import copy import json import os import os.path as osp import queue import secrets import threading import time from datetime import datetime from glob import glob from pathlib import Path from typing import Literal import gradio as gr import httpx import imageio.v3 as iio import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn.functional as F import tyro import viser import viser.transforms as vt from einops import rearrange from gradio import networking from gradio.context import LocalContext from gradio.tunneling import CERTIFICATE_PATH, Tunnel from seva.eval import ( IS_TORCH_NIGHTLY, chunk_input_and_test, create_transforms_simple, infer_prior_stats, run_one_scene, transform_img_and_K, ) from seva.geometry import ( DEFAULT_FOV_RAD, get_default_intrinsics, get_preset_pose_fov, normalize_scene, ) from seva.gui import define_gui from seva.model import SGMWrapper from seva.modules.autoencoder import AutoEncoder from seva.modules.conditioner import CLIPConditioner from seva.modules.preprocessor import Dust3rPipeline from seva.sampling import DDPMDiscretization, DiscreteDenoiser from seva.utils import load_model device = "cuda:0" # Constants. WORK_DIR = "work_dirs/demo_gr" MAX_SESSIONS = 1 ADVANCE_EXAMPLE_MAP = [ ( "assets/advance/blue-car.jpg", ["assets/advance/blue-car.jpg"], ), ( "assets/advance/garden-4_0.jpg", [ "assets/advance/garden-4_0.jpg", "assets/advance/garden-4_1.jpg", "assets/advance/garden-4_2.jpg", "assets/advance/garden-4_3.jpg", ], ), ( "assets/advance/vgg-lab-4_0.png", [ "assets/advance/vgg-lab-4_0.png", "assets/advance/vgg-lab-4_1.png", "assets/advance/vgg-lab-4_2.png", "assets/advance/vgg-lab-4_3.png", ], ), ( "assets/advance/telebooth-2_0.jpg", [ "assets/advance/telebooth-2_0.jpg", "assets/advance/telebooth-2_1.jpg", ], ), ( "assets/advance/backyard-7_0.jpg", [ "assets/advance/backyard-7_0.jpg", "assets/advance/backyard-7_1.jpg", "assets/advance/backyard-7_2.jpg", "assets/advance/backyard-7_3.jpg", "assets/advance/backyard-7_4.jpg", "assets/advance/backyard-7_5.jpg", "assets/advance/backyard-7_6.jpg", ], ), ] if IS_TORCH_NIGHTLY: COMPILE = True os.environ["TORCHINDUCTOR_AUTOGRAD_CACHE"] = "1" os.environ["TORCHINDUCTOR_FX_GRAPH_CACHE"] = "1" else: COMPILE = False # Shared global variables across sessions. DUST3R = Dust3rPipeline(device=device) # type: ignore MODEL = SGMWrapper(load_model(device="cpu", verbose=True).eval()).to(device) AE = AutoEncoder(chunk_size=1).to(device) CONDITIONER = CLIPConditioner().to(device) DISCRETIZATION = DDPMDiscretization() DENOISER = DiscreteDenoiser(discretization=DISCRETIZATION, num_idx=1000, device=device) VERSION_DICT = { "H": 576, "W": 576, "T": 21, "C": 4, "f": 8, "options": {}, } SERVERS = {} ABORT_EVENTS = {} if COMPILE: MODEL = torch.compile(MODEL) CONDITIONER = torch.compile(CONDITIONER) AE = torch.compile(AE) class SevaRenderer(object): def __init__(self, server: viser.ViserServer): self.server = server self.gui_state = None def preprocess( self, input_img_path_or_tuples: list[tuple[str, None]] | str ) -> tuple[dict, dict, dict]: # Simply hardcode these such that aspect ratio is always kept and # shorter side is resized to 576. This is only to make GUI option fewer # though, changing it still works. shorter: int = 576 # Has to be 64 multiple for the network. shorter = round(shorter / 64) * 64 if isinstance(input_img_path_or_tuples, str): # Assume `Basic` demo mode: just hardcode the camera parameters and ignore points. input_imgs = torch.as_tensor( iio.imread(input_img_path_or_tuples) / 255.0, dtype=torch.float32 )[None, ..., :3] input_imgs = transform_img_and_K( input_imgs.permute(0, 3, 1, 2), shorter, K=None, size_stride=64, )[0].permute(0, 2, 3, 1) input_Ks = get_default_intrinsics( aspect_ratio=input_imgs.shape[2] / input_imgs.shape[1] ) input_c2ws = torch.eye(4)[None] # Simulate a small time interval such that gradio can update # propgress properly. time.sleep(0.1) return ( { "input_imgs": input_imgs, "input_Ks": input_Ks, "input_c2ws": input_c2ws, "input_wh": (input_imgs.shape[2], input_imgs.shape[1]), "points": [np.zeros((0, 3))], "point_colors": [np.zeros((0, 3))], "scene_scale": 1.0, }, gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(), ) else: # Assume `Advance` demo mode: use dust3r to extract camera parameters and points. img_paths = [p for (p, _) in input_img_path_or_tuples] ( input_imgs, input_Ks, input_c2ws, points, point_colors, ) = DUST3R.infer_cameras_and_points(img_paths) num_inputs = len(img_paths) if num_inputs == 1: input_imgs, input_Ks, input_c2ws, points, point_colors = ( input_imgs[:1], input_Ks[:1], input_c2ws[:1], points[:1], point_colors[:1], ) input_imgs = [img[..., :3] for img in input_imgs] # Normalize the scene. point_chunks = [p.shape[0] for p in points] point_indices = np.cumsum(point_chunks)[:-1] input_c2ws, points, _ = normalize_scene( # type: ignore input_c2ws, np.concatenate(points, 0), camera_center_method="poses", ) points = np.split(points, point_indices, 0) # Scale camera and points for viewport visualization. scene_scale = np.median( np.ptp(np.concatenate([input_c2ws[:, :3, 3], *points], 0), -1) ) input_c2ws[:, :3, 3] /= scene_scale points = [point / scene_scale for point in points] input_imgs = [ torch.as_tensor(img / 255.0, dtype=torch.float32) for img in input_imgs ] input_Ks = torch.as_tensor(input_Ks) input_c2ws = torch.as_tensor(input_c2ws) new_input_imgs, new_input_Ks = [], [] for img, K in zip(input_imgs, input_Ks): img = rearrange(img, "h w c -> 1 c h w") # If you don't want to keep aspect ratio and want to always center crop, use this: # img, K = transform_img_and_K(img, (shorter, shorter), K=K[None]) img, K = transform_img_and_K(img, shorter, K=K[None], size_stride=64) assert isinstance(K, torch.Tensor) K = K / K.new_tensor([img.shape[-1], img.shape[-2], 1])[:, None] new_input_imgs.append(img) new_input_Ks.append(K) input_imgs =, 0) input_imgs = rearrange(input_imgs, "b c h w -> b h w c")[..., :3] input_Ks =, 0) return ( { "input_imgs": input_imgs, "input_Ks": input_Ks, "input_c2ws": input_c2ws, "input_wh": (input_imgs.shape[2], input_imgs.shape[1]), "points": points, "point_colors": point_colors, "scene_scale": scene_scale, }, gr.update(visible=False), gr.update() if num_inputs <= 10 else gr.update(choices=["interp"], value="interp"), ) def visualize_scene(self, preprocessed: dict): server = self.server server.scene.reset() server.gui.reset() set_bkgd_color(server) ( input_imgs, input_Ks, input_c2ws, input_wh, points, point_colors, scene_scale, ) = ( preprocessed["input_imgs"], preprocessed["input_Ks"], preprocessed["input_c2ws"], preprocessed["input_wh"], preprocessed["points"], preprocessed["point_colors"], preprocessed["scene_scale"], ) W, H = input_wh server.scene.set_up_direction(-input_c2ws[..., :3, 1].mean(0).numpy()) # Use first image as default fov. assert input_imgs[0].shape[:2] == (H, W) if H > W: init_fov = 2 * np.arctan(1 / (2 * input_Ks[0, 0, 0].item())) else: init_fov = 2 * np.arctan(1 / (2 * input_Ks[0, 1, 1].item())) init_fov_deg = float(init_fov / np.pi * 180.0) frustum_nodes, pcd_nodes = [], [] for i in range(len(input_imgs)): K = input_Ks[i] frustum = server.scene.add_camera_frustum( f"/scene_assets/cameras/{i}", fov=2 * np.arctan(1 / (2 * K[1, 1].item())), aspect=W / H, scale=0.1 * scene_scale, image=(input_imgs[i].numpy() * 255.0).astype(np.uint8), wxyz=vt.SO3.from_matrix(input_c2ws[i, :3, :3].numpy()).wxyz, position=input_c2ws[i, :3, 3].numpy(), ) def get_handler(frustum): def handler(event: viser.GuiEvent) -> None: assert event.client_id is not None client = server.get_clients()[event.client_id] with client.atomic(): = frustum.position = frustum.wxyz # Set look_at as the projected origin onto the # frustum's forward direction. look_direction = vt.SO3(frustum.wxyz).as_matrix()[:, 2] position_origin = -frustum.position = ( frustum.position +, position_origin) / np.linalg.norm(position_origin) * look_direction ) return handler frustum.on_click(get_handler(frustum)) # type: ignore frustum_nodes.append(frustum) pcd = server.scene.add_point_cloud( f"/scene_assets/points/{i}", points[i], point_colors[i], point_size=0.01 * scene_scale, point_shape="circle", ) pcd_nodes.append(pcd) with server.gui.add_folder("Scene scale", expand_by_default=False, order=200): camera_scale_slider = server.gui.add_slider( "Log camera scale", initial_value=0.0, min=-2.0, max=2.0, step=0.1 ) @camera_scale_slider.on_update def _(_) -> None: for i in range(len(frustum_nodes)): frustum_nodes[i].scale = ( 0.1 * scene_scale * 10**camera_scale_slider.value ) point_scale_slider = server.gui.add_slider( "Log point scale", initial_value=0.0, min=-2.0, max=2.0, step=0.1 ) @point_scale_slider.on_update def _(_) -> None: for i in range(len(pcd_nodes)): pcd_nodes[i].point_size = ( 0.01 * scene_scale * 10**point_scale_slider.value ) self.gui_state = define_gui( server, init_fov=init_fov_deg, img_wh=input_wh, scene_scale=scene_scale, ) def get_target_c2ws_and_Ks_from_gui(self, preprocessed: dict): input_wh = preprocessed["input_wh"] W, H = input_wh gui_state = self.gui_state assert gui_state is not None and gui_state.camera_traj_list is not None target_c2ws, target_Ks = [], [] for item in gui_state.camera_traj_list: target_c2ws.append(item["w2c"]) assert item["img_wh"] == input_wh K = np.array(item["K"]).reshape(3, 3) / np.array([W, H, 1])[:, None] target_Ks.append(K) target_c2ws = torch.as_tensor( np.linalg.inv(np.array(target_c2ws).reshape(-1, 4, 4)) ) target_Ks = torch.as_tensor(np.array(target_Ks).reshape(-1, 3, 3)) return target_c2ws, target_Ks def get_target_c2ws_and_Ks_from_preset( self, preprocessed: dict, preset_traj: Literal[ "orbit", "spiral", "lemniscate", "zoom-in", "zoom-out", "dolly zoom-in", "dolly zoom-out", "move-forward", "move-backward", "move-up", "move-down", "move-left", "move-right", ], num_frames: int, zoom_factor: float | None, ): img_wh = preprocessed["input_wh"] start_c2w = preprocessed["input_c2ws"][0] start_w2c = torch.linalg.inv(start_c2w) look_at = torch.tensor([0, 0, 10]) start_fov = DEFAULT_FOV_RAD target_c2ws, target_fovs = get_preset_pose_fov( preset_traj, num_frames, start_w2c, look_at, -start_c2w[:3, 1], start_fov, spiral_radii=[1.0, 1.0, 0.5], zoom_factor=zoom_factor, ) target_c2ws = torch.as_tensor(target_c2ws) target_fovs = torch.as_tensor(target_fovs) target_Ks = get_default_intrinsics( target_fovs, # type: ignore aspect_ratio=img_wh[0] / img_wh[1], ) return target_c2ws, target_Ks def export_output_data(self, preprocessed: dict, output_dir: str): input_imgs, input_Ks, input_c2ws, input_wh = ( preprocessed["input_imgs"], preprocessed["input_Ks"], preprocessed["input_c2ws"], preprocessed["input_wh"], ) target_c2ws, target_Ks = self.get_target_c2ws_and_Ks_from_gui(preprocessed) num_inputs = len(input_imgs) num_targets = len(target_c2ws) input_imgs = (input_imgs.cpu().numpy() * 255.0).astype(np.uint8) input_c2ws = input_c2ws.cpu().numpy() input_Ks = input_Ks.cpu().numpy() target_c2ws = target_c2ws.cpu().numpy() target_Ks = target_Ks.cpu().numpy() img_whs = np.array(input_wh)[None].repeat(len(input_imgs) + len(target_Ks), 0) os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) img_paths = [] for i, img in enumerate(input_imgs): iio.imwrite(img_path := osp.join(output_dir, f"{i:03d}.png"), img) img_paths.append(img_path) for i in range(num_targets): iio.imwrite( img_path := osp.join(output_dir, f"{i + num_inputs:03d}.png"), np.zeros((input_wh[1], input_wh[0], 3), dtype=np.uint8), ) img_paths.append(img_path) # Convert from OpenCV to OpenGL camera format. all_c2ws = np.concatenate([input_c2ws, target_c2ws]) all_Ks = np.concatenate([input_Ks, target_Ks]) all_c2ws = all_c2ws @ np.diag([1, -1, -1, 1]) create_transforms_simple(output_dir, img_paths, img_whs, all_c2ws, all_Ks) split_dict = { "train_ids": list(range(num_inputs)), "test_ids": list(range(num_inputs, num_inputs + num_targets)), } with open( osp.join(output_dir, f"train_test_split_{num_inputs}.json"), "w" ) as f: json.dump(split_dict, f, indent=4) gr.Info(f"Output data saved to {output_dir}", duration=1) def render( self, preprocessed: dict, session_hash: str, seed: int, chunk_strategy: str, cfg: float, preset_traj: Literal[ "orbit", "spiral", "lemniscate", "zoom-in", "zoom-out", "dolly zoom-in", "dolly zoom-out", "move-forward", "move-backward", "move-up", "move-down", "move-left", "move-right", ] | None, num_frames: int | None, zoom_factor: float | None, camera_scale: float, ): render_name ="%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") render_dir = osp.join(WORK_DIR, render_name) input_imgs, input_Ks, input_c2ws, (W, H) = ( preprocessed["input_imgs"], preprocessed["input_Ks"], preprocessed["input_c2ws"], preprocessed["input_wh"], ) num_inputs = len(input_imgs) if preset_traj is None: target_c2ws, target_Ks = self.get_target_c2ws_and_Ks_from_gui(preprocessed) else: assert num_frames is not None assert num_inputs == 1 input_c2ws = torch.eye(4)[None].to(dtype=input_c2ws.dtype) target_c2ws, target_Ks = self.get_target_c2ws_and_Ks_from_preset( preprocessed, preset_traj, num_frames, zoom_factor ) all_c2ws =[input_c2ws, target_c2ws], 0) all_Ks = ([input_Ks, target_Ks], 0) * input_Ks.new_tensor([W, H, 1])[:, None] ) num_targets = len(target_c2ws) input_indices = list(range(num_inputs)) target_indices = np.arange(num_inputs, num_inputs + num_targets).tolist() # Get anchor cameras. T = VERSION_DICT["T"] version_dict = copy.deepcopy(VERSION_DICT) num_anchors = infer_prior_stats( T, num_inputs, num_total_frames=num_targets, version_dict=version_dict, ) # infer_prior_stats modifies T in-place. T = version_dict["T"] assert isinstance(num_anchors, int) anchor_indices = np.linspace( num_inputs, num_inputs + num_targets - 1, num_anchors, ).tolist() anchor_c2ws = all_c2ws[[round(ind) for ind in anchor_indices]] anchor_Ks = all_Ks[[round(ind) for ind in anchor_indices]] # Create image conditioning. all_imgs_np = ( F.pad(input_imgs, (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, num_targets), value=0.0).numpy() * 255.0 ).astype(np.uint8) image_cond = { "img": all_imgs_np, "input_indices": input_indices, "prior_indices": anchor_indices, } # Create camera conditioning (K is unnormalized). camera_cond = { "c2w": all_c2ws, "K": all_Ks, "input_indices": list(range(num_inputs + num_targets)), } # Run rendering. num_steps = 50 options_ori = VERSION_DICT["options"] options = copy.deepcopy(options_ori) options["chunk_strategy"] = chunk_strategy options["video_save_fps"] = 30.0 options["beta_linear_start"] = 5e-6 options["log_snr_shift"] = 2.4 options["guider_types"] = [1, 2] options["cfg"] = [ float(cfg), 3.0 if num_inputs >= 9 else 2.0, ] # We define semi-dense-view regime to have 9 input views. options["camera_scale"] = camera_scale options["num_steps"] = num_steps options["cfg_min"] = 1.2 options["encoding_t"] = 1 options["decoding_t"] = 1 assert session_hash in ABORT_EVENTS abort_event = ABORT_EVENTS[session_hash] abort_event.clear() options["abort_event"] = abort_event task = "img2trajvid" # Get number of first pass chunks. T_first_pass = T[0] if isinstance(T, (list, tuple)) else T chunk_strategy_first_pass = options.get( "chunk_strategy_first_pass", "gt-nearest" ) num_chunks_0 = len( chunk_input_and_test( T_first_pass, input_c2ws, anchor_c2ws, input_indices, image_cond["prior_indices"], options={**options, "sampler_verbose": False}, task=task, chunk_strategy=chunk_strategy_first_pass, gt_input_inds=list(range(input_c2ws.shape[0])), )[1] ) # Get number of second pass chunks. anchor_argsort = np.argsort(input_indices + anchor_indices).tolist() anchor_indices = np.array(input_indices + anchor_indices)[ anchor_argsort ].tolist() gt_input_inds = [anchor_argsort.index(i) for i in range(input_c2ws.shape[0])] anchor_c2ws_second_pass =[input_c2ws, anchor_c2ws], dim=0)[ anchor_argsort ] T_second_pass = T[1] if isinstance(T, (list, tuple)) else T chunk_strategy = options.get("chunk_strategy", "nearest") num_chunks_1 = len( chunk_input_and_test( T_second_pass, anchor_c2ws_second_pass, target_c2ws, anchor_indices, target_indices, options={**options, "sampler_verbose": False}, task=task, chunk_strategy=chunk_strategy, gt_input_inds=gt_input_inds, )[1] ) second_pass_pbar = gr.Progress().tqdm( iterable=None, desc="Second pass sampling", total=num_chunks_1 * num_steps, ) first_pass_pbar = gr.Progress().tqdm( iterable=None, desc="First pass sampling", total=num_chunks_0 * num_steps, ) video_path_generator = run_one_scene( task=task, version_dict={ "H": H, "W": W, "T": T, "C": VERSION_DICT["C"], "f": VERSION_DICT["f"], "options": options, }, model=MODEL, ae=AE, conditioner=CONDITIONER, denoiser=DENOISER, image_cond=image_cond, camera_cond=camera_cond, save_path=render_dir, use_traj_prior=True, traj_prior_c2ws=anchor_c2ws, traj_prior_Ks=anchor_Ks, seed=seed, gradio=True, first_pass_pbar=first_pass_pbar, second_pass_pbar=second_pass_pbar, abort_event=abort_event, ) output_queue = queue.Queue() blocks = LocalContext.blocks.get() event_id = LocalContext.event_id.get() def worker(): # gradio doesn't support threading with progress intentionally, so # we need to hack this. LocalContext.blocks.set(blocks) LocalContext.event_id.set(event_id) for i, video_path in enumerate(video_path_generator): if i == 0: output_queue.put( ( video_path, gr.update(), gr.update(), gr.update(), ) ) elif i == 1: output_queue.put( ( video_path, gr.update(visible=True), gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=False), ) ) else: gr.Error("More than two passes during rendering.") thread = threading.Thread(target=worker, daemon=True) thread.start() while thread.is_alive() or not output_queue.empty(): if abort_event.is_set(): thread.join() abort_event.clear() yield ( gr.update(), gr.update(visible=True), gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=False), ) time.sleep(0.1) while not output_queue.empty(): yield output_queue.get() # This is basically a copy of the original `networking.setup_tunnel` function, # but it also returns the tunnel object for proper cleanup. def setup_tunnel( local_host: str, local_port: int, share_token: str, share_server_address: str | None ) -> tuple[str, Tunnel]: share_server_address = ( networking.GRADIO_SHARE_SERVER_ADDRESS if share_server_address is None else share_server_address ) if share_server_address is None: try: response = httpx.get(networking.GRADIO_API_SERVER, timeout=30) payload = response.json()[0] remote_host, remote_port = payload["host"], int(payload["port"]) certificate = payload["root_ca"] Path(CERTIFICATE_PATH).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(CERTIFICATE_PATH, "w") as f: f.write(certificate) except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError( "Could not get share link from Gradio API Server." ) from e else: remote_host, remote_port = share_server_address.split(":") remote_port = int(remote_port) tunnel = Tunnel(remote_host, remote_port, local_host, local_port, share_token) address = tunnel.start_tunnel() return address, tunnel def set_bkgd_color(server: viser.ViserServer | viser.ClientHandle): server.scene.set_background_image(np.array([[[39, 39, 42]]], dtype=np.uint8)) def start_server_and_abort_event(request: gr.Request): server = viser.ViserServer() @server.on_client_connect def _(client: viser.ClientHandle): # Force dark mode that blends well with gradio's dark theme. client.gui.configure_theme( dark_mode=True, show_share_button=False, control_layout="collapsible", ) set_bkgd_color(client) print(f"Starting server {server.get_port()}") server_url, tunnel = setup_tunnel( local_host=server.get_host(), local_port=server.get_port(), share_token=secrets.token_urlsafe(32), share_server_address=None, ) SERVERS[request.session_hash] = (server, tunnel) if server_url is None: raise gr.Error( "Failed to get a viewport URL. Please check your network connection." ) # Give it enough time to start. time.sleep(1) ABORT_EVENTS[request.session_hash] = threading.Event() return ( SevaRenderer(server), gr.HTML( f'', container=True, ), request.session_hash, ) def stop_server_and_abort_event(request: gr.Request): if request.session_hash in SERVERS: print(f"Stopping server {request.session_hash}") server, tunnel = SERVERS.pop(request.session_hash) server.stop() tunnel.kill() if request.session_hash in ABORT_EVENTS: print(f"Setting abort event {request.session_hash}") ABORT_EVENTS[request.session_hash].set() # Give it enough time to abort jobs. time.sleep(5) ABORT_EVENTS.pop(request.session_hash) def set_abort_event(request: gr.Request): if request.session_hash in ABORT_EVENTS: print(f"Setting abort event {request.session_hash}") ABORT_EVENTS[request.session_hash].set() def get_advance_examples(selection: gr.SelectData): index = selection.index return ( gr.Gallery(ADVANCE_EXAMPLE_MAP[index][1], visible=True), gr.update(visible=True), gr.update(visible=True), gr.Gallery(visible=False), ) def get_preamble(): gr.Markdown(""" # Stable Virtual Camera Welcome to the demo of Stable Virtual Camera (Seva)! Given any number of input views and their cameras, this demo will allow you to generate novel views of a scene at any target camera of interest. We provide two ways to use our demo (selected by the tab below, documented [here]( 1. **[Basic](**: Given a single image, you can generate a video following one of our preset camera trajectories. 2. **[Advanced](**: Given any number of input images, you can generate a video following any camera trajectory of your choice by our key-frame-based interface. > This is a research preview and comes with a few [limitations]( > - Limited quality in certain subjects due to training data, including humans, animals, and dynamic textures. > - Limited quality in some highly ambiguous scenes and camera trajectories, including extreme views and collision into objects. """) # Make sure that gradio uses dark theme. _APP_JS = """ function refresh() { const url = new URL(window.location); if (url.searchParams.get('__theme') !== 'dark') { url.searchParams.set('__theme', 'dark'); } } """ def main(server_port: int | None = None, share: bool = True): with gr.Blocks(js=_APP_JS) as app: renderer = gr.State() session_hash = gr.State() _ = get_preamble() with gr.Tabs(): with gr.Tab("Basic"): render_btn = gr.Button("Render video", interactive=False, render=False) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): with gr.Group(): # Initially disable the Preprocess Images button until an image is selected. preprocess_btn = gr.Button("Preprocess images", interactive=False) preprocess_progress = gr.Textbox( label="", visible=False, interactive=False, ) with gr.Group(): input_imgs = gr.Image( type="filepath", label="Input", height=200, ) _ = gr.Examples( examples=sorted(glob("assets/basic/*")), inputs=[input_imgs], label="Example", ) chunk_strategy = gr.Dropdown( ["interp", "interp-gt"], label="Chunk strategy", render=False, ) preprocessed = gr.State() # Enable the Preprocess Images button only if an image is selected. input_imgs.change( lambda img: gr.update(interactive=bool(img)), inputs=input_imgs, outputs=preprocess_btn, ) lambda r, *args: [ *r.preprocess(*args), gr.update(interactive=True), ], inputs=[renderer, input_imgs], outputs=[ preprocessed, preprocess_progress, chunk_strategy, render_btn, ], show_progress_on=[preprocess_progress], concurrency_limit=1, concurrency_id="gpu_queue", ) lambda: gr.update(visible=True), outputs=[preprocess_progress], ) with gr.Row(): preset_traj = gr.Dropdown( choices=[ "orbit", "spiral", "lemniscate", "zoom-in", "zoom-out", "dolly zoom-in", "dolly zoom-out", "move-forward", "move-backward", "move-up", "move-down", "move-left", "move-right", ], label="Preset trajectory", value="orbit", ) num_frames = gr.Slider(30, 150, 80, label="#Frames") zoom_factor = gr.Slider( step=0.01, label="Zoom factor", visible=False ) with gr.Row(): seed = gr.Number(value=23, label="Random seed") chunk_strategy.render() cfg = gr.Slider(1.0, 7.0, value=4.0, label="CFG value") with gr.Row(): camera_scale = gr.Slider( 0.1, 15.0, value=2.0, label="Camera scale", ) def default_cfg_preset_traj(traj): # These are just some hand-tuned values that we # found work the best. if traj in ["zoom-out", "move-down"]: value = 5.0 elif traj in [ "orbit", "dolly zoom-out", "move-backward", "move-up", "move-left", "move-right", ]: value = 4.0 else: value = 3.0 return value preset_traj.change( default_cfg_preset_traj, inputs=[preset_traj], outputs=[cfg], ) preset_traj.change( lambda traj: gr.update( value=( 10.0 if "dolly" in traj or "pan" in traj else 2.0 ) ), inputs=[preset_traj], outputs=[camera_scale], ) def zoom_factor_preset_traj(traj): visible = traj in [ "zoom-in", "zoom-out", "dolly zoom-in", "dolly zoom-out", ] is_zoomin = traj.endswith("zoom-in") if is_zoomin: minimum = 0.1 maximum = 0.5 value = 0.28 else: minimum = 1.2 maximum = 3 value = 1.5 return gr.update( visible=visible, minimum=minimum, maximum=maximum, value=value, ) preset_traj.change( zoom_factor_preset_traj, inputs=[preset_traj], outputs=[zoom_factor], ) with gr.Column(): with gr.Group(): abort_btn = gr.Button("Abort rendering", visible=False) render_btn.render() render_progress = gr.Textbox( label="", visible=False, interactive=False ) output_video = gr.Video( label="Output", interactive=False, autoplay=True, loop=True ) lambda r, *args: (yield from r.render(*args)), inputs=[ renderer, preprocessed, session_hash, seed, chunk_strategy, cfg, preset_traj, num_frames, zoom_factor, camera_scale, ], outputs=[ output_video, render_btn, abort_btn, render_progress, ], show_progress_on=[render_progress], concurrency_id="gpu_queue", ) lambda: [ gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=True), gr.update(visible=True), ], outputs=[render_btn, abort_btn, render_progress], ) with gr.Tab("Advanced"): render_btn = gr.Button("Render video", interactive=False, render=False) viewport = gr.HTML(container=True, render=False) gr.Timer(0.1).tick( lambda renderer: gr.update( interactive=renderer is not None and renderer.gui_state is not None and renderer.gui_state.camera_traj_list is not None ), inputs=[renderer], outputs=[render_btn], ) with gr.Row(): viewport.render() with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): with gr.Group(): # Initially disable the Preprocess Images button until images are selected. preprocess_btn = gr.Button("Preprocess images", interactive=False) preprocess_progress = gr.Textbox( label="", visible=False, interactive=False, ) with gr.Group(): input_imgs = gr.Gallery( interactive=True, label="Input", columns=4, height=200, ) # Define example images (gradio doesn't support variable length # examples so we need to hack it). example_imgs = gr.Gallery( [e[0] for e in ADVANCE_EXAMPLE_MAP], allow_preview=False, preview=False, label="Example", columns=20, rows=1, height=115, ) example_imgs_expander = gr.Gallery( visible=False, interactive=False, label="Example", preview=True, columns=20, rows=1, ) chunk_strategy = gr.Dropdown( ["interp-gt", "interp"], label="Chunk strategy", value="interp-gt", render=False, ) with gr.Row(): example_imgs_backer = gr.Button( "Go back", visible=False ) example_imgs_confirmer = gr.Button( "Confirm", visible=False ) get_advance_examples, outputs=[ example_imgs_expander, example_imgs_confirmer, example_imgs_backer, example_imgs, ], ) lambda x: ( x, gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=True), gr.update(interactive=bool(x)) ), inputs=[example_imgs_expander], outputs=[ input_imgs, example_imgs_expander, example_imgs_confirmer, example_imgs_backer, example_imgs, preprocess_btn ], ) lambda: ( gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=True), ), outputs=[ example_imgs_expander, example_imgs_confirmer, example_imgs_backer, example_imgs, ], ) preprocessed = gr.State() lambda r, *args: r.preprocess(*args), inputs=[renderer, input_imgs], outputs=[ preprocessed, preprocess_progress, chunk_strategy, ], show_progress_on=[preprocess_progress], concurrency_id="gpu_queue", ) lambda: gr.update(visible=True), outputs=[preprocess_progress], ) preprocessed.change( lambda r, *args: r.visualize_scene(*args), inputs=[renderer, preprocessed], ) with gr.Row(): seed = gr.Number(value=23, label="Random seed") chunk_strategy.render() cfg = gr.Slider(1.0, 7.0, value=3.0, label="CFG value") with gr.Row(): camera_scale = gr.Slider( 0.1, 15.0, value=2.0, label="Camera scale (useful for single-view input)", ) with gr.Group(): output_data_dir = gr.Textbox(label="Output data directory") output_data_btn = gr.Button("Export output data") lambda r, *args: r.export_output_data(*args), inputs=[renderer, preprocessed, output_data_dir], ) with gr.Column(): with gr.Group(): abort_btn = gr.Button("Abort rendering", visible=False) render_btn.render() render_progress = gr.Textbox( label="", visible=False, interactive=False ) output_video = gr.Video( label="Output", interactive=False, autoplay=True, loop=True ) lambda r, *args: (yield from r.render(*args)), inputs=[ renderer, preprocessed, session_hash, seed, chunk_strategy, cfg, gr.State(), gr.State(), gr.State(), camera_scale, ], outputs=[ output_video, render_btn, abort_btn, render_progress, ], show_progress_on=[render_progress], concurrency_id="gpu_queue", ) lambda: [ gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=True), gr.update(visible=True), ], outputs=[render_btn, abort_btn, render_progress], ) # Register the session initialization and cleanup functions. app.load( start_server_and_abort_event, outputs=[renderer, viewport, session_hash], ) app.unload(stop_server_and_abort_event) app.queue(max_size=5).launch( share=share, server_port=server_port, show_error=True, allowed_paths=[WORK_DIR], # Badget rendering will be broken otherwise. ssr_mode=False, ) if __name__ == "__main__": tyro.cli(main)