import streamlit as st from llama_cpp import Llama # Load the GGUF model @st.cache_resource def load_model(): model_path = "shanthi-323/lora_model_qnachatbot_cbt_q4_k_m" # Ensure this path matches your uploaded GGUF model file return Llama(model_path=model_path) llm = load_model() st.title("Chat with GGUF Model") st.write("Start interacting with your fine-tuned chatbot!") # User input user_input = st.text_input("You: ", placeholder="Type your message here...") if user_input: # Generate a response using llama-cpp-python response = llm(user_input) st.text_area("Bot:", value=response["choices"][0]["text"].strip(), height=200)