp.logical_or(
-          jnp.isnan(error), error >= inverse_failure_threshold)
-      return condition.astype(error.dtype)
-    def _select_preconditioner(error, new_p, old_p):
-      return lax.cond(
-          _skip(error), lambda _: old_p, lambda _: new_p, operand=None)
-    new_quantized_preconditioners_flat = []
-    new_quantized_diagonals_flat = []
-    new_quantized_bucket_sizes_flat = []
-    for p, d, b, shape, prev_p, error in zip(quantized_preconditioners_flat,
-                                             quantized_diagonals_flat,
-                                             quantized_bucket_sizes_flat,
-                                             original_shapes,
-                                             prev_preconditioners, errors_flat):
-      new_quantized_preconditioners_flat.append(
-          _select_preconditioner(error, p[:shape[0], :shape[1]],
-                                 prev_p.quantized))
-      new_quantized_diagonals_flat.append(
-          _select_preconditioner(error, d[:shape[0]], prev_p.diagonal))
-      new_quantized_bucket_sizes_flat.append(
-          _select_preconditioner(error, b[:shape[0]], prev_p.bucket_size))
-    assert len(states) == len(num_statistics_per_state)
-    assert len(new_quantized_preconditioners_flat) == num_statistics
-    assert len(new_quantized_diagonals_flat) == num_statistics
-    assert len(new_quantized_bucket_sizes_flat) == num_statistics
-    # Add back empty preconditioners so we that we can set the optimizer state.
-    preconditioners_for_states = []
-    idx = 0
-    for num_statistics, state in zip(num_statistics_per_state, states):
-      if num_statistics == 0:
-        preconditioners_for_states.append([])
-      else:
-        quantized_preconditioners_for_state = new_quantized_preconditioners_flat[
-            idx:idx + num_statistics]
-        quantized_diagonals_for_state = new_quantized_diagonals_flat[
-            idx:idx + num_statistics]
-        quantized_bucket_sizes_for_state = new_quantized_bucket_sizes_flat[
-            idx:idx + num_statistics]
-        assert len(state.statistics) == len(quantized_preconditioners_for_state)
-        assert len(state.statistics) == len(quantized_diagonals_for_state)
-        assert len(state.statistics) == len(quantized_bucket_sizes_for_state)
-        quantized_preconditioners = []
-        for qv, qd, qb in zip(quantized_preconditioners_for_state,
-                              quantized_diagonals_for_state,
-                              quantized_bucket_sizes_for_state):
-          quantized_preconditioners.append(
-              QuantizedValue(qv, qd, qb, qv.dtype, True, list(qv.shape)))
-        preconditioners_for_states.append(quantized_preconditioners)
-        idx += num_statistics
-    new_states = []
-    for state, new_preconditioners in zip(states, preconditioners_for_states):
-      new_states.append(
-          ParameterStats(state.diagonal_statistics, state.statistics,
-                         new_preconditioners, state.diagonal_momentum,
-                         state.momentum))
-    return new_states
-  def _pjit_compute_preconditioners(states, step, statistics,
-                                    num_statistics_per_state, original_shapes,
-                                    exponents, max_size, prev_preconditioners):
-    """Computes preconditioners for given statistics in states in PJIT mode.
-    Args:
-      states: A list of optimizer states.
-      step: Current step number
-      statistics: A list of statistics for all variables (for every dim)
-      num_statistics_per_state: Number of statistis per state to reconstruct
-        output states.
-      original_shapes: A list of shapes of the statistics.
-      exponents: Exponent power to use for inverse-pth roots.
-      max_size: Maximum dim of the statistics to pad.
-      prev_preconditioners: Previously available preconditioner.
-    Returns:
-      New optimizer states after computing the preconditioner.
-    """
-    num_statistics = len(statistics)
-    to_pad = -num_statistics % num_devices_for_pjit
-    padded_statistics = [pad_matrix(stat, max_size) for stat in statistics]
-    padded_statistics.extend([
-        jnp.eye(max_size, dtype=padded_statistics[0].dtype)
-        for _ in range(to_pad)
-    ])
-    exponents.extend([1 for _ in range(to_pad)])
-    all_statistics = jnp.stack(padded_statistics)
-    all_exponents = jnp.stack(exponents)
-    def _internal_inverse_pth_root_all():
-      preconditioners, errors = _matrix_inverse_pth_root_pjit(
-          all_statistics, all_exponents)
-      b1 = preconditioners.shape[0]
-      def split(batched_values):
-        return [
-            jnp.squeeze(v)
-            for v in jnp.split(batched_values, indices_or_sections=b1, axis=0)
+    def quantized_dtype_for_momentum_buffers():
+        return jnp.int8 if best_effort_memory_usage_reduction else jnp.float32
+    # TODO(rohananil): Explore int8-16 quantization with non-linear bucket sizes.
+    def quantized_dtype_for_diagonal_statistics_buffers():
+        return jnp.bfloat16 if best_effort_memory_usage_reduction else jnp.float32
+    # Preconditioner and statistics are both stores as int16 in this mode.
+    # We take out the diagonal to make quantization easier.
+    def quantized_dtype_for_second_moment_statistics_buffers():
+        return (
+            jnp.int16
+            if best_effort_memory_usage_reduction and batch_axis_name
+            else jnp.float32
+        )
+    # Preconditioner and statistics are both stores as int16 in this mode.
+    # We take out the diagonal to make quantization easier.
+    def quantized_dtype_for_second_moment_preconditioner_buffers():
+        return (
+            jnp.int16
+            if best_effort_memory_usage_reduction and batch_axis_name
+            else jnp.float32
+        )
+    def _to_float(maybe_quantized):
+        if isinstance(maybe_quantized, QuantizedValue):
+            return maybe_quantized.to_float()
+        else:
+            return maybe_quantized
+    def _maybe_quantize_statistics(statistics_list):
+        return _maybe_quantize_matrices_with_dtype(
+            statistics_list, quantized_dtype_for_second_moment_statistics_buffers()
+        )
+    def _maybe_quantize_preconditioners(statistics_list):
+        return _maybe_quantize_matrices_with_dtype(
+            statistics_list, quantized_dtype_for_second_moment_preconditioner_buffers()
+        )
+    def _maybe_quantize_matrices_with_dtype(statistics_list, quantized_dtype):
+        if quantized_dtype != jnp.float32:
+            return [
+                QuantizedValue.from_float_value(
+                    s, quantized_dtype, extract_diagonal=True
+                )
+                for s in statistics_list
+            ]
+        else:
+            return statistics_list
+    def _maybe_dequantize_preconditioners(preconditioner_list):
+        return _maybe_dequantize_matrices_with_dtype(
+            preconditioner_list,
+            quantized_dtype_for_second_moment_preconditioner_buffers(),
+        )
+    def _maybe_dequantize_matrices_with_dtype(statistics_list, quantized_dtype):
+        if quantized_dtype != jnp.float32:
+            return [s.to_float() for s in statistics_list]
+        else:
+            return statistics_list
+    def _quantize_diagonal_statistics(diagonal_statistics):
+        return QuantizedValue.from_float_value(
+            diagonal_statistics, quantized_dtype_for_diagonal_statistics_buffers()
+        )
+    def _quantize_momentum(momentum_statistics):
+        return QuantizedValue.from_float_value(
+            momentum_statistics, quantized_dtype_for_momentum_buffers()
+        )
+    def sharded_init_fn(params):
+        params_flat, treedef = jax.tree_flatten(params)
+        # Find max size to pad to.
+        max_size = 0
+        for param in params_flat:
+            preconditioner = Preconditioner(
+                param, block_size, best_effort_shape_interpretation
+            )
+            if not _skip_preconditioning(param):
+                shapes = preconditioner.shapes_for_preconditioners()
+                sizes = [s[0] for s in shapes]
+                max_size = max(max(sizes), max_size)
+        padded_statistics = []
+        padded_preconditioners = []
+        local_stats_flat = []
+        for param in params_flat:
+            preconditioner = Preconditioner(
+                param, block_size, best_effort_shape_interpretation
+            )
+            shapes = preconditioner.shapes_for_preconditioners()
+            sizes = []
+            statistics = []
+            preconditioners = []
+            index_start = len(padded_statistics)
+            if not _skip_preconditioning(param):
+                sizes = [s[0] for s in shapes]
+                shapes = preconditioner.shapes_for_preconditioners()
+                statistics = [matrix_epsilon * jnp.eye(max_size) for s in shapes]
+                preconditioners = [jnp.eye(max_size) for s in shapes]
+                padded_statistics.extend(statistics)
+                padded_preconditioners.extend(preconditioners)
+            diagonal_statistics = []
+            if graft_type != GraftingType.SGD:
+                diagonal_statistics = jnp.zeros_like(param)
+            local_stats_flat.append(
+                LocalShardedParameterStats(
+                    _quantize_diagonal_statistics(diagonal_statistics),
+                    _quantize_momentum(jnp.zeros_like(param)),
+                    _quantize_momentum(jnp.zeros_like(param)),
+                    index_start,
+                    sizes,
+                )
+            )
+        local_stats = jax.tree_unflatten(treedef, local_stats_flat)
+        # Pad the statistics and preconditioner matrices to be a multiple of
+        # num devices.
+        # TODO(rohananil): Relax to only the size of the mesh axis where the dim
+        # is split on.
+        to_pad = -len(padded_statistics) % num_devices_for_pjit
+        padded_statistics.extend(
+            [jnp.eye(max_size, dtype=padded_statistics[0].dtype) for _ in range(to_pad)]
+        )
+        padded_preconditioners.extend(
+            [jnp.eye(max_size, dtype=padded_statistics[0].dtype) for _ in range(to_pad)]
+        )
+        global_stats = GlobalShardedParameterStats(
+            jnp.stack(padded_statistics), jnp.stack(padded_preconditioners)
+        )
+        return ShampooState(
+            count=jnp.zeros([], jnp.int32),
+            stats=ShardedShampooStats(global_stats, local_stats),
+        )
+    def sharded_update_fn(grads, state, params):
+        """Transform the input gradient and update all statistics in sharded mode.
+        Args:
+          grads: the gradient tensors for the parameters.
+          state: a named tuple containing the state of the optimizer
+          params: the parameters that should be updated.
+        Returns:
+          A tuple containing the new parameters and the new optimizer state.
+        """
+        params_flat, treedef = jax.tree_flatten(params)
+        grads_flat = treedef.flatten_up_to(grads)
+        global_stats = state.stats.global_stats
+        local_stats_flat = treedef.flatten_up_to(state.stats.local_stats)
+        stats_flat = [
+            _convert_to_parameter_stats(global_stats, local_stat)
+            for local_stat in local_stats_flat
+        new_stats_flat = jax.tree_multimap(
+            lambda g, s, p: _compute_stats(g, s, p, state.count),
+            grads_flat,
+            stats_flat,
+            params_flat,
+        )
+        exponents = []
+        for stat, param in zip(new_stats_flat, params_flat):
+            num_statistics = len(stat.statistics)
+            if num_statistics > 0:
+                preconditioner = Preconditioner(
+                    param, block_size, best_effort_shape_interpretation
+                )
+                exponent = (
+                    preconditioner.exponent_for_preconditioner()
+                    if exponent_override == 0
+                    else exponent_override
+                )
+                exponents.extend([exponent] * num_statistics)
+        outputs = jax.tree_multimap(
+            lambda g, s, p: _transform_grad(g, s, p, state.count),
+            grads_flat,
+            new_stats_flat,
+            params_flat,
+        )
+        updates_flat, new_stats_flat = list(zip(*outputs)) if outputs else ((), ())
+        updates = jax.tree_unflatten(treedef, updates_flat)
+        # Create new local_stats
+        new_local_stats_flat = [
+            _convert_from_parameter_stats(new_stat, local_stat)
+            for new_stat, local_stat in zip(new_stats_flat, local_stats_flat)
+        ]
+        new_local_stats = jax.tree_unflatten(treedef, new_local_stats_flat)
+        max_size = global_stats.statistics.shape[1]
+        new_padded_statistics = []
+        for stat in new_stats_flat:
+            new_padded_statistics.extend(
+                [pad_matrix(stat, max_size) for stat in stat.statistics]
+            )
+        # Create global stats
+        # TODO(rohananil): Preconditioner is not updated every step, so cost of
+        # stack/pad can be obviated away.
+        # Pad the statistics and preconditioner matrices to be a multiple of
+        # num devices.
+        # TODO(rohananil): Relax to only the size of the mesh axis where the dim
+        # is split on.
+        to_pad = -len(new_padded_statistics) % num_devices_for_pjit
+        new_padded_statistics.extend(
+            [
+                jnp.eye(max_size, dtype=new_padded_statistics[0].dtype)
+                for _ in range(to_pad)
+            ]
+        )
+        exponents.extend([1 for _ in range(to_pad)])
+        new_stacked_padded_statistics = jnp.stack(new_padded_statistics)
+        new_stacked_exponents = jnp.stack(exponents)
+        def _matrix_inverse_pth_root_vmap(xs, ps):
+            mi_pth_root = functools.partial(
+                matrix_inverse_pth_root,
+                ridge_epsilon=matrix_epsilon,
+                precision=precision,
+            )
+            preconditioners, errors = jax.vmap(mi_pth_root)(xs, ps)
+            return preconditioners, errors
+        def _internal_inverse_pth_root_all():
+            preconditioners, errors = _matrix_inverse_pth_root_vmap(
+                new_stacked_padded_statistics, new_stacked_exponents
+            )
+            return preconditioners, errors
+        if preconditioning_compute_steps == 1:
+            new_preconditioners, errors = _internal_inverse_pth_root_all()
+        else:
+            # Passing statistics instead of preconditioners as they are similarly
+            # shaped tensors. Note statistics will be ignored as we are passing in
+            # a large init value for error.
+            preconditioners_init = new_stacked_padded_statistics
+            errors_init = np.stack([inverse_failure_threshold] * len(exponents))
+            init_state = [preconditioners_init, errors_init]
+            perform_step = state.count % preconditioning_compute_steps == 0
+            new_preconditioners, errors = efficient_cond(
+                perform_step, _internal_inverse_pth_root_all, init_state
+            )
+        errors = errors.reshape((-1, 1, 1))
+        predicate = jnp.logical_or(
+            jnp.isnan(errors), errors >= inverse_failure_threshold
+        ).astype(new_preconditioners.dtype)
+        # TODO(rohananil): Check for numerical instabilities.
+        new_conditional_preconditioners = (
+            predicate * global_stats.preconditioners
+            + (1.0 - predicate) * new_preconditioners
+        )
+        new_global_stats = GlobalShardedParameterStats(
+            new_stacked_padded_statistics, new_conditional_preconditioners
+        )
+        new_shampoo_state = ShampooState(
+            count=state.count + 1,
+            stats=ShardedShampooStats(new_global_stats, new_local_stats),
+        )
+        return updates, new_shampoo_state
+    def init_fn(params):
+        """Initialise the optimiser's state."""
+        def _init(param):
+            preconditioner = Preconditioner(
+                param, block_size, best_effort_shape_interpretation
+            )
+            statistics = []
+            preconditioners = []
+            if not _skip_preconditioning(param):
+                shapes = preconditioner.shapes_for_preconditioners()
+                statistics = [matrix_epsilon * jnp.eye(s[0]) for s in shapes]
+                preconditioners = [jnp.eye(s[0]) for s in shapes]
+            diagonal_statistics = []
+            if graft_type != GraftingType.SGD:
+                diagonal_statistics = jnp.zeros_like(param)
+            return ParameterStats(
+                _quantize_diagonal_statistics(diagonal_statistics),
+                _maybe_quantize_statistics(statistics),
+                _maybe_quantize_preconditioners(preconditioners),
+                _quantize_momentum(jnp.zeros_like(param)),
+                _quantize_momentum(jnp.zeros_like(param)),
+            )
+        return ShampooState(
+            count=jnp.zeros([], jnp.int32), stats=jax.tree_map(_init, params)
+        )
+    def _skip_preconditioning(param):
+        return len(param.shape) < 1 or any(
+            [s > skip_preconditioning_dim_size_gt for s in param.shape]
+        )
+    def _compute_stats(grad, state, param, step):
+        """Compute per-parameter statistics."""
+        preconditioner = Preconditioner(
+            param, block_size, best_effort_shape_interpretation
+        )
+        new_statistics = [[]] * len(state.statistics)
+        w1 = beta2
+        w2 = beta2 if beta2 == 1.0 else (1.0 - beta2)
+        if not _skip_preconditioning(param):
+            def compute_updated_statistics():
+                new_stats = preconditioner.statistics_from_grad(grad)
+                new_stats_accumulators = []
+                for stat, stat_accumulator in zip(new_stats, state.statistics):
+                    new_stats_accumulators.append(
+                        w1 * _to_float(stat_accumulator) + w2 * stat
+                    )
+                return _maybe_quantize_statistics(new_stats_accumulators)
+            if statistics_compute_steps > 1:
+                perform_step = step % statistics_compute_steps == 0
+                init_state = state.statistics
+                new_statistics = list(
+                    efficient_cond(perform_step, compute_updated_statistics, init_state)
+                )
+            else:
+                new_statistics = compute_updated_statistics()
+        return ParameterStats(
+            state.diagonal_statistics,
+            new_statistics,
+            state.preconditioners,
+            state.diagonal_momentum,
+            state.momentum,
+        )
-      return split(preconditioners), split(errors)
-    if preconditioning_compute_steps == 1:
-      preconditioners_flat, errors_flat = _internal_inverse_pth_root_all()
-    else:
-      # Passing statistics instead of preconditioners as they are similarly
-      # shaped tensors. Note statistics will be ignored as we are passing in
-      # a large init value for error.
-      preconditioners_init = padded_statistics
-      errors_init = [inverse_failure_threshold] * len(padded_statistics)
-      init_state = [preconditioners_init, errors_init]
-      perform_step = step % preconditioning_compute_steps == 0
-      preconditioners_flat, errors_flat = efficient_cond(
-          perform_step, _internal_inverse_pth_root_all, init_state)
-    def _skip(error):
-      condition = jnp.logical_or(
-          jnp.isnan(error), error >= inverse_failure_threshold)
-      return condition.astype(error.dtype)
-    def _select_preconditioner(error, new_p, old_p):
-      return lax.cond(
-          _skip(error), lambda _: old_p, lambda _: new_p, operand=None)
-    new_preconditioners_flat = []
-    for p, shape, prev_p, error in zip(preconditioners_flat, original_shapes,
-                                       prev_preconditioners, errors_flat):
-      new_preconditioners_flat.append(
-          _select_preconditioner(error, p[:shape[0], :shape[1]], prev_p))
-    assert len(states) == len(num_statistics_per_state)
-    assert len(new_preconditioners_flat) == num_statistics
-    # Add back empty preconditioners so we that we can set the optimizer state.
-    preconditioners_for_states = []
-    idx = 0
-    for num_statistics, state in zip(num_statistics_per_state, states):
-      if num_statistics == 0:
-        preconditioners_for_states.append([])
-      else:
-        preconditioners_for_state = new_preconditioners_flat[idx:idx +
-                                                             num_statistics]
-        assert len(state.statistics) == len(preconditioners_for_state)
-        preconditioners_for_states.append(preconditioners_for_state)
-        idx += num_statistics
-    new_states = []
-    for state, new_preconditioners in zip(states, preconditioners_for_states):
-      new_states.append(
-          ParameterStats(state.diagonal_statistics, state.statistics,
-                         new_preconditioners, state.diagonal_momentum,
-                         state.momentum))
-    return new_states
-  def _compute_preconditioners(states, params, step):
-    """Computes preconditioners for given statistics in states.
-    Args:
-      states: A list of optimizer states.
-      params: A list of params.
-      step: Current step number
-    Returns:
-      New optimizer states after computing the preconditioner.
-    """
-    statistics = []
-    num_statistics_per_state = []
-    original_shapes = []
-    exponents = []
-    max_size = 0
-    prev_preconditioners = []
-    for state, param in zip(states, params):
-      num_statistics = len(state.statistics)
-      num_statistics_per_state.append(num_statistics)
-      original_shapes_for_state = []
-      if num_statistics > 0:
-        preconditioner = Preconditioner(param, block_size,
-                                        best_effort_shape_interpretation)
-        for statistic in state.statistics:
-          exponents.append(preconditioner.exponent_for_preconditioner(
-          ) if exponent_override == 0 else exponent_override)
-          original_shapes_for_state.append(statistic.shape)
-          max_size = max(max_size, statistic.shape[0])
-        statistics.extend(state.statistics)
-        prev_preconditioners.extend(state.preconditioners)
-        original_shapes.extend(original_shapes_for_state)
-    if batch_axis_name:
-      # Quantization is only enabled if batch_axis_name is not set.
-      quantized_dtype = quantized_dtype_for_second_moment_statistics_buffers()
-      if quantized_dtype == jnp.float32:
-        return _pmap_compute_preconditioners(states, step, statistics,
-                                             num_statistics_per_state,
-                                             original_shapes, exponents,
-                                             max_size, prev_preconditioners)
-      else:
-        return _pmap_quantized_compute_preconditioners(
-            states, step, statistics, num_statistics_per_state, original_shapes,
-            exponents, max_size, prev_preconditioners)
-    else:
-      return _pjit_compute_preconditioners(states, step, statistics,
-                                           num_statistics_per_state,
-                                           original_shapes, exponents, max_size,
-                                           prev_preconditioners)
-  def _transform_grad(grad, state, param, step):
-    """Transform per-parameter gradients."""
-    preconditioner = Preconditioner(param, block_size,
-                                    best_effort_shape_interpretation)
-    sgd_update = grad
-    new_diagonal_statistics = state.diagonal_statistics.to_float()
-    if graft_type == GraftingType.ADAGRAD:
-      new_diagonal_statistics = state.diagonal_statistics.to_float(
-      ) + jnp.square(grad)
-      adagrad_update = grad / (
-          jnp.sqrt(new_diagonal_statistics) + diagonal_epsilon)
-      grafting_update = adagrad_update
-    elif (graft_type == GraftingType.RMSPROP or
-          graft_type == GraftingType.RMSPROP_NORMALIZED):
-      scaled_grad = grad
-      if graft_type == GraftingType.RMSPROP_NORMALIZED:
-        scaled_grad = grad / jnp.linalg.norm(grad)
-      w1 = beta2
-      w2 = beta2 if beta2 == 1.0 else (1.0 - beta2)
-      new_diagonal_statistics = (
-          w1 * state.diagonal_statistics.to_float() +
-          w2 * jnp.square(scaled_grad))
-      rmsprop_update = scaled_grad / (
-          jnp.sqrt(new_diagonal_statistics) + diagonal_epsilon)
-      if clip_by_scaled_gradient_norm:
-        scaled_grad_norm = jnp.linalg.norm(rmsprop_update) / (
-            jnp.sqrt(float(rmsprop_update.size)))
-        clipping_denom = jnp.maximum(
-            1., scaled_grad_norm / clip_by_scaled_gradient_norm)
-        rmsprop_update /= clipping_denom
-      grafting_update = rmsprop_update
-    else:
-      grafting_update = sgd_update
+    def _matrix_inverse_pth_root_vmap(xs, ps):
+        mi_pth_root = functools.partial(
+            matrix_inverse_pth_root, ridge_epsilon=matrix_epsilon, precision=precision
+        )
+        return jax.vmap(mi_pth_root)(xs, ps)
+    def _quantized_matrix_inverse_pth_root_vmap(qxs, qds, qbs, ps):
+        def _quantized_to_float(qx, qd, qb):
+            qv = QuantizedValue(qx, qd, qb, qx.dtype, True, list(qx.shape))
+            return qv.to_float()
+        def matrix_inverse_pth_root_wrapper(qx, qd, qb, p):
+            v = _quantized_to_float(qx, qd, qb)
+            preconditioner, error = matrix_inverse_pth_root(
+                v, p, ridge_epsilon=matrix_epsilon, precision=precision
+            )
+            qp = QuantizedValue.from_float_value(preconditioner, qx.dtype, True)
+            return qp.quantized, qp.diagonal, qp.bucket_size, error
+        return jax.vmap(matrix_inverse_pth_root_wrapper)(qxs, qds, qbs, ps)
+    def _matrix_inverse_pth_root_pjit(xs, ps):
+        mesh_axis_names_tuple = tuple(mesh_axis_names)
+        # Partition the concatenated statistics matrix across all cores.
+        partitioned_xs, partitioned_ps = pjit.pjit(
+            lambda x, y: (x, y),
+            in_axis_resources=None,
+            out_axis_resources=pjit.PartitionSpec(
+                mesh_axis_names_tuple,
+            ),
+        )(xs, ps)
+        # Run matrix inverse pth root on each shard.
+        partitioned_preconditioners, partitioned_errors = _matrix_inverse_pth_root_vmap(
+            partitioned_xs, partitioned_ps
+        )
+        # Recombine the outputs at each core.
+        preconditioners, errors = pjit.pjit(
+            lambda x, y: (x, y),
+            in_axis_resources=(
+                pjit.PartitionSpec(
+                    mesh_axis_names_tuple,
+                ),
+                pjit.PartitionSpec(
+                    mesh_axis_names_tuple,
+                ),
+            ),
+            out_axis_resources=(None, None),
+        )(partitioned_preconditioners, partitioned_errors)
+        return preconditioners, errors
+    def _pmap_compute_preconditioners(
+        states,
+        step,
+        statistics,
+        num_statistics_per_state,
+        original_shapes,
+        exponents,
+        max_size,
+        prev_preconditioners,
+    ):
+        """Computes preconditioners for given statistics in states in PMAP mode.
+        Args:
+          states: A list of optimizer states.
+          step: Current step number
+          statistics: A list of statistics for all variables (for every dim)
+          num_statistics_per_state: Number of statistis per state to reconstruct
+            output states.
+          original_shapes: A list of shapes of the statistics.
+          exponents: Exponent power to use for inverse-pth roots.
+          max_size: Maximum dim of the statistics to pad.
+          prev_preconditioners: Previously available preconditioner.
+        Returns:
+          New optimizer states after computing the preconditioner.
+        """
+        num_devices = lax.psum(1, batch_axis_name)
+        num_statistics = len(statistics)
+        # Pad statistics and exponents to next multiple of num_devices.
+        packed_statistics = [pad_matrix(stat, max_size) for stat in statistics]
+        to_pad = -num_statistics % num_devices
+        packed_statistics.extend(
+            [jnp.eye(max_size, dtype=packed_statistics[0].dtype) for _ in range(to_pad)]
+        )
+        exponents.extend([1 for _ in range(to_pad)])
+        if not packed_statistics:
+            return states
+        all_statistics = batch(packed_statistics, num_devices)
+        all_exponents = batch(exponents, num_devices)
+        def _internal_inverse_pth_root_all():
+            current_replica = lax.axis_index(batch_axis_name)
+            preconditioners, errors = _matrix_inverse_pth_root_vmap(
+                all_statistics[current_replica], all_exponents[current_replica]
+            )
+            preconditioners = jax.lax.all_gather(preconditioners, batch_axis_name)
+            errors = jax.lax.all_gather(errors, batch_axis_name)
+            preconditioners_flat = unbatch(preconditioners)
+            errors_flat = unbatch(errors)
+            return preconditioners_flat, errors_flat
+        if preconditioning_compute_steps == 1:
+            preconditioners_flat, errors_flat = _internal_inverse_pth_root_all()
+        else:
+            # Passing statistics instead of preconditioners as they are similarly
+            # shaped tensors. Note statistics will be ignored as we are passing in
+            # a large init value for error.
+            preconditioners_init = packed_statistics
+            errors_init = [inverse_failure_threshold] * len(packed_statistics)
+            init_state = [preconditioners_init, errors_init]
+            perform_step = step % preconditioning_compute_steps == 0
+            preconditioners_flat, errors_flat = efficient_cond(
+                perform_step, _internal_inverse_pth_root_all, init_state
+            )
+        def _skip(error):
+            condition = jnp.logical_or(
+                jnp.isnan(error), error >= inverse_failure_threshold
+            )
+            return condition.astype(error.dtype)
+        def _select_preconditioner(error, new_p, old_p):
+            return lax.cond(
+                _skip(error), lambda _: old_p, lambda _: new_p, operand=None
+            )
+        new_preconditioners_flat = []
+        for p, shape, prev_p, error in zip(
+            preconditioners_flat, original_shapes, prev_preconditioners, errors_flat
+        ):
+            new_preconditioners_flat.append(
+                _select_preconditioner(error, p[: shape[0], : shape[1]], prev_p)
+            )
+        assert len(states) == len(num_statistics_per_state)
+        assert len(new_preconditioners_flat) == num_statistics
+        # Add back empty preconditioners so we that we can set the optimizer state.
+        preconditioners_for_states = []
+        idx = 0
+        for num_statistics, state in zip(num_statistics_per_state, states):
+            if num_statistics == 0:
+                preconditioners_for_states.append([])
+            else:
+                preconditioners_for_state = new_preconditioners_flat[
+                    idx : idx + num_statistics
+                ]
+                assert len(state.statistics) == len(preconditioners_for_state)
+                preconditioners_for_states.append(preconditioners_for_state)
+                idx += num_statistics
+        new_states = []
+        for state, new_preconditioners in zip(states, preconditioners_for_states):
+            new_states.append(
+                ParameterStats(
+                    state.diagonal_statistics,
+                    state.statistics,
+                    new_preconditioners,
+                    state.diagonal_momentum,
+                    state.momentum,
+                )
+            )
+        return new_states
+    def _pmap_quantized_compute_preconditioners(
+        states,
+        step,
+        statistics,
+        num_statistics_per_state,
+        original_shapes,
+        exponents,
+        max_size,
+        prev_preconditioners,
+    ):
+        """Computes preconditioners for given statistics in states in PMAP mode.
+        For quantization, each statistic is represented by three values:
+          quantized matrix, diagonal, and bucket sizes, we run inverse pth-roots
+          without ever recreating the original matrix in f32.
+        Args:
+          states: A list of optimizer states.
+          step: Current step number
+          statistics: A list of statistics for all variables (for every dim)
+          num_statistics_per_state: Number of statistis per state to reconstruct
+            output states.
+          original_shapes: A list of shapes of the statistics.
+          exponents: Exponent power to use for inverse-pth roots.
+          max_size: Maximum dim of the statistics to pad.
+          prev_preconditioners: Previously available preconditioner.
+        Returns:
+          New optimizer states after computing the preconditioner.
+        """
+        num_devices = lax.psum(1, batch_axis_name)
+        num_statistics = len(statistics)
+        quantized_dtype = quantized_dtype_for_second_moment_statistics_buffers()
+        # Complexity here is around: shapes needing be statically shaped,
+        # our custom quantization type requires a different type of packing.
+        # Parallel tensors:
+        # quantized [dxd]
+        # diagonals [d] f32
+        # bucket_sizes [d] f32
+        packed_quantized_statistics = [
+            pad_matrix(stat.quantized, max_size) for stat in statistics
+        ]
+        packed_quantized_diagonals = [
+            pad_vector(stat.diagonal, max_size) for stat in statistics
+        ]
+        packed_quantized_bucket_sizes = [
+            pad_vector(stat.bucket_size, max_size) for stat in statistics
+        ]
-    precond_grad = grad
-    if not _skip_preconditioning(param):
-      precond_grad = preconditioner.preconditioned_grad(
-          precond_grad,
-          _maybe_dequantize_preconditioners(state.preconditioners))
+        to_pad = -num_statistics % num_devices
+        padded_eye = jnp.eye(max_size, dtype=jnp.float32)
+        quantized_eye = QuantizedValue.from_float_value(
+            padded_eye, quantized_dtype, True
+        )
+        packed_quantized_statistics.extend(
+            [quantized_eye.quantized for _ in range(to_pad)]
+        )
+        packed_quantized_diagonals.extend(
+            [quantized_eye.diagonal for _ in range(to_pad)]
+        )
+        packed_quantized_bucket_sizes.extend(
+            [quantized_eye.bucket_size for _ in range(to_pad)]
+        )
+        exponents.extend([1 for _ in range(to_pad)])
+        if not packed_quantized_statistics:
+            return states
+        all_quantized_statistics = batch(packed_quantized_statistics, num_devices)
+        all_quantized_diagonals = batch(packed_quantized_diagonals, num_devices)
+        all_quantized_bucket_sizes = batch(packed_quantized_bucket_sizes, num_devices)
+        all_exponents = batch(exponents, num_devices)
+        def _internal_inverse_pth_root_all():
+            current_replica = lax.axis_index(batch_axis_name)
+            (
+                quantized_preconditioners,
+                quantized_diagonals,
+                quantized_bucket_sizes,
+                errors,
+            ) = _quantized_matrix_inverse_pth_root_vmap(
+                all_quantized_statistics[current_replica],
+                all_quantized_diagonals[current_replica],
+                all_quantized_bucket_sizes[current_replica],
+                all_exponents[current_replica],
+            )
+            quantized_preconditioners = jax.lax.all_gather(
+                quantized_preconditioners, batch_axis_name
+            )
+            quantized_diagonals = jax.lax.all_gather(
+                quantized_diagonals, batch_axis_name
+            )
+            quantized_bucket_sizes = jax.lax.all_gather(
+                quantized_bucket_sizes, batch_axis_name
+            )
+            errors = jax.lax.all_gather(errors, batch_axis_name)
+            quantized_preconditioners_flat = unbatch(quantized_preconditioners)
+            quantized_diagonals_flat = unbatch(quantized_diagonals)
+            quantized_bucket_sizes_flat = unbatch(quantized_bucket_sizes)
+            errors_flat = unbatch(errors)
+            return (
+                quantized_preconditioners_flat,
+                quantized_diagonals_flat,
+                quantized_bucket_sizes_flat,
+                errors_flat,
+            )
+        if preconditioning_compute_steps == 1:
+            (
+                quantized_preconditioners_flat,
+                quantized_diagonals_flat,
+                quantized_bucket_sizes_flat,
+                errors_flat,
+            ) = _internal_inverse_pth_root_all()
+        else:
+            # Passing statistics instead of preconditioners as they are similarly
+            # shaped tensors. Note statistics will be ignored as we are passing in
+            # a large init value for error.
+            quantized_preconditioners_init = packed_quantized_statistics
+            quantized_diagonals_init = packed_quantized_diagonals
+            quantized_bucket_sizes_init = packed_quantized_bucket_sizes
+            errors_init = [inverse_failure_threshold] * len(
+                quantized_preconditioners_init
+            )
+            init_state = [
+                quantized_preconditioners_init,
+                quantized_diagonals_init,
+                quantized_bucket_sizes_init,
+                errors_init,
+            ]
+            perform_step = step % preconditioning_compute_steps == 0
+            (
+                quantized_preconditioners_flat,
+                quantized_diagonals_flat,
+                quantized_bucket_sizes_flat,
+                errors_flat,
+            ) = efficient_cond(perform_step, _internal_inverse_pth_root_all, init_state)
+        def _skip(error):
+            condition = jnp.logical_or(
+                jnp.isnan(error), error >= inverse_failure_threshold
+            )
+            return condition.astype(error.dtype)
+        def _select_preconditioner(error, new_p, old_p):
+            return lax.cond(
+                _skip(error), lambda _: old_p, lambda _: new_p, operand=None
+            )
+        new_quantized_preconditioners_flat = []
+        new_quantized_diagonals_flat = []
+        new_quantized_bucket_sizes_flat = []
+        for p, d, b, shape, prev_p, error in zip(
+            quantized_preconditioners_flat,
+            quantized_diagonals_flat,
+            quantized_bucket_sizes_flat,
+            original_shapes,
+            prev_preconditioners,
+            errors_flat,
+        ):
+            new_quantized_preconditioners_flat.append(
+                _select_preconditioner(
+                    error, p[: shape[0], : shape[1]], prev_p.quantized
+                )
+            )
+            new_quantized_diagonals_flat.append(
+                _select_preconditioner(error, d[: shape[0]], prev_p.diagonal)
+            )
+            new_quantized_bucket_sizes_flat.append(
+                _select_preconditioner(error, b[: shape[0]], prev_p.bucket_size)
+            )
+        assert len(states) == len(num_statistics_per_state)
+        assert len(new_quantized_preconditioners_flat) == num_statistics
+        assert len(new_quantized_diagonals_flat) == num_statistics
+        assert len(new_quantized_bucket_sizes_flat) == num_statistics
+        # Add back empty preconditioners so we that we can set the optimizer state.
+        preconditioners_for_states = []
+        idx = 0
+        for num_statistics, state in zip(num_statistics_per_state, states):
+            if num_statistics == 0:
+                preconditioners_for_states.append([])
+            else:
+                quantized_preconditioners_for_state = (
+                    new_quantized_preconditioners_flat[idx : idx + num_statistics]
+                )
+                quantized_diagonals_for_state = new_quantized_diagonals_flat[
+                    idx : idx + num_statistics
+                ]
+                quantized_bucket_sizes_for_state = new_quantized_bucket_sizes_flat[
+                    idx : idx + num_statistics
+                ]
+                assert len(state.statistics) == len(quantized_preconditioners_for_state)
+                assert len(state.statistics) == len(quantized_diagonals_for_state)
+                assert len(state.statistics) == len(quantized_bucket_sizes_for_state)
+                quantized_preconditioners = []
+                for qv, qd, qb in zip(
+                    quantized_preconditioners_for_state,
+                    quantized_diagonals_for_state,
+                    quantized_bucket_sizes_for_state,
+                ):
+                    quantized_preconditioners.append(
+                        QuantizedValue(qv, qd, qb, qv.dtype, True, list(qv.shape))
+                    )
+                preconditioners_for_states.append(quantized_preconditioners)
+                idx += num_statistics
+        new_states = []
+        for state, new_preconditioners in zip(states, preconditioners_for_states):
+            new_states.append(
+                ParameterStats(
+                    state.diagonal_statistics,
+                    state.statistics,
+                    new_preconditioners,
+                    state.diagonal_momentum,
+                    state.momentum,
+                )
+            )
+        return new_states
+    def _pjit_compute_preconditioners(
+        states,
+        step,
+        statistics,
+        num_statistics_per_state,
+        original_shapes,
+        exponents,
+        max_size,
+        prev_preconditioners,
+    ):
+        """Computes preconditioners for given statistics in states in PJIT mode.
+        Args:
+          states: A list of optimizer states.
+          step: Current step number
+          statistics: A list of statistics for all variables (for every dim)
+          num_statistics_per_state: Number of statistis per state to reconstruct
+            output states.
+          original_shapes: A list of shapes of the statistics.
+          exponents: Exponent power to use for inverse-pth roots.
+          max_size: Maximum dim of the statistics to pad.
+          prev_preconditioners: Previously available preconditioner.
+        Returns:
+          New optimizer states after computing the preconditioner.
+        """
+        num_statistics = len(statistics)
+        to_pad = -num_statistics % num_devices_for_pjit
+        padded_statistics = [pad_matrix(stat, max_size) for stat in statistics]
+        padded_statistics.extend(
+            [jnp.eye(max_size, dtype=padded_statistics[0].dtype) for _ in range(to_pad)]
+        )
+        exponents.extend([1 for _ in range(to_pad)])
+        all_statistics = jnp.stack(padded_statistics)
+        all_exponents = jnp.stack(exponents)
+        def _internal_inverse_pth_root_all():
+            preconditioners, errors = _matrix_inverse_pth_root_pjit(
+                all_statistics, all_exponents
+            )
+            b1 = preconditioners.shape[0]
+            def split(batched_values):
+                return [
+                    jnp.squeeze(v)
+                    for v in jnp.split(batched_values, indices_or_sections=b1, axis=0)
+                ]
+            return split(preconditioners), split(errors)
+        if preconditioning_compute_steps == 1:
+            preconditioners_flat, errors_flat = _internal_inverse_pth_root_all()
+        else:
+            # Passing statistics instead of preconditioners as they are similarly
+            # shaped tensors. Note statistics will be ignored as we are passing in
+            # a large init value for error.
+            preconditioners_init = padded_statistics
+            errors_init = [inverse_failure_threshold] * len(padded_statistics)
+            init_state = [preconditioners_init, errors_init]
+            perform_step = step % preconditioning_compute_steps == 0
+            preconditioners_flat, errors_flat = efficient_cond(
+                perform_step, _internal_inverse_pth_root_all, init_state
+            )
+        def _skip(error):
+            condition = jnp.logical_or(
+                jnp.isnan(error), error >= inverse_failure_threshold
+            )
+            return condition.astype(error.dtype)
+        def _select_preconditioner(error, new_p, old_p):
+            return lax.cond(
+                _skip(error), lambda _: old_p, lambda _: new_p, operand=None
+            )
+        new_preconditioners_flat = []
+        for p, shape, prev_p, error in zip(
+            preconditioners_flat, original_shapes, prev_preconditioners, errors_flat
+        ):
+            new_preconditioners_flat.append(
+                _select_preconditioner(error, p[: shape[0], : shape[1]], prev_p)
+            )
+        assert len(states) == len(num_statistics_per_state)
+        assert len(new_preconditioners_flat) == num_statistics
+        # Add back empty preconditioners so we that we can set the optimizer state.
+        preconditioners_for_states = []
+        idx = 0
+        for num_statistics, state in zip(num_statistics_per_state, states):
+            if num_statistics == 0:
+                preconditioners_for_states.append([])
+            else:
+                preconditioners_for_state = new_preconditioners_flat[
+                    idx : idx + num_statistics
+                ]
+                assert len(state.statistics) == len(preconditioners_for_state)
+                preconditioners_for_states.append(preconditioners_for_state)
+                idx += num_statistics
+        new_states = []
+        for state, new_preconditioners in zip(states, preconditioners_for_states):
+            new_states.append(
+                ParameterStats(
+                    state.diagonal_statistics,
+                    state.statistics,
+                    new_preconditioners,
+                    state.diagonal_momentum,
+                    state.momentum,
+                )
+            )
+        return new_states
+    def _compute_preconditioners(states, params, step):
+        """Computes preconditioners for given statistics in states.
+        Args:
+          states: A list of optimizer states.
+          params: A list of params.
+          step: Current step number
+        Returns:
+          New optimizer states after computing the preconditioner.
+        """
+        statistics = []
+        num_statistics_per_state = []
+        original_shapes = []
+        exponents = []
+        max_size = 0
+        prev_preconditioners = []
+        for state, param in zip(states, params):
+            num_statistics = len(state.statistics)
+            num_statistics_per_state.append(num_statistics)
+            original_shapes_for_state = []
+            if num_statistics > 0:
+                preconditioner = Preconditioner(
+                    param, block_size, best_effort_shape_interpretation
+                )
+                for statistic in state.statistics:
+                    exponents.append(
+                        preconditioner.exponent_for_preconditioner()
+                        if exponent_override == 0
+                        else exponent_override
+                    )
+                    original_shapes_for_state.append(statistic.shape)
+                    max_size = max(max_size, statistic.shape[0])
+                statistics.extend(state.statistics)
+                prev_preconditioners.extend(state.preconditioners)
+                original_shapes.extend(original_shapes_for_state)
+        if batch_axis_name:
+            # Quantization is only enabled if batch_axis_name is not set.
+            quantized_dtype = quantized_dtype_for_second_moment_statistics_buffers()
+            if quantized_dtype == jnp.float32:
+                return _pmap_compute_preconditioners(
+                    states,
+                    step,
+                    statistics,
+                    num_statistics_per_state,
+                    original_shapes,
+                    exponents,
+                    max_size,
+                    prev_preconditioners,
+                )
+            else:
+                return _pmap_quantized_compute_preconditioners(
+                    states,
+                    step,
+                    statistics,
+                    num_statistics_per_state,
+                    original_shapes,
+                    exponents,
+                    max_size,
+                    prev_preconditioners,
+                )
+        else:
+            return _pjit_compute_preconditioners(
+                states,
+                step,
+                statistics,
+                num_statistics_per_state,
+                original_shapes,
+                exponents,
+                max_size,
+                prev_preconditioners,
+            )
+    def _transform_grad(grad, state, param, step):
+        """Transform per-parameter gradients."""
+        preconditioner = Preconditioner(
+            param, block_size, best_effort_shape_interpretation
+        )
+        sgd_update = grad
+        new_diagonal_statistics = state.diagonal_statistics.to_float()
+        if graft_type == GraftingType.ADAGRAD:
+            new_diagonal_statistics = state.diagonal_statistics.to_float() + jnp.square(
+                grad
+            )
+            adagrad_update = grad / (
+                jnp.sqrt(new_diagonal_statistics) + diagonal_epsilon
+            )
+            grafting_update = adagrad_update
+        elif (
+            graft_type == GraftingType.RMSPROP
+            or graft_type == GraftingType.RMSPROP_NORMALIZED
+        ):
+            scaled_grad = grad
+            if graft_type == GraftingType.RMSPROP_NORMALIZED:
+                scaled_grad = grad / jnp.linalg.norm(grad)
+            w1 = beta2
+            w2 = beta2 if beta2 == 1.0 else (1.0 - beta2)
+            new_diagonal_statistics = (
+                w1 * state.diagonal_statistics.to_float() + w2 * jnp.square(scaled_grad)
+            )
+            rmsprop_update = scaled_grad / (
+                jnp.sqrt(new_diagonal_statistics) + diagonal_epsilon
+            )
+            if clip_by_scaled_gradient_norm:
+                scaled_grad_norm = jnp.linalg.norm(rmsprop_update) / (
+                    jnp.sqrt(float(rmsprop_update.size))
+                )
+                clipping_denom = jnp.maximum(
+                    1.0, scaled_grad_norm / clip_by_scaled_gradient_norm
+                )
+                rmsprop_update /= clipping_denom
+            grafting_update = rmsprop_update
+        else:
+            grafting_update = sgd_update
+        precond_grad = grad
+        if not _skip_preconditioning(param):
+            precond_grad = preconditioner.preconditioned_grad(
+                precond_grad, _maybe_dequantize_preconditioners(state.preconditioners)
+            )
+        else:
+            precond_grad = grafting_update
+        grafting_update_norm = jnp.linalg.norm(grafting_update)
+        precond_grad_norm = jnp.linalg.norm(precond_grad)
+        multiplier = grafting_update_norm / (precond_grad_norm + 1e-16)
+        shampoo_update = precond_grad * multiplier
+        shampoo_update_with_wd = shampoo_update
+        grafting_update_with_wd = grafting_update
+        if weight_decay != 0:
+            shampoo_update_with_wd = shampoo_update + weight_decay * param
+            grafting_update_with_wd = grafting_update + weight_decay * param
+        w = (1.0 - beta1) if moving_average_for_momentum else 1.0
+        shampoo_update_with_wd_momentum = (
+            state.momentum.to_float() * beta1 + w * shampoo_update_with_wd
+        )
+        grafting_update_with_wd_momentum = (
+            state.diagonal_momentum.to_float() * beta1 + w * grafting_update_with_wd
+        )
+        run_shampoo = (step >= start_preconditioning_step).astype(
+            grafting_update_with_wd_momentum.dtype
+        )
+        momentum_update = (
+            run_shampoo * shampoo_update_with_wd_momentum
+            + (1.0 - run_shampoo) * grafting_update_with_wd_momentum
+        )
+        wd_update = (
+            run_shampoo * shampoo_update_with_wd
+            + (1.0 - run_shampoo) * grafting_update_with_wd
+        )
+        if nesterov:
+            momentum_update = w * wd_update + beta1 * momentum_update
+        lr = learning_rate
+        if callable(learning_rate):
+            lr = learning_rate(step)
+        transformed_update = -1.0 * lr * momentum_update
+        param_stats = ParameterStats(
+            _quantize_diagonal_statistics(new_diagonal_statistics),
+            state.statistics,
+            state.preconditioners,
+            _quantize_momentum(grafting_update_with_wd_momentum),
+            _quantize_momentum(shampoo_update_with_wd_momentum),
+        )
+        return transformed_update, param_stats
+    def update_fn(grads, state, params):
+        """Transform the input gradient and update all statistics.
+        Args:
+          grads: the gradient tensors for the parameters.
+          state: a named tuple containing the state of the optimizer
+          params: the parameters that should be updated.
+        Returns:
+          A tuple containing the new parameters and the new optimizer state.
+        """
+        params_flat, treedef = jax.tree_flatten(params)
+        stats_flat = treedef.flatten_up_to(state.stats)
+        grads_flat = treedef.flatten_up_to(grads)
+        new_stats_flat = jax.tree_multimap(
+            lambda g, s, p: _compute_stats(g, s, p, state.count),
+            grads_flat,
+            stats_flat,
+            params_flat,
+        )
+        new_stats_flat = _compute_preconditioners(
+            new_stats_flat, params_flat, state.count
+        )
+        outputs = jax.tree_multimap(
+            lambda g, s, p: _transform_grad(g, s, p, state.count),
+            grads_flat,
+            new_stats_flat,
+            params_flat,
+        )
+        updates_flat, new_stats_flat = list(zip(*outputs)) if outputs else ((), ())
+        updates = jax.tree_unflatten(treedef, updates_flat)
+        new_stats = jax.tree_unflatten(treedef, new_stats_flat)
+        new_state = ShampooState(count=state.count + 1, stats=new_stats)
+        return updates, new_state
+    if shard_optimizer_states:
+        return optax.GradientTransformation(sharded_init_fn, sharded_update_fn)
-      precond_grad = grafting_update
-    grafting_update_norm = jnp.linalg.norm(grafting_update)
-    precond_grad_norm = jnp.linalg.norm(precond_grad)
-    multiplier = (grafting_update_norm / (precond_grad_norm + 1e-16))
-    shampoo_update = precond_grad * multiplier
-    shampoo_update_with_wd = shampoo_update
-    grafting_update_with_wd = grafting_update
-    if weight_decay != 0:
-      shampoo_update_with_wd = shampoo_update + weight_decay * param
-      grafting_update_with_wd = grafting_update + weight_decay * param
-    w = (1.0 - beta1) if moving_average_for_momentum else 1.0
-    shampoo_update_with_wd_momentum = (
-        state.momentum.to_float() * beta1 + w * shampoo_update_with_wd)
-    grafting_update_with_wd_momentum = (
-        state.diagonal_momentum.to_float() * beta1 +
-        w * grafting_update_with_wd)
-    run_shampoo = (step >= start_preconditioning_step).astype(
-        grafting_update_with_wd_momentum.dtype)
-    momentum_update = (
-        run_shampoo * shampoo_update_with_wd_momentum +
-        (1.0 - run_shampoo) * grafting_update_with_wd_momentum)
-    wd_update = (
-        run_shampoo * shampoo_update_with_wd +
-        (1.0 - run_shampoo) * grafting_update_with_wd)
-    if nesterov:
-      momentum_update = w * wd_update + beta1 * momentum_update
-    lr = learning_rate
-    if callable(learning_rate):
-      lr = learning_rate(step)
-    transformed_update = -1.0 * lr * momentum_update
-    param_stats = ParameterStats(
-        _quantize_diagonal_statistics(new_diagonal_statistics),
-        state.statistics, state.preconditioners,
-        _quantize_momentum(grafting_update_with_wd_momentum),
-        _quantize_momentum(shampoo_update_with_wd_momentum))
-    return transformed_update, param_stats
-  def update_fn(grads, state, params):
-    """Transform the input gradient and update all statistics.
-    Args:
-      grads: the gradient tensors for the parameters.
-      state: a named tuple containing the state of the optimizer
-      params: the parameters that should be updated.
-    Returns:
-      A tuple containing the new parameters and the new optimizer state.
-    """
-    params_flat, treedef = jax.tree_flatten(params)
-    stats_flat = treedef.flatten_up_to(state.stats)
-    grads_flat = treedef.flatten_up_to(grads)
-    new_stats_flat = jax.tree_multimap(
-        lambda g, s, p: _compute_stats(g, s, p, state.count), grads_flat,
-        stats_flat, params_flat)
-    new_stats_flat = _compute_preconditioners(new_stats_flat, params_flat,
-                                              state.count)
-    outputs = jax.tree_multimap(
-        lambda g, s, p: _transform_grad(g, s, p, state.count), grads_flat,
-        new_stats_flat, params_flat)
-    updates_flat, new_stats_flat = list(zip(*outputs)) if outputs else ((), ())
-    updates = jax.tree_unflatten(treedef, updates_flat)
-    new_stats = jax.tree_unflatten(treedef, new_stats_flat)
-    new_state = ShampooState(
-        count=state.count+1, stats=new_stats)
-    return updates, new_state
-  if shard_optimizer_states:
-    return optax.GradientTransformation(sharded_init_fn, sharded_update_fn)
-  else:
-    return optax.GradientTransformation(init_fn, update_fn)
+        return optax.GradientTransformation(init_fn, update_fn)