from django.shortcuts import render,redirect from django.http import HttpResponse from django.contrib.auth import authenticate, login,logout from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.db.models import Q from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt from api.models import Profile, Department, Event, Ticket, Notifications import re import requests import random import json import uuid import smtplib from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.text import MIMEText # sender = "" # password = "Auabs@904" # server = smtplib.SMTP('', 587) # server.starttls() # server.login(sender, password) # create a function def emailSender(reciver,template,otp): # global server # msg = MIMEMultipart('alternative') # msg['Subject'] = "Link" # msg['From'] = sender # msg['To'] = reciver # f = open(template, "r", encoding="utf-8") # html = # html = html.replace("%%OTP1%%", otp[0]) # html = html.replace("%%OTP2%%", otp[1]) # html = html.replace("%%OTP3%%", otp[2]) # html = html.replace("%%OTP4%%", otp[3]) # part = MIMEText(html, 'html') # msg.attach(part) # server.sendmail(sender, reciver, msg.as_string()) pass def home(request): if request.user != None: try: profile = Profile.objects.filter(user=request.user).first() userName = request.user.first_name isUser = True isVolunteer = profile.isCampainVolunteer profilePic = profile.profilePic except: userName = "Anonymous" isUser = False isVolunteer = False profilePic = "0001" else: isUser = False isVolunteer = False userName = "" profilePic = "0001" departments = Department.objects.all() departmentArr = [] for department in departments: departmentArr.append([, department.posterImage]) events = Event.objects.filter(department=Department.objects.filter(name="Computer Engineering").first()).all().order_by('-name') eventArr = [] impEvent = [] for event in events: if != "X - Motion Game Mania": eventArr.append([, (event.price).strip(), event.description, event.tagline,event.posterImage, (" ", "-").replace("---", ":"),event.isTeamEvent,event.teamPrice]) else: impEvent = [[, (event.price).strip(), event.description, event.tagline,event.posterImage, (" ", "-").replace("---", ":"),event.isTeamEvent,event.teamPrice]] impEvent.extend(eventArr[:10]) context = { "departmentArr": departmentArr[:10], "eventArr": impEvent, "isUser" : isUser, "isVolunteer" : isVolunteer, "userName" : userName, "profilePic" : profilePic } return render(request, "index.html", context) # def events(request): # if request.user != None: # try: # profile = Profile.objects.filter(user=request.user).first() # userName = request.user.first_name # isUser = True # isVolunteer = profile.isCampainVolunteer # profilePic = profile.profilePic # except: # userName = "Anonymous" # isUser = False # isVolunteer = False # profilePic = "0001" # else: # isUser = False # isVolunteer = False # userName = "" # profilePic = "0001" # departments = Department.objects.all() # departmentArr = [] # impEvent = [] # for department in departments: # events = Event.objects.filter(department=department).order_by('-name').all() # eventArr = [] # tempDepartment = { # "departmentName" : # } # for event in events: # tempEvent = { # "eventName" :, # "eventPrice" : event.price, # "eventDescription" : event.description, # "eventTagline" : event.tagline, # "eventPosterImage" : event.posterImage, # "eventLink" : (" ", "-").replace("---", ":"), # "isTeamEvent" : event.isTeamEvent, # "teamPrice" : event.teamPrice, # "isTeamPriceFull" : event.isTeamPriceFull, # "winnerPrice1" : event.winnerPrice1 if event.winnerPrice1 != None else 0 , # "winnerPrice2" : event.winnerPrice2 if event.winnerPrice2 != None else 0 , # "isClosed" : event.isClosed # } # eventArr.append(tempEvent) # tempDepartment["events"] = eventArr # tempDepartment["eventCount"] = len(eventArr) # departmentArr.append(tempDepartment) # context = { # "departmentArr": departmentArr, # "isUser" : isUser, # "isVolunteer" : isVolunteer, # "userName" : userName, # "profilePic" : profilePic # } # return HttpResponse(json.dumps(context), content_type="application/json") def events(request): if request.user != None: try: profile = Profile.objects.filter(user=request.user).first() userName = request.user.first_name isUser = True isVolunteer = profile.isCampainVolunteer profilePic = profile.profilePic except: userName = "Anonymous" isUser = False isVolunteer = False profilePic = "0001" else: isUser = False isVolunteer = False userName = "" profilePic = "0001" departments = Department.objects.all() departmentArr = [] impEvent = [] for department in departments: events = Event.objects.filter(department=department).order_by('-name').all() eventArr = [] flag = 0 for event in events: if != "X - Motion Game Mania": eventArr.append([, event.price, event.description, event.tagline, event.posterImage, (" ", "-").replace("---", ":"),event.isTeamEvent,event.teamPrice,event.isTeamPriceFull,event.winnerPrice1,event.winnerPrice2,event.isClosed]) else: impEvent = [[, event.price, event.description, event.tagline, event.posterImage, (" ", "-").replace("---", ":"),event.isTeamEvent,event.teamPrice,event.isTeamPriceFull,event.winnerPrice1,event.winnerPrice2,event.isClosed]] flag = 1 if flag == 1: impEvent.extend(eventArr) departmentArr.append([, impEvent, len(eventArr)]) else: departmentArr.append([, eventArr, len(eventArr)]) context = { "departmentArr": departmentArr, "isUser" : isUser, "isVolunteer" : isVolunteer, "userName" : userName, "profilePic" : profilePic } return render(request, "event.html", context) def aboutus(request): if request.user != None: try: profile = Profile.objects.filter(user=request.user).first() userName = request.user.first_name isUser = True isVolunteer = profile.isCampainVolunteer profilePic = profile.profilePic except: userName = "Anonymous" isUser = False isVolunteer = False profilePic = "0001" else: isUser = False isVolunteer = False userName = "" profilePic = "0001" context={ "isUser" : isUser, "isVolunteer" : isVolunteer, "userName" : userName, "profilePic" : profilePic } return render(request, "about-us.html", context) @csrf_exempt def signin(request): if request.method == "POST": email = request.POST['email'] password = request.POST['password'] request.session['emailVarification'] = email try: username = User.objects.filter(email=email).first().username user = authenticate(username=username, password=password) if user is not None: profile = Profile.objects.filter(user=user).first() isVerified = True isAccountSetup = profile.isAccountSetup if isAccountSetup == True: login(request, user) return redirect("/") else: context = {'email' : email} return redirect("/accountSetUp",context) except: context = { "error": True } return render(request, "login.html",context) else: context = { "error": True } return render(request, "login.html",context) return render(request, "login.html") def check(email): regex = r'\b[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z|a-z]{2,7}\b' if(re.fullmatch(regex, email)): return True else: return False @csrf_exempt def register(request): if request.method == "POST": email = request.POST['email'] pass1 = request.POST['password1'] pass2 = request.POST['password2'] if not check(email): context = { "error" : "Invalid Email." } return render(request, "register.html",context) #return HttpResponse(json.dumps({"error": "Invalid Email."}), content_type="application/json") elif pass1 != pass2: context = { "error" : "Password Does Not Match." } return render(request, "register.html",context) #return HttpResponse(json.dumps({"error": "Password Does Not Match."}), content_type="application/json") else: users = User.objects.filter(email=email).all().count() if users == 0: newUser = User.objects.create_user(username=email, email=email, password=pass1) otp = str(random.randint(1000, 9999)) profileForNewUser = Profile() profileForNewUser.user = User.objects.filter(email=email).first() profileForNewUser.otp = otp = {"data": []} profileForNewUser.notification = {"data": []} profileForNewUser.isAccountSetup = False profileForNewUser.isVolunteer = False profileForNewUser.isOrganiser = False profileForNewUser.isVerified = True emailSender(email,"./emailTemplates/welcomeEmail.html",str(otp)) request.session['emailVarification'] = email return redirect("/accountSetUp/") else: context = { "error" : "User Already Exists." } return render(request, "register.html",context) return render(request, "register.html") def event(request, event): if request.user != None: try: profile = Profile.objects.filter(user=request.user).first() userName = request.user.first_name email = isUser = True isVolunteer = profile.isCampainVolunteer profilePic = profile.profilePic except: userName = "Anonymous" email = "" isUser = False isVolunteer = False profilePic = "0001" else: isUser = False isVolunteer = False email = "" userName = "" profilePic = "0001" context = { "isUser" : isUser, "isVolunteer" : isVolunteer, "userName" : userName, "profilePic" : profilePic, "email" : email } eventData = Event.objects.filter(name=event.replace("-", " ").replace(":", " - ")).first() context["isTeamEvent"] = eventData.isTeamEvent context["name"] = context["department"] = context["teamName"] = eventData.teamName context["teamLeader"] = eventData.teamLeader.user.get_full_name() if eventData.teamLeader != None else "" context["price"] = eventData.price context["winnerPrice1"] = eventData.winnerPrice1 context["winnerPrice2"] = eventData.winnerPrice2 context["location"] = eventData.location context["date"] = str( context["description"] = eventData.description context["rules"] = (eventData.rules).split("•")[1:] if eventData.rules != None and eventData.rules != "" else "" round1 = (eventData.round1).split("•")[1:] if eventData.round1 != None else [] round2 = (eventData.round2).split("•")[1:] if eventData.round2 != None else [] round3 = (eventData.round3).split("•")[1:] if eventData.round3 != None else [] round4 = (eventData.round4).split("•")[1:] if eventData.round4 != None else [] round5 = (eventData.round5).split("•")[1:] if eventData.round5 != None else [] round1Title = eventData.round1Title if eventData.round1Title != None else "" round2Title = eventData.round2Title if eventData.round2Title != None else "" round3Title = eventData.round3Title if eventData.round3Title != None else "" round4Title = eventData.round4Title if eventData.round4Title != None else "" round5Title = eventData.round5Title if eventData.round5Title != None else "" context["rounds"] = [] if round1Title != "": context["rounds"].append({"title": round1Title,"description": round1}) if round2Title != "": context["rounds"].append({"title": round2Title,"description": round2}) if round3Title != "": context["rounds"].append({"title": round3Title,"description": round3}) if round4Title != "": context["rounds"].append({"title": round4Title,"description": round4}) if round5Title != "": context["rounds"].append({"title": round5Title,"description": round5}) context["tagline"] = eventData.tagline context["posterImage"] = eventData.posterImage context["winner1"] = eventData.winner1.user.get_full_name() if eventData.winner1 != None else "" context["winner2"] = eventData.winner2.user.get_full_name() if eventData.winner2 != None else "" context["winner3"] = eventData.winner3.user.get_full_name() if eventData.winner3 != None else "" context["organiser1"] = eventData.organiser1.user.get_full_name() if eventData.organiser1 != None else "" context["organiser1Phone"] = Profile.objects.filter(user=eventData.organiser1.user).first().phone if eventData.organiser1 != None else "" context["organiser2"] = eventData.organiser2.user.get_full_name() if eventData.organiser2 != None else "" context["organiser2Phone"] = Profile.objects.filter(user=eventData.organiser2.user).first().phone if eventData.organiser2 != None else "" context["organiser3"] = eventData.organiser3.user.get_full_name() if eventData.organiser3 != None else "" context["organiser3Phone"] = Profile.objects.filter(user=eventData.organiser3.user).first().phone if eventData.organiser3 != None else "" context["organiser4"] = eventData.organiser4.user.get_full_name() if eventData.organiser4 != None else "" context["organiser4Phone"] = Profile.objects.filter(user=eventData.organiser4.user).first().phone if eventData.organiser4 != None else "" context["organiser5"] = eventData.organiser5.user.get_full_name() if eventData.organiser5 != None else "" context["organiser5Phone"] = Profile.objects.filter(user=eventData.organiser5.user).first().phone if eventData.organiser5 != None else "" context["isTeamEvent"] = eventData.isTeamEvent context["teamParticapantCount"] = eventData.teamParticapantCount context["isClosed"] = eventData.isClosed context["status"] = eventData.status context["images"] = eventData.images["data"] context["isClosed"] = eventData.isClosed # request.session['event'] = # return HttpResponse(json.dumps(context), content_type="application/json") return render(request, "event-details.html", context) def otpvalidationWeb(request): if request.method == "POST": email = request.session['emailVarification'] user = Profile.objects.filter(user=User.objects.filter(email=email).first()).first() if userOtp == user.otp: profile = Profile.objects.filter(user=User.objects.filter(email=email).first()).first() profile.isVerified = True return redirect("/accountSetUp/") else: context = {'error' : "Invalid OTP"} return render(request, "otp-page.html",context) #404 page return render(request, "404.html") def pageNotFound(request): return render(request,"404.html") def cart(request): if request.user != None: try: profile = Profile.objects.filter(user=request.user).first() userName = request.user.first_name isUser = True isVolunteer = profile.isCampainVolunteer profilePic = profile.profilePic except: userName = "Anonymous" isUser = False isVolunteer = False profilePic = "0001" else: isUser = False isVolunteer = False userName = "" profilePic = "0001" context={ "isUser" : isUser, "isVolunteer" : isVolunteer, "userName" : userName, "profilePic" : profilePic } return render(request,"cart.html",context) def signOut(request): logout(request) return redirect('/') def faqs(request): if request.user != None: try: profile = Profile.objects.filter(user=request.user).first() userName = request.user.first_name isUser = True isVolunteer = profile.isCampainVolunteer profilePic = profile.profilePic except: userName = "Anonymous" isUser = False isVolunteer = False profilePic = "0001" else: isUser = False isVolunteer = False userName = "" profilePic = "0001" context = { "isUser" : isUser, "isVolunteer" : isVolunteer, "userName" : userName, "profilePic" : profilePic } return render(request,"faqs.html",context) def accountSetUp(request): if request.method == "POST": try: email = request.session['emailVarification'] name = request.POST['firstname'] #college = body['college'] phone = request.POST['mobileNo'] profilePic = request.POST['profilePic'] user = User.objects.filter(email=email).first() user.first_name = name profile = Profile.objects.filter(user=user).first() = "LDRP-ITR" = phone profile.profilePic = profilePic profile.isAccountSetup = True request.session['accountSetup'] = True return redirect('/login') except Exception as error: print(error) return render(request, "account-setup.html") return render(request, "account-setup.html") @csrf_exempt def resendOtpWeb(request): try: email = request.session['emailVarification'] otp = str(random.randint(1000, 9999)) profile = Profile.objects.filter(user=User.objects.filter(email=email).first()).first() profile.otp = otp emailSender(email,"./emailTemplates/resendOTPEmail.html",str(otp)) return HttpResponse(json.dumps({"msg": "OTP sent to "+email}), content_type="application/json") except Exception as error: return HttpResponse(json.dumps({"error": error}), content_type="application/json") @csrf_exempt def ticketVerifer(request): if request.user != None: try: profile = Profile.objects.filter(user=request.user).first() userName = request.user.first_name isUser = True isVolunteer = profile.isCampainVolunteer profilePic = profile.profilePic except: userName = "Anonymous" isUser = False isVolunteer = False profilePic = "0001" else: isUser = False isVolunteer = False userName = "" profilePic = "0001" if isVolunteer == True: if request.method == "POST": body = json.loads(request.body) id = body['id'] ticket = Ticket.objects.filter(id=id).first() if ticket != None: ticket.acceptedBy = profile ticket.isPaid = True return HttpResponse(json.dumps({"msg": "Ticket has been Paid."}), content_type="application/json") else: return HttpResponse(json.dumps({"error": "error"}), content_type="application/json") tickets = Ticket.objects.all() dataTemp = [] for ticket in tickets: count = 1 if ticket.owner1 != None: count=count+1 if ticket.owner2 != None: count=count+1 if ticket.owner3 != None: count=count+1 if ticket.owner4 != None: count=count+1 temp = {} temp["id"] = temp["profilePic"] = ticket.owner.profilePic temp["username"] = ticket.owner.user.first_name temp["email"] = if ticket.event.isTeamEvent != True: temp["price"] = ticket.event.price else: temp["price"] = ticket.event.teamPrice temp["eventName"] = temp["isPaid"] = ticket.isPaid temp["isTeamPriceFull"] = ticket.event.isTeamPriceFull try: temp["userCount"] = count if count != 1: temp["total"] = count*int(ticket.event.price) except: temp["userCount"] = count temp["total"] = ticket.event.price dataTemp.append(temp) data = [] data2 = [] for i in dataTemp: if i["isPaid"]== False: data.append(i) else: data2.append(i) data = data[::-1] data.extend(data2) context = { "data" : data, "isUser" : isUser, "isVolunteer" : isVolunteer, "userName" : userName, "profilePic" : profilePic } return render(request, "ticket.html",context) else: return render(request, "404.html") def myTicket(request): if request.user != None: try: profile = Profile.objects.filter(user=request.user).first() userName = request.user.first_name isUser = True isVolunteer = profile.isCampainVolunteer profilePic = profile.profilePic except: userName = "Anonymous" isUser = False isVolunteer = False profilePic = "0001" else: isUser = False isVolunteer = False userName = "" profilePic = "0001" if isUser == True: tickets = Ticket.objects.filter(Q(owner=profile)|Q(owner1=profile)|Q(owner2=profile)|Q(owner3=profile)|Q(owner4=profile)).all() dataTemp = [] for ticket in tickets: count = 1 if ticket.owner1 != None: count=count+1 if ticket.owner2 != None: count=count+1 if ticket.owner3 != None: count=count+1 if ticket.owner4 != None: count=count+1 temp = {} temp["id"] = temp["profilePic"] = ticket.owner.profilePic temp["username"] = ticket.owner.user.first_name temp["email"] = if ticket.event.isTeamEvent != True: temp["price"] = ticket.event.price else: temp["price"] = ticket.event.teamPrice temp["eventName"] = temp["isPaid"] = ticket.isPaid temp["qrCodeData"] = ticket.qrCodeData temp["isTeamPriceFull"] = ticket.event.isTeamPriceFull if ticket.userCount >0: temp["isScanned"] = False else: temp["isScanned"] = True try: temp["userCount"] = count if count != 1: temp["total"] = count*int(ticket.event.price) except: temp["userCount"] = 1 temp["total"] = 0 dataTemp.append(temp) data = [] data2 = [] for i in dataTemp: if i["isPaid"]== False: data.append(i) else: data2.append(i) data = data[::-1] data2 = data2[::-1] data.extend(data2) context = { "data" : data, "isUser" : isUser, "isVolunteer" : isVolunteer, "userName" : userName, "profilePic" : profilePic } return render(request, "myTicket.html",context) else: return render(request, "404.html") def eventConfirmation(request): if request.user != None: try: profile = Profile.objects.filter(user=request.user).first() userName = request.user.first_name isUser = True isVolunteer = profile.isCampainVolunteer profilePic = profile.profilePic except: userName = "Anonymous" isUser = False isVolunteer = False profilePic = "0001" else: isUser = False isVolunteer = False userName = "" profilePic = "0001" context = { "isUser" : isUser, "isVolunteer" : isVolunteer, "userName" : userName, "profilePic" : profilePic, "team" : request.session['team'], "event" : request.session['event'] } return render(request, "event-confirmation.html",context) @csrf_exempt def addTeamMebers(request): if request.user != None: try: profile = Profile.objects.filter(user=request.user).first() userName = request.user.first_name isUser = True isVolunteer = profile.isCampainVolunteer profilePic = profile.profilePic except: userName = "Anonymous" isUser = False isVolunteer = False profilePic = "0001" else: isUser = False isVolunteer = False userName = "" profilePic = "0001" if request.method == "POST": isForm = request.POST.get('isForm',False) if isForm == False: body = json.loads(request.body) email = body['email'] user = User.objects.filter(email=email).first() if user is not None: return HttpResponse(json.dumps({"msg": email + " does exist in our Database."}), content_type="application/json") else: return HttpResponse(json.dumps({"error": "Email does not exist in our Database"}), content_type="application/json") else: users = request.POST.get('user') emailArr = users.split(",") request.session['team'] = [] try: for i in range(len(emailArr)): user = User.objects.filter(email=emailArr[i]).first() profile = Profile.objects.filter(user=user).first() if user is not None: request.session['team'].append({"name":user.first_name, "email","phone"}) return redirect("/eventConfirmation/") except: context = { 'email':request.user, "isUser" : isUser, "isVolunteer" : isVolunteer, "userName" : userName, "profilePic" : profilePic, "event" : request.session['event'], "min":Event.objects.filter(name=request.session['event']).first().teamParticapantCountMin, "max":Event.objects.filter(name=request.session['event']).first().teamParticapantCount, "error" : "Please confirm emails of your team members.", } return render(request, 'event-registration-form.html',context) context = { 'email':request.user, "isUser" : isUser, "isVolunteer" : isVolunteer, "userName" : userName, "profilePic" : profilePic, "event" : request.session['event'], "min":Event.objects.filter(name=request.session['event']).first().teamParticapantCountMin, "max":Event.objects.filter(name=request.session['event']).first().teamParticapantCount, } return render(request, 'event-registration-form.html',context) @csrf_exempt def ticketGenrator(request): if request.method == "POST": try: body = json.loads(request.body) if 'isTeam' not in body.keys(): eventName = body['event'] event = Event.objects.filter(name=eventName).first() if event.isClosed == True: return HttpResponse(json.dumps({"error": "Registration for this event is closed."}), content_type="application/json") else: email = body['email'] user = User.objects.filter(email=email).first() owner = Profile.objects.filter(user=user).first() qrCodeData = uuid.uuid1() userCount = body['userCount'] newTicket = Ticket() newTicket.event = event newTicket.owner = owner newTicket.qrCodeData = qrCodeData newTicket.userCount = userCount return HttpResponse(json.dumps({"msg": "You are successfully registered. Your registration will get confirmed and you will also see the ticket in your account once you make the payment."}), content_type="application/json") else: eventName = body['event'] event = Event.objects.filter(name=eventName).first() if event.isClosed == True: return HttpResponse(json.dumps({"error": "Registration for this event is closed."}), content_type="application/json") else: email = request.session['team'][0]['email'] user = User.objects.filter(email=email).first() owner = Profile.objects.filter(user=user).first() qrCodeData = uuid.uuid1() newTicket = Ticket() newTicket.event = event newTicket.owner = owner try: teamMember1= User.objects.filter(email=request.session['team'][1]["email"]).first() teamMember1Profile = Profile.objects.filter(user=teamMember1).first() newTicket.owner1 = teamMember1Profile except: newTicket.owner1 = None try: teamMember2= User.objects.filter(email=request.session['team'][2]["email"]).first() teamMember2Profile = Profile.objects.filter(user=teamMember2).first() newTicket.owner2 = teamMember2Profile except: newTicket.owner2 = None try: teamMember3= User.objects.filter(email=request.session['team'][3]["email"]).first() teamMember3Profile = Profile.objects.filter(user=teamMember3).first() newTicket.owner3 = teamMember3Profile except: newTicket.owner3 = None try: teamMember4= User.objects.filter(email=request.session['team'][4]["email"]).first() teamMember4Profile = Profile.objects.filter(user=teamMember4).first() newTicket.owner4 = teamMember4Profile except: newTicket.owner4 = None newTicket.qrCodeData = qrCodeData newTicket.userCount = len(request.session['team']) request.session['team'] = [] return HttpResponse(json.dumps({"msg": "You are successfully registered. Your registration will get confirmed and you will also see the ticket in your account once you make the payment."}), content_type="application/json") except Exception as error: return HttpResponse(json.dumps({"error": str(error)}), content_type="application/json") else: return render(request, "404.html") @csrf_exempt def dataOutper(request): for event in Event.objects.all(): eventName = department = tickets = Ticket.objects.filter(event=event).all() paid = 0 unpaid = 0 for ticket in tickets: if ticket.event.isTeamEvent: if ticket.isPaid: paid += ticket.userCount else: unpaid += ticket.userCount else: if ticket.isPaid: paid += 1 else: unpaid += 1 print(department,",",eventName,",",paid,",",unpaid) return HttpResponse("Done") @csrf_exempt def closeEvents(request): for event in Event.objects.all(): event.isClosed = True return HttpResponse("Done")