#include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace py = pybind11; using namespace std; std::pair, py::array_t> meshVerticeInpaint_smooth(py::array_t texture, py::array_t mask, py::array_t vtx_pos, py::array_t vtx_uv, py::array_t pos_idx, py::array_t uv_idx) { auto texture_buf = texture.request(); auto mask_buf = mask.request(); auto vtx_pos_buf = vtx_pos.request(); auto vtx_uv_buf = vtx_uv.request(); auto pos_idx_buf = pos_idx.request(); auto uv_idx_buf = uv_idx.request(); int texture_height = texture_buf.shape[0]; int texture_width = texture_buf.shape[1]; int texture_channel = texture_buf.shape[2]; float* texture_ptr = static_cast(texture_buf.ptr); uint8_t* mask_ptr = static_cast(mask_buf.ptr); int vtx_num = vtx_pos_buf.shape[0]; float* vtx_pos_ptr = static_cast(vtx_pos_buf.ptr); float* vtx_uv_ptr = static_cast(vtx_uv_buf.ptr); int* pos_idx_ptr = static_cast(pos_idx_buf.ptr); int* uv_idx_ptr = static_cast(uv_idx_buf.ptr); vector vtx_mask(vtx_num, 0.0f); vector> vtx_color(vtx_num, vector(texture_channel, 0.0f)); vector uncolored_vtxs; vector> G(vtx_num); for (int i = 0; i < uv_idx_buf.shape[0]; ++i) { for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k) { int vtx_uv_idx = uv_idx_ptr[i * 3 + k]; int vtx_idx = pos_idx_ptr[i * 3 + k]; int uv_v = round(vtx_uv_ptr[vtx_uv_idx * 2] * (texture_width - 1)); int uv_u = round((1.0 - vtx_uv_ptr[vtx_uv_idx * 2 + 1]) * (texture_height - 1)); if (mask_ptr[uv_u * texture_width + uv_v] > 0) { vtx_mask[vtx_idx] = 1.0f; for (int c = 0; c < texture_channel; ++c) { vtx_color[vtx_idx][c] = texture_ptr[(uv_u * texture_width + uv_v) * texture_channel + c]; } }else{ uncolored_vtxs.push_back(vtx_idx); } G[pos_idx_ptr[i * 3 + k]].push_back(pos_idx_ptr[i * 3 + (k + 1) % 3]); } } int smooth_count = 2; int last_uncolored_vtx_count = 0; while (smooth_count>0) { int uncolored_vtx_count = 0; for (int vtx_idx : uncolored_vtxs) { vector sum_color(texture_channel, 0.0f); float total_weight = 0.0f; array vtx_0 = {vtx_pos_ptr[vtx_idx * 3], vtx_pos_ptr[vtx_idx * 3 + 1], vtx_pos_ptr[vtx_idx * 3 + 2]}; for (int connected_idx : G[vtx_idx]) { if (vtx_mask[connected_idx] > 0) { array vtx1 = {vtx_pos_ptr[connected_idx * 3], vtx_pos_ptr[connected_idx * 3 + 1], vtx_pos_ptr[connected_idx * 3 + 2]}; float dist_weight = 1.0f / max(sqrt(pow(vtx_0[0] - vtx1[0], 2) + pow(vtx_0[1] - vtx1[1], 2) + \ pow(vtx_0[2] - vtx1[2], 2)), 1E-4); dist_weight = dist_weight * dist_weight; for (int c = 0; c < texture_channel; ++c) { sum_color[c] += vtx_color[connected_idx][c] * dist_weight; } total_weight += dist_weight; } } if (total_weight > 0.0f) { for (int c = 0; c < texture_channel; ++c) { vtx_color[vtx_idx][c] = sum_color[c] / total_weight; } vtx_mask[vtx_idx] = 1.0f; } else { uncolored_vtx_count++; } } if(last_uncolored_vtx_count==uncolored_vtx_count){ smooth_count--; }else{ smooth_count++; } last_uncolored_vtx_count = uncolored_vtx_count; } // Create new arrays for the output py::array_t new_texture(texture_buf.size); py::array_t new_mask(mask_buf.size); auto new_texture_buf = new_texture.request(); auto new_mask_buf = new_mask.request(); float* new_texture_ptr = static_cast(new_texture_buf.ptr); uint8_t* new_mask_ptr = static_cast(new_mask_buf.ptr); // Copy original texture and mask to new arrays std::copy(texture_ptr, texture_ptr + texture_buf.size, new_texture_ptr); std::copy(mask_ptr, mask_ptr + mask_buf.size, new_mask_ptr); for (int face_idx = 0; face_idx < uv_idx_buf.shape[0]; ++face_idx) { for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k) { int vtx_uv_idx = uv_idx_ptr[face_idx * 3 + k]; int vtx_idx = pos_idx_ptr[face_idx * 3 + k]; if (vtx_mask[vtx_idx] == 1.0f) { int uv_v = round(vtx_uv_ptr[vtx_uv_idx * 2] * (texture_width - 1)); int uv_u = round((1.0 - vtx_uv_ptr[vtx_uv_idx * 2 + 1]) * (texture_height - 1)); for (int c = 0; c < texture_channel; ++c) { new_texture_ptr[(uv_u * texture_width + uv_v) * texture_channel + c] = vtx_color[vtx_idx][c]; } new_mask_ptr[uv_u * texture_width + uv_v] = 255; } } } // Reshape the new arrays to match the original texture and mask shapes new_texture.resize({texture_height, texture_width, 3}); new_mask.resize({texture_height, texture_width}); return std::make_pair(new_texture, new_mask); } std::pair, py::array_t> meshVerticeInpaint(py::array_t texture, py::array_t mask, py::array_t vtx_pos, py::array_t vtx_uv, py::array_t pos_idx, py::array_t uv_idx, const std::string& method = "smooth") { if (method == "smooth") { return meshVerticeInpaint_smooth(texture, mask, vtx_pos, vtx_uv, pos_idx, uv_idx); } else { throw std::invalid_argument("Invalid method. Use 'smooth' or 'forward'."); } } PYBIND11_MODULE(mesh_processor, m) { m.def("meshVerticeInpaint", &meshVerticeInpaint, "A function to process mesh", py::arg("texture"), py::arg("mask"), py::arg("vtx_pos"), py::arg("vtx_uv"), py::arg("pos_idx"), py::arg("uv_idx"), py::arg("method") = "smooth"); }