from logging import log | |
from dash import Dash, html, dcc, callback, Output, Input | |
import pandas as pd | |
import as px | |
from plotly.graph_objs import scatter | |
import plotly.graph_objects as go | |
df = pd.read_csv('1711709179672.csv',na_values="None") | |
df.insert(4,"Size",(10 * df["Amount"].abs())/100) | |
df['Departments'].fillna("no departments",inplace=True) | |
app = Dash(__name__) | |
app.layout = html.Div(children = [ | |
html.Div( | |
className="row", | |
children=[ | |
html.Div( | |
className="four columns div-user-controls", | |
children=[ | |
html.H2("XPENCE-INSIGHT"), | |
html.H3("""Visualising Xpence transaction"""), | |
html.H4("""Pick one User from the dropdown below."""), | |
], | |
), | |
html.Div( | |
className="eight columns div-for-charts bg-grey", | |
children=[ | |
dcc.Dropdown( | |
df['Card holder'].unique(), | |
'Radu Pertescu', | |
id='xaxis-column', | |
placeholder= "Radu Pertescu", | |
), | |
dcc.Graph(id="scatterGraph",animate=True), | |
dcc.Graph(id='barGraph'), | |
dcc.Graph(id='areaGraph'), | |
dcc.Graph(id='histogramGraph') | |
] | |
), | |
] | |
), | |
#dcc.Graph(figure=px.scatter(df,x="Transaction Date", y="Amount")), | |
##dcc.Graph(figure=px.funnel(df,x='Amount',y='Category')) | |
#dcc.Graph(figure=px.scatter(df,x="Amount", y="Transaction Date",color="Card holder")), | |
# dcc.Graph(figure=px.icicle(df,path=[px.Constant("all"), 'Approval Status', 'Card holder','Category'],color='Category',color_continuous_scale='RdBu')), | |
# dcc.Graph(figure=px.sunburst(df,path=["Transaction Type","Card holder","Approval Status"],color='Amount')), | |
# dcc.Graph(figure=px.parallel_categories(df,dimensions=["Card holder","Category","Branches","Departments","Approval Status","Receipt"],color="Amount")), | |
# dcc.Graph(figure=px.scatter(df,x="Amount", y="Merchant",color="Card holder",opacity=0.7)), | |
]) | |
def update_graph(userName): | |
filtered_df = df[df["Card holder"] == userName] | |
fig = px.scatter(filtered_df, | |
x="Amount", | |
y="Transaction Date", | |
color="Transaction Type", | |
title="Transaction type and amount based on date", | |
labels={ | |
"Amount":"Transaction Amount", | |
"Transaction Date":"Transaction Date" | |
} | |
) | |
return fig | |
def update_bar_graph(userName): | |
filtered_df = df[df["Card holder"] == userName] | |
count_data_frame = filtered_df | |
count_data_frame = filtered_df.groupby('Category').count().reset_index() | |
fig =, | |
x="Category", | |
y="Amount", | |
color='Category', | |
title="Transaction Category count", | |
labels={ | |
"Category":"Category count", | |
"Amount":"Transaction Amount" | |
} | |
) | |
return fig | |
def update_area_graph(userName): | |
filtered_df = df[df["Card holder"] == userName] | |
filtered_df['Transaction Date'] = pd.to_datetime(filtered_df['Transaction Date'],format='%d/%m/%Y %H:%M') | |
filtered_df['Transaction Date'] = filtered_df['Transaction Date'].dt.round('D') | |
filtered_df['Transaction Date'].dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") | |
transaction_data_frame = filtered_df | |
transaction_data_frame = filtered_df.groupby('Transaction Date').count().reset_index() | |
fig = px.area(transaction_data_frame, | |
x='Transaction Date', | |
y='Amount', | |
markers=True, | |
title="Number of transaction on a single day", | |
labels={ | |
"Transaction Date":"Transaction Date", | |
"Amount":"Transaction Count" | |
} | |
) | |
return fig | |
def update_histogram_graph(userName): | |
filtered_df = df[df["Card holder"] == userName] | |
fig=px.histogram(filtered_df, | |
x='Approval Status', | |
color="Approval Status", | |
title="Approval status count", | |
) | |
return fig | |
if __name__ == '__main__': | |'7860',debug=True,host='') | |