import streamlit as st import qrcode from unidecode import unidecode from PIL import Image import io #inputs name = st.text_input("Ad", key="name") last_name = st.text_input("Soyad", key="last_name") title = st.text_input("Ünvan", key="title") e_mail = st.text_input("E-posta adresi", key="email") e_mail2 = st.text_input("E-posta adresi2", key="email2") tel = st.text_input("Telefon", key="tel") mobile = st.text_input("Mobil Telefon", key="mobile") home_address = st.text_input("Ev adresi", key="home_address") work_address = st.text_input("İş adresi", key="work_address") organisation = st.text_input("İşyeri Adı", key="organisation") website = st.text_input("Websitesi", key="website") def generate_qr_code(data): # Create the vCard text as a string vcard_template = """BEGIN:VCARD;CHARSET=iso-8859-1 VERSION:4.0 N:{last_name};{name} FN:{name} {last_name} ORG:{organisation} TITLE: {title} EMAIL;PREF=1;TYPE=INTERNET:{email} EMAIL:{email2} TEL;TYPE#work,voice;VALUE#uri:tel:{tel} TEL;TYPE#mobile,voice;VALUE#uri:tel:{mobile} ADR;TYPE#WORK;PREF#1: {work_address} ADR;TYPE#HOME: {home_address} URL:{website} END:VCARD""" # Format the vCard text with the variables from the data dictionary vcard_text = vcard_template.format(**data) # Create the QR code image qr_img = qrcode.make(vcard_text, box_size=10) # Convert the QR code image to a bytes-like object img_bytes = io.BytesIO(), format='PNG') # Create the PIL Image object pil_img = return pil_img # Add a "Generate QR Code" button if st.button("Dijital Kartvizit Oluşturun"): # Create the data dictionary data = { "name": name, "last_name": last_name, "email": e_mail, "email2": e_mail2, "tel": tel, "mobile": mobile, "home_address": home_address, "work_address": work_address, "organisation": organisation, "website": website, "title": title } # Generate the QR code image img = generate_qr_code(data) # Display the QR code image st.image(img) # Convert the image to bytes img_bytes = io.BytesIO(), format='PNG') # Add a download button for the image st.download_button( label=" ⬇️ VR Kodunu İndirin", data=img_bytes.getvalue(), file_name="qrcode.png", mime="image/png" ) # Convert the name to Latin characters using the unidecode function file_name = unidecode(name) # Make the file name all lowercase file_name = file_name.lower() # Replace any spaces with underscores file_name = file_name.replace(' ', '_') # Add the .png extension to the file name file_name = f'{file_name}_vcard.png' # Save the QR code image to a file #with open(file_name, 'wb') as f: