import gradio as gr import os # os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "-1" from categories import categories, font_list import pdb from PIL import Image import random try: import pygsheets except Exception as e: print("pygsheets not found", e) os.environ["PYTORCH_CUDA_ALLOC_CONF"] = "max_split_size_mb:128" global_index = 0 mode_global = "DS-Fusion-Express" prompt_global = "" def log_data_to_sheet(pre_style, style_custom, glyph, attribute): try: #authorization gc = pygsheets.authorize(service_file='./huggingface-connector-02adcb4cdf00.json') #open the google spreadsheet (where 'PY to Gsheet Test' is the name of my sheet) sh ='HuggingFace Logs') #select the first sheet wks = sh[0] # Send fields list wks.append_table(values=[pre_style, style_custom, glyph, attribute]) except: pass def change_font(evt: gr.SelectData): global global_index global_index = evt.index def my_main(pre_style, style_custom, glyph, attribute): log_data_to_sheet(pre_style, style_custom, glyph, attribute) global prompt_global glyph = glyph[0] command = "rm -r out_cur/*" os.system(command) for i in range(1,5): command = "cp initial_show/" + str(i) +".png out_cur/"+str(i)+".png" os.system(command) style = pre_style command = "rm -r data_style/" os.system(command) if style_custom != "": style = style_custom if len(glyph) != 1: prompt_global = f" {style}" else: prompt_global = f" {style} {glyph}" li = "ckpt/all2.ckpt" output_path = f"out/express" if attribute == "": prompt = f" '{style} {glyph}'" else: prompt = f" '{attribute} {style} {glyph}'" command = "rm -r out/" os.system(command) print(prompt) command = "python --ddim_eta 1.0 \ --n_samples 4 \ --n_iter 1\ --ddim_steps 50 \ --scale 5.0\ --H 256\ --W 256\ --outdir " + output_path + " --ckpt " +li +" --prompt " + prompt os.system(command) command = "rm -r out_cur/*" os.system(command) path = [] final_imgs = os.listdir(output_path+"/samples") for i in range(4): path.append(os.path.join(output_path+"/samples", final_imgs[i])) path_in = os.path.join(output_path+"/samples", final_imgs[i]) command = "cp " + path_in + " " + "out_cur/"+final_imgs[i] os.system(command) return gr.update(value=path) def rem_bg(): command= "rm -r out_bg/*" os.system(command) files = os.listdir("out_cur") if len(files)>0: command_3 = f"python --input_dir out_cur --method 'rembg'" os.system(command_3) for file in files: command = "cp out_bg/"+file +" out_cur/" os.system(command) path = [] for file in files: file_path = os.path.join("out_cur", file) image = new_image ="RGBA", image.size, "WHITE") new_image.paste(image, (0, 0), image), "PNG") path.append(file_path) return gr.update(value = path) font_list_express = [ 'Caladea-Regular', #works good # 'Garuda-Bold', #works poorlyß 'FreeSansOblique', #works average "Purisa", #works good "Uroob" #worksaverage ] path_fonts_express = [] for font in font_list_express: path_in = "font_list/fonts/"+font+".png" path_fonts_express.append(path_in) def make_upper(value): if value == "": return "" return value[0].upper() def get_out_cur(): path = [] pth = "log_view" for file in os.listdir(pth): file_final = os.path.join(pth, file) path.append(file_final) return gr.update(value=path) def update_time_mode(value): if value == 'DS-Fusion': return gr.update(value="Generation Time: ~5 mins") else: return gr.update(value="Generation Time: ~30 seconds") def update_time_cb(value): if value: if mode_global == "DS-Fusion": return gr.update(value="Generation Time: ~8 mins") return gr.update(value="Generation Time: ~30 seconds") else: if mode_global == "DS-Fusion": return gr.update(value="Generation Time: ~5 mins") return gr.update(value="Generation Time: ~30 seconds") def load_img(): path = [] dir = "out_cur" for file in os.listdir(dir): file_full = os.path.join(dir, file) path.append(file_full) return path css = ''' <!-- this makes the items inside the gallery to shrink --> div#gallery_64 div.grid { height: 64px; width: 180px; } <!-- this makes the gallery's height to shrink --> div#gallery_64 > div:nth-child(3) { min-height: 172px !important; } <!-- this makes the gallery's height to shrink when you click one image to view it bigger --> div#gallery_64 > div:nth-child(4) { min-height: 172px !important; } ''' with gr.Blocks(css=css) as demo: with gr.Column(): with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): with gr.Row(): in4 = gr.Text(label="Character (A-Z, 0-9) to Stylize", info = "Only works with capitals. Will pick first letter if more than one", value = "R", interactive = True) in2 = gr.Dropdown(categories, label="Pre-Defined Style Categories", info = "Categories used to train Express", value = "DRAGON", interactive = True) with gr.Row(): in3 = gr.Text(label="Override Style Category ", info="This will replace the pre-defined style value", value = "", interactive = True) in5 = gr.Text(label="Additional Style Attribute ",info= "e.g. pixel, grayscale, etc", value = "", interactive = True) # with gr.Row(): # with gr.Column(): # in8 = gr.Checkbox(label="MULTI FONT INPUT - font selection below is over-ridden", info="Select for more abstract results", value = False, interactive = True).style(container=True) # gallery = gr.Gallery([], label="Select Font", show_label=True, elem_id="gallery_64").style(grid=[2,6], preview=True, height="auto") with gr.Row(): btn = gr.Button("Let's Stylize It - Generation Time: ~60 seconds", interactive = True) # btn_bg = gr.Button("Remove Background", interactive = True) with gr.Column(): gallery_out = gr.Gallery(label="Generated images", elem_id="gallery_out").style(grid=[2,2], height="full") outputs = [gallery_out] #, None, None) inputs = [in2,in3,in4,in5], inputs, outputs) #, None, outputs) if __name__ == "__main__": command = "rm -r out_cur/*" os.system(command) for i in range(1,5): command = "cp initial_show/" + str(i) +".png out_cur/"+str(i)+".png" os.system(command) demo.queue() demo.launch(share=False)