import os import json import logging import requests import xmltodict import time import streamlit as st import openai from openai import OpenAI from typing import List, Dict from io import StringIO # Configure logging for progress tracking and debugging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Initialize OpenAI client with the DeepSeek model client = OpenAI( base_url="", api_key="daddc2ea37a49f9bf6ff27408540698", # Replace with your AIML API key ) # Define constants for PubMed API BASE_URL = "" SEARCH_URL = f"{BASE_URL}esearch.fcgi" FETCH_URL = f"{BASE_URL}efetch.fcgi" class KnowledgeBaseLoader: """ Loads schizophrenia research documents from a JSON file. """ def __init__(self, filepath: str): self.filepath = filepath def load_data(self) -> List[Dict]: """Loads and returns data from the JSON file.""" try: with open(self.filepath, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: data = json.load(f)"Successfully loaded {len(data)} records from '{self.filepath}'.") return data except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error loading knowledge base: {e}") return [] class SchizophreniaAgent: """ An agent to answer questions related to schizophrenia using a domain-specific knowledge base. """ def __init__(self, knowledge_base: List[Dict]): self.knowledge_base = knowledge_base def process_query(self, query: str) -> str: """ Process the incoming query by searching for matching documents in the knowledge base. Args: query: A string containing the user's query. Returns: A response string summarizing how many documents matched and some sample content. """ if not self.knowledge_base: logger.warning("Knowledge base is empty. Cannot process query.") return "No knowledge base available." # Simple matching: count documents where query text is found in abstract matching_docs = [] for doc in self.knowledge_base: # Ensure abstract is a string (if it's a list, join it into a single string) abstract = doc.get("abstract", []) # Check if abstract is a list and join items that are strings if isinstance(abstract, list): abstract = " ".join([str(item) for item in abstract if isinstance(item, str)]).strip() if query.lower() in abstract.lower(): matching_docs.append(doc)"Query '{query}' matched {len(matching_docs)} documents.") # For a more robust agent, integrate with an LLM or retrieval system here. if len(matching_docs) > 0: response = ( f"Found {len(matching_docs)} documents matching your query. " f"Examples: " + ", ".join(f"'{doc.get('title', 'No Title')}'" for doc in matching_docs[:3]) + "." ) else: response = "No relevant documents found for your query." # Now ask the AIML model (DeepSeek) to generate more user-friendly information aiml_response = self.query_deepseek(query) return response + "\n\nAI-Suggested Guidance:\n" + aiml_response def query_deepseek(self, query: str) -> str: """Query DeepSeek for additional AI-driven responses.""" response = model="deepseek/deepseek-r1", messages=[ {"role": "system", "content": "You are an AI assistant who knows everything about schizophrenia."}, {"role": "user", "content": query} ], ) return response.choices[0].message.content def fetch_pubmed_papers(query: str, max_results: int = 10): """ Fetch PubMed papers related to the query (e.g., "schizophrenia"). Args: query (str): The search term to look for in PubMed. max_results (int): The maximum number of results to fetch (default is 10). Returns: List of dictionaries containing paper details like title, abstract, etc. """ # Step 1: Search PubMed for articles related to the query search_params = { 'db': 'pubmed', 'term': query, 'retmax': max_results, 'retmode': 'xml' } search_response = requests.get(SEARCH_URL, params=search_params) if search_response.status_code != 200: print("Error: Unable to fetch search results from PubMed.") return [] search_data = xmltodict.parse(search_response.text) # Step 2: Extract PubMed IDs (PMIDs) from the search results try: pmids = search_data['eSearchResult']['IdList']['Id'] except KeyError: print("Error: No PubMed IDs found in search results.") return [] # Step 3: Fetch the details of the papers using the PMIDs papers = [] for pmid in pmids: fetch_params = { 'db': 'pubmed', 'id': pmid, 'retmode': 'xml', 'rettype': 'abstract' } fetch_response = requests.get(FETCH_URL, params=fetch_params) if fetch_response.status_code != 200: print(f"Error: Unable to fetch details for PMID {pmid}") continue fetch_data = xmltodict.parse(fetch_response.text) # Extract relevant details for each paper try: paper = fetch_data['PubmedArticleSet']['PubmedArticle'] title = paper['MedlineCitation']['Article']['ArticleTitle'] abstract = paper['MedlineCitation']['Article'].get('Abstract', {}).get('AbstractText', 'No abstract available.') journal = paper['MedlineCitation']['Article']['Journal']['Title'] year = paper['MedlineCitation']['Article']['Journal']['JournalIssue']['PubDate']['Year'] # Store paper details in a dictionary papers.append({ 'pmid': pmid, 'title': title, 'abstract': abstract, 'journal': journal, 'year': year }) except KeyError: print(f"Error parsing paper details for PMID {pmid}") continue # Add a delay between requests to avoid hitting rate limits time.sleep(1) return papers # Streamlit User Interface def main(): # Set configuration: path to the parsed knowledge base file data_file = os.getenv("SCHIZ_DATA_FILE", "parsed_data.json") # Initialize and load the knowledge base loader = KnowledgeBaseLoader(data_file) kb_data = loader.load_data() # Initialize the schizophrenia agent with the loaded data agent = SchizophreniaAgent(knowledge_base=kb_data) # Streamlit UI setup st.set_page_config(page_title="Schizophrenia Assistant", page_icon="🧠", layout="wide") st.title("Schizophrenia Episode Management Assistant") st.markdown( """ This tool helps you manage schizophrenia episodes. You can search PubMed for research papers or provide details about a patient's episode, and the assistant will provide recommendations and guidance. """ ) # **Part 1: Fetch and Download PubMed Papers** st.header("Fetch and Download PubMed Papers") query = st.text_input("Enter search query (e.g., schizophrenia):", value="schizophrenia") if st.button("Fetch PubMed Papers"): with st.spinner("Fetching papers..."): papers = fetch_pubmed_papers(query, max_results=10) if papers: # Save papers to JSON and provide download link json_data = json.dumps(papers, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) st.download_button("Download JSON", data=json_data, file_name="pubmed_papers.json", mime="application/json") st.success(f"Successfully fetched {len(papers)} papers related to '{query}'") else: st.error("No papers found. Please try another query.") # **Part 2: Upload and Use JSON File** st.header("Upload and Use JSON File for Schizophrenia Assistant") uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload PubMed JSON file", type=["json"]) if uploaded_file is not None: file_data = json.load(uploaded_file) st.write("File uploaded successfully. You can now query the assistant.") agent = SchizophreniaAgent(knowledge_base=file_data) # User Input for Query user_input = st.text_area("Enter the patient's condition or episode details:", height=200) if st.button("Get Response"): if user_input.strip(): with st.spinner("Processing your request..."): answer = agent.process_query(user_input.strip()) st.subheader("Response") st.write(answer) else: st.error("Please enter a valid query to get a response.") # Run the Streamlit app if __name__ == "__main__": main()