import os |
import wget |
import sys |
import bs4 |
import json |
import pandas as pd |
from huggingface_hub import InferenceClient |
import urllib.request |
import gradio as gr |
def get_menu(): |
fp = urllib.request.urlopen("https://www.sw-ka.de/en/hochschulgastronomie/speiseplan/mensa_adenauerring/") |
mybytes = fp.read() |
html_content = mybytes.decode("utf8") |
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(html_content, 'html.parser') |
canteen_div = soup.find('div', id='canteen_day_1') |
tables = canteen_div.find_all('table') |
foods = [] |
prices = [] |
nutri = [] |
line_names = [] |
cnt = 0 |
canteen_div = soup.find('div', id='canteen_day_1') |
tables = canteen_div.find_all('table') |
for table in tables: |
menu_items = table.find_all('tr', class_=lambda class_name: class_name and class_name.startswith('mt-')) |
for item in menu_items: |
food_name = item.find('span', class_='bg').text.strip() |
price = item.find('span', class_='bgp price_1').text.strip() |
nutritional_info = {} |
nutritional_data = item.find('div', class_='nutrition_facts') |
if nutritional_data: |
for element in nutritional_data.find_all('div', class_=['energie', 'proteine', 'kohlenhydrate', 'zucker', 'fett', 'gesaettigt', 'salz']): |
key = element.find('div').text.strip() |
value = element.find_all('div')[1].text.strip() |
nutritional_info[key] = value |
foods.append(food_name) |
prices.append(price) |
try: |
nutri.append(json.dumps(nutritional_info['Energie'], indent=4)) |
except: |
nutri.append("") |
if nutritional_info: |
for key, value in nutritional_info.items(): |
pass |
else: |
pass |
cnt+=1 |
break |
canteen_div = soup.find('div', id='canteen_day_1') |
tables = canteen_div.find_all('table') |
for table in tables: |
rows = table.find_all('tr', class_='mensatype_rows') |
for row in rows: |
row_name = row.find('div').get_text(strip=True) |
menu_titles = row.find_all('td', class_='menu-title') |
for menu_title in menu_titles: |
line_names.append(row_name) |
menu = "" |
df = pd.DataFrame(zip(line_names,foods,prices,nutri),columns=['line','food','price','nutri']) |
df_line = df.groupby('line', sort=False) |
for line, df_group in df_line: |
menu+= "Line Name: " + line + "\n" |
for idx,row in df_group.iterrows(): |
menu+=row['food'] + "\n" |
menu+= "Price: " + row['price'] + "\n" |
menu+= "Calories: " + row['nutri'] + "\n" |
return menu |
def reply_bot(message, history): |
client = InferenceClient(model="https://hardy-casual-adder.ngrok-free.app") |
curr_prompt = message |
try: |
print(curr_prompt) |
answer = "" |
for token in client.text_generation(prompt=curr_prompt, max_new_tokens=512, stream=True): |
answer+=token |
yield answer |
except: |
return "Clear History or ask FR to increase Context Window. Current capacity only 4k tokens" |
gr.ChatInterface(reply_bot).launch() |