def atomwise_tokenizer(smi, exclusive_tokens=None):
    Tokenize a SMILES molecule at atom-level.
    import re
    pattern = "(\[[^\]]+]|Br?|Cl?|N|O|S|P|F|I|b|c|n|o|s|p|\(|\)|\.|=|#|-|\+|\\\\|\/|:|~|@|\?|>|\*|\$|\%[0-9]{2}|[0-9])"
    regex = re.compile(pattern)
    tokens = [token for token in regex.findall(smi)]

    if exclusive_tokens:
        tokens = [tok if tok in exclusive_tokens or not tok.startswith('[') else '[UNK]' for tok in tokens]
    return tokens

def kmer_tokenizer(smiles, ngram=4, stride=1, remove_last=False, exclusive_tokens=None):
    Tokenize a SMILES molecule into k-mers and return both the tokens and their token IDs.
    units = atomwise_tokenizer(smiles, exclusive_tokens=exclusive_tokens)  # Atom-wise tokens from the SMILES
    if ngram == 1:
        tokens = units
        tokens = [''.join(units[i:i+ngram]) for i in range(0, len(units), stride) if len(units[i:i+ngram]) == ngram]

    if remove_last and tokens and len(tokens[-1]) < ngram:
        tokens = tokens[:-1]  # Remove the last token if its length is less than ngram

    # Generating token IDs
    token_to_id = {}
    token_ids = []
    for token in tokens:
        if token not in token_to_id:
            token_to_id[token] = len(token_to_id)  # Assign a new ID based on the current size of the dictionary

    return tokens, token_ids

# print(kmer_tokenizer('CC[N+](C)(C)Cc1ccccc1Br'))