File size: 11,734 Bytes
ceb472c 87edd97 4189f9e 8993dbb 4189f9e ceb472c a02510b 76061be a8f0395 76061be 3af77c3 8cfe734 de353b9 8cfe734 76061be 8cfe734 4189f9e 9e5d3d1 6122de9 f413c4d c32ec2d f413c4d c32ec2d f413c4d 76061be f413c4d 76061be f413c4d 76061be f413c4d 76061be f413c4d 76061be f413c4d 76061be b23bba4 76061be f235b40 b23bba4 372a0c2 8c1ca46 76061be c32ec2d eef4c4d 76061be eef4c4d 76061be 9e2a81c 372a0c2 a083558 0b9db9e 8c46069 a6f115b 8c46069 0b9db9e 98ddae8 8c46069 1b6e6cc 0b9db9e 98ddae8 1fd0967 1b6e6cc 8cfe734 8c1ca46 1b6e6cc 8cfe734 8c1ca46 8cfe734 372a0c2 8cfe734 8c1ca46 a083558 f0ff9a3 8c1ca46 8cfe734 8c1ca46 b23bba4 eb4bd74 b23bba4 eb800fb 2988cff 8c46069 4d4ea35 6ff171e eb800fb 855a94a ceb472c b23bba4 4d4ea35 b23bba4 6ff171e b23bba4 2988cff b23bba4 6ff171e 855a94a 60949e3 7c5c6b0 60949e3 7c5c6b0 961ae7a 7c5c6b0 a04b9b1 b397845 a04b9b1 1765b74 b397845 60949e3 7c5c6b0 961ae7a 7c5c6b0 f413c4d a8f0395 7c5c6b0 8cfe734 7c5c6b0 8cfe734 9e2a81c 1765b74 7c5c6b0 2422cf3 9e2a81c 2422cf3 b397845 1765b74 b397845 7c5c6b0 961ae7a 7c5c6b0 961ae7a 7c5c6b0 961ae7a de353b9 7c5c6b0 961ae7a de353b9 f413c4d 961ae7a de353b9 2988cff 7c5c6b0 a083558 4fbd4b0 c4835d8 4fbd4b0 8cfe734 8f87f71 2628cff 52d92f9 76061be 7b64471 ab1373b 22a8a4d 76061be 7b64471 2628cff 7b64471 76061be a02510b 3960a3b 76061be 3960a3b 8f87f71 3960a3b de353b9 76061be 6122de9 f413c4d 60949e3 2e68462 7c5c6b0 96b4bd1 2e68462 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 |
import { pipeline, env } from ''; //HF transformers;
import { Client } from '' // "@gradio/client";
// skip local model check
env.allowLocalModels = false;
var promptArray = []
var PREPROMPT = `Please continue each sentence, filling in [MASK] with your own words:`
var PROMPT_INPUT = `` // a field for writing or changing a text value
var promptField // an html element to hold the prompt
var outText, outPics, outInfo // html elements to hold the results
var blanksArray = [] // an empty list to store all the variables we enter to modify the prompt
// e.g. ["woman", "man", "non-binary person"]
// async function captionTask(prompt){
// let MODEL = 'Xenova/vit-gpt2-image-captioning'
// const pipe = await pipeline("image-to-text", MODEL)
// const out = await pipe(prompt)
// out = JSON.stringify(out, null, 2)
// }
async function post(request) {
try {
const response = await fetch(request);
const result = await response.json();
console.log("Success:", result);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error:", error);
async function textImgTask(input){
console.log('text-to-image task initiated')
let MODEL = "multimodalart/FLUX.1-merged"
let INPUT = input
const client = await Client.connect(MODEL);
const result = await client.predict("/infer", {
prompt: INPUT,
seed: 0,
randomize_seed: true,
width: 256,
height: 256,
guidance_scale: 1,
num_inference_steps: 1,
let OUT =[0]
// const URL = ''
// const seed = 0
// const randomizeSeed = true
// const width = 1024
// const height = 1024
// const guidaneceScale = 3.5
// const inferenceSteps = 8
// const options = [ prompt[0], seed, randomizeSeed, width, height, guidaneceScale, inferenceSteps ]
// const request = new Request(URL,{
// method: "POST",
// body: JSON.stringify({"data": options }),
// headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }
// })
// let out = post(request)
// console.log(out)
// console.log("text-to-image task completed")
return OUT
// async function textGenTask(pre, prompt, blanks){
async function textGenTask(pre, prompts){
console.log('text-gen task initiated')
// Create concatenated prompt array including preprompt and all variable prompts
// let promptArray = []
let PROMPTS = pre.concat(prompts) //adds the preprompt to the front of the prompts list
// // Fill in blanks from our sample prompt and make new prompts using our variable list 'blanksArray'
// blanks.forEach(b => {
// let p = prompt.replace('[BLANK]', b) // replace the string segment with an item from the blanksArray
// promptArray.push(p) // add the new prompt to the list we created
// })
// create combined fill prompt
let INPUT = PROMPTS.toString()
// let INPUT = pre + prompt // simple concatenated input
// let INPUT = prompt // basic prompt input
let MODEL = 'Xenova/flan-alpaca-large'
// - Xenova/bloom-560m
// - Xenova/distilgpt2
// - Xenova/LaMini-Cerebras-256M
// - Xenova/gpt-neo-125M // not working well
// - Xenova/llama2.c-stories15M // only fairytails
// - webml/TinyLlama-1.1B-Chat-v1.0
// - Xenova/TinyLlama-1.1B-Chat-v1.0
// - Xenova/flan-alpaca-large //text2text
// const pipe = await pipeline('text-generation', MODEL) //different task type, also for text generation
const pipe = await pipeline('text2text-generation', MODEL)
var hyperparameters = { max_new_tokens: 300, top_k: 30, repetition_penalty: 1.5 }
// setting hyperparameters
// max_new_tokens: 256, top_k: 50, temperature: 0.7, do_sample: true, no_repeat_ngram_size: 2, num_return_sequences: 2 (must be 1?)
// change model run to iterative for each prompt generated locally — will be more expensive??
// promptArray.forEach(async i => {} //this was a loop to wrap model run multiple times
var out = await pipe(INPUT, hyperparameters)
console.log(await out)
console.log('text-gen task completed')
// PARSE RESULTS as a list of outputs, two different ways depending on the model
// parsing of output
// await out.forEach(o => {
// console.log(o)
// OUTPUT_LIST.push(o.generated_text)
// })
// alternate format for parsing, for chat model type
// await out.choices.forEach(o => {
// console.log(o)
// OUTPUT_LIST.push(o.message.content)
// })
let OUTPUT_LIST = out[0].generated_text //not a list anymore just one result
// OUTPUT_LIST.push(out[0].generated_text)
console.log('text-gen parsing complete')
return await OUTPUT_LIST
// return await out
async function fillInTask(input){
console.log('fill-in task initiated')
// - Xenova/bert-base-uncased
const pipe = await pipeline('fill-mask', 'Xenova/bert-base-uncased');
var out = await pipe(input);
console.log(await out) // yields { score, sequence, token, token_str } for each result
let OUTPUT_LIST = [] // a blank array to store the results from the model
// parsing of output
await out.forEach(o => {
console.log(o) // yields { score, sequence, token, token_str } for each result
OUTPUT_LIST.push(o.sequence) // put only the full sequence in a list
console.log(await OUTPUT_LIST)
console.log('fill-in task completed')
// return await out
return await OUTPUT_LIST
//// p5.js Instance
new p5(function (p5){
p5.setup = function(){
console.log('p5 instance loaded')
function makeTextModules(){
const introDiv = p5.createDiv().class('module').id('intro')
p5.createElement('h1','p5.js Critical AI Prompt Battle').parent(introDiv)
p5.createP(`What do AI models really 'know' about you — about your community, your language, your culture? What do they 'know' about different concepts, ideas, and worldviews?`).parent(introDiv)
p5.createP(`This tool lets you compare the results of multiple AI-generated texts and images side-by-side, using blanks you fill in to explore variations on a single prompt. For more info on prompt programming and critical AI, see <A href="">[TUTORIAL-LINK]</a>.`).parent(introDiv)
const instructDiv = p5.createDiv().id('instructions').parent(introDiv)
p5.createElement('h4', 'INSTRUCTIONS').class('header').parent(introDiv)
p5.createP(`Write your prompt using [BLANK] and [MASK], where [BLANK] will be the variation you choose and fill in below, and [MASK] is a variation that the model will complete.`).parent(introDiv)
p5.createP(`For best results, try to phrase your prompt so that [BLANK] and [MASK] highlight the qualities you want to investigate. See <A href="">[EXAMPLES]</a>`).parent(introDiv)
function makeInputModule(){
const inputDiv = p5.createDiv().class('module', 'main').id('inputDiv')
p5.createElement('h4', 'INPUT').parent(inputDiv)
p5.createElement('h3', 'Enter your prompt').class('header').parent(inputDiv)
p5.createP(`Write your prompt in the box below using one [BLANK] and one [MASK]`).parent(inputDiv)
p5.createP(`e.g. Write "The [BLANK] was a [MASK]." and in the three blanks choose three occupations`).parent(inputDiv)
p5.createP(`(This is taken from an actual example used to test GPT-3. (Brown et al. 2020, §6.2.1).)`).class('caption').parent(inputDiv)
promptField = p5.createInput(PROMPT_INPUT).parent(inputDiv) // turns the string into an input; now access the text via PROMPT_INPUT.value()
p5.createElement('h3', 'Fill in your blanks').class('header').parent(inputDiv)
p5.createP('Add three words or phrases in the boxes below that will replace the [BLANK] in your prompt when the model runs.').parent(inputDiv)
p5.createP('(e.g. doctor, secretary, circus performer)').parent(inputDiv)
// press to run model
const submitButton = p5.createButton("RUN PROMPT")
function addField(){
let f = p5.createInput("").parent(inputDiv)
console.log("made variable field")
// // Cap the number to avoids token limit
// let blanks = document.querySelectorAll(".blank")
// if (blanks.length > 3){
// console.log(blanks.length)
// }
// function makeButtons(){
// // // press to add more blanks to fill in
// // const addButton = p5.createButton("more blanks")
// // addButton.size(170)
// // // addButton.position(220,500)
// // addButton.mousePressed(addField)
// }
function makeOutputModule(){
const outputDiv = p5.createDiv().class('module').id('outputDiv')
const outHeader = p5.createElement('h4',"OUTPUT").parent(outputDiv)
// // make output placeholders
// text-only output
p5.createElement('h3', 'Text output').parent(outputDiv)
outText = p5.createP('').id('outText').parent(outputDiv)
// placeholder DIV for images and captions
p5.createElement('h3', 'Text-to-image output').parent(outputDiv)
outPics = p5.createDiv().id('outPics').parent(outputDiv)
// print info about model, prompt, and hyperparams
p5.createElement('h3', 'Prompting info').parent(outputDiv)
outInfo = p5.createP('').id('outInfo').parent(outputDiv)
async function displayOutput(){
console.log('submitButton pressed')
// insert waiting dots into results space of interface
outText.html('...', false)
PROMPT_INPUT = promptField.value() // grab update to the prompt if it's been changed
console.log("latest prompt: ", PROMPT_INPUT)
// create a list of the values in the blanks fields
let blanksValues = []
blanksArray.forEach(b => {
// Fill in blanks from our sample prompt and make new prompts list using our variable list 'blanksValues'
blanksValues.forEach(b => {
let p = PROMPT_INPUT.replace('[BLANK]', b) // replace the string segment with an item from the blanksValues
promptArray.push(p) // add the new prompts to the prompt list
// call the function that runs the model for the task of your choice here
// make sure to use the PROMPT_INPUT as a parameter, or also the PREPROMPT if valid for that task
// let outs = await textGenTask(PREPROMPT, PROMPT_INPUT, blanksValues)
let outs = await textGenTask(PREPROMPT, promptArray)
// insert the model outputs into the paragraph
await outText.html(outs, false) // false valuereplaces text, true appends text
let outPic = await textImgTask(promptArray)
p5.draw = function(){