GPTWorld /
srush's picture
c324ae4 verified
history blame
20.8 kB
import os
import sys
import gradio as gr
from dataclasses import dataclass
from chalk import *
from colour import Color
import inspect
import os
import openai
from typing import List, Tuple, Optional
from enum import Enum
import io
from contextlib import redirect_stdout
import imageio
import tiktoken
import time
import pandas as pd
import csv
from huggingface_hub import HfApi, Repository
HF_TOKEN = os.environ.get("HF_API")
DATA_FILENAME = "data.csv"
DATA_FILE = os.path.join("data", DATA_FILENAME)
openai.api_key = ""
tab = " "
repo = Repository(git_user="srush",
local_dir="data", clone_from=DATASET_REPO_URL, use_auth_token=HF_TOKEN
def start2(prompt, board, api_key):
out = ""
# for chunk in openai.ChatCompletion.create(
# model="gpt-4",
# messages=[{
# "role": "user",
# "content": prompt,
# }],
# stream=True,
# temperature= 0
# ):
board = board#Game(boundary=(9, 9), key=(1, 1), flag=(2, 2), init=(0, 0), walls=[(2, 0)])
actions = [Actions.DOWNRIGHT, Actions.RIGHT, Actions.DOWNRIGHT, Actions.PICKUP, Actions.DOWNRIGHT]
contents = example(board, actions)
# encoding = tiktoken.encoding_for_model("gpt-4")
# num_tokens = encoding.encode(string)
for content in contents:
content = content
if content is not None:
out += content
print(content, end="")
yield out
yield out
def start(prompt, board, api_key):
out = ""
# encoding = tiktoken.encoding_for_model("gpt-4")
# num_tokens = encoding.encode(string)
content = ""
openai.api_key = api_key
from openai import OpenAI
client = OpenAI(
# This is the default and can be omitted
for chunk in
"role": "user",
"content": prompt,
temperature= 0
# for content in contents:
content = chunk["choices"][0].get("delta", {}).get("content")
if content is not None:
out += content
print(content, end="")
yield out
yield out
def num_tokens_from_string(string: str, encoding_name: str="gpt-4") -> int:
"""Returns the number of tokens in a text string."""
encoding = tiktoken.encoding_for_model(encoding_name)
num_tokens = len(encoding.encode(string))
return num_tokens
# + [markdown] id="LMTjwXdD7v-I"
# ## Game Code
# This code creates a mini-game to play. It takes place on a hexagon. You are represented by a circle. You need to first pick up a key represented by a triangle. You finally need to make it to the cross to finish the game. The actions show each of the directions you can move.
# + id="Fv3eTRKiV2ZB" cellView="form"
#@title Game Code
# Possible Actions
class Actions(Enum):
LEFT = "L"
PICKUP = "Pickup"
# Movements
change = {
Actions.UPRIGHT : (-1, 1),
Actions.RIGHT : (0, 2),
Actions.DOWNRIGHT : (1, 1),
Actions.DOWNLEFT : (1, -1),
Actions.LEFT : (0, -2),
Actions.UPLEFT : (-1, -1),
Actions.PICKUP : (0, 0),
change_str = {action.value: change[action] for action in Actions}
def add(a, b):
return a[0] + b[0], a[1] + b[1]
class Board:
grid: List[str]
player_pos: Tuple[int, int]
flag_pos: Tuple[int, int]
wall_pos:List[Tuple[int, int]]
key_pos:Optional[Tuple[int, int]]
def move(self, action: Actions) -> 'Board':
"Move by creating a new board."
d_m = change[action]
if action == Actions.PICKUP:
if self.player_pos == self.key_pos:
return Board(self.grid, self.player_pos, self.flag_pos, self.wall_pos, None)
return self
new_player_pos = add(self.player_pos, d_m)
# Out of bounds
if new_player_pos[0] < 0 or new_player_pos[0] >= len(self.grid):
return self
if new_player_pos[1] < 0 or new_player_pos[1] >= len(self.grid[0]):
return self
# Can't move through walls
if self.grid[new_player_pos[0]][new_player_pos[1]] == 'W':
return self
new_grid = [row[:] for row in self.grid] # Create a copy of the grid
new_grid[self.player_pos[0]][self.player_pos[1]] = '.'
new_grid[new_player_pos[0]][new_player_pos[1]] = '@'
return Board(new_grid, new_player_pos, self.flag_pos, self.wall_pos, self.key_pos)
def __str__(self) -> str:
return '\n'.join(''.join(row) for i, row in enumerate(self.grid))
def create_empty_board(cls, size: Tuple[int, int], key_pos, flag_pos, init, wall_pos) -> 'Board':
grid = [['.' if i % 2 == j % 2 else " " for i in range(size[1])] for j in range(size[0])]
player_pos = init
flag_pos = flag_pos
grid[player_pos[0]][player_pos[1]] = '@'
grid[flag_pos[0]][flag_pos[1]] = 'P'
grid[key_pos[0]][key_pos[1]] = 'K'
for pos in wall_pos:
grid[pos[0]][pos[1]] = 'W'
return cls(grid, player_pos, flag_pos, wall_pos, key_pos)
class Game:
def __init__(self, init, flag, walls, key, boundary):
"Create the version of the game that the AI sees."
self.boundary = boundary
self.board = Board.create_empty_board(boundary, key, flag, init, walls)
self.original = self.board
self.actions = []
def move(self, action):
self.board = self.board.move(action)
def walls(self):
return self.board.wall_pos
def won(self):
final = self.board
return final.key_pos is None and final.player_pos == final.flag_pos
def __repr__(self) -> str:
walls = ",".join(map(str, self.board.wall_pos))
return f"Game(init={self.board.player_pos}, flag={self.board.flag_pos}, walls={self.board.wall_pos}, boundary={self.boundary}, key={self.board.key_pos})"
# This is the version of move that the AI can see.
def move(game, action, old_pos=None):
# ACTIONS (must be legal)
if old_pos is None:
old_pos = game.board.player_pos
offset = change_str[action]
pos = (old_pos[0] + offset[0], old_pos[1] + offset[1])
assert 0 <= pos[0] < game.boundary[0], "Row position out of bounds"
assert 0 <= pos[1] < game.boundary[1], "Col position out of bounds"
assert pos not in game.walls, f"Walked into wall {pos}"
if action == "PU":
assert pos == game.key, f"Not over key"
return pos
# + [markdown] id="PDOcPiQq8u_Y"
# We can look at the board by drawing it.
# + colab={"base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 221} id="Ic7WgOTi8uF1" outputId="4dc07cb9-9e5f-4d28-d4ea-470ad4b13141"
#@title Drawing code
def draw_board(grid, num=0):
hex = regular_polygon(6, 1).rotate_by(1/12).line_width(0.5).fill_color(Color("white"))
w = hex.get_envelope().width
canvas = empty()
for r, b in enumerate(grid):
def show(v):
if v == ".":
return hex
if v == "@":
return hex + circle(0.35).fill_color(Color("red"))
if v == "P":
x = rectangle(0.25, 0.7).fill_color(Color("blue")).line_width(0)
return hex + (x.rotate_by(0.25/2) + x.rotate_by(-0.25/2))
if v == "K":
return hex + triangle(0.75).fill_color(Color("purple"))
if v == "W":
return hex.fill_color(Color("black"))
if v ==" ":
return hex
row = hcat(show(v) for i, v in enumerate(b[1 if r %2 else 0::2]))
canvas += row.translate(w * 0.5 if r%2 else 0, 1.5 * r)
canvas = canvas.center_xy().frame(0.5)
canvas = rectangle(canvas.get_envelope().width, canvas.get_envelope().height).line_width(0.5).fill_color(Color("orange")) + canvas
# canvas.render_svg(f"pic{num}.svg", 256)
canvas.render(f"pic{num}.png", 500)
return canvas
# + colab={"base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 424} id="nqgPKLu0AMhU" outputId="19e4c6d0-b792-4a34-f4c4-81902974c346"
# game = Game(boundary=(5, 5), key=(0, 2), flag=(4, 4), init=(0, 0), walls=[(2, 2)])
# display(draw_board(game.board.grid))
# move(game, "DR", (0,0))
# display(draw_board(game.board.grid))
# + [markdown] id="PhqF9af5_jvh"
# ## Prompt Code
# The puzzle is to write prompt code to make the model accomplish this task. We have provided some scaffolding code for you. The code creates:
# * A header for describing the game.
# * A function `make_fun` that shows the AI how to move in code.
# * A footer to describe the final game board that you want the mode to solve.
# You can fill this in a watch how the model moves around.
# + id="jFf7TCOJaVHX"
#@title Make the Prompt
def make_fun(board, actions):
"This function generates python code for few-shot examples"
out = tab + "p = " + str(board.player_pos)
for i, action in enumerate(actions):
new_board = board.move(action)
out += f"""
p = move(b, "{action.value}", p) # TODO ADD CODE"""
board = new_board
return out
def example(game, actions):
This code makes a few shot example. You don't need to edit it.
return f"""
def my_example(b):
{make_fun(game.board, actions)}
return b
ex = 0
def prompt(game):
You should fill these sections out to teach the AI how to play the game.
Or you may do your own thing :)
change_str = {change_str}
def example(game, actions):
This code makes a few shot example. You don't need to edit it.
global ex
ex += 1
def example{ex}():
b = {repr(game)}
{make_fun(game.board, actions)}
return b
# ------------
# Create a few shot example (you may not need this)
board = Game(boundary=(3, 3), key=(1, 1), flag=(2, 2), init=(0, 0), walls=[(2, 0)])
actions = [Actions.DOWNRIGHT, Actions.PICKUP, Actions.DOWNRIGHT]
example(board, actions)
# Test case
# ----
# TODO: ADD any custom example code
# TODO: FINAL description.
# Contraints for this function:", {repr(game)}
# Please fill this in with code like the examples above (do not provide a description):
# The following function `my_example` instantiates a GameBoard called b with these constraints.
# + [markdown] id="-iecyV7nAbFT"
# This code lets you make a game and see the output for a prompt for that game. There are easy, medium, and hard games.
# + colab={"base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"} id="cOneYFok_OMe" outputId="97080186-7322-4ba9-b500-095fb39071aa"
# Easy
easy_game = Game(boundary=(3, 3), key=(1, 1), flag=(2, 2), init=(0, 0), walls=[])
# Medium
medium_game = Game(boundary=(5, 5), key=(3, 1), flag=(4, 4), init=(0, 0), walls=[(1, 1)])
# Hard (This is the main one)
hard_game = Game(boundary=(8, 15), key=(3, 1), flag=(7, 13), init=(0, 0), walls=[(2, 2), (1, 1), (5, 3), (1, 11), (5, 5), (6, 6), (6, 10), (2, 6), (4, 12)])
# Evil
evil_game = Game(boundary=(8, 15), key=(5, 1), flag=(7, 13), init=(0, 0), walls=[(2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 2), (1, 1), (2, 4), (7, 11), (5, 3), (1, 11), (5, 5), (6, 6), (6, 10), (2, 6), (4, 12)])
games = {"Easy": easy_game, "Medium": medium_game, "Hard": hard_game, "Evil": evil_game}
# Anima
def animate(game):
cur = game.original
i = 0
images = []
draw_board(cur.grid, i)
for act in game.actions:
cur = cur.move(act)
i += 1
draw_board(cur.grid, i)
return imageio.v2.mimsave('movie.gif', images, **{ 'duration': 1000, 'loop': 100})
def load(inp):
if inp in games:
board = games[inp]
board = eval(inp)
draw_board(board.board.grid, 0).render("tmp.png", 500)
return "tmp.png", repr(board)
with gr.Blocks() as app:
# test = gr.Code(label="test")
# im2 = gr.Gallery()
<h1>🌎 GPTWorld 🌍</h1>
GPTWorld is a prompting game. Your goal is to get an LLM to complete a maze. You are the red dot (🔴) need to first get the key (▲) and then reach the exit (x). The game takes place on a hexagonal grid with walls [Even rows are labeled (0,0), (0, 2), (0,4) and odd rows are labeled (1, 1), (1, 3), (1, 5)]. You play by prompting GPT to write code which solves the game on the right.
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
game_desc = gr.Text(label="Game (Select one first or make your own)")
examples = gr.Radio(show_label=False,
choices=["Easy", "Medium", "Hard", "Evil"])
api_key = gr.Text(label="OpenAI Key", type="password",
visible=not os.environ.get("OPENAI_API_KEY"))
with gr.Row():
start_btn = gr.Button("Prompt >")
cancel_btn = gr.Button("Cancel")
prompt = gr.Code(label="Prompt (Simple example)", language="python", lines=40, value="""
# Let's play a game!
# Here are the moves.
moves = {'UR': (-1, 1), 'R': (0, 2), 'DR': (1, 1), 'DL': (1, -1),
'L': (0, -2), 'UL': (-1, -1), 'Pickup': (0, 0)}
# You are going to write a function like this.
# Game(init=(0, 0), flag=(1, 1), walls=[], boundary=(2, 3), key=(0, 2))
# (0, 4) and (1, 3) are out-of-bounds.
def example(b):
# Starts at (0, 0)
move(b, "R")
# Moves to (0, 2). This one has the key.
move(b, "Pickup")
# Moves to (1, 1)
move(b, "DL")
return b
# Be sure not to go out of bounds!
# Now you are going to write a function `my_example(b)`
# It will be passed b=%GAME% to inject the game description above.
# Here is the code.
with gr.Column():
im = gr.Image(show_label=False)
#, object_fit="scale-down", columns=1, container=True)
msg_box = gr.HTML(label="", show_label=False)
output = gr.Code(label="Generating Game Code (You can also edit and rerun)", language="python", value="""def my_example(b):
p = (0, 0)
# This is the code you want it to generate.
p = move(b, "DR", p)
p = move(b, "Pickup", p)
p = move(b, "DL", p)
p = move(b, "R", p)
return b
""", lines=50)
counter = gr.Slider(label="length", minimum=0, maximum=3000)
run_btn = gr.Button("Rerun ^")
state = gr.State()
examples.change(load, inputs=[examples], outputs=[im, game_desc])
game_desc.submit(load, inputs=[game_desc], outputs=[im, game_desc])
def run(data):
board = eval(data[game_desc]) #games[data[examples]]
inp = data[prompt].replace("%GAME%", repr(board))
q = {}
i = 0
count = 0
im_ = "tmp.png"
state_val = None
yield {im: im_, counter: 0, output: "", msg_box: "", state: state_val}
for prefix in start(inp, board, data[api_key]):
ps = prefix.split("\n")
count += 1
if len(ps) > 3 and not ps[-2].strip().startswith("#") and prefix.endswith("\n"):
exec(prefix + f"\n return b\nq['board'] = my_example({repr(board)})")
except AssertionError as e:
yield {im: f"pic{i-1}.png", counter: count, output: prefix, msg_box: f"You made an illegal move: {e}"}
yield {counter: count, output: prefix, msg_box: f"Code error"}
draw_board(q["board"].board.grid, i).render("tmp.png", 500)
i += 1
im_ = f"pic{i-1}.png"
yield {im: im_, counter: count, output: prefix}
yield {im: im_, counter: count, output: prefix}
if q["board"].won():
final_msg = "<center><img src=\"\"></center>"
state_val = (data[prompt], prefix, count, data[examples])
final_msg = "Didn't make it"
yield {im: "movie.gif", counter: count, output: prefix,
msg_box: final_msg, state: state_val}
start_prompt =,
inputs={prompt, game_desc, api_key, examples},
outputs={im, output, counter, msg_box, state}), cancels=[start_prompt])
def run2(data):
c = data[output]
board = eval(data[game_desc]) #games[data[examples]]
i = 0
q = {}
for j in range(len(c)):
prefix = c[:j]
ps = prefix.split("\n")
if len(ps) > 3 and not ps[-2].strip().startswith("#") and prefix.endswith("\n"):
print("rendering", prefix)
exec(prefix + f"\n return b\nq['board'] = my_example({repr(board)})")
draw_board(q["board"].board.grid, i)
i += 1
out = {im: f"movie.gif", msg_box: ""}
return out, inputs={output, game_desc}, outputs={im, msg_box})
To submit, first run a model that gets to the end. It will output "Victory"!
Then come down to the bottom, type in your team name, and then click submit.
The score is the number of output tokens your solution takes.
with gr.Row() as row:
team_name = gr.Text(label="Team Name")
leaderboard = gr.Button(value="Submit")
refresh = gr.Button(value="Refresh")
msg = gr.Text(label="Status")
leader = gr.Dataframe(pd.read_csv(DATA_FILE)[["team", "board", "count"]].sort_values(["board", "count"]))
def leaderfn(data):
if data[state] is None:
return {msg: "Nothing to submit"}
if not data[team_name]:
return {msg: "No team name"}
prompt, code, count, board = data[state]
with open(DATA_FILE, "a") as csvfile:
writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=["team", "prompt", "code", "count", "board"])
{"team": data[team_name], "prompt": prompt, "code": code, "count": count, "board": board}
commit_url = repo.push_to_hub()
leader_df = pd.read_csv(DATA_FILE)[["team", "board", "count"]]
leader_df = leader_df.sort_values(["board", "count"])
return {msg: f"Success: Final score: {count} {board}", leader: leader_df}, inputs={state, team_name}, outputs={msg, leader})
def refreshfn():
leader_df = pd.read_csv(DATA_FILE)[["team", "board", "count"]]
leader_df = leader_df.sort_values(["board", "count"])
return {msg: f"Refreshed", leader: leader_df}, outputs={msg, leader})
# f = io.StringIO()
# with redirect_stdout(f):
# ex = 0
# prompt(game)
# my_prompt = f.getvalue()
# print(my_prompt)
# # + id="LONWUsBLjOHo" colab={"base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 1000} outputId="472afd19-48c1-4924-cabd-639b5e2ad298"
# # Run an LLM and execute it as it runs.
# q = {}
# i = 0
# for prefix in start(my_prompt):
# ps = prefix.split("\n")
# if len(ps) > 3 and not ps[-2].strip().startswith("#") and prefix.endswith("\n"):
# exec(prefix + "\n return b\nq['board'] = my_example()")
# display(draw_board(q["board"].board.grid, i))
# i += 1
# animate(i)
# display(Image("movie.gif"))
# # Print the number of tokens used
# print("Input Tokens:", num_tokens_from_string(my_prompt))
# print("Output Tokens:", num_tokens_from_string(prefix))