import gradio as gr from gradio_i18n import Translate, gettext as _ import io from PIL import Image import os import base64 from openai import OpenAI huggingface_spaces = "HUGGINGFACE_SPACES" in os.environ and os.environ['HUGGINGFACE_SPACES'] == "1" local = "LOCAL" in os.environ and os.environ['LOCAL'] == "1" pyinstaller = "PYINSTALLER" in os.environ and os.environ['PYINSTALLER'] == "1" default_img = None default_engine = "local" if pyinstaller else "api" default_base_url = "" default_api_model = "google/gemma-3-27b-it" model_id = "google/gemma-3-4b-it" if huggingface_spaces or local or pyinstaller: from transformers import AutoProcessor, Gemma3ForConditionalGeneration, TextIteratorStreamer import torch from threading import Thread model = Gemma3ForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained( model_id, device_map="auto" ).eval() processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained(model_id) generate_kwargs = { 'max_new_tokens': 1000, 'do_sample': True, 'temperature': 1.0 } analytics_code = """ """ lang_store = { "und": { "confirm": "Confirm", "default_description": "", "additional_description": "Character description (optional)", "description_placeholder": "Information that is not shown in the reference sheet, such as the character's name, personality, past stories and habit of saying.", "more_imgs_tab": "More reference images", "more_imgs": "More reference images of the character (optional)", "title": """

RefSheet Chat -- Chat with a character via reference sheet!

Upload a reference sheet of a character, then RefSheet Chat will try to understand the character through the reference sheet, and talk to you as that character. You can also add text descriptions and provide more reference pictures to help RefSheet Chat understand the character more accurately. The content you provide is only used for RefSheet Chat to understand the character and talk to you, and will not be used for other purposes. You can run the program on your own computer without Internet to ensure privacy. How will RefSheet Chat understand your character? Have a try!""", "title_pyinstaller": """

RefSheet Chat -- Chat with a character via reference sheet!

Upload a reference sheet of a character, then RefSheet Chat will try to understand the character through the reference sheet, and talk to you as that character. You can also add text descriptions and provide more reference pictures to help RefSheet Chat understand the character more accurately. The RefSheet Chat you are currently using is completely offline and does not upload any data to the Internet. If you want faster operation and better conversation quality, you can visit to use the online version. How will RefSheet Chat understand your character? Have a try!""", "upload": "Upload the reference sheet of the character here", "prompt": "You are the character in the image, use %s. Use a conversational, oral tone. Do not mention the reference images. Start without confirmation.", "additional_info_prompt": "Additional info: ", "additional_reference_images_prompt": "Additional reference images of the character:", "description": "Description", "more_options": "More Options", "method": "Method", "base_url": "Base URL", "api_model": "API Model", "api_key": "API Key", "local": "Local", "chatbox": "Chat Box", "character_language": "The language used by the character", "en": "English", "zh": "Simplified Chinese", "zh-Hant": "Traditional Chinese", "ja": "Japanese", "ko": "Korean", "fr": "French", "de": "German", "es": "Spanish", "ru": "Russian", "ar": "Arabic", "default_language": "en", "author": "

RefSheet Chat is open-sourced, developed by snowkylin, and powered by Gemma 3

" }, "zh": { "confirm": "确认", "default_description": "", "additional_description": "角色文字描述(可选)", "description_placeholder": "未在设定图中包含的角色信息,可以包括角色姓名、性格、言语习惯、过往经历等。", "more_imgs_tab": "额外角色参考图", "more_imgs": "额外角色参考图(可选,可上传多张)", "title": """

RefSheet Chat——与设定图中的角色聊天!

“一图胜千言”——提供一张角色设定图(reference sheet),RefSheet Chat 即会理解和“脑补”设定图中的信息,并以这位角色的身份与您对话。 您也可以补充文字描述以及提供更多的参考图,以帮助 RefSheet Chat 更准确地理解角色。您提供的内容仅用于 RefSheet Chat 理解角色并与您对话,不会另做他用。您可以在自己的电脑上离线运行该程序以确保隐私。 RefSheet Chat 将如何理解您的角色呢?试试看!""", "title_pyinstaller": """

RefSheet Chat——与设定图中的角色聊天!

“一图胜千言”——提供一张角色设定图(reference sheet),RefSheet Chat 即会理解和“脑补”设定图中的信息,并以这位角色的身份与您对话。 您也可以补充文字描述以及提供更多的参考图,以帮助 RefSheet Chat 更准确地理解角色。您当前使用的 RefSheet Chat 是完全离线运行的,不会将任何数据上传到互联网。如果希望获得更快的运行速度和对话质量,可以访问 使用线上版本。 RefSheet Chat 将如何理解您的角色呢?试试看!""", "upload": "在这里上传角色设定图", "prompt": "你的身份是图中的角色,使用%s。使用聊天的,口语化的方式表达。不在回复中提及参考图的存在。无需确认。", "additional_info_prompt": "补充信息:", "additional_reference_images_prompt": "该角色的更多参考图:", "description": "额外角色设定", "more_options": "更多选项", "method": "方法", "base_url": "API 地址", "api_model": "API 模型", "api_key": "API Key", "local": "本地", "chatbox": "聊天窗口", "character_language": "角色聊天所用语言", "en": "英语", "zh": "简体中文", "zh-Hant": "繁体中文", "ja": "日语", "ko": "韩语", "fr": "法语", "de": "德语", "es": "西班牙语", "ru": "俄语", "ar": "阿拉伯语", "default_language": "zh", "author": """

RefSheet Chat 是开源的,由 snowkylin 开发,由开源的 Gemma 3 驱动

""" }, } def encode_img(filepath, thumbnail=(896, 896)): more_img = more_img = more_img.convert('RGB') more_img.thumbnail(thumbnail) buffer = io.BytesIO(), "JPEG", quality=60) encoded_img = "data:image/jpeg;base64," + base64.b64encode(buffer.getvalue()).decode("utf-8") return encoded_img def get_init_prompt(img, description, more_imgs, character_language): prompt = _("prompt") % _(character_language) if description != "": prompt += "\n" + _("additional_info_prompt") + description if more_imgs is None: more_imgs = [] if len(more_imgs) > 0: prompt += "\n" + _("additional_reference_images_prompt") content = [ {"type": "image", "url": encode_img(img)}, {"type": "text", "text": prompt} ] + [{"type": "image", "url": encode_img(filepath)} for filepath in more_imgs] return [ { "role": "user", "content": content } ] def generate(history, engine, base_url, api_model, api_key): if engine == 'local': inputs = processor.apply_chat_template( history, add_generation_prompt=True, tokenize=True, return_dict=True, return_tensors="pt" ).to(model.device, dtype=torch.bfloat16) streamer = TextIteratorStreamer(processor, skip_prompt=True) with torch.inference_mode(): thread = Thread(target=model.generate, kwargs=dict(**inputs, **generate_kwargs, streamer=streamer)) thread.start() generated_text = "" for new_text in streamer: generated_text += new_text yield generated_text elif engine == 'api': for item in history: for item_i in item['content']: if item_i['type'] == 'image': item_i['type'] = 'image_url' item_i['image_url'] = {'url': item_i['url']} del item_i['url'] if base_url == default_base_url and api_model == default_api_model and api_key == "": api_key = os.environ['OPENROUTER_TOKEN'] client = OpenAI(base_url=base_url, api_key=api_key) stream = model=api_model, messages=history, stream=True, temperature=generate_kwargs['temperature'] ) collected_text = "" for chunk in stream: delta = chunk.choices[0].delta if delta.content: collected_text += delta.content yield collected_text def prefill_chatbot(img, description, more_imgs, character_language, engine, base_url, api_model, api_key): history = get_init_prompt(img, description, more_imgs, character_language) ret = [{'role': 'assistant', 'content': ""}] for generated_text in generate(history, engine, base_url, api_model, api_key): ret[0]['content'] = generated_text yield ret def response(message, history: list, img, description, more_imgs, character_language, engine, base_url, api_model, api_key): history = [{"role": item["role"], "content": [{"type": "text", "text": item["content"]}]} for item in history] history = get_init_prompt(img, description, more_imgs, character_language) + history history.append( {"role": "user", "content": [{"type": "text", "text": message}]} ) for generated_text in generate(history, engine, base_url, api_model, api_key): yield generated_text def set_default_character_language(request: gr.Request): if request.headers["Accept-Language"].split(",")[0].lower().startswith("zh"): default_language = lang_store['zh']['default_language'] else: default_language = lang_store['und']['default_language'] return gr.update(value=default_language) with gr.Blocks(title="Chat with a character via reference sheet!") as demo: with Translate(lang_store) as lang: gr.Markdown(_("title_pyinstaller" if pyinstaller else "title"), sanitize_html=False) img = gr.Image(type="filepath", value=default_img, label=_("upload"), render=False) description = gr.TextArea( value=_("default_description"), label=_("additional_description"), placeholder=_("description_placeholder"), render=False ) character_language = gr.Dropdown( choices=[ (_("en"), "en"), (_("zh"), "zh"), (_("zh-Hant"), "zh-Hant"), (_("ja"), "ja"), (_("ko"), "ko"), (_("fr"), "fr"), (_("de"), "de"), (_("es"), "es"), (_("ru"), "ru"), (_("ar"), "ar"), ], label=_("character_language"), render=False, interactive = True ) more_imgs = gr.Files( label=_("more_imgs"), file_types=["image"], render=False ) confirm_btn = gr.Button(_("confirm"), render=False, variant='primary') chatbot = gr.Chatbot(height=600, type='messages', label=_("chatbox"), render=False) engine = gr.Radio( choices=[ (_("local"), "local"), (_("API"), "api") ], value=default_engine, label=_("method"), render=False, interactive=True ) base_url = gr.Textbox(label=_("base_url"), render=False, value=default_base_url) api_model = gr.Textbox(label=_("api_model"), render=False, value=default_api_model) api_key = gr.Textbox(label=_("api_key"), render=False) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=4): img.render() with gr.Tab(_("description")): description.render() character_language.render() with gr.Tab(_("more_imgs_tab")): more_imgs.render() if local or huggingface_spaces: with gr.Tab(_("more_options")): engine.render() base_url.render() api_model.render() api_key.render() else: engine.visible = False base_url.visible = False api_model.visible = False api_key.visible = False engine.render() base_url.render() api_model.render() api_key.render() confirm_btn.render() with gr.Column(scale=6): chat = gr.ChatInterface( response, chatbot=chatbot, type="messages", additional_inputs=[img, description, more_imgs, character_language, engine, base_url, api_model, api_key], ), [img, description, more_imgs, character_language, engine, base_url, api_model, api_key], chat.chatbot)\ .then(lambda x: x, chat.chatbot, chat.chatbot_value) gr.HTML(analytics_code) gr.Markdown(_("author")) demo.load(set_default_character_language, None, character_language) if __name__ == "__main__": demo.launch(prevent_thread_lock=True if pyinstaller else False) if pyinstaller: import webview window = webview.create_window("RefSheet Chat", demo.local_url, maximized=True) webview.start()