<script lang="ts"> import { toast } from 'svelte-sonner'; import { goto, invalidate, invalidateAll } from '$app/navigation'; import { onMount, getContext, createEventDispatcher, tick, onDestroy } from 'svelte'; const i18n = getContext('i18n'); const dispatch = createEventDispatcher(); import { archiveChatById, cloneChatById, deleteChatById, getAllTags, getChatById, getChatList, getChatListByTagName, getPinnedChatList, updateChatById } from '$lib/apis/chats'; import { chatId, chatTitle as _chatTitle, chats, mobile, pinnedChats, showSidebar, currentChatPage, tags } from '$lib/stores'; import ChatMenu from './ChatMenu.svelte'; import DeleteConfirmDialog from '$lib/components/common/ConfirmDialog.svelte'; import ShareChatModal from '$lib/components/chat/ShareChatModal.svelte'; import GarbageBin from '$lib/components/icons/GarbageBin.svelte'; import Tooltip from '$lib/components/common/Tooltip.svelte'; import ArchiveBox from '$lib/components/icons/ArchiveBox.svelte'; import DragGhost from '$lib/components/common/DragGhost.svelte'; import Check from '$lib/components/icons/Check.svelte'; import XMark from '$lib/components/icons/XMark.svelte'; import Document from '$lib/components/icons/Document.svelte'; export let className = ''; export let id; export let title; export let selected = false; export let shiftKey = false; let chat = null; let mouseOver = false; let draggable = false; $: if (mouseOver) { loadChat(); } const loadChat = async () => { if (!chat) { draggable = false; chat = await getChatById(localStorage.token, id); draggable = true; } }; let showShareChatModal = false; let confirmEdit = false; let chatTitle = title; const editChatTitle = async (id, title) => { if (title === '') { toast.error($i18n.t('Title cannot be an empty string.')); } else { await updateChatById(localStorage.token, id, { title: title }); if (id === $chatId) { _chatTitle.set(title); } currentChatPage.set(1); await chats.set(await getChatList(localStorage.token, $currentChatPage)); await pinnedChats.set(await getPinnedChatList(localStorage.token)); } }; const cloneChatHandler = async (id) => { const res = await cloneChatById(localStorage.token, id).catch((error) => { toast.error(error); return null; }); if (res) { goto(`/c/${res.id}`); currentChatPage.set(1); await chats.set(await getChatList(localStorage.token, $currentChatPage)); await pinnedChats.set(await getPinnedChatList(localStorage.token)); } }; const deleteChatHandler = async (id) => { const res = await deleteChatById(localStorage.token, id).catch((error) => { toast.error(error); return null; }); if (res) { tags.set(await getAllTags(localStorage.token)); if ($chatId === id) { await chatId.set(''); await tick(); goto('/'); } dispatch('change'); } }; const archiveChatHandler = async (id) => { await archiveChatById(localStorage.token, id); dispatch('change'); }; const focusEdit = async (node: HTMLInputElement) => { node.focus(); }; let itemElement; let dragged = false; let x = 0; let y = 0; const dragImage = new Image(); dragImage.src = ''; const onDragStart = (event) => { event.stopPropagation(); event.dataTransfer.setDragImage(dragImage, 0, 0); // Set the data to be transferred event.dataTransfer.setData( 'text/plain', JSON.stringify({ type: 'chat', id: id, item: chat }) ); dragged = true; itemElement.style.opacity = '0.5'; // Optional: Visual cue to show it's being dragged }; const onDrag = (event) => { event.stopPropagation(); x = event.clientX; y = event.clientY; }; const onDragEnd = (event) => { event.stopPropagation(); itemElement.style.opacity = '1'; // Reset visual cue after drag dragged = false; }; onMount(() => { if (itemElement) { // Event listener for when dragging starts itemElement.addEventListener('dragstart', onDragStart); // Event listener for when dragging occurs (optional) itemElement.addEventListener('drag', onDrag); // Event listener for when dragging ends itemElement.addEventListener('dragend', onDragEnd); } }); onDestroy(() => { if (itemElement) { itemElement.removeEventListener('dragstart', onDragStart); itemElement.removeEventListener('drag', onDrag); itemElement.removeEventListener('dragend', onDragEnd); } }); let showDeleteConfirm = false; </script> <ShareChatModal bind:show={showShareChatModal} chatId={id} /> <DeleteConfirmDialog bind:show={showDeleteConfirm} title={$i18n.t('Delete chat?')} on:confirm={() => { deleteChatHandler(id); }} > <div class=" text-sm text-gray-500 flex-1 line-clamp-3"> {$i18n.t('This will delete')} <span class=" font-semibold">{title}</span>. </div> </DeleteConfirmDialog> {#if dragged && x && y} <DragGhost {x} {y}> <div class=" bg-black/80 backdrop-blur-2xl px-2 py-1 rounded-lg w-fit max-w-40"> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <Document className=" size-[18px]" strokeWidth="2" /> <div class=" text-xs text-white line-clamp-1"> {title} </div> </div> </div> </DragGhost> {/if} <div bind:this={itemElement} class=" w-full {className} relative group" {draggable}> {#if confirmEdit} <div class=" w-full flex justify-between rounded-lg px-[11px] py-[6px] {id === $chatId || confirmEdit ? 'bg-gray-200 dark:bg-gray-900' : selected ? 'bg-gray-100 dark:bg-gray-950' : 'group-hover:bg-gray-100 dark:group-hover:bg-gray-950'} whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis" > <input use:focusEdit bind:value={chatTitle} class=" bg-transparent w-full outline-none mr-10" /> </div> {:else} <a class=" w-full flex justify-between rounded-lg px-[11px] py-[6px] {id === $chatId || confirmEdit ? 'bg-gray-200 dark:bg-gray-900' : selected ? 'bg-gray-100 dark:bg-gray-950' : ' group-hover:bg-gray-100 dark:group-hover:bg-gray-950'} whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis" href="/c/{id}" on:click={() => { dispatch('select'); if ($mobile) { showSidebar.set(false); } }} on:dblclick={() => { chatTitle = title; confirmEdit = true; }} on:mouseenter={(e) => { mouseOver = true; }} on:mouseleave={(e) => { mouseOver = false; }} on:focus={(e) => {}} draggable="false" > <div class=" flex self-center flex-1 w-full"> <div class=" text-left self-center overflow-hidden w-full h-[20px]"> {title} </div> </div> </a> {/if} <!-- svelte-ignore a11y-no-static-element-interactions --> <div class=" {id === $chatId || confirmEdit ? 'from-gray-200 dark:from-gray-900' : selected ? 'from-gray-100 dark:from-gray-950' : 'invisible group-hover:visible from-gray-100 dark:from-gray-950'} absolute {className === 'pr-2' ? 'right-[8px]' : 'right-0'} top-[4px] py-1 pr-0.5 mr-1.5 pl-5 bg-gradient-to-l from-80% to-transparent" on:mouseenter={(e) => { mouseOver = true; }} on:mouseleave={(e) => { mouseOver = false; }} > {#if confirmEdit} <div class="flex self-center items-center space-x-1.5 z-10 translate-y-[0.5px] -translate-x-[0.5px]" > <Tooltip content={$i18n.t('Confirm')}> <button class=" self-center dark:hover:text-white transition" on:click={() => { editChatTitle(id, chatTitle); confirmEdit = false; chatTitle = ''; }} > <Check className=" size-3.5" strokeWidth="2.5" /> </button> </Tooltip> <Tooltip content={$i18n.t('Cancel')}> <button class=" self-center dark:hover:text-white transition" on:click={() => { confirmEdit = false; chatTitle = ''; }} > <XMark strokeWidth="2.5" /> </button> </Tooltip> </div> {:else if shiftKey && mouseOver} <div class=" flex items-center self-center space-x-1.5"> <Tooltip content={$i18n.t('Archive')} className="flex items-center"> <button class=" self-center dark:hover:text-white transition" on:click={() => { archiveChatHandler(id); }} type="button" > <ArchiveBox className="size-4 translate-y-[0.5px]" strokeWidth="2" /> </button> </Tooltip> <Tooltip content={$i18n.t('Delete')}> <button class=" self-center dark:hover:text-white transition" on:click={() => { deleteChatHandler(id); }} type="button" > <GarbageBin strokeWidth="2" /> </button> </Tooltip> </div> {:else} <div class="flex self-center space-x-1 z-10"> <ChatMenu chatId={id} cloneChatHandler={() => { cloneChatHandler(id); }} shareHandler={() => { showShareChatModal = true; }} archiveChatHandler={() => { archiveChatHandler(id); }} renameHandler={() => { chatTitle = title; confirmEdit = true; }} deleteHandler={() => { showDeleteConfirm = true; }} onClose={() => { dispatch('unselect'); }} on:change={async () => { dispatch('change'); }} on:tag={(e) => { dispatch('tag', e.detail); }} > <button aria-label="Chat Menu" class=" self-center dark:hover:text-white transition" on:click={() => { dispatch('select'); }} > <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="currentColor" class="w-4 h-4" > <path d="M2 8a1.5 1.5 0 1 1 3 0 1.5 1.5 0 0 1-3 0ZM6.5 8a1.5 1.5 0 1 1 3 0 1.5 1.5 0 0 1-3 0ZM12.5 6.5a1.5 1.5 0 1 0 0 3 1.5 1.5 0 0 0 0-3Z" /> </svg> </button> </ChatMenu> {#if id === $chatId} <!-- Shortcut support using "delete-chat-button" id --> <button id="delete-chat-button" class="hidden" on:click={() => { showDeleteConfirm = true; }} > <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="currentColor" class="w-4 h-4" > <path d="M2 8a1.5 1.5 0 1 1 3 0 1.5 1.5 0 0 1-3 0ZM6.5 8a1.5 1.5 0 1 1 3 0 1.5 1.5 0 0 1-3 0ZM12.5 6.5a1.5 1.5 0 1 0 0 3 1.5 1.5 0 0 0 0-3Z" /> </svg> </button> {/if} </div> {/if} </div> </div>