import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from nltk.translate.bleu_score import sentence_bleu from nltk.translate.bleu_score import SmoothingFunction from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity as cosine from collections import Counter import os, pickle class Metrics: # based on def __init__(self, path_word2vec='../data/datasets/dailydialog_data/glove.twitter.27B.200d.txt'): """ :param word2vec - a numpy array of word2vec with shape [vocab_size x emb_size] """ self.path_word2vec = path_word2vec super(Metrics, self).__init__() self.load_word2vec(path_word2vec) def load_word2vec(self, path_word2vec): path_pkl = path_word2vec + '.pkl' if os.path.exists(path_pkl): print('loading word2vec from '+path_pkl) self.word2vec = pickle.load(open(path_pkl, 'rb')) else: self.word2vec = dict() for i, line in enumerate(open(path_word2vec, encoding='utf-8')): ss = line.strip('\n').split() self.word2vec[ss[0]] = [float(v) for v in ss[1:]] if i % 1e4 == 0: print('processed %ik word2vec'%(i/1e3)) print('dumping word2vec to '+path_pkl) pickle.dump(self.word2vec, open(path_pkl, 'wb')) # pdb.set_trace() self.embed_dim = len(self.word2vec["."]) # len(self.word2vec.values()[0]) print('loaded %i word2vec of dim %i'%(len(self.word2vec), self.embed_dim)) def embedding(self, seqs): # note: different from original implementation batch_size, seqlen = seqs.shape embs = np.zeros([batch_size, seqlen, self.embed_dim]) for i in range(batch_size): for j in range(seqlen): w = seqs[i,j] if w != '' and w in self.word2vec: embs[i, j, :] = self.word2vec[w] return embs def extrema(self, embs, lens): # embs: [batch_size x seq_len x emb_size] lens: [batch_size] """ computes the value of every single dimension in the word vectors which has the greatest difference from zero. :param seq: sequence :param seqlen: length of sequence """ # Find minimum and maximum value for every dimension in predictions batch_size, seq_len, emb_size = embs.shape max_mask = np.zeros((batch_size, seq_len, emb_size), for i,length in enumerate(lens): max_mask[i,:length,:]=1 min_mask = 1-max_mask seq_max = (embs*max_mask).max(1) # [batch_sz x emb_sz] seq_min = (embs+min_mask).min(1) # Find the maximum absolute value in min and max data comp_mask = seq_max >= np.abs(seq_min)# [batch_sz x emb_sz] # Add vectors for finding final sequence representation for predictions extrema_emb = seq_max* comp_mask + seq_min* np.logical_not(comp_mask) return extrema_emb def mean(self, embs, lens): batch_size, seq_len, emb_size=embs.shape mask = np.zeros((batch_size, seq_len, emb_size), for i,length in enumerate(lens): mask[i,:length,:]=1 return (embs*mask).sum(1)/(mask.sum(1)+1e-8) def sim_bleu(self, hyps, ref): """ :param ref - a list of tokens of the reference :param hyps - a list of tokens of the hypothesis :return maxbleu - recall bleu :return avgbleu - precision bleu """ scores = [] for hyp in hyps: try: scores.append(sentence_bleu([ref], hyp, smoothing_function=SmoothingFunction().method7, weights=[1./3, 1./3, 1./3])) except: scores.append(0.0) return np.max(scores), np.mean(scores) def sim_bow(self, pred, pred_lens, ref, ref_lens): """ :param pred - ndarray [batch_size x seqlen] :param pred_lens - list of integers :param ref - ndarray [batch_size x seqlen] """ # look up word embeddings for prediction and reference emb_pred = self.embedding(pred) # [batch_sz x seqlen1 x emb_sz] emb_ref = self.embedding(ref) # [batch_sz x seqlen2 x emb_sz] ext_emb_pred=self.extrema(emb_pred, pred_lens) ext_emb_ref=self.extrema(emb_ref, ref_lens) bow_extrema=cosine(ext_emb_pred, ext_emb_ref) # [batch_sz_pred x batch_sz_ref] avg_emb_pred = self.mean(emb_pred, pred_lens) # Calculate mean over seq avg_emb_ref = self.mean(emb_ref, ref_lens) bow_avg = cosine(avg_emb_pred, avg_emb_ref) # [batch_sz_pred x batch_sz_ref] batch_pred, seqlen_pred, emb_size=emb_pred.shape batch_ref, seqlen_ref, emb_size=emb_ref.shape cos_sim = cosine(emb_pred.reshape((-1, emb_size)), emb_ref.reshape((-1, emb_size))) # [(batch_sz*seqlen1)x(batch_sz*seqlen2)] cos_sim = cos_sim.reshape((batch_pred, seqlen_pred, batch_ref, seqlen_ref)) # Find words with max cosine similarity max12 = cos_sim.max(1).mean(2) # max over seqlen_pred max21 = cos_sim.max(3).mean(1) # max over seqlen_ref bow_greedy=(max12+max21)/2 # [batch_pred x batch_ref(1)] return np.max(bow_extrema), np.max(bow_avg), np.max(bow_greedy) def div_distinct(self, seqs, seq_lens): """ distinct-1 distinct-2 metrics for diversity measure proposed by Li et al. "A Diversity-Promoting Objective Function for Neural Conversation Models" we counted numbers of distinct unigrams and bigrams in the generated responses and divide the numbers by total number of unigrams and bigrams. The two metrics measure how informative and diverse the generated responses are. High numbers and high ratios mean that there is much content in the generated responses, and high numbers further indicate that the generated responses are long """ batch_size = seqs.shape[0] intra_dist1, intra_dist2=np.zeros(batch_size), np.zeros(batch_size) n_unigrams, n_bigrams, n_unigrams_total , n_bigrams_total = 0. ,0., 0., 0. unigrams_all, bigrams_all = Counter(), Counter() for b in range(batch_size): unigrams= Counter([tuple(seqs[b,i:i+1]) for i in range(seq_lens[b])]) bigrams = Counter([tuple(seqs[b,i:i+2]) for i in range(seq_lens[b]-1)]) intra_dist1[b]=(len(unigrams.items())+1e-12)/(seq_lens[b]+1e-5) intra_dist2[b]=(len(bigrams.items())+1e-12)/(max(0, seq_lens[b]-1)+1e-5) unigrams_all.update([tuple(seqs[b,i:i+1]) for i in range(seq_lens[b])]) bigrams_all.update([tuple(seqs[b,i:i+2]) for i in range(seq_lens[b]-1)]) n_unigrams_total += seq_lens[b] n_bigrams_total += max(0, seq_lens[b]-1) inter_dist1 = (len(unigrams_all.items())+1e-12)/(n_unigrams_total+1e-5) inter_dist2 = (len(bigrams_all.items())+1e-12)/(n_bigrams_total+1e-5) return intra_dist1, intra_dist2, inter_dist1, inter_dist2 import pdb def eval_dialog_response(generated_text_file_path): """ based on: quoted from the DialogWAE paper: * "For each test context, we sample 10 responses from the models and compute their BLEU scores" * "We use Glove vectors" "For each test context, we report the maximum BOW embedding score among the 10 sampled responses." * "intra-dist as the average of distinct values within each sampled response" " "inter-dist as the distinct value among all sampled responses." """ metrics = Metrics() d_ref = dict() d_hyp = dict() for line in open(generated_text_file_path, encoding='utf-8'): line = line.strip('\n').strip() if len(line) == 0: continue src, ref, hyp = line.split('\t') src = src.strip() ref = ref.strip().split() hyp = hyp.strip().split() if src not in d_ref: d_ref[src] = ref d_hyp[src] = [hyp] else: d_hyp[src].append(hyp) n = len(d_ref) print(generated_text_file_path) print('n_src\t%i'%n) avg_lens = 0 maxbleu = 0 avgbleu = 0 intra_dist1, intra_dist2, inter_dist1, inter_dist2 = 0,0,0,0 bow_extrema, bow_avg, bow_greedy = 0,0,0 for src in d_ref: m, a = metrics.sim_bleu(d_hyp[src], d_ref[src]) maxbleu += m avgbleu += a seq_len = [len(hyp) for hyp in d_hyp[src]] max_len = max(seq_len) seqs = [] for hyp in d_hyp[src]: padded = hyp + [''] * (max_len - len(hyp)) seqs.append(np.reshape(padded, [1, -1])) seqs = np.concatenate(seqs, axis=0) intra1, intra2, inter1, inter2 = metrics.div_distinct(seqs, seq_len) intra_dist1 += np.mean(intra1) intra_dist2 += np.mean(intra2) inter_dist1 += inter1 inter_dist2 += inter2 n_hyp = len(d_hyp[src]) seqs_ref = np.concatenate([np.reshape(d_ref[src], [1,-1])] * n_hyp, axis=0) seq_len_ref = [len(d_ref[src])] * n_hyp if metrics.word2vec is not None: extrema, avg, greedy = metrics.sim_bow(seqs, seq_len, seqs_ref, seq_len_ref) bow_extrema += extrema bow_avg += avg bow_greedy += greedy avg_lens += np.mean(seq_len) recall_bleu = maxbleu/n prec_bleu = avgbleu/n f1 = 2*(prec_bleu*recall_bleu) / (prec_bleu+recall_bleu+10e-12) print('BLEU') print(' R\t%.3f'%recall_bleu) print(' P\t%.3f'%prec_bleu) print(' F1\t%.3f'%f1) print('BOW') print(' A\t%.3f'%(bow_avg/n)) print(' E\t%.3f'%(bow_extrema/n)) print(' G\t%.3f'%(bow_greedy/n)) print('intra_dist') print(' 1\t%.3f'%(intra_dist1/n)) print(' 2\t%.3f'%(intra_dist2/n)) print('inter_dist') print(' 1\t%.3f'%(inter_dist1/n)) print(' 2\t%.3f'%(inter_dist2/n)) print('avg_L\t%.1f'%(avg_lens/n)) results = { "BLEU_R": recall_bleu, "BLEU_P": prec_bleu, "BLEU_F1": f1, "BOW_A": bow_avg/n, "BOW_E": bow_extrema/n, "BOW_G": bow_greedy/n, "intra_dist1": intra_dist1/n, "intra_dist2": intra_dist2/n, "inter_dist1": inter_dist1/n, "inter_dist2": inter_dist2/n, "avg_L": avg_lens/n } return results def create_rand_baseline(): path = 'data/datasets/dailydialog_data/test.txt' srcs = [] refs = [] for line in open(path, encoding='utf-8'): src, ref = line.strip('\n').split('\t') srcs.append(src.strip()) refs.append(ref.strip()) hyps = set() path = 'data/datasets/dailydialog_data/train.txt' for line in open(path, encoding='utf-8'): _, ref = line.strip('\n').split('\t') hyps.add(ref) if len(hyps) == len(srcs) *10: print('collected training ref') break hyps = list(hyps) lines = [] j = 0 for i in range(len(srcs)): lines += ['\t'.join([srcs[i], refs[i], hyp]) for hyp in hyps[j:j+10]] j = j + 10 with open('out/rand.tsv', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write('\n'.join(lines)) def create_human_baseline(): path = 'data/datasets/dailydialog_data/test.txt' lines = [] for line in open(path, encoding='utf-8'): src, ref = line.strip('\n').split('\t') src = src.strip() ref = ref.strip() lines.append('\t'.join([src, ref, ref])) with open('out/human.tsv', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write('\n'.join(lines)) if __name__ == "__main__": #create_rand_baseline() #create_human_baseline() eval_dialog_response('out/eval_text_generation_results (1).txt') #eval('out/rand.tsv')