import gradio as gr |
import pillow_heif |
import spaces |
import torch |
from PIL import Image, ImageEnhance, ImageFilter |
from refiners.fluxion.utils import manual_seed, no_grad |
from utils import load_ic_light, resize_modulo_8 |
import zipfile |
from io import BytesIO |
import tempfile |
import cv2 |
import numpy as np |
pillow_heif.register_heif_opener() |
pillow_heif.register_avif_opener() |
DEVICE = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") |
DTYPE = torch.float16 if torch.cuda.is_available() and torch.cuda.is_bf16_supported() else torch.float32 |
ic_light = load_ic_light(device=DEVICE, dtype=DTYPE) |
ic_light.to(device=DEVICE, dtype=DTYPE) |
ic_light.device = DEVICE |
ic_light.dtype = DTYPE |
ic_light.solver = ic_light.solver.to(device=DEVICE, dtype=DTYPE) |
import os |
from openai import OpenAI |
import uuid |
import time |
import logging |
import random |
from datetime import datetime, timedelta |
logging.basicConfig( |
level=logging.INFO, |
format='%(asctime)s - %(message)s' |
) |
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) |
openai_client = OpenAI(api_key=OPENAI_API_KEY) |
def validate_input(text: str) -> bool: |
"""입력 텍스트 유효성 검사""" |
if not text.strip(): |
return False |
if not any('\u3131' <= char <= '\u318F' or '\uAC00' <= char <= '\uD7A3' for char in text): |
return False |
return True |
def translate_to_english(input_text: str): |
"""한국어를 영어로 번역하는 함수 (GPT-4-mini 사용)""" |
logger.info("GPT-4-mini 번역 시작") |
if not validate_input(input_text): |
logger.info("유효하지 않은 입력입니다.") |
return "유효하지 않은 입력입니다. 한글을 포함한 텍스트를 입력해주세요." |
try: |
current_time = int(time.time() * 1000) |
random.seed(current_time) |
temperature = random.uniform(0.4, 0.85) |
top_p = random.uniform(0.9, 0.98) |
request_id = str(uuid.uuid4())[:8] |
timestamp_micro = int(time.time() * 1000000) % 1000 |
system_msg = f"REQ-{request_id}-{timestamp_micro}" |
current_hour = datetime.now().hour |
time_context = f"Consider the current time is {current_hour}:00. " |
response = openai_client.chat.completions.create( |
model="gpt-4o-mini", |
messages=[ |
{ |
"role": "system", |
"content": system_msg |
}, |
{ |
"role": "user", |
"content": f""" |
1. Translate the input Korean text into English with these rules: |
2. Output ONLY the English translation. |
3. Create a coherent, brief scene using provided words/phrases. |
4. Stay strictly within the scope of input words. |
5. Maintain flow and natural transitions. |
6. Keep scene descriptions concise but complete. |
7. Do not add external elements. |
8. Focus on core scene elements. |
9. Preserve original meaning and intent. |
10. No explanations or meta-commentary. |
11. No formatting beyond basic text. |
12. Just the direct English translation. |
Additional guidance: |
13. Use input words harmoniously. |
14. Create clear mental imagery. |
15. Keep scene contained and focused. |
16. Ensure logical connections. |
17. Maintain narrative flow. |
Input: {input_text} [Seed: {current_time}] |
""" |
} |
], |
max_tokens=100, |
temperature=temperature, |
top_p=top_p, |
seed=current_time |
) |
translated = response.choices[0].message.content.strip() |
logger.info("GPT-4-mini 번역 완료") |
return translated |
except Exception as e: |
logger.error(f"번역 중 오류 발생: {str(e)}") |
return f"번역 중 오류가 발생했습니다: {str(e)}" |
@spaces.GPU(duration=120) |
@no_grad() |
def generate_images( |
image: Image.Image, |
prompt: str, |
) -> tuple[Image.Image, Image.Image, Image.Image, Image.Image]: |
assert image.mode == "RGBA", "입력 이미지는 RGBA 모드여야 합니다." |
seed = torch.seed() |
manual_seed(seed) |
negative_prompt = "dirty, messy, worst quality, low quality, watermark, signature, jpeg artifacts, deformed, monochrome, black and white" |
condition_scale = 1.25 |
num_inference_steps = 25 |
strength_first_pass = 0.9 |
strength_second_pass = 0.5 |
image = resize_modulo_8(image, 768) |
mask = image.getchannel("A") |
image_rgb = image.convert("RGB") |
clip_text_embedding = ic_light.compute_clip_text_embedding(text=prompt, negative_text=negative_prompt) |
ic_light.set_ic_light_condition(image=image_rgb, mask=mask) |
light_pref_image = None |
if light_pref_image is None: |
x = torch.randn_like(ic_light._ic_light_condition) |
strength_first_pass = 1.0 |
else: |
x = ic_light.lda.image_to_latents(light_pref_image) |
x = ic_light.solver.add_noise(x, noise=torch.randn_like(x), step=0) |
num_steps = int(round(num_inference_steps / strength_first_pass)) |
first_step = int(num_steps * (1 - strength_first_pass)) |
ic_light.set_inference_steps(num_steps, first_step) |
for step in ic_light.steps: |
x = ic_light( |
x, |
step=step, |
clip_text_embedding=clip_text_embedding, |
condition_scale=condition_scale, |
) |
num_steps = int(round(num_inference_steps / strength_second_pass)) |
first_step = int(num_steps * (1 - strength_second_pass)) |
ic_light.set_inference_steps(num_steps, first_step) |
x = ic_light.solver.add_noise(x, noise=torch.randn_like(x), step=first_step) |
for step in ic_light.steps: |
x = ic_light( |
x, |
step=step, |
clip_text_embedding=clip_text_embedding, |
condition_scale=condition_scale, |
) |
bg_image = ic_light.lda.latents_to_image(x) |
result = Image.composite(image_rgb, bg_image, mask) |
return image_rgb, bg_image, mask, result |
@no_grad() |
def adjust_final_image( |
bg_image: Image.Image, |
mask: Image.Image, |
bg_brightness: float, |
bg_contrast: float, |
bg_saturation: float, |
bg_temperature: float, |
bg_vibrance: float, |
bg_color_mixer_blues: float, |
bg_shadows: float, |
) -> Image.Image: |
print("Adjusting Final Image with the following parameters:") |
print(f"Background - Brightness: {bg_brightness}, Contrast: {bg_contrast}, " |
f"Saturation: {bg_saturation}, Temperature: {bg_temperature}, " |
f"Vibrance: {bg_vibrance}, Blues: {bg_color_mixer_blues}, Shadows: {bg_shadows}") |
enhancer = ImageEnhance.Brightness(bg_image) |
bg_image = enhancer.enhance(bg_brightness) |
enhancer = ImageEnhance.Contrast(bg_image) |
bg_image = enhancer.enhance(bg_contrast) |
enhancer = ImageEnhance.Color(bg_image) |
bg_image = enhancer.enhance(bg_saturation) |
if bg_temperature != 0.0: |
cv_image = cv2.cvtColor(np.array(bg_image), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR).astype(np.float32) |
value = float(bg_temperature) * 30 |
if value > 0: |
cv_image[:, :, 2] = cv_image[:, :, 2] + value |
cv_image[:, :, 0] = cv_image[:, :, 0] - value |
else: |
cv_image[:, :, 2] = cv_image[:, :, 2] + value |
cv_image[:, :, 0] = cv_image[:, :, 0] - value |
cv_image[:, :, 2] = np.clip(cv_image[:, :, 2], 0, 255) |
cv_image[:, :, 0] = np.clip(cv_image[:, :, 0], 0, 255) |
bg_image = Image.fromarray(cv2.cvtColor(cv_image.astype(np.uint8), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) |
if bg_vibrance != 0.0: |
converter = ImageEnhance.Color(bg_image) |
factor = 1 + (bg_vibrance / 100.0) |
bg_image = converter.enhance(factor) |
if bg_color_mixer_blues != 0.0: |
r, g, b = bg_image.split() |
b = b.point(lambda p: min(255, max(0, p + bg_color_mixer_blues))) |
bg_image = Image.merge("RGB", (r, g, b)) |
if bg_shadows != 0.0: |
grayscale = bg_image.convert("L") |
mask_dark = grayscale.point(lambda p: p < 128 and 255) |
mask_dark = mask_dark.convert("L") |
mask_dark = mask_dark.filter(ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(radius=10)) |
if bg_shadows < 0: |
factor = 1 + (bg_shadows / 100.0) |
enhancer = ImageEnhance.Brightness(bg_image) |
dark_adjusted = enhancer.enhance(factor) |
else: |
factor = 1 + (bg_shadows / 100.0) |
enhancer = ImageEnhance.Brightness(bg_image) |
dark_adjusted = enhancer.enhance(factor) |
bg_image = Image.composite(dark_adjusted, bg_image, mask_dark) |
return bg_image |
def get_korean_timestamp(): |
korea_time = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(hours=9) |
return korea_time.strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S') |
def download_image(image, input_image_name): |
if image is None: |
return None |
timestamp = get_korean_timestamp() |
if input_image_name and hasattr(input_image_name, 'name'): |
base_name = input_image_name.name.split('.')[0] |
else: |
base_name = "이미지" |
file_name = f"[끝장AI]배경바꾸기_{base_name}_{timestamp}.jpg" |
temp_file_path = tempfile.gettempdir() + "/" + file_name |
image.save(temp_file_path, format="JPEG") |
return temp_file_path |
def download_all(original_image, bg_image, final_image): |
if original_image is None or bg_image is None or final_image is None: |
print("Download function received None input.") |
return None |
print("Preparing images for download...") |
if original_image.mode != "RGB": |
original_image = original_image.convert("RGB") |
if bg_image.mode != "RGB": |
bg_image = bg_image.convert("RGB") |
if final_image.mode != "RGB": |
final_image = final_image.convert("RGB") |
class InputFileName: |
def __init__(self, name): |
self.name = name |
timestamp = get_korean_timestamp() |
original_path = download_image(original_image, InputFileName("original_image.jpg")) |
bg_path = download_image(bg_image, InputFileName("background_image.jpg")) |
final_path = download_image(final_image, InputFileName("final_image.jpg")) |
zip_name = f"[끝장AI]배경바꾸기_{timestamp}.zip" |
zip_path = tempfile.gettempdir() + "/" + zip_name |
with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, 'w') as zip_file: |
zip_file.write(original_path, os.path.basename(original_path)) |
zip_file.write(bg_path, os.path.basename(bg_path)) |
zip_file.write(final_path, os.path.basename(final_path)) |
print(f"ZIP file created at {zip_path}") |
return zip_path |
def reset_sliders(initial_result): |
print("Resetting sliders to default values.") |
return ( |
"필터없음", |
gr.update(value=1.0), |
gr.update(value=1.0), |
gr.update(value=1.0), |
gr.update(value=0.0), |
gr.update(value=0.0), |
gr.update(value=0.0), |
gr.update(value=0.0), |
initial_result, |
) |
def create_interface(): |
css = """ |
/* 프롬프트 텍스트박스 라벨과 입력 텍스트만 검은색으로 설정 */ |
.gr-textbox > label { |
color: #000 !important; |
} |
.gr-textbox input { |
color: #000 !important; |
} |
/* 필터 선택 라디오 버튼 라벨만 검은색으로 설정 */ |
.gradio-radio > label { |
color: #000 !important; |
} |
/* 슬라이더 라벨과 현재 값 텍스트만 검은색으로 설정 */ |
.gr-slider > label { |
color: #000 !important; |
} |
.gr-slider .slider-value { |
color: #000 !important; |
} |
.gradio-radio label[aria-checked="true"] { |
color: #000 !important; |
background-color: #fff !important; |
padding: 4px 8px; |
border-radius: 4px; |
border: 1px solid #000 !important; |
} |
.gradio-radio label[aria-checked="false"] { |
color: #000 !important; |
background-color: #fff !important; |
border: 1px solid #000 !important; |
} |
.gradio-radio input[type="radio"] + label::before { |
display: none; |
} |
.gradio-radio input[type="radio"]:checked + label::after { |
content: ""; |
display: none; |
} |
.btn-primary, .btn-secondary, .gr-button { |
color: #000 !important; |
} |
/* JPG 이미지 다운받기 버튼 배경색 검은색/글자색 흰색 강제 적용 */ |
.download-container .download-button.gr-button { |
background-color: #000 !important; |
color: #fff !important; |
border: none !important; |
} |
.download-container .download-button.gr-button:hover { |
background-color: #333 !important; |
color: #fff !important; |
} |
""" |
filters = [ |
{ |
"name": "필터없음", |
"bg_brightness": 1.0, |
"bg_contrast": 1.0, |
"bg_saturation": 1.0, |
"bg_temperature": 0.0, |
"bg_vibrance": 0.0, |
"bg_color_mixer_blues": 0.0, |
"bg_shadows": 0.0 |
}, |
{ |
"name": "깨끗한", |
"bg_brightness": 1.3, |
"bg_contrast": 1.2, |
"bg_saturation": 1.0, |
"bg_temperature": -0.2, |
"bg_vibrance": -20.0, |
"bg_color_mixer_blues": 5.0, |
"bg_shadows": -10.0 |
}, |
{ |
"name": "따스한", |
"bg_brightness": 1.3, |
"bg_contrast": 1.2, |
"bg_saturation": 0.8, |
"bg_temperature": 0.0, |
"bg_vibrance": -10.0, |
"bg_color_mixer_blues": 2.0, |
"bg_shadows": -10.0 |
}, |
{ |
"name": "푸른빛", |
"bg_brightness": 1.3, |
"bg_contrast": 1.0, |
"bg_saturation": 1.0, |
"bg_temperature": 0.0, |
"bg_vibrance": 0.0, |
"bg_color_mixer_blues": 10.0, |
"bg_shadows": 5.0 |
} |
] |
default_filter = next(filter for filter in filters if filter["name"] == "깨끗한") |
with gr.Blocks(theme=gr.themes.Soft( |
primary_hue=gr.themes.Color( |
c50="#FFF7ED", |
c100="#FFEDD5", |
c200="#FED7AA", |
c300="#FDBA74", |
c400="#FB923C", |
c500="#F97316", |
c600="#EA580C", |
c700="#C2410C", |
c800="#9A3412", |
c900="#7C2D12", |
c950="#431407", |
), |
secondary_hue="zinc", |
neutral_hue="zinc", |
font=("Pretendard", "sans-serif") |
), css=css) as demo: |
with gr.Row(): |
with gr.Column(scale=1): |
input_image = gr.Image( |
label="이미지 추가", |
image_mode="RGBA", |
type="pil", |
) |
prompt = gr.Textbox( |
label="프롬프트 (한국어)", |
placeholder="눈덮인 히말라야, 뭉게구름, 흰색 바닥에 놓여있는 양말", |
) |
run_button = gr.Button( |
value="이미지 생성", |
variant="primary", |
size="lg" |
) |
reset_button = gr.Button( |
value="필터 초기화", |
variant="secondary", |
size="lg" |
) |
filter_radio = gr.Radio( |
label="필터 선택", |
choices=["필터없음", "깨끗한", "따스한", "푸른빛"], |
value="깨끗한", |
type="value", |
) |
bg_brightness = gr.Slider(label="밝기", minimum=0.1, maximum=5.0, value=default_filter["bg_brightness"], step=0.1) |
bg_contrast = gr.Slider(label="대비", minimum=0.1, maximum=5.0, value=default_filter["bg_contrast"], step=0.1) |
bg_saturation = gr.Slider(label="채도", minimum=0.0, maximum=5.0, value=default_filter["bg_saturation"], step=0.1) |
bg_temperature = gr.Slider( |
label="색온도", |
minimum=-1.0, |
maximum=1.0, |
value=default_filter["bg_temperature"], |
step=0.1 |
) |
bg_vibrance = gr.Slider(label="활기", minimum=-100.0, maximum=100.0, value=default_filter["bg_vibrance"], step=1.0) |
bg_color_mixer_blues = gr.Slider(label="컬러 믹서 (블루)", minimum=-100.0, maximum=100.0, value=default_filter["bg_color_mixer_blues"], step=1.0) |
bg_shadows = gr.Slider(label="그림자", minimum=-100.0, maximum=100.0, value=default_filter["bg_shadows"], step=1.0) |
with gr.Column(scale=2): |
background_output = gr.Image( |
label="생성된 이미지", |
type="pil", |
interactive=False |
) |
final_output = gr.Image( |
label="필터 적용 이미지", |
type="pil", |
interactive=False |
) |
with gr.Row(elem_classes="download-container"): |
download_button = gr.Button( |
value="JPG로 변환하기", |
elem_classes="download-button", |
variant="primary", |
size="lg" |
) |
with gr.Row(elem_classes="download-container"): |
download_output = gr.File(label="JPG 이미지 다운받기", elem_classes="download-output") |
mask_state = gr.State() |
image_rgb_state = gr.State() |
initial_result = gr.State() |
def apply_filter_preset(selected_filter): |
for f in filters: |
if f["name"] == selected_filter: |
return ( |
gr.update(value=f["bg_brightness"]), |
gr.update(value=f["bg_contrast"]), |
gr.update(value=f["bg_saturation"]), |
gr.update(value=f["bg_temperature"]), |
gr.update(value=f["bg_vibrance"]), |
gr.update(value=f["bg_color_mixer_blues"]), |
gr.update(value=f["bg_shadows"]), |
) |
return ( |
gr.update(value=1.0), |
gr.update(value=1.0), |
gr.update(value=1.0), |
gr.update(value=0.0), |
gr.update(value=0.0), |
gr.update(value=0.0), |
gr.update(value=0.0), |
) |
filter_radio.change( |
fn=apply_filter_preset, |
inputs=[filter_radio], |
outputs=[ |
bg_brightness, |
bg_contrast, |
bg_saturation, |
bg_temperature, |
bg_vibrance, |
bg_color_mixer_blues, |
bg_shadows, |
], |
) |
def on_generate(image, prompt, bg_brightness, bg_contrast, bg_saturation, bg_temperature, bg_vibrance, bg_color_mixer_blues, bg_shadows): |
if not prompt.strip(): |
logger.info("프롬프트가 비어 있습니다. 기본 프롬프트를 사용합니다.") |
final_prompt = "high-quality professional studio photography, Realistic soft white tone bright lighting, HEIC, CR2, NEF" |
else: |
translated_prompt = translate_to_english(prompt) |
if translated_prompt.startswith("유효하지 않은 입력") or translated_prompt.startswith("번역 중 오류"): |
return None, None, None, None, None |
final_prompt = f"{translated_prompt}, high-quality professional studio photography, Realistic soft white tone bright lighting, HEIC, CR2, NEF" |
image_rgb, bg_img, mask, result = generate_images(image, final_prompt) |
print("Image generation completed.") |
if bg_img is not None and mask is not None and image_rgb is not None: |
adjusted_bg = adjust_final_image( |
bg_image=bg_img, |
mask=mask, |
bg_brightness=bg_brightness, |
bg_contrast=bg_contrast, |
bg_saturation=bg_saturation, |
bg_temperature=bg_temperature, |
bg_vibrance=bg_vibrance, |
bg_color_mixer_blues=bg_color_mixer_blues, |
bg_shadows=bg_shadows, |
) |
final_result = Image.composite(image_rgb, adjusted_bg, mask) |
else: |
final_result = result |
initial_result.value = final_result |
return bg_img, mask, final_result, image_rgb, final_result |
run_button.click( |
fn=on_generate, |
inputs=[ |
input_image, |
prompt, |
bg_brightness, |
bg_contrast, |
bg_saturation, |
bg_temperature, |
bg_vibrance, |
bg_color_mixer_blues, |
bg_shadows, |
], |
outputs=[ |
background_output, |
mask_state, |
final_output, |
image_rgb_state, |
initial_result, |
], |
) |
def on_adjust( |
image_rgb, |
bg_image, mask, |
bg_brightness, bg_contrast, bg_saturation, bg_temperature, bg_vibrance, bg_color_mixer_blues, bg_shadows, |
): |
if bg_image is None or mask is None or image_rgb is None: |
print("Adjust function received None input.") |
return None |
print(f"Adjusting background image... Current slider values:") |
print(f"Brightness: {bg_brightness}, Contrast: {bg_contrast}, Saturation: {bg_saturation}, " |
f"Temperature: {bg_temperature}, Vibrance: {bg_vibrance}, Blues: {bg_color_mixer_blues}, Shadows: {bg_shadows}") |
adjusted_bg = adjust_final_image( |
bg_image=bg_image, |
mask=mask, |
bg_brightness=bg_brightness, |
bg_contrast=bg_contrast, |
bg_saturation=bg_saturation, |
bg_temperature=bg_temperature, |
bg_vibrance=bg_vibrance, |
bg_color_mixer_blues=bg_color_mixer_blues, |
bg_shadows=bg_shadows, |
) |
print(f"adjusted_bg size: {adjusted_bg.size}, mode: {adjusted_bg.mode}") |
adjusted_bg.save("adjusted_bg_debug.jpg") |
input_image_rgb = image_rgb |
print(f"input_image_rgb size: {input_image_rgb.size}, mode: {input_image_rgb.mode}") |
print(f"adjusted_bg size: {adjusted_bg.size}, mode: {adjusted_bg.mode}") |
print(f"mask size: {mask.size}, mode: {mask.mode}") |
if input_image_rgb.size != adjusted_bg.size: |
print(f"Resizing input_image_rgb from {input_image_rgb.size} to {adjusted_bg.size}") |
input_image_rgb = input_image_rgb.resize(adjusted_bg.size) |
mask = mask.convert("L") |
try: |
final_result = Image.composite(input_image_rgb, adjusted_bg, mask) |
except ValueError as e: |
print(f"Composite error: {e}") |
return None |
final_result.save("final_result_debug.jpg") |
print("Final image composite completed.") |
initial_result.value = final_result |
return final_result |
bg_sliders = [ |
bg_brightness, |
bg_contrast, |
bg_saturation, |
bg_temperature, |
bg_vibrance, |
bg_color_mixer_blues, |
bg_shadows, |
] |
for slider in bg_sliders: |
slider.change( |
fn=on_adjust, |
inputs=[ |
image_rgb_state, |
background_output, |
mask_state, |
bg_brightness, |
bg_contrast, |
bg_saturation, |
bg_temperature, |
bg_vibrance, |
bg_color_mixer_blues, |
bg_shadows, |
], |
outputs=final_output, |
) |
reset_button.click( |
fn=reset_sliders, |
inputs=[final_output], |
outputs=[ |
filter_radio, |
bg_brightness, |
bg_contrast, |
bg_saturation, |
bg_temperature, |
bg_vibrance, |
bg_color_mixer_blues, |
bg_shadows, |
final_output, |
], |
) |
download_button.click( |
fn=download_all, |
inputs=[ |
input_image, |
background_output, |
final_output |
], |
outputs=download_output, |
) |
return demo |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
logger.info("애플리케이션 시작") |
demo = create_interface() |
demo.queue() |
demo.launch(server_name='') |