# Ultralytics YOLO π, AGPL-3.0 license | |
# Builds ultralytics/ultralytics:latest-jupyter image on DockerHub | |
# Image provides JupyterLab interface for interactive YOLO development and includes tutorial notebooks | |
# Start from Python-based Ultralytics image for full Python environment | |
FROM ultralytics/ultralytics:latest-python | |
# Install JupyterLab for interactive development | |
RUN uv pip install --system jupyterlab | |
# Create persistent data directory structure | |
RUN mkdir /data | |
# Configure YOLO directories | |
RUN mkdir /data/{datasets,weights,runs} && \ | |
yolo settings datasets_dir="/data/datasets" weights_dir="/data/weights" runs_dir="/data/runs" | |
# Start JupyterLab with tutorial notebook | |
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/jupyter", "lab", "--allow-root", "--ip=*", "/ultralytics/examples/tutorial.ipynb"] | |
# Usage Examples ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
# Build and Push | |
# t=ultralytics/ultralytics:latest-jupyter && sudo docker build -f docker/Dockerfile-jupyter -t $t . && sudo docker push $t | |
# Run | |
# t=ultralytics/ultralytics:latest-jupyter && sudo docker run -it --ipc=host -p 8888:8888 $t | |
# Pull and Run | |
# t=ultralytics/ultralytics:latest-jupyter && sudo docker pull $t && sudo docker run -it --ipc=host -p 8888:8888 $t | |
# Pull and Run with local volume mounted | |
# t=ultralytics/ultralytics:latest-jupyter && sudo docker pull $t && sudo docker run -it --ipc=host -p 8888:8888 -v "$(pwd)"/datasets:/data/datasets $t | |