import librosa.display as lbd |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
import soundfile |
import torch |
from .InferenceArchitectures.InferenceFastSpeech2 import FastSpeech2 |
from .InferenceArchitectures.InferenceHiFiGAN import HiFiGANGenerator |
from ..Preprocessing.ArticulatoryCombinedTextFrontend import ArticulatoryCombinedTextFrontend |
from ..Preprocessing.ArticulatoryCombinedTextFrontend import get_language_id |
class AnonFastSpeech2(torch.nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, device: str, path_to_hifigan_model: str, path_to_fastspeech_model: str): |
""" |
Args: |
device: Device to run on. CPU is feasible, still faster than real-time, but a GPU is significantly faster. |
path_to_hifigan_model: Path to the vocoder model, including filename and suffix. |
path_to_fastspeech_model: Path to the synthesis model, including filename and suffix. |
""" |
super().__init__() |
language = "en" |
self.device = device |
self.text2phone = ArticulatoryCombinedTextFrontend(language=language, add_silence_to_end=True) |
checkpoint = torch.load(path_to_fastspeech_model, map_location='cpu') |
self.phone2mel = FastSpeech2(weights=checkpoint["model"], lang_embs=None).to(torch.device(device)) |
self.mel2wav = HiFiGANGenerator(path_to_weights=path_to_hifigan_model).to(torch.device(device)) |
self.default_utterance_embedding = checkpoint["default_emb"].to(self.device) |
self.phone2mel.eval() |
self.mel2wav.eval() |
self.lang_id = get_language_id(language) |
self.to(torch.device(device)) |
def forward(self, text, view=False, text_is_phonemes=False): |
""" |
Args: |
text: The text that the TTS should convert to speech |
view: Boolean flag whether to produce and display a graphic showing the generated audio |
text_is_phonemes: Boolean flag whether the text parameter contains phonemes (True) or graphemes (False) |
Returns: |
48kHz waveform as 1d tensor |
""" |
with torch.no_grad(): |
phones = self.text2phone.string_to_tensor(text, input_phonemes=text_is_phonemes).to(torch.device(self.device)) |
mel, durations, pitch, energy = self.phone2mel(phones, |
return_duration_pitch_energy=True, |
utterance_embedding=self.default_utterance_embedding) |
mel = mel.transpose(0, 1) |
wave = self.mel2wav(mel) |
if view: |
from Utility.utils import cumsum_durations |
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1) |
ax[0].plot(wave.cpu().numpy()) |
lbd.specshow(mel.cpu().numpy(), |
ax=ax[1], |
sr=16000, |
cmap='GnBu', |
y_axis='mel', |
x_axis=None, |
hop_length=256) |
ax[0].yaxis.set_visible(False) |
ax[1].yaxis.set_visible(False) |
duration_splits, label_positions = cumsum_durations(durations.cpu().numpy()) |
ax[1].set_xticks(duration_splits, minor=True) |
ax[1].xaxis.grid(True, which='minor') |
ax[1].set_xticks(label_positions, minor=False) |
ax[1].set_xticklabels(self.text2phone.get_phone_string(text)) |
ax[0].set_title(text) |
plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, bottom=0.1, right=0.95, top=.9, wspace=0.0, hspace=0.0) |
plt.show() |
return wave |
def anonymize_to_file(self, text: str, text_is_phonemes: bool, target_speaker_embedding: torch.tensor, path_to_result_file: str): |
""" |
Args: |
text: The text that the TTS should convert to speech |
text_is_phonemes: Boolean flag whether the text parameter contains phonemes (True) or graphemes (False) |
target_speaker_embedding: The speaker embedding that should be used for the produced speech |
path_to_result_file: The path to the location where the resulting speech should be saved (including the filename and .wav suffix) |
""" |
assert text.strip() != "" |
assert path_to_result_file.endswith(".wav") |
self.default_utterance_embedding = target_speaker_embedding.to(self.device) |
wav = self(text=text, text_is_phonemes=text_is_phonemes) |
soundfile.write(file=path_to_result_file, data=wav.cpu().numpy(), samplerate=48000) |